230 posts
Lilachaeyo - Blue & Grey - Tumblr Blog

He's my baby 🥹

professor min🥺 ………professor min🥵

221006 - yoongi on instagram: taken while playing around (trans. cr. btstranslation_)

Manifestation ✧
Available as a print for a short time.

omg so we have 1 seeing dog and 1 blind dog and whenever there's a toy they both want, the seeing dog takes it and just...stands very still. immobile. she KNOWS he will try to wrestle it from her but she has figured out that if she does not squeak it, then he will not find it. leading to this.

"god....grant me the strength to not squeak the squeaky toy"
just pirated my ethics textbook. was this wrong of me? who’s to say. i’ll find out soon enough

V (BTS) © Joo-Young Ahn // VOGUE Korea (September, 2022)

the caption reads: “I’m trying to give him positive role models”
*sucks in breath* FUCKING HELL

Namjoon - White House/president Edition

― Haruki Murakami, Norwegian Wood
you will feel so alive again.. like so incredibly alive. i dont know when that will be but it will be. u are gonna feel so alive that ur cheeks hurt from smiling oh man oh man i promise that day is coming. you do have a future, you do have good things coming, and you’ll survive everything that’s thrown at you until you reach that day
Bakugo gets mad at you for eating weird or crappy snacks, not bc he thinks it’s bad, but bc he’s bothered you didn’t ask him to make you something nicer
its ashame that cigarettes are smelly and kill you because they truly are kinda sexy

— dissociation
the book of disquiet by fernando pessoa // a breath of life by clarice lispector // againts the mass of the night by kaye donachie // how to dissapear completely by radiohead // normal people by sally rooney // rené magritte // virgina woolf // by me // enrico robusti
obsessed w this. the fact that brennan is quite literally speechless.