A different mark to the way you dress - Un'impronta diversa al tuo modo di vestire - Italian sportswear brand, made with passion, creativity and love.
903 posts
@diegosechi Wearing "Rok STARS Red" Swimsuit With Original Stars Print - #BestSwimwear #LittleRok #LittleRokOriginal

@diegosechi wearing "Rok STARS Red" swimsuit with original stars print - #BestSwimwear #LittleRok #LittleRokOriginal #RokStars #StarsAndStripes #model #fitnessmodel #fitness #summer2015 #bodybuilder #muscleman take a look on the website for much more! www.littlerok.com - Don't look for imitations, take the Original ππ» tag your friend and "CHOOSE YOUR LITTLE ROK ITEM"
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@fransuarezr and Marian in Valencia - Fran is wearing "Rok STARS Blu" swimsuit - #BestSwimwear #LittleRok #LittleRokOriginal #Stars #RokStars #speedo #summer2015 #bodybuilder #muscleman #model #fitnessmodel - take a look at the website for much more! www.littlerok.com - Don't look for imitations, take the Original - ππ» tag your friend and share the Rok STARSπ₯

@msjr11 wearing "My BOOM red" swimsuit - #BestSwimwear #LittleRok #LittleRokOriginal #Boom #speedo #summer2015 #bodybuilder #muscleman take a look on the website for much more! www.littlerok.com - Don't look for imitations, take the Original ππ» tag your friend and share the BOOM π₯

@dragos_syko_wbff in a wonderful pics of @gillescrofta wearing "My Swim STAR" - Made especially for Syko Dragos - Little Rok swimsuit - #BestSwimwear #LittleRok #LittleRokOriginal #MyStar #Shield #Comics #speedo #summer2015 #bodybuilder #muscleman #wbff #musclemodel #model #pro - take a look on the website for much more! www.littlerok.com - Don't look for imitations, take the Original -ππ» tag your friend, follow the ROK and choose your personal LITTLE ROK swimsuit

@salvatore_martinez wearing "CandyRok STRAWBERRY" - high quality Little Rok swimsuit - #BestSwimwear #LittleRok #LittleRokOriginal #CandyRok #Candy #Lollipop #speedo #summer2015 #bodybuilder #muscleman - take a look on the website for much more! www.littlerok.com - Don't look for imitations, take the Original -ππ» tag your friend and "WELCOME TO THE CANDYROK"

The amazing @1mikepeele in L.A. make his #ThePeeleEffect in #LittleRokOriginal #NeverTooHuge tank-top ππ» check www.mikepeeleonline.com for classes and upcoming tour dates and check www.littlerok.com for the best sportswear and swimwear - #summer2015 #huge #hugeman #muscle #fitness #fitnessmodel #bodybuilder #musclemodel #muscleman #BestTankTop #BestSwimwear #LittleRok