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Lookhere-2seok - A Life, A Sparkle In Your Eyes - Tumblr Blog

to the man with the most endearing heart, one who continues to place others before him, treats those around him as nothing but special, always been kind, accepting, and a shining light for millions,
thank you Kim Seokjin for being ARMY’s unconditional source of love ♡
ohhh this jimin, i’m so sad!! :( i hope he someday finds someone who reciprocates his feelings 🥺 this was lovely to read 🫶
Hey 🧡
Can I request number 15 (angst) - "I see the way you look at them" with Jimin?
hopelessly devoted | pjm

pairing: jimin x f!reader, side namjoon x f!reader
rating: PG
genre/warnings: angst, unrequited love au, jimin is a sad boi :(, idk i think that's it lol there's not much other than $4D
word count: 1.3k
note: i hope you're still around anon and i hope you like this <3 !! also massive thank you's to @daechwitatamic and @jeonwiixard for beta-ing me and not letting me think it was a flaming pile of garbage lol! i love uuuuuu 💕
— as always, i’d appreciate any thoughts or comments you may have, and please drop a like and/or reblog if you enjoy reading ♡

“You’re a saint.”
Jimin turns to the left to meet the eyes of a man whose name he still hasn’t bothered learning. They’ve met a few times at birthday parties and other group dinners, but not once has Jimin officially spoken to him. He just knows him as one of Namjoon’s friends.
“What was that?” Jimin asks in a low voice, as to not disturb the scene that’s about to unfold in the adjacent room – the room that he, a dozen of his friends and strangers spent the whole day decorating with heart-shaped balloons and rose petals. The door is cracked open just a few inches so he could hear everything that’s going on and know when to burst in when the time is right.
He sees you with your back turned to him. How fitting; him, always standing behind you, forced to watch you keep your eyes on another man.
“You’re a saint,” the man repeats simply, eyes full of pity, and Jimin realizes then that this stranger knows a secret of his that even you aren’t privy to. “I see the way you look at her.”
Jimin calmly blinks, even though he’s just been caught, bleeding heart and all. A single sentence, cutting him open a few feet away from where love is in full bloom.
He should be scrambling to deny any and all accusations, scoff and pretend that he has no idea what the stranger is insinuating.
Instead, he reminds himself to breathe. He doesn’t have anything to hide, at least not anymore. He’s only a guy, hopelessly in love with a girl who is hopelessly in love with someone else. The excitement radiating off everyone except for him is palpable. Your girlfriends can barely stay quiet and keep from ruining the moment for you and Namjoon. They bounce on their feet in anticipation, unaware that right next to them, Jimin is still wishing on a comet he saw a lifetime ago, that you would turn around. That you would leave everything just to go to him, to finally see him.
“That obvious, huh?” Jimin asks, teasingly self-deprecating even in the face of heartbreak.
What he gets in return is a shrug. “I don’t understand how you can be so selfless,” the man says. “I could never watch the girl I have feelings for be happy with someone else.”
Jimin hums sagely. It isn’t even the truth. He doesn’t want to be selfless, he wants to be selfish. He wants to storm into the room and shake you by the shoulders until you understand that his affection for you extends far beyond the confines of friendship.
He would do anything you ask him to. By extension, he supposes what Namjoon wants falls under this category too. If there’s anything that anyone should know about Jimin, it’s that he would go to the ends of the earth to make sure you’re happy, even if it means putting on a smile and telling Namjoon yes when the other man came to him for help on proposing to you.
Love shouldn’t hurt like this, but it does.
Jimin watches the scene unfold through the crack of the door. He hears the deafening beats of his heart in his ears while everybody waits for the crescendo.
Namjoon gets on one knee, and your friends can all see the exact moment your world stops.
Time halts, and Jimin reminisces.
Four hundred and seventy five days.
That’s how long he’s been thinking about the improbability of you and him, and about how things could’ve gone so differently had he been braver just a little sooner.
