Don't Leave Yet
˚ ༘♡ ·˚꒰Don't Leave Yet꒱ ₊˚ˑ༄

Junhan x fem Reader
Wc: 4.8k
Warnings: ever so slightly angst, cheesy ending, not proofread
Summary: A former classmate reconnects with Gaon and meets Junhan in the process. They try to avoid falling in love, but can't hold back for long.
"Guys, one of my old friends is coming to visit, PLEASE be normal!" Jiseok stands in front of all five of us to beg us to be normal in front of his friend.
"Do you see who you're talking to?" Seungmin asks him and points to Jooyeon. Jiseok sighs. He knows it'll be impossible, but how can he make a good impression of the new him? Jooyeon looks over to Seungmin with an offended look.
"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?" Jooyeon interjects. I sit back and listen to the inevitable chaos that's bound to happen. The velvety blue couch is springy underneath me as I lay back, getting comfortable.
Jungsu was ignoring the entire conversation. He was right beside me, looking at the supposed girls' social media profiles.
"Look, Hyeongjun, she's also a nerd like Jiseok!" Jungsu laughs and shows me the girl. She works in a chemistry lab, experimenting with superacids. No wonder she and Jiseok get along. Jiseok looks over to me and Jungsu with a pout on his face, telling me he's about to whine.
"Guys, don't be mean!" Jiseok whines - just as I expected. I look back down at the profile. She's kinda cute, not bad at all.
"No, she looks cool," I say. Jiseok lights up. I must be his only hope in looking normal to the girl. I'm simply just too shy to act up around new people.
There's a knock on the door and Jiseok panics. He glares at each of us before going to open it, and the girl walks in. She's a lot prettier in person. Her hair is long and dark. She's fairly tall, about the same height as Jiseok. And her outfit is very nice, I'd say business casual. She's wearing a black pleated skirt and a brown sweater. Her hair is in a ponytail, and there's a bow in her hair that matches the sweater. Her shoes are black. You can tell she's an academia girl.
Jungsu leans over and whispers to me, "Well, show some emotion, don't scare her," and I almost laugh at that. She comes over to introduce herself. In my peripheral vision, I see Jooyeon repositioning himself to appear more. . . Flattering? Attractive? I'm not sure, but he's clearly trying to draw attention to himself.
"So what's your MBTI?" Of course, Gunil clicks well with her, immediately making friends. Jiseok must be relieved. At least one of us is good at this. She looks over and starts talking to him.
"I'm an ENFP!" She states with excitement. Jooyeon jumps out of his seat, unable to contain himself.
"NO WAY- ME TOO!" He blurts out. Jiseok is glaring at him, but he doesn't notice. My lips curl upward at the scene unfolding before me. To my surprise, the girl is a lot like Jooyeon. Jiseok made it out to be that she was serious and level-headed. He was far from correct. I should've known. After all, she's a chemist.
When she isn't talking to Jooyeon anymore, she glances over towards me, nearly expressionless. I get anxious and start to feel insecure. Why is she looking at me? Does she think I look weird? After all, I was wearing black lipstick, a skirt, a choker, and painted nails. It wasn't very common, but it's me. I avert my gaze from her and stay silent. She definitely thinks I'm weird. I tune out their conversation until they start talking about our band's music.
"Oh, I LOVE your music!" She says. Jiseok is perky when he hears this, sporting a wide, charming smile. At least she likes the music. I look up when a shadow is cast over me. Seungmin is standing in front of me, tilting his head as a gesture to follow him. He excuses us, and we step out of the room.
"What's up? You look sad." He asks me. I guess he picked up on my vibe
"I'm not sad, I just feel awkward in there with her. She looks at me with a really cold face. She obviously thinks I'm weird."
"Don't let her bother you. She's about to leave anyway." And just as he says that, Gunil sticks his head out of the door.
"Hey guys! She's coming home with us!" He sounds cheery. I'm far from it. My heart sinks into my stomach and incinerates. Seungmin gave Gunil a thumbs up.
"I'm going to the bathroom for a minute, be right back," I excuse myself, and Seungmin knows well enough that I want to be by myself.
In the bathroom, I peer into the mirror. I thought I looked cool. I wet a paper towel and wipe off the makeup. I take off the accessories and put them into my pockets. I try my best to look somewhat presentable before I go back to the practice room.
Everyone looks so excited and cheerful to have this new girl around. I just wanna go home and lock myself in my room.
"Hyeongjun, your makeup?" Jiseok asks me where it went.
"Some of my eyeliner smeared, but when I tried to fix it, it smeared even more, so I just took it all off," my lie was reasonable, and everyone bought it. Well, almost everyone. Seungmin knew what was going on.
"Well, it's time to start heading home. Guys, where is she sleeping?" Gunil asks.
"She can have my room. I'll just sleep with Jiseok." Jooyeon volunteers immediately. No one objects to his idea, so it sticks. We get in the cars and head home.
I sit in the back, as far from her as I can possibly get. She glances back at me a couple of times, and I'm unsure of why. Do I just weird her out THAT much?
At home, I don't waste any time and run straight to my room and lock the door behind me. I'm happy to be alone and in my safe place. I hear incoherent chattering outside, likely in the living room. Someone asks her what she thinks of me, but her voice is so soft that I can't understand what she said. I'm sure she lied and kept the answer as basic as possible to avoid talking about me.
