lilgayn00dle - Chaos Screamimg,chaos Dreaming
Chaos Screamimg,chaos Dreaming


141 posts

Ahh This Is Perfect

Ahh this is perfect <3

Hey bestie,congrats on 900 followers,you deserve every single one of them!!! Could I please get a 🎞 for dps or the marauders era?

About me:

I’m demisexual and non-binary (they/he). I quite shy and introverted (infp,4w5,ravenclaw) but I’m also really sarcastic. I love reading,writing,playing piano and just being creative in general. I have a nonexistent sleep schedule and I’m almost always down for an adventure or spontaneous trip. I’m a bit of a hopeless romantic and I adore nature. I have anxiety and adhd,so I often get sensory overload especially in really loud or crowed places. Thank you sm :D

hi bestie!! thank u sm omg, you're too sweet!! of course - i'll do them for both <33

if you were in dead poets society..

okay so i personally think you'd definitely be a part of the dead poets; even potentially filling the spot for knox's mystery roommate? or you'd room with stick - lucky you if so! out of the poets, i think you'd be closest to meeks, pitts and neil - they're relatively calm and quiet, but not too introverted - it's a nice balance. meeks and pitts would certainly bring you with them to figure out their radio. charlie would definitely have the biggest crush on you. on top of everything else, it's the sarcasm he adores - he loves how you can keep up with him and fire back at his comments and remarks just as quick. he's the type to confess through a dramatic recital of a love poem for you in the cave. if you do get together, you're in for a fun time. he's constantly sneaking into your dorm to cuddle during the night (though if you end up on the floor due to the shitty single beds, he'd take no accountability). he'd pass you so many notes, or whisper to you if he's close enough. would definitely shoot you a wink and grin in the corridors. you and knox would bond over being hopeless romantics (although you'd definitely tell him to tone it down with chris god bless <3), you and todd would bond over your love of reading/writing, and i think cam would really take an interest in the piano and your playing!! the poets are always aware of when you need to get out of a crowd; in fact, when they found out, they devised a system so you could signal to them with a hand gesture when you were uncomfortable, and at least one of them could get you out of the situation as quick as possible. keating would also adore you - i think he'd take a similar stance as he did with todd and try to bring you out of your shell a little, whilst still being conscious of your anxiety/adhd!

if you were in the marauders era;

alright alright!! again, i think you'd be close to the marauders - you give me remus energy so i think he'd be your 'ticket in' so to speak. you'd become friends with him first, maybe through an elective class you'd share, and he'd introduce you to the others and it would lead from there. sirius would one hundred percent make jokes about you doing his homework for him, since "you're a ravenclaw, you're smart!", but would never actually expect you to do it for him (unless..?). remus would be more than happy to read any of your writing or look at any other of your creative works, and would probably want to give it a go himself! your willingness for adventures comes in handy for the marauders - please be prepared to be dragged along on midnight adventures and schemes, whether it's just for innocent fun, or to prepare for a prank they're planning. sometimes they need your creativity and ideas, you're a big help to them. james will beg you to sort your sleeping schedule out, making sure you get a good amount of sleep at a semi-decent hour most nights and don't stay up overworking yourself. like the poets, in situations they know you aren't too comfortable with, they make sure they can always check up on you - peter or remus constantly shoot you a thumbs up to gage how you're feeling. if it's not good? they'll make up an excuse so you can catch a break. i think you and sirius would be a good match; you'd compliment his personality perfectly - as for getting together, i'm picturing playing the piano together, his hands get a little too close to yours, and both of you realise that maybe your feelings towards each other aren't entirely platonic. you'll figure it out, soon. but for now, you'll enjoy what you have.

i hope these were okay bestie!!! i just kind of rambled - as you can probably tell - but it was super fun to think about and write, so hopefully it was just as fun to read!!

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More Posts from Lilgayn00dle

3 years ago

this is possibly one of the cutest things I’ve ever read,your writing is so great <33 somehow I’m more of a lesbian now

༄ you're a peach!

pairing; chris noel x lesbian!reader

summary; nothing on earth can compare to a picnic date with your girlfriend under the shade of a large oak tree

words; 729

warnings; mentions of food

request; hi i love your writings <3 i was wondering if you could write some headcanons or fic for chris noel x lesbian!reader picnic date - anon

a/n; hi, thank u so so much!! of course i can,, i luv that girl sm so this was super fun to write <3 thanks for the request angel!!

 You're A Peach!

summer had come yet again, making its presence known by the growing heat that begged you to swap your comfy sweaters for something lighter and more breathable. the sun hung high in the sky, driving you and chris to seek relief under the arms of a large oak tree.

the grass was soft beneath your body, swaying slightly in the gentle breeze that blew now and again. you took a strand of chris's hair between your fingers, twirling the golden strands that glimmered as they caught the sun, before you tucked it behind her ear. she smiled under your touch, eyes closing in bliss as she placed your open palm against her cheek. her skin was warm to the touch and she looked as though she were glowing. she was your own angel, all rosy cheeks and bright smiles, clad in a white summer dress.