Four hundred and seventy five nights Jimin has spent, lying in his bed alone and staring at the ceiling. Restless and aching to the bone. Because four hundred and seventy five days ago, he finally managed to gather the courage to tell you how he felt about you after weeks of nerve wracking contemplation and years of unspoken, untested love. He’d rehearsed countless times what he was going to tell you. There had even been a speech planned, for when you rejected him and told him that the pair of you would be better off as friends.
It took him everything just to stand in front of your door that night, with his love so tangible he could hold it in his hands, clumsily prepared to ask you to keep it.
When you opened the door and flashed him that ever glowing sunshine smile of yours, his heart almost gave out. Five minutes later, it did, but for a reason he hadn’t seen coming. With that beautiful grin still plastered on your face, you uttered the words that completely knocked him off his axis.
“Namjoon asked me out today.”
Kim Namjoon, the man you had been crushing on ever since you laid eyes on him two months prior. He was part of the reason why Jimin decided to grow a pair and confess to you, but as it seems, the universe had other intentions.
He was one step behind.
Always just a step behind.
With every milestone that you reached with Namjoon, the part of him that always held out hope that it’d be you and him in the end gradually chipped away. Your anniversaries, the first time you met each other’s parents, and eventually, when you agreed to move in with Namjoon… Every time he listened to you talk about your boyfriend with a twinkle in your eyes, Jimin could only nod along and smile, muttering words of encouragement to you because he was a good friend.
He was a good friend and he was happy that you were happy.
Despite how much he wished it had been him in Namjoon’s place instead.
Despite how much he thought it should’ve been him.
Jimin understands it better than most people: Love is pain.
The irony isn’t lost on him, how the same word means such different things for the both of you.
You say yes, because of course you do. You’re the princess and Namjoon is Prince Charming, destined to come in and sweep you off your feet. This is your fairytale ending and Jimin is standing right here, merely a bystander to your happiness.
As Namjoon slips the diamond ring onto your delicate finger, Jimin has to grasp the fact that no matter how hard he tries, he will never be the main character in the story of your life. Your tears spill over and he watches Namjoon wipe them away. He commits to memory the complete and utter joy you wear when your now fiance gathers you in his arms and gently spins you around, the content smiles on both your faces blurry from a distance.
Or perhaps it’s Jimin’s own vision clouding from the sting he feels piercing through his chest.
His heartbeat is so loud that he can’t even hear Namjoon usher everybody in. He doesn’t really register his surroundings until your friends all rush to your side with delighted squeals of congratulations.
Jimin has never seen you look this happy before. Surrounded by the love of your life and all your closest friends, you radiate a glow that he has only ever witnessed in his dreams. Nobody seems to notice that he’s still standing there, rooted to the ground, while people celebrate what must be one of the most memorable moments of your life.
It’s not until your gaze dances across the room and lands on him in the dark that Jimin remembers how to fake a smile again. He immediately perks up for your sake, though he’s sure that you aren’t even conscious of the brave face he’s putting on.
He walks over to you then, wearing a bright grin and dragging a sunken heart that no one else can see. The hug you share is one he wishes could last for an eternity, before you leave him for someone else forever. The stranger’s eyes burn the side of his face.
Tonight is just another sleepless night.

— all rights reserved © jeonqkooks. reposting, translating and/or modifying is not permitted by any means. [posted 27.02.23]
omggg this story is so amazing!!! i’ve never read a fic with this kind of storyline, i’m loving it sooo much ☺️ and i was literally clutching my stomach because i was laughing so hard at some points, especially with the whole “my name is your name” “your name is jimin?” “no, it’s your name” and jimin being so confused 😭😭 but ahhh the plot is thickening and i cant wait to know what happens next!! im off to read the next part! 💖💖
In Real Life • pt1

-> Being transported into a fanfic is not exactly Jimin's ideal type of weekend, especially not right after you rejected his attempt to ask you out. Now the two of you will have to help the author write a happy ending if you ever wanna make it back to real life. Can he write a happy ending with you too?