I took a quick shower to clear my mind and changed into some pajamas. They're a lot more basic than my daytime clothes, just a basic and sweats. Now, if I'm forced to interact with her, I'll look just like any other guy out there.
I hear a knock on my door. Seungmin reveals it's him, so I unlock the door and let him in.
"You ok?" He asks me.
"What'd she say?" I ask him.
"What do you mean"
"When one of you asked her what she thinks of me, what did she say?"
"She said she thinks your fashion is super cool and she envies your makeup skills!" Seungmin almost laughs.
"Are you lying? Was she being sarcastic?"
"Definitely not! She blushed at the mention of your name," I didn't notice, but when seungmin smiled at me I realized I must've perked up.
"Cmon, she'd love to get to know you!" Seungmin encourages me, but now that I know she's thinks I'm cool, I'm too shy.
"I can't," I say and Seungmin laughs.
"You can, I'll guide the conversation." He offers, and that relieves enough stress that I'm able to get up and follow him to the living room. I sit on the couch and gulp, waiting for seungmin.
"Hi Junhan," her voice is soft and sweet. She sounds excited, but she's a bit quiet and has an airy voice.
"You can just call me Hyeongjun."
"So, Y/n, how long are you gonna be stuck here?" Seungmin asks.
"Two weeks, I still am so sorry for the trouble." She apologizes. Two weeks is a while. Maybe we can get along.
"It's not trouble at all!" Seungmin says.
"Stuck? How'd you get stuck here?" I ask her.
"My round-trip ticket didn't process, and all of the flights are booked for the next two weeks, and I don't have enough money to pay for a hotel that long," she sighs, clearly feeling like a burden.
"Well, we're glad to have you here," I say, knowing good and well I mean it on my own behalf.
"We really are!" Jooyeon enters the room, having come back from cleaning up his room. I knew he was by far the most excited. He's already in love with her. I feel a quick and weird feeling in my stomach when I think of that, but I ignore it.
Jooyeon takes her suitcase and carries it to his room as she follows him. She looks back at me, but this time with a different expression. She smiles and waves at me. I wave back at her. After jooyeon closes the door behind her, Jungsu starts giggling.
"What?" I ask him.
"Nothing, don't worry about it." He says. I give him a look, and he rolls his eyes.
"You, idiot," my face changes from a glare to confused. Jungsu imitates the way I waved at her, of course adding a bunch of extra that didn't happen.
"I didn't do that-" I got a bit defensive before thinking.
"Did I?" I look to Seungmin for confirmation. His face tells me it's the answer I don't wanna hear.
"Of course, it wasn't that dramatic, and you didn't look stupid, but you did get shy, blush, and smile when you waved back at her." Seungmin clarifies for me.
"Well, I mean, im shy around, new people. What's wrong with that?"
"Not that kind of shy," Jungsu says.
"I don't like her? We just met!" Jungsu shrugs, feeling his argument doesn't need to be defended.
Jooyeon plops down beside Jungsu and sighs like he's in a daydream. Jungsu and Seungmin look at him with disgust.
"What's up with you?" Jungsu questions Jooyeon. There's an attitude to his voice.
"Nothing," Jooyeon says.
"Do you already like Y/n?" I ask him. He looks at me, his face flushed pink, and shrugs. I'll take that as a yes. I guess I won't interfere. I just like the fact she thinks I'm cool, and she's really pretty... and smart. And- I need to stop.
I get up and go to my room, I need to get some sleep. All of this socializing has exhausted me. The door clicks behind me and I turn off my light and get under my blankets. The sheets are crisp around my body. I get comfortable until I finally fall asleep.
The next morning, I go into the living room. My eyes are still near shut, my clothes are all twisted the wrong way, and my hair is standing straight up. Normally, I don't mind, but I see Y/n standing in the kitchen and panic. I run to the bathroom before she notices me. I try to look like I effortlessly look good when I wake up. Wait- why do I even care? I ignore my question for myself and brush my hair so it lays down. I decide I look good enough and go back into the living room.
"Morning, Hyeongjun!" She greets me, and I reply.
"Good morning." I hope my voice isn't too flat. She smiles at me. I can't tell if her face is naturally rosy or if she's blushing. I try to stop myself from hoping it's the latter.
Jooyeon walks into the room, I can't tell why my stomach feels weird all of a sudden. He sits beside Y/n, and it makes the feeling worse. He looks to her, ready to speak to her.
"You coming with us to practice today?" He sounds excited, hoping she'll accept his offer. I hope she joins us.
"I'd love to! I won't get in the way, will I?" She asks politely.
"Of course not!" I say in unison with Jooyeon. We give each other an odd look, not expecting to have said the same thing.
"Then I guess I'll be there!" She says. I want to rip my heart out for feeling so weird right now. I get up and head to Jiseok's room. I want to see what he thinks. He opens the door when I knick. I welcome myself in and plop down on his bed
"Need somethin'?" Jiseok asks me, fixing his shirt in the mirror.
