littlemissautodidactic - exhalence . ✨
exhalence . ✨

73 posts

Did Anyone Notice How Bens Pants Were Unzipped & Halfway Off .

did anyone notice how ben’s pants were unzipped & halfway off .

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More Posts from Littlemissautodidactic

I could make a very lengthy post about internalized homophobia, about how that affects children, the statistics for mental illness, addiction, suicide, homelessness, and how canceling 16-year-olds is ridiculous but I won’t.

What I am going to say is that Robbe is still a child and has been deeply harmed by the society he has grown-up in and I think some of you don’t fully understand that. He’s a baby. He will hurt people, he will hurt himself, lash out, will say and do terrible things if it means he doesn’t have to deal with the ramifications of having to live his entire life as the other.

Yes, what he said to Sander was absolutely wrong. I would never contest that. But when you have internalized so much hatred and disgust for yourself you will lash out at anyone and anything that threatens any type of numbness or comfort you constructed for yourself. Healing from what has been inflicted on you as a queer person is not a linear process. He can and will come back from this. He will begin to heal. He will make amends to Sander. This isn’t unfixable. Because that healing and turn around happens every day.

Maybe I just have the hindsight of being an adult now but queer youth are subjected to so much torment, isolation, ostracization, and abuse that everything he has said and done to this point makes total sense, actually, it’s recognized in data and decades of research. Does it make it right? No. Because homophobia is always wrong. But Robbe did not make this world, he’s just trying to survive it. The reason I feel so much empathy for him is because I should and because he deserves it. So does Sander. They are my youth. My family. I love them. Fictional characters or not.

Robbe deserves love and compassion and guidance and forgiveness and joy. Sander deserves love and compassion and freedom and acceptance. They both deserve all the best the other and the world can offer. Robbe and Sander can absolutely give that to one another. Take your pitchforks and false sense of superiority to a teenage boy and think about how they both think and feel. Think about how being told from the moment you are born that straightness is right and queerness is wrong, what that will do to you. Think about how being told everything from the way you walk and talk to the sex that you have is somehow a failure.

Quit throwing queer youth away for manifesting the violence done to them on themselves and others. Before you condemn a fictional character for something that literally kills the kids that he is based off of: homophobia. Internal and external homophobia. I love Robbe and I love this story because they show how ugly this all is. I love Robbe and Sander because they are going to heal from this together. I want my youth to know that this can be overcome. No matter what vileness you have internalized, you can overcome it. Give love and compassion and empathy to this story and it’s characters because it’s what they need and deserve. 

legitimately cannot believe there's people who are upset because we did not get to see them fuck you really need to like, get off the internet tf is wrong with you

It’s all like two fridays ago.

Robbe did something shitty. Unforgivable. But I could see where he was coming from. I hope we haven’t forgotten the internalized homophobia, wtfock, because i can’t imagine how Robbe is going to accept himself now that 1.) he got gaybashed and 2.) the guy he likes doesn’t give a shit and lied and cheated on both him and his girlfriend, whom he never broke up with. If he does that, i’m going to be so proud and happy of that little boy, because he deserves the world.

Sander–my guy. I can see the wtfock writers are going somewhere with this. And of course Robbe is going to fucking forgive him, that’s how this damn show goes. If Sander forgave him, then Robbe can do the same thing, whatever. I’m just hoping they have some massive explanation for this; Robbe’s words came from fear and all of his internalized homophobia, and Sander probably from his MI and family situation. But will that be enough? I just don’t know.

Right now? I’m just riding the wave, letting this fucking show hit me with whatever they’ve got, and not expecting it to make any sense until the end, tbh.

At this point, If Robbe decides he’s done with everything and decides to built a fucking rocket like edgar evernever in Riverdale, then so be it, I hope Jupiter is a better place than this.

I’m turning off my brain and all logic with this show right now.

this show is really stressing me out . but i also just can’t stop watching .

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Do you know the worst? that this show no longer makes sense and yet I will continue here, ranting and getting angry but I will continue to see this. I'm so invested in this season that I can't stop seeing it anymore. It's like a fucking drug.

at this point? i genuinely can’t stop watching just because i need to know that robbe has a happy ending. however that happens, now. i don’t even know what to say because i’m so confused about what path they’re taking. i am, however, holding out for 11 episodes and the hope that somehow this all makes sense…