Main pairing: gamer boy!jimin x fem!creative writing major!reader
Genre/au: trapped in a fanfic!au, enemies to friends to lovers, low-key love triangle, sports!au (archery), college!au, a good amount of fluff, a poor attempt at humor, some angst, inspired by Teen Beach Movie and Extraordinary You
Warnings: breaking the fourth wall sorta / pov changes, embarrassing moments, Jimin being a sweetheart bc I can't write him any other way, themes of depression and anxiety, more warnings to be added to part 2.
Wc: 14.1K
Disclaimer: this is not meant to represent all fanfiction and I'm not implying that all fanfic writers or readers only engage in fanfiction to escape reality. it's just for the sake of the story.
💿 the author - Luz :: more of you - JP Saxe :: main character - Zach Hood
a/n: yes, I had to split this into two parts because I planned it to be 15K but it's turning out longer than that sooooo yeah, hope ya'll enjoy the first part
Part 2 here!
"You're still here."
"I'm still here."
Jungkook doesn't know what to say. He's been a jerk. A complete bonehead, oblivious to what's been right in front of him this entire time.
"I thought you would have left already," he says with downcast eyes.
The implication is that you should have left by now. There's no reason for you to wait around for this jackass. He's been nothing but cruel to you, doing the things he did, saying the things he said.
"I should have left," you admit, shamelessly standing before him still, "but there's something I have to say."
Jungkook leans away, listening with intent but also nervous for what you'll say. Surely, you're going to scold him for his actions, tell him off, curse him. It would be an appropriate response given what he did.
But you open your mouth and the most curious, unexpected words come out.
"Jungkook, I can't do this any–"
Your phone is suddenly snatched from your hand, your eyes following it helplessly over your head to the bleacher behind you.
"Hey! My phone!"
Park Jimin. Teaser extraordinaire and the only student you know who got a legit scholarship to a legit university for gaming. That's right, this geek got into university by playing video games. A fact that has continued to irk you considering you worked your ass off to graduate high school early and still only got into your third university of choice after being rejected twice.
"Whoa, what is this?" he snickers at the screen, giggling among his so-called friends that always follows him around as he reads your precious fiction embarrassingly loudly. "He suddenly grabs your waist, pulling you against his firm body to kiss you with so much passion you feel your heart is going to–"
You swipe your phone back, slapping his hand in the process. "Don't steal people's stuff!"
"Was that fanfiction? Oh my god, you actually read that shit?" he belly laughs, almost falling off the back of the bleachers but his groupies catch him just in time.
Too bad.
You shut off the screen with the app still on and stuff your phone in your jean pocket, turning to the front with crossed arms and a pout.
"Mind your own business, Park."
"Do you like it when guys randomly grab you and kiss you?"
"No," you flick your hair back, "but even if I did, like I said, mind your own business."
"Aw come on, it's just a joke. Lighten up, it's the first game of the season."
No, he just enjoys teasing you for your reactions. You try not to let him bother you because to be honest he isn't worth your time, but he has this way of getting you so riled up that you have to react. Stealing your phone, eavesdropping on your conversations, sliding into your DMs and spamming you with that one fancy duck meme that you told him makes you uncomfortable but he keeps sending it anyway.
You tried to ignore him but he's attached himself to you for god knows why. His purpose in life must be to make you miserable.
Your school's basketball team made another score on the court and the crowd started cheering, a good enough opportunity as any to slip away. Just goes to show what trying to be social and involved in school spirit will get you. Teased and irritated. You should have stayed in your dorm and worked on your creative writing final like you originally planned.
"Hey, where are you going?" Jimin calls after you, leaning to see around his friends, but you don't reply.