"Yeah, actually, but I don't know what I need,"
"What's it about?" He looks back at me, grabbing the hairbrush off of his dresser and fixing his hair. I hum and 'I don't know' to him, I'm too nervous to mention Y/n.
"Cmon, you can tell me," He says, I feel more pressure to say it.
"How come my stomach feels weird, and I want to rip out my guts when I see Y/n?" I blurt out.
"He smiles in the mirror, looking at me in the reflection.
"It's not a disgusted, angry feeling is it?" He asks. I shake my head, I'm more nervous, my adrenaline is insanely high.
"You're probably crazy attracted to her. Does seeing Jooyeon flirt with her make you angry? Jealous even?" He prys further. After a moment of thinking, I nod. He giggles and covers his mouth.
"I HAVE TO TELL JUNGSU... AND SEUNGMIN... AND GUNIL!" He gets excited, but I get up and grab his shoulders.
"You aren't telling anyone. Got it?" I demand. He nods. That excited smile doesn't leave his face.
"Well, you can tell Seungmin," I say. "But that's it!" He gets excited and squeals before opening the door, causing Jooyeon to nearly fall in.
"You were listening-" I say, my heart skips a beat in fear.
"I was just curious, and Hyeongjun, I think we need to talk." Jooyeon sounded serious, but this had to happen eventually. Gaon still leaves the room, leaving me and Jooyeon to talk.
"You can have her." He says. He sounds genuine, but still sad.
"But you really like her, Jooyeon." I feel bad if I just take her from him.
"I've talked to her a lot, and I think you're more her type. Plus, she gets shy when you're brought up." He encourages me to take her. Eventually, I agree.
"Thanks," I don't really know what else to say. I'm genuinely grateful, though.
"How am I supposed to actually, I dunno- make it happen?" I ask. Jooyeon might be the best person to ask, other than Jiseok, who knows her so well.
"You need rizz, brother." Jooyeon answers, and I cringe at him.
"Rizz- couldn't you have just said I should try flirting?" He shrugs.
"Ask Jiseok if you want a 'real answer." He puts emphasis on the 'real'.
"I will." I say, and he laughs. We both leave my room, he goes to his and I go to Seungmin's. I guarantee that's where Jiseok is.
Seungmin opens the door when I knock, and just as I expected, Jiseok is sitting on the bed, talking Seungmin's ear off.
"So I heard you've got a crush?" Seungmin teases.
"I guess." I reply. Jiseok giggles.
"Jooyeon said I need rizz. Did he indirectly call me a loser?" The two nod. So he did.
"Don't worry, Y/n is too," Jiseok says. Seungmin laughs lightly.
"What do you mean by that?" I ask.
"You all called me a loser and a nerd for liking chemistry, but when she does, it's cool?" Jiseok says. Me and Seungmin laugh.
"But for serious, I can help you get her attention," Jiseok says.
"More than you have already!" Seungmin adds. I guess she does think I'm cool.
"Go get dressed, and dress like you normally would. She likes it." Jiseok instructs me, and I do as he suggested.
Today, I put on a couple of extra accessories. I touch up my nails and put on my eyeliner and lipstick. I feel unusually confident. Not just because I look like a meal, but because someone else, a girl, also thinks so.
Back in the living room, everyone is gathered and ready to leave. Y/n glanced over to me a couple of times, but she looked away as soon as we made eye contact. Is she nervous? We all finally got in the car and made our way to band practice. It's not the longest ride, but it's too long to walk.
My members must've been helping me out because I ended up right beside Y/n. It's a tight fit, and our arms inevitably touch. I feel my face burning. I almost thought it would melt off. My hand slips off of my thigh and falls between me and her. Unbeknownst to me, her hand was already resting there. My hand is lying on top of hers now. Before I could hesitate to leave it, I jerk my hand back up.
"Sorry," I laugh nervously and probably awkwardly. Her face is beet red, and Jiseok is laughing from behind me. I assume mine is as well.
"Put it back," Jiseok whispers in my ear. I know what he means. I take a second to build my courage and carefully lay my hand back on top of hers. Every second she doesn't react feels like an eternity. Soon enough (as in three seconds), she flips her hand over and holds mine. To avoid making eye contact, I use my other hand to play on my phone. She does the same. I look up from my phone to look in the rear view mirror to find Jiseok and Seungmin losing it after they look over the seat.
After we park, our hands separate, and I feel oddly disappointed about it. Everyone gets out, and we make our way to the practice room. All of our instruments are exactly where we left them. I'm in my usual place, and I get comfortable with my guitar, it's like another part of my body at this point.
We start playing. Y/n watches me as I practically put on a show for her. This is the only way I know how to get her attention, so when it comes time for my solo, I give it my all, more than I do on stage. Her eyes are wide as I look over to her. She's fixed on me. Just what I want. The song finishes and she looks impressed.
Her phone rings and it's the airport. They say she will have to come to the airport to confirm her identity for whatever reason. She gets up and makes it to the door. Before I can think of what I’m doing, I’m up there, asking for her number.
“You know, just in case,” I say.
“Yeah, let me give it to you!” I have her number now.
“Do you want me to walk you out?”
“That’d be nice.” She says. The walk is silent, but it’s a comfortable silence.
“I’ll text you what happens,” she says.