"you're so pretty." the words had left your mouth without quite registering, the brutal honesty slipping from your lips without a second thought. you didn’t regret it though. chris deserved to be complimented, to know just how perfect she was.

"and you're absolutely gorgeous, y/n." she opened her eyes, meeting yours with a tender gaze. she placed a kiss to your palm, breath tickling the pad of your hand as she giggled lightly. "should we start eating now? i'm quite hungry."

humming in agreement, you dragged your body upwards in order to grab the handle of the wicker basket filled with treats you’d brought along. a grunt left your lips, the heat making any form of exertion tiring. chris sat up on her palms, watching you sort through the contents of the picnic blanket with an affectionate smile as if you were ransacking a treasure chest. you might as well have been, as the food inside was just as pleasing.

tucked neatly into the basket were sandwiches that chris had cut neatly into triangles, croissants and cake slices you’d bought from the bakery that morning, heaps of fresh fruit and chocolate coated strawberries. it was a feast perfect for royalty; fitting, as chris deserved to be treated as such.

chris had also brought along some sparkling grape juice and champagne flutes so you could feign a life of luxury to any onlookers who may pass by. you laughed as she led you in a grand ‘cheers’, ignoring the droplets that spilled over onto your palm.

“to us!” she chorused, raising the glass high in the air before taking a sip.

“to us!” you repeated, sharing the same vigour as she’d displayed.

effortless conversation floated through the air as you both ate, making your way through the incredible treats one by one.

“hold on,” you paused, leaning towards her. “you have something, wait, let me get it.”

your thumb swiped at the crumb that sat against her lip like a drop of white snow against a pink rose, flicking it away dismissively and smiling at her once more.

“got it.”

“why thank you.” she giggled. “my hero.”

you rolled your eyes yet bowed as well as you could from your seated position, tipping an imaginary hat at her praise.

scouring the basket, you grabbed a delicate looking peach, colour so soft yet so bold and vibrant - quite like your beautiful girlfriend who sat only a few feet away. she had a personality so sweet, not a single bad bone in her body, you were sure, yet she was still able to be strong and assured, a gait she balanced so perfectly it was uniquely her.

it was whilst you were excitedly trying to point out a passing dog, gesturing wildly with your hands, that the peach slipped out of your grip, narrowly avoiding hitting chris square in the face as it rolled away. your jaw dropped, a few shocked laughs coming from your mouth as you apologised profusely, the small pomeranian now forgotten amidst your mistake.

delicate fingers lifted the fruit that had escaped from your grasp, holding it out to you with a smug expression.

“i believe you lost this?”

you took it with a scoff, promptly taking a bite of the sweet fruit and humming at the taste.

“thanks. you’re a peach!” you declared, pinching her cheek obnoxiously and ignoring her groan of distaste at your, arguably terrible, attempt at a joke.

“please tell me that nickname won’t stick.”

“no promises, peach.”

 You're A Peach!

its probably obvious by now that endings are not my strong point, but what can we do. hope you like it, feedback/reblogs are much appreciated loves <33

taglist; @thesilverskull @pretentious-strikes @lilgayn00dle @tall-my-beloved @caffeineconstellations @aesthetixxluv @star-dust-2317

dead poets society masterlist <3

join my taglist here

3 years ago

the phrase “curiosity killed the cat” is actually not the full phrase it actually is “curiosity killed the cat but satisfaction brought it back” so don’t let anyone tell you not to be a curious little baby okay go and be interested in the world uwu

3 years ago

it's a special kind of tragedy when children aren't allowed childhoods.

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3 years ago

Thank you sm @yer-erster <3

@bandaid-bitvh @yer-erster @ughgclden @deadwallacesociety @crunchy-letters @etheralmuse @itzrainingskullz @scarletblakeney @lupinsfavslytherin @lilylemon12 @kabiraaa @

Mutual tag game

Tag all who you consider your mutuals on Tumblr. Reblog if you get tagged

@h0rnyhamilton23 @harrison-the-dilf-friend @vive-la-revolution @stinkyavocado @skyetheesorceress @imgaybut @i-will-never-be-satisfied101 @queenbutgenderneutrally @eat-th3-rich @thejamdergod-2-point-0 @in-some-future-time @anyone who i forgot if so im sorry go ahead and blame me for that

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3 years ago

If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let’s get to know the person behind the blog <333

1. My d&d alignment is chaotic good

2. I did ballet for 2 years

3. Snapdragons are my favorite flower

Thank you @remuslupininskirts <33

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