You duck and weave through the aisles of the bleachers. The stadium is packed as mess so it's impossible not to bump into people, unfortunately.
Someone grabs your wrist just as you manage to slip past the bleachers and into the concession stands area, making you turn around in surprise.
"You're leaving already?" Jimin asks.
"Yes, I'm leaving. Let go, please."
He drops your limb. "But it's only half time."
"I've got an assignment anyway."
"Do it later. Come watch the rest of the game with me."
"Honestly, I don't want to sit with you, Jimin."
"Whoa," he puts his hands up in surrender, "did I do something?"
You scoff, "Is it really that shocking to think I don't want to sit with you? We don't even know each other that well."
"Then let's get to know each other. Go on a date with me."
You're too shocked to speak. It's a prank. He can't be serious about this. Jimin found out you like fanfiction and now he's trying to make your heart race by sticking his hands in his pockets and half smirking like he's charming or something.
You cross your arms. "Why should I?"
"Because I like you."
"No, thanks."
His smirk turns downward, shoulders slumping. "Why not?"
"I don't like you like that," you explain as kindly as you can. You are being kind because you could say you don't like him at all and it would be closer to the truth.
"That's the point of dating," he says with a confident tilt of his head. "You may like me once you get to know me."
"I don't want to date the guy who steals my phone and teases me about my hobbies."
"Okay okay, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have stolen your phone," he says with a genuine nod, "but fanfiction, really? That stuff is for loners and hopeless romantic fangirls."
"I'm guessing you wouldn't want to date a loner or a hopeless romantic fangirl, huh?"
"Well no, who would?"
"Then you don't want to date me."
The crowd behind you start to bustle, pouring into the open space of vendors and snack bars and bathrooms, crowding your shoulders and walking through the space between you and Jimin.
The conversation was over anyway, so you give one last wave and start to walk away.
The crowd is thick and difficult to maneuver. It doesn't help that you're not nearly as tall as half the male fans here. Basketball is a tall sport so you should have expected this, but you press on, trying to slip through holes and low tunnels in the crowd to evade any further conversation with your nemesis.
Jimin's calling fades into the background. You turn to see if he's still following but he's not around, probably went back to his seat seeing as you made your rejection clear as day already.
It blows your mind because this stuff only happens in kindergarten. Teasing you because he likes you? It didn't even cross your mind. No college-aged graphic design major is that emotionally immature, right? If he really likes you he should treat you with respect like a gentleman from one of Jane Austen's novels.
You squeal when a large shoulder hits you square in the chest, complete disregard for the person they just ran into.
Falling back, you brace yourself for a harsh landing when a pair of arms catches you at the last moment, twisting you around and pulling you into a steady embrace.
"You okay?"
You peer up to find Jimin holding you securely against his chest.
So he was still following you.
"Yeah," you reply, pulling your legs back underneath you again, but he keeps his arms around you. "Thanks."
"People never pay attention at these things. Let me walk you out–"
He's interrupted when another rough nudge to his back sends him jerking forward, feet shuffling to keep from falling on top of you, his lips lightly brushing your nose.
That was close.
You scrunch your nose instinctively, making yourself smaller within his arms when they naturally squeeze around you.
"...sorry," he mutters with a light blush on his cheeks, watching your cute expression with concern.
You push away from his chest, too embarrassed that your heart is actually racing to say anything else. Looking down, you trudge through the rest of the crowd and make a bee-line for the exit.
Good god, you have to get out of here.
It's so much easier to breathe once you're outside. Puffs of warmth escape your lips when your head falls back with a large sigh. Finally some coolness on your cheeks.
Muffled squeaks of sneakers on the court and groans from the audience are all you need to know the game has resumed. Jimin must have gone back then. There's no way he followed you all the way out here after all that.
"___! Wait up!"
"You have got to be kidding me," you whisper to yourself in disbelief.
This dude cannot take a hint.
"I'm sorry for…back there," he says shyly when he's come up behind you. At least he's apologizing on his own accord this time. "I got bumped. It was a mistake, I swear."
You turn to give him a small nod, arms wrapped around yourself. "It's fine."
"Are you cold? You should've brought a jacket."
"Yeah, I didn't because I didn't know it would be this cold."
"Here, you can have mine."
"No!" You quickly stop him with a hand held up when he starts to strip his outer layer. "I don't want your jacket, Jimin."
"I'm not trying to encourage anything, okay?" you interrupt him. "Please, don't give me your jacket."
He slowly pulls it back over his shoulders with a frown. Your hand lowers and you tuck it back into your crossed arms, a slight shiver running through your shoulders.
"At least let me walk you to your dorm. It's dark."
"I'll be fine. Goodnight, Jimin."
He doesn't respond but you can feel his eyes on the back of your head as you walk away.
Okay, maybe you feel kinda bad turning down his jacket since you are freezing and he could have just been trying to be considerate. But with the knowledge of his crush on you, you just couldn't accept it with a clear conscience. Especially not right after turning him down so blatantly.
That's right, this is the jerk who's been teasing you relentlessly since you met last semester. Now you know it was all because he likes you. Childish. This isn't kindergarten.
So what, you like fanfiction? Lots of people do. It's an escape from the disappointment of reality, and everyone needs some of that at some point. Hell, Jimin plays video games for hours a day! Sure, some of it is for his major but he's probably also trying to escape reality part of the time, and you don't blame him.
You pull your phone out of your pocket and open up the tab for your fanfic, finding the spot where you left off. A little escape from reality is exactly what you need right about now actually.
But you open your mouth and the most curious, unexpected words come out.
"Jungkook, I can't do this anymore. I'm tired, okay? Tired of trying and never getting anywhere, tired of my feelings not being reciprocated. So, I'm done. I'm done with you–"
He suddenly grabs your waist, pulling you against his firm body to kiss you with so much passion you feel your heart is going to explode.
His lips are perfect against yours, like pillows of sweetness. But they're nothing compared to his potent tongue, slipping between your lips and drawing a soft moan from your throat.
His arms wrap around you, pulling you into his chest and squeezing…
You shake your head when the image of Jimin catching you pops into your imagination.
…squeezing you so close you can feel his heartbeat through his white t-shirt.
Jungkook's hands follow the curve of your waist, allowing the kiss to keep pace for a moment, enjoying your taste, the warmth of your tongue and the coolness of your lips.
He pulls away from the kiss and takes a deep breath. His fingers gently brush your hair from your face, forehead leaning against yours lovingly as he gazes into your eyes. It feels like a scene from a movie.
He smiles that wickedly beautiful smile and whispers soft and low…
"Watch out!!"
Your arm is grabbed right when you lift your eyes from your phone, the blinding headlights of a car coming right at you.
There's not even enough time to gasp.
All you recognize is the pull of your body being jerked back, a stinging pain shooting up your arm and into your shoulder, the twist of your ankle as it trips over the curbside.
Maybe it's your imagination, but you swear you catch a glimpse of Jimin's face before you crash onto the sidewalk, your side landing on his arm, and your head painfully slamming into the ground.
His head is pounding when he comes to, rivers of red behind his eyes like poison. Even after he tries to blink them away, they persist for a moment.
"What the fuck…" Jimin groans, reaching up to rub his head.
Shit, that really hurt.
Just as he starts to make sense of where he is in space, a body next to him starts to stir as well.
Slowly, you shift where you lay on his arm, rubbing your head where you must have hit it on the sidewalk too.
"Are you okay?" he asks, still blinking to bring his world into focus.
Even if you're not, maybe you needed a good knock on the head. You were about to walk out in front of a fucking car because you were too lost in whatever fanfic you were reading. Idiot.
You sit up, a hand on the side of your neck as you twist to help with the stiffness. Your neck pops and that helps a lot.