“I’ll come pick you up in the car, we should be home by then. Just call me when you’re ready.”
“Ok, thanks, Hyeongjun,” she smiles and then she's gone. The door closes completely as she leaves the building and my heart sinks, but at the same time, I'm full of excitement. Back in the practice room, My bandmates are teasing me.
“That’s the rizz I was talking about now!” Jooyeon says. Everyone’s talking and cheering, they don’t even know the best part yet.
“I’m going to pick her up later, she’s gonna call me” They cheer. I see my reflection in one of Gunil’s cymbals. My smile looks triumphant. I’m happy to see they’re happy for me.
Practice ends after several hours, still no notification from Y/n. I wonder what’s going on. I drive us all home and wait for her to call. I’m done getting ready for bed and it’s insanely late when she finally calls.
“Hey, sorry it’s so late, but I'm finally done. If you’re tired I can walk back.” She suggests walking home to spare me, but not only is that dangerous, I also can’t pass this opportunity.
“No, I’ll be right there.” I sound a bit stern, refusing to let her walk back. I tell everyone else I'll be back and leave. They already know where I’m going. I get in the car and make my way to the airport. When I finally spot her, I see some random man hitting on her. She looks uncomfortable. I park in front of them.
“Oh babe, You’re here!” she says. I blush really hard but realize what she’s doing.
“Yep! Hop in, sweetie, we need to get going. The kids miss you so much!” I reply to her, keeping up the act. The man runs off, pretending he never saw her. She gets in and sighs.
“Thanks, and sorry,” she apologies.
“No problem, he looked like a creep.” I say. I can’t let her know I want to hear her call me babe again and again.
“By kids, you mean Jiseok, right?” She jokes and we both laugh.
“Yes, actually that’s really what I was thinking of!” I laugh.
It feels like a painfully short ride before we make it home. As soon as I get there, everyone’s getting ready.
“Guys, it’s nine pm, what are you doing?” Only Gunil replies to me.
“Get ready,” he says.
“Why, what are we doing?” Everyone’s in what we call our ‘cool boy fits’.
“A party,” Jungsu says.
“Are we playing?” I ask.
“No, just attending,” Jiseok says. I give up questioning any further and put on my outfit from today again and reapply my makeup. Once I'm finished, I see Y/n. My body doesn’t know how to react to seeing her outfit. She's in a cropped bustier top and a miniskirt. She dropped the sweet, smart girl and looked for something significantly more… mature, and I think I like it.
I sit beside her in the car again, and this time we talk. It’s weird to think I’m getting along with her so quickly, that's unusual for me. She smiles and we lock eyes briefly after the car parks. Her smile is full of excitement and it spreads to me. We head into the house. It’s really big and very nice. It must have been expensive.
The first while is spent drinking and dancing. I don’t typically dance, but when ‘Not Shy’ plays, stop watching Y/n dance and join her. She laughs and we have fun dancing together. A new song comes on that I’ve heard, but don’t know the dance to, but she does. It’s ‘Cosmic’. She sings along under her breath as she dances, interlocking eyes with me as she does. It feels as if the lyrics describe our situation perfectly.
One too many drinks and dances, we’re now on the couch, staring at each other. We’re too drunk for it to be awkward. The tension is too much. She starts closing in on me and I reciprocate until our lips are connected. I grab her and pull her closer to me, wrapping my arms around her waist. She complies and kisses me again. The kiss gets more heated until I part my lips for her and she begins exploring my mouth with her tongue. After a while, she pulls away, completely out of breath. Her lips are swollen as she gazes down at me. I glance over to look at the other side of the room and see Jiseok looking at us. Y/n spots him and gets off of me, running out of sight. I don’t see her for the rest of the night.
I wake up with a migraine. The first thing that I think of from last night is the kiss. I leave my room and she's not in the living room. I don’t blame her for sleeping in. Jooyeon comes out of his room, closing the door behind him.
“Is she ok?” I ask him, assuming he saw her in there.
“I dunno, she refuses to come out and she won’t tell me why. She won’t even speak to Jiseok,” It hits me. Jiseok saw us kissing last night. I wonder if he remembers. I get up and head to his room. He answers as soon as I knock.
“What do you remember from last night?” I blatantly ask him.
“If you’re asking about you two making out, yes I remember.” he answers. That answered my first question. My lips tingle as I remember the feeling.
“Then what’s wrong with her?”. Jiseok shrugs. At the same time, there’s a knock at the door. I open it and it’s Gunil.
“Guys, she’s gone.” he sounds worried.
‘She was just in Jooyeon’s room.”
“Well she’s not there anymore.” Gunil says and Jiseok’s phone rings with a notification. He looks and it’s a text from Y/n. She says she was able to get on a flight home today and apologizes for leaving without notice. I don’t say anything before I get in the car and head for the airport alone. I get a text from Jiseok. It’s a screenshot of his messages from Y/n. There’s a new text I haven't seen. It reads “Tell Hyeongjun I love him”.
I speed up, cutting the drive from twenty minutes to ten. I’m going dangerously fast in an attempt to get there before she leaves. I look at the flight schedule and the next plane takes off in ten minutes. I’m not normally reckless, but I speed past the other cars until I see the airport in the distance. I come to a screeching halt by the entrance and run in.
The airport is packed with people, it’s gonna be impossible to find her. I search for her but to no avail. It’s time for the plan, I’d better just give up. I look down, feeling defeated, but when my gaze hits the ground, it lands on a dropped passport. That’s not good, you can't board the plane without it. I pick it up to see who it belongs to before I take it to the front desk. It’s Y/n’s! I run to the front desk and she’s there talking to someone.
“Looking for this?” I ask her and she turns around. Her eyes go straight to me, skipping over her passport. She’s frozen. I don’t hand her her passport, but instead try to convince her to stay.
“Y/n, I love you, and I want nothing more than for you to stay and be with me.” I confess, scared she will shut me down. Her silence scares me. My anxiety worsens the longer she stands there. A plane takes off in the background, it’s hers.
“Well, I have no choice now.” she says. My heart sinks and I realize I may have made a mistake.
“I- I’m so sorry,” I give her the passport and turn around to leave. I may never recover from this, I'm so embarrassed. I’m pulled out of my thoughts as there’s a tug on the back of my jacket. I’m pulled untilI turn completely around and I'm back to facing Y/n. Before I can try to apologize again or brace for a punch to the face, she pulls me in and kisses me. I hesitate briefly before I kiss her back.
“Take me home, Hyeongjun,” and I know she’s talking about mine, but I guess it’s hers too now. I smile and get her in the car. This time I drive carefully.
“Does this mean we’re-” and I interrupt her.
“Yes.” I say. I glance over and see her putting hearts around my contact name that has been upgraded from “Hyeongjun” to “my man”. I can’t help but get flustered by that. I pull into the driveway and a few of the guys come out to see what happened. I get out and so does Y/n. I grab her hand and hold it up victoriously.
“I KNEW YOU COULD DO IT!” Seungmin yells, making Y/n look at me confusedly.
“I’ve been trying to get your attention from day one,” I admit.
“You’ve had my attention since day one,”. She smiles at me, and I have to look away out of shyness.
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More Posts from Liverspaghett

Quick Info:
genre: smut angst and fantasy
♭form! jooyeon x fem reader
18+, MDNI
Content warnings: unsafe internet and sexy time
expected release: sept 6-10 2024
. . . enjoy!
When I arrive at the store, my shoulders drop in disappointment. They’re closed today. The next closest store isn’t too much further away, so I just walk to it. I’ve only been to this store a time or two since I moved here, so everything is quite unfamiliar. I go in and I’m greeted by the cashier. The store isn’t very large and mostly contains ingredients to cook with. Ironically, I see a small stand with candles. I detour over to it, they're simple and white with a linen scent. I laugh, remembering the conversation with Jooyeon. In fact, the candles kind of resemble the ones in ♭form. Just for keepsakes, I take one. I grab what I usually use most and head to the register to check out. The boy greets me with a bright smile.
“Find everything ok?” His voice sounds familiar, but I can’t think of anyone I know around here who it might be. I nod and get out my phone while he scans all of the items. I realized Jooyeon messaged me earlier, so I replied to him. After the cashier is done scanning my things, his phone buzzes. He takes a quick look at it and smiles.
“Girlfriend?” I ask him.
“I wish,” he says. I laugh and take my things. On my way out, my phone buzzes again, stopping me in my tracks.
Joo: Can you believe someone actually bought one of the candles? She was kinda cute ngl
I didn't know people did this- that's so cool!
Reblog this if you would not only accept, but welcome fan art, moodboards, etc. of your fics
All of these used to be so common for people to show their appreciation of different fics and authors, and I think it’s a shame people don’t do it anymore. I love seeing fan work for my fics!!

. . . please read the chapter guide. It has all of the necessary info like content warnings and other chapters
chapter: 2 of 6
Wc: +3300
and of course, enjoy~

The classroom was tinted red as of this morning. The sun shone through splatters and streaks of blood that coated the window. As people began waking up, they'd realized it was time to start reinforcing the windows. In their current state, they wouldn't last another week with the damage they'd taken since the virus broke out.
"Guys, wake up," Ningning was among the first to wake up. Beomgyu grunted and rose from the ground. His arms were empty, and that was not how he fell asleep.
"Where is she?" He complained. His girlfriend, Juno, wasn't there. It just so happened that Taehyun was missing, too. He got up faster than anyone had ever seen and left for the hallways. Lyra and Riki chased after him.
"Why are you throwing a fit? You know neither of them would do that to you," Lyra scolded. Beomgyu stormed through the hallways, checking the bathrooms and the closets.
"Bro, it's literally obvious where she is." Riki almost laughed. Lyra smirked at him, knowing what he was thinking. Beimgyu stopped abruptly and turned to face the two.
"Fine, then where is she?" He perched his hands on his hips in a sassy manner. Riki snorted at him and walked past him, taking the lead. Beomgyu walked behind him angrily.
"Calm down bro- she loves you," Lyra tried to comfort him, but her annoyed voice fired him up more.
"What if you found out Riki had a girlfriend? Wouldn't you be upset?" Beomgyu's emotions got the best of him. He accidently let out Lyra's secret right in front of Riki himself. Riki stopped and turned around after hearing his name.
Lyra attempted to play it off like she never thought of Riki that way. The rest of their walk was silent until they reached the door to the biology classroom.
"Here," Riki said, stopping in front of the closed door.
"How did I not think of this? It's such an obvious place!" Beomgyu sighed. Still, he braced himself for a horrible sight. Was she dead? Or even worse, was she cheating with Taehyun? No, wait- her being dead is worse, right? His thoughts raced as he pushed the door open. His eyes began to hurt from being squeezed shut, and just as he opened them, he saw Juno. She was hyperfocused on looking at something under a microscope. Taehyun was on the other side of the room, taking samples from a zombie they'd successfully captured.
"How long have your nerds been here?" Beomgyu yelled. Taehyun hushed him as the zombie that was taped to the wall attempted to squirm its way out of the trap.
"We came here just before sunrise. We wanted to study into the disease ourselves." Juno answered.
"Can't you just look at the CDC's website?" Lyra asked.
"Do you really trust the government?" Juno remarked. The group silently heeded, agreeing that the government most certainly could not be trusted.
"I was so scared-" Beomgyu started.
"Shut up, we don't wanna hear it," Lyra cut him off. Juno gave her boyfriend a look down, checking out every part of him. Beomgyu looked away, shy as if he was still in the initial stages of his relationship.
"Got relationship envy, Riki?" Taehyun noted.
"What's that?" Riki asked.
"The way you observe them with that smug look on your face tells me you wish it was you instead," Riki looked shocked and confused.
"What kind of sorcery are-" Juno cut him off.
"Psychology, not witchcraft. And he's right, you look like you got someone in mind you wanna experience this with." Juno said. Her boyfriend tried to get close, but she shooed him off.
"Gyu, I love you, but you're gonna have to wait until I get cleaned up." She was wearing everything that could protect her from the virus she spent the day inspecting.
Beomgyu was relieved to see his girlfriend in the flesh doing what she does best- science. It's always been Juno's passion. He felt his blood rushing through his body at the sight of her. Shaking the thoughts from his mind, he asked about their research. And unbeknownst to him, Juno's intelligence was just another thing he found undeniably hot about her.
"Well," Taehyun started, which disappointed Beomgyu.
"Well, first, don't look at me like that, you literally asked!" Taehyun snapped. His friend was looking at him with a bored face as if to say, "Why did you even start yapping?"
"He's got his mind in the gutter," Riki pointed out. Taehyun hummed in response.
"I forgot, he's into smart girls,"
"More like nerdy whores" Lyra joked.
"Hey you're the whore, Ms. Thirty-five backup crushes!" Juno came to her own defense.
"Anyways," Beomgyu interrupted.
"We actually need to know about the virus," He said.
"Well, we still have a lot to find out which we need to find a subject for." Juno said. Despite Beomgyu's attraction to her intelligence, he was weirded out by her unhealthy obsession with medical experimentation and test subjects. Though he understood her need to actually have one for the situation given.
"But we have found out that the virus can be spread through minor contact. This means that by no means should anyone EVER touch a zombie. If it contacts your nose, mouth, eyes, or anything that grants access to the inside of the body-"
"BEOMGYU THIS ISNT A JOKE!" Lyra smacked her friends boyfriend on the shoulder. Riki and Taehyun followed, completely losing it over Juno's explanation. After the laughter fit, Juno continued.
"It can get into your bloodstream, and when it reaches your brain, you remain conscious, but not in control of your body, so it's like watching yourself eat other humans and people you love from the perspective of a spectator. And yes, your pain receptors still work, but your body does not react to them. " she explained.
The room suddenly had a rain cloud hanging over its occupiers. The need to joke and laugh died down as they took in the serious effects of the virus. They imagined their loved ones, each other, themselves.
"Let's get back to the classroom, we have some cleaning up to do." Riki said. The rest of them followed. Everyone's steps became cautious, doing whatever they could to avoid getting blood on their shoes and clothes.
"I'll get some supplies from the janitors closet since we'll be cleaning." Taehyun said. Beomgyu and Juno went to help.
"You two go on back and inform everyone else that we're gonna clean up the room." Juno instructed Riki and Lyra. They both nodded and walked on down the hall.
"So, remember that relationship envy those nerds were going on about?" Lyra broke the silence between the two. Riki looked over to the girl beside him, lightly furrowed his brows in confusion.
"Yeah, what about it?"
"Do you," Lyra paused. "like someone?" Riki was slightly shocked at the question.
"I guess you could say that- you mean like romantically?" Lyra nodded.
"Then yeah, I guess I do," Riki sighed.
"Cool," Lyra awkwardly said. Winter opened the door for the two once they'd reached the classroom. Riki took on his natural leadership skills and extroversion to call everyone to action.
"Guys, today we're cleaning up in here. We need to take a lot of extra precautions to prevent us from literally dying." Somehow, Riki spoke effortlessly. His simple ability to socialize effectively was one of many traits that Lyra found attractive about her crush.
Beomgyu, Juno, and Taehyun finally made it to the classroom, each one carrying an overwhelming amount of cleaning supplies. Giselle took things out of their arms that were nearing a good fall and placed it all on the teachers desk.
"The girls from class 3A are joining our team or whatever you call it," Giselle informed everyone. They were running out of space however, as the classroom already held eighteen people. It was uncertain whether they could fit five more.
"Tell them to wait, we dont have space." Karina instructed.
"Besides, the 3B boys can protect them if they haven't already merged or been killed." Jake added.
Sunoo took the mop and wiped the windows down, removing any signs of the virus. To his surprise, the mop water turned completely red.
"It looks like the windows cracked," he said.
"That's not gonna cut it. We have to fix that." Taehyun sounded slightly worried. Sunoo put down the mop into its bucket.
Everyone covered themselves up with gloves and aprons and masks to avoid contacting the blood that seeped in through the window. The entire room was quickly sanitized from top to bottom. Riki laughed at his reflection on the floor, making Lyra question what exactly she liked him so much for. However, she quickly halted the moment he looked over at her.
Sunghoon came into the room with thick gloves and safety glasses on. He flipped the light switch, and in favor of them, it worked. He was forced by his parents to take at least one trade school class in high school. His choice just so happened to be electricity.
Jake and Jay came in with drills and hard, clear plastic. They drilled it over the preexisting window to cover the crack and prevent any further damage while still allowing them to see outside. Beomgyu and Soobin took to the nerdier side of things and cleared out the laptops in the classroom that were now able to charge thanks to Sunghoon. Huening Kai and Ningning drug a refrigerator to the classroom that could now be used. Riki and Lyra killed any zombies they encountered on the way.
Slowly, a base camp started to come together. They still had a ways to go, but things started to look more promising and livable. They spent the rest of the evening doing what any group of teenagers does- gossip.
"Let's talk about crushes," Winter suggested. Everyone agreed, each person having their own bits of information to spill. The girls and boys naturally separated. The boys outnumbered the girls by a lot aside from the fruitier guys who would rather talk to the girls.
"I know Riki's crush!" Yeonjun giggled, trying to keep quiet. The girls gasped.
"Don't we already know who it is? Its so obvious" Karina rolled her eyes.
"I guess you're right, then I'll tell you guys who Sunghoon likes instead!" Yeonnun went on before Lyra had a chance to ask who it was. She tuned out the conversation, not caring who liked who, as long as Riki didn't end up with another one of these girls. If he did, Lyra promised herself that the girl would be decapitated.
"No way-" Giselle said.
"He likes me? I thought he was gay-" she gasped. Yeonjun hummed a "mhm," in response.
"I feel bad now, I like Huening Kai!" She whined. The girls gasped.
"Really!?" Juno said, hyping her friend up. Giselle nodded.
"That's so cute. It's too bad he likes Eunchae from class 3B," She let her secret slip that she'd promised to keep. The conversation lasted until a crowd of zombies gathered at the door, banging on it simultaneously. It had the same effect as an earthquake would.
"The light and sound must be attracting them." Taehyun noted.
"That looks like more than we'd seen before, doesn't it?" Jay asked. He looked back to his friend, looking down through the window.
"Guys, we're safe for tonight, but it looks like the zombies have done more than multiply in number," Jungwon stared at the school's entrance.
"What's happening? Lyra asked. Jungwon replied.
"They broke down the school's entrance door."
We made sure the doors were well blocked before going to bed. Tomorrow, we would deal with the mass numbers that would roam the hallways. Tonight, I lay beside Riki and ponder things I tried to force down - my feelings for him.
It was hard to deny what was between us. The way he would look at me, the way he stayed with me at all times, and now he's laying beside me for the second night in a row. Before I even try to sleep, I accept the fact that I won't be able to. In my peripheral vision, I see another body move. It's Juno. She gets up, and Taehyun follows. It's not just before sunrise. Everyone's only been lying down for an hour. Was she really cheating? I wait a couple of minutes after they leave to get up and follow them.
The hallways are dimly and sparsely lit by the few lights that are still working. The two don't go to the science lab and instead go downstairs. This is getting suspicious. I hide in the classroom they enter, I wonder if they notice the people in there. My question is answered when Juno tapes her mouth shut and they tie her arms behind her back. She kicks and tries to scream, but she can't form any words. They drag her back to the science lab, careful of any zombies that might follow the screaming girl. I follow them, but when I'm in a darker part of the hallways, something grabs my wrist and pushes me to the wall.
"Why are you out here?" A deep voice growls furiously. My heart palpitates.I swear it'll burst out of my chest at any moment. The man towers over me, not letting go of my wrist.
"Riki- I was just following them."
"Do you know what kind of danger you just put yourself in?" I gulped, I don't know if I was more upset that I disappointed Riki or more nervous about the way he was handling me.
"Let's go back to the room." He simply orders and pulls me back, not letting go of my wrist. I comply without a fight, because why would I not do something this man tells me?
"What are they doing with that girl?" I ask, wondering if he knows.
"You don't know her, do you?" He asks.
"No, just wondering."
"They're using her for an experiment, they're gonna watch how the disease progresses."
The rest of our way back to the classroom was quiet. Under one of the ugly lights, we walk a little slower. I looked over to him to see he was already looking at me. I can't help but admire him. His every feature is perfect.
I open the door to the classroom, and we both go in. He closes the door for me, and we lay back down. Tonight was actually a lot easier than I thought. I fell asleep quickly beside Riki.
A piercing scream wakes me up. The sun still hasn't risen and I'm unsure of how long I've been asleep. I follow the scream all the way to the lab to see a crazed Juno injecting the girl with the saliva of the other hostage. Taehyun is writing everything that happens into his notebook as if this is normal. He looks at me and I remember Riki is back in the classroom. He's not gonna be happy that I ran off again. Before I can say anything, I'm running back to the classroom. Hopefully Riki won't notice I've left.
When I open the classroom door, the window shows me that the sun is starting to peek over the mountain in the distance. It's early, but a good time to start working again. I start by waking Beomgyu. It's the perfect time as a loud crash from three floors down told me the entrance was now completely open. Zombies were likely piling in. Juno and Taehyun are still in the lab. I'm a bit worried about them. Luckily, Beomgyu wakes up easier than on most days.
"What bro-" his tired voice complains.
"Zombies are piling in and Juno and Taehyun are in the lab, we need to go get them." Beomgyu sprung up, but he wasn't the only one.
"Not without me you're not." Riki has become very protective of me. It makes my heart palpitate, but there's no way to tell if he feels the same. Everyone else starts waking up. Today, we'll split into teams. One group will raid grocery stores, we need to stockpile more food. Another team will accompany them as defense. The third team will stay on site and fix up more places and start developing a community.
"When we get back, we'll draw names to make teams." Riki instructs and the others prepare while we go to get those two nerds. as soon as we open the door, zombies smell us. Riki puts me behind him as a horrible attempt at protecting me. Zombies are closing in from all sides. i roll my eyes and start fighting. We haphazardly dance with death, flowing about the halls. The lab door in shut. a frenzy of zombies stand in front of it, hoping to get a taste of the two inside.
I never would've thought that they don't need our help. The lab door opens and Juno is throwing knives. They may be safer than us, having actual tools and thick lab coats. Not to mention, that friend of mine is out of her mind. Beomgyu rushes up to her, desperate for a hug.
"Guys, why are you out here? You have nothing on you!" Taehyun scolds us, but he isn't wrong to. We're utterly unprepared to face these zombies. I step inside of the lab to find their nice little set up. Zombies held hostage on one end of the room, tools and weapons on the table, and you cant forget the plethora of chemicals that they've gathered.
I look back at the table. From their collection of tools, I take the knife. They'll be upset if I mess up the actual scapula. Riki is fighting for his life with a baseball bat he got lucky enough to find. His long arms give him a good range though. He looks over to me now that I'm back in the hallway. He tries so hard to protect me, but the complete and utter terror in his eyes tells me its my turn to be protective.
I pierce the first zombie with my knife. It slides with ease through the flesh until I reach the spine. I pull it out at an angle, making sure to mangle the throat of the zombie. It's head plops forward and it can no longer stand up. the blood that spews from the wound is warm and thick on my arm. Riki stands beside me, beating in the heads of anything that gets in his reach.
We were successful in taking down that swarm. For a moment, time stops and the hallways are empty. Both ways look like a crime scene. It's still like a photo. The atmosphere is muggy and haunting. Riki stands facing me. His breathing is slightly labored and he peers into my eyes. His reaches a hand up to me cheek and brushes away a drop of blood that must have got on me. The moment is intimate.
Footsteps that echo break me from my trance. The others are heading back. Riki and I follow them closely behind. Each step that doesn't have a crisp echo is splashing in the thick, still puddles of blood. Most of them are warm and still fresh. I glance behind us to find red footprints with the patterns of our shoe's soles.
The lights are weak and dim, only everyo other one is working. They scream to be turned off and put out of their misery, much like the wailing of those recently turned.
I'm the classroom, everything looks nearly normal again. Everything is so clean, so we all take off what we can before going inside. A few backpacks were volunteered to hold the bloody clothing. Luckily, no one had to get naked.
"So, we've decided to make 3 different teams," Karina says.
"You two," she points at me and Riki. "You'll stay here and help empty the school of infected people."
"So we get to kill people as a job?!" Riki sounds excited. Karina nods at him and he jumps in excitement.
"Everyone else already has their jobs, so get to it," Karina says before leaving to go assist whoever.
Riki looks at me with a smirk on his face. He heads over to where we put away all of our tools and gets out a few nails. He throws his bat over the desk and hammers the nails into them, upping the damage of his weapon. The first thing on our list is clearing our floor.
"Ready?" He asks me.
Xdinary Heroes and Random Pics off of my Pinterest

Welcome to Liv's crack hours; open 25/8
Back story: I'm super exhausted and I was bored so I scrolled through Pinterest and found the picture I'm using for gaon and laughed bc I imagine him doing something like that. The rest are a bit far fetched but for whatever reason I still see them sending that picture to each other.
Nonetheless, enjoy. . .

I see it, no compromises

Listen to my vision guys: I see him finding this on his phone and having that reaction then he would send it to the others with no context

That was the caption for jiseoks pic, the guitar pic started this entire thing

I wish I could explain myself but this has been in my saved for a while now

Hes among us coded and idk why, the cosplayers bowing add something undeniably hyeongjun to it


Anyways that's all, I'm sorry guys I'm so tired 😭