"I think so." Your eyes land on Jimin and his position on the ground. "Did you…thank you."
"Don't mention it," he sighs and sits up next to you, "just look where you're going from now on."
"Right. I will."
"Sure your head is okay?"
"It's pounding a little," you confess.
"Mine too," Jimin replies, pulling your ripped sweater back over your shoulder.
And then the most extraordinary, unexpected thing happens.
The moment is suddenly in slow-mo. The action of his hand brushing your skin when he moves your sleeve, the way his eyelashes softly flutter when he looks at you. The background blurs into a mass of nothingness, there's a soft hum of a melody coming from somewhere and fairy lights around his face like a filter. You're completely enraptured in the moment, physically unable to look away from his angelic form.
When he's finished helping you cover your shoulder, the world returns to normal.
Perhaps you hit your head a little harder than you thought. It's playing tricks on you now.
"Hey, Jimin?"
"Can I ask you something?"
"Wasn't it nighttime before?"
Curiously, he takes a gander at your surroundings, and sure enough, the sun is high in the sky. That means the basketball game ended and everyone left the stadium, passed by you two lying unconscious on the sidewalk, and did nothing. The school will definitely be hearing about this.
"It was also October," he comments.
It feels rather warm for it being this far into Autumn. Not to mention the trees are beautifully green and flowering everywhere you look. It's not just a warm day in October. It's a different season. A hot season.
He decides to shake it off and stand up, brushing off his clothes and ruffling his hair.
You stand as well, a little unsteady on your feet.
"You're not too dizzy to walk?" he checks just in case.
"I think I'm good. Are you okay?"
"Just a headache."
Something is definitely odd but he can't quite put his finger on it. Something feels weirder than normal, like he's not seeing things right, like his peripheral vision has been tampered with. When he's focused on you, everything else fades into the background until he makes a point to look away from you again.
He chalks it up to his head still spinning but he can't ignore the oddity of his environment right now. It still looks like his universe but something is…different. He can't seem to get out of tunnel vision mode.
"Where are all the students?" you ask.
Now is when he notices the lack of other people. The campus is completely abandoned save for the two of you and the occasional squirrel in a tree behind him.
"In class?"
"It is the middle of the day," you admit thoughtfully, but you don't seem convinced by his suggestion. From the expression on your face, Jimin gets the feeling you're sensing something isn't right either.
You take a single step and your knees buckle beneath you, a light gasp alerting Jimin to your fall.
His reaction is in slow-mo, arms scooping around your waist, supporting your sudden weight when you collapse into his embrace. Your hands land on his shoulders, your chest on his chest.
The rest of the world blurs into a mesh of nothingness until all he can see is you slowly looking up at him, eyes sparkling abnormally bright and lips shimmering temptingly. Your eyelids flutter at him, silently speaking to him in soothing tones. His gaze drop to your lips, filled with an overwhelming urge to kiss you stupid.
Just as the moment arrives, it disappears when you push yourself off his chest and stand up on your own again.
"Sorry," you quickly apologize, "I don't know what that was. I just, umm, my legs gave out. Guess I'm dizzier than I thought." You shyly tuck your hair behind your ear and then look at your hand as if it betrayed you.
"It's okay," Jimin assures you, just as confused. "But...did you happen to see that?"
"See what?"
Even if you did see it, what reason does Jimin have to believe you would admit you also experienced whatever fanfic shit that just was.
Wait. Oh hell no. It can't be. That stuff only happens in video games and movies.
"Hey, ___, when you accidentally walked in front of that car and I pulled you out of the way…you were reading fanfiction, weren't you?"
You roll your eyes. "Are you seriously going to tease me right after a near death experience? That's low, man."
"No, no, that's not what I meant," he says. "You're gonna think I'm insane, but…doesn't something feel off to you?"
You swallow, clearly not about to suggest it yourself but you were thinking the same thing. Your expression shifts to realization mixed with horror, wide eyes and a dropped jaw.
"What is it?" Jimin urges.
Without a second thought, you start searching all over the ground, the side of the curb and the grass on the edge of the trees, desperately looking for something.
"What's wrong?"
"My phone!" you insist frantically. "Help me find it!"
Without arguing, Jimin kneels to the ground and starts searching as well.
Thankfully, you find the device a moment later. The screen is cracked but otherwise it's not broken. It turns on just fine and you unlock it to reveal the screen you were reading right before Jimin pulled you out of the way of that car.
"I knew it," Jimin clicks his tongue, "you were reading fanfiction and not paying attention. You could have gotten seriously hurt if I hadn't been there, you know."
"Jimin…" you slowly turn the screen so he can see it clearly.
"What, I don't get–" he freezes, absolutely horrified. "Is it…how is it…doing that?"
"I don't know," you reply, releasing a shaky breath as you watch your words appear in quotations on the screen. "Is it commenting on us?"
You wave your arm in random directions as if that's the best way to test whether or not I actually know what you're doing right now. You look stupid by the way. You should probably stop.
"Oh fuck, no way," Jimin refuses with a shake of his head, watching each letter appear on the screen in perfect time as it leaves his lips. "Whatever sick trick this is, I'm not a part of it. Make it stop, ___."
"I'm not doing it!" you insist, unaware that you are in a way, because these are your words being typed right now.
"No, I'm not!" you insist once again. "Whoever is doing that, we're not in your story so cut it out!"
Oh, but this isn't my story anymore. It's yours.
"I don't know who the fuck you think you are, but you better leave us alone right now!" Jimin yells at me.
But here's the thing, I started this fanfic with the intention of two lovers having a happily ever after and my pairing isn't working very well. So, I had to improvise.
Welcome to the fic, you two. Let's write some fanfiction, shall we? There's a special pair of idiots who need your help to fall in love.
"I don't understand…" you reply to me, slightly shaking where you stand.
Jimin notices, but he's too nervous to reach out and take your hand. He doesn't want to admit it, but he's still hurt from your rejection because he genuinely likes you but sucks at showing his feelings since his mom walked out on him.
"Hey, isn't that kind of personal?" Jimin spits back at me, just barely keeping himself from throwing the phone against a tree.
But I actually do need your help.
"For what?"
To get this fanfic back on track. There are two characters I've written on this campus who are meant to end up together, but they're not exactly cooperating with me. I need you to find them and get them together to make the happy ending.
"Why can you just write them together?"
That's the thing, I lost control of the story. Whatever I end up writing always backfires. You might call it writer's block or poor motivation or just a lack of writing ability, but either way, I need some assistance to get this story back on track.
If you two will agree to help me, I won't control your actions or dialogue, I promise. You can do and say whatever you want and all I'll do is record what happens. Help me write this story from the inside and I'll let you go afterwards.
"And if we refuse?" Jimin crosses his arms, watching me type his actions out with a disdainful frown on his face.
I've got a large following waiting for this fic to come out, so I really need to hurry up and get this done for them. It's for the fans. If you don't help, I can end this fic right now and you'll never escape an unfinished wip.
"No, you can't," Jimin doesn't believe me. He thinks he's calling my bluff but inside he's nervous I'm telling the truth.
"Am not!"
Am too.
"Am not! You're lying."
Would you like to test that theory?
Jimin doesn't actually want to test that theory.
"Whatever," he grumbles.
We don't get along apparently, which makes me sad.
But while Jimin and I have our little squabble, you've been carefully considering my offer, haven't you?
"What!?" Jimin reacts in shock at what he just heard. "You're agreeing?"
"If we do this, we get to go home. Whatever author this is clearly does not intend to let us go unless we agree to help."
You're right, I don't.
Jimin pinches the bridge of his nose. He knows he has no choice but to agree. He's going to agree, so I don't know why he's being like this.
"Yeah, yeah okay enough with the commentary," he sighs. "I'll do it."
And from that moment on, the world became a little brighter, more in focus, and Jimin felt his point of view slowly returning to his mind.
The internal control to move and breathe and speak becomes apparent in your bones as well, filling your lungs, and sparking the tip of your tongue. You look at Jimin with a worried but attempted brave expression.
"Where should we even start?"
In a flash, you and Jimin are standing in the cafeteria of the school. In front of you is a two person table but only one girl sitting alone with her textbook. She's brighter than the rest of the student body and wearing different clothes, which separates her as a main character. The main female lead.
"Guess that answers that question."
The rest is up to you. Please, make sure the story has a happy ending. I'm counting on you guys.
"You go talk to her."
"No, you go talk to her."
"Give me one good reason why I should be the one to talk to her?"
"Uh, because you're a girl," Jimin points out the obvious, gesturing to your curvaceous figure. "She's the female lead."
"You're way better at making friends than I am," you argue.
"Says who?"
"You're the extrovert."
Even just looking at her sitting alone intimidates you. Not that you're always introverted, of course, around your family and in familiar environments you're perfectly fine. But you've never been confident in taking the initiative when it comes to meeting new people, not like Jimin.
He scoffs, "And? This is a fanfic, I don't know how things work in this world. Besides, you're one of her own kind."
You hit his shoulder, but his tease did lighten the mood, so he calls it a success. The first time you've smiled since waking up with him on the sidewalk.
"Come on, you're great at bumping into people," you jest, making reference to your interaction at the basketball game with a sly grin.
"Ha ha, very funny."
"You don't have to do much, just figure out where we are in the story. Once we know that, we can figure out what's next," you tell him, turning him to face her direction.
Jimin eyes her from across the cafeteria, nervously biting his lip. Yeah, he's an extrovert but he's not the best at talking to girls. You of all people should know that; he spent months teasing you because he didn't know how to approach you like a normal human. When he first saw you, he thought you were just…too pretty for a casual introduction.
Granted, this fanfic chick is significantly less attractive than you are. But that doesn't mean she's not a girl.
"Oh, she's coming this way." You push on his shoulder blades as he leans back, digging his heels into the ground. "Don't lose this chance, Jimin! Do you wanna get out of here?"
"Don't rush me!"
With a final shove, Jimin trips forwards, nearly crashing into the girl as she walks by. He manages to catch himself but not before his stumbling lands him right in the pathway of…
"Oh!" she exclaims, jumping at the surprise of an odd boy suddenly appearing in front of her.
Jimin freezes, eyes wide and staring directly into hers. He softly chuckles and straightens out his jacket.
"Sorry. I tripped."
"That's okay," she smiles innocently. "I trip all the time."
He scratches the back of his head. "You ever fall when you trip?"
"Huh?" She tilts her head, eyebrows lifted in confusion.
"Nevermind. Umm, I'm Jimin by the way," he introduces himself with a handshake, hoping the conversation can start flowing naturally now that the expected awkwardness has hopefully passed.
The girl accepts his hand, the other tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "It's nice to meet you, Jimin. Do you ever fall when you trip?"
He blinks. "What?"
"Nevermind. Umm, I'm Your Name by the way." The girl offers a handshake…again.
He accepts it (again) with an unsure look, carefully noting how she just repeated him, like word for word. As if she couldn't come up with her own contributions to the conversation.
"I'm sorry, your name is…?"
"Me," she smiles innocently, one of the few actions Jimin realizes that she knows how to do.
"Your Name."
"Right, what is it?"
"My name is Your Name."
"Your name is Jimin?"
"No, it's Your Name."
"I don't get it."
"You're so funny," she giggles with a soft hand to her lips.
He huffs, "No, I'm Jimin. Who the heck are you?"
A harsh slap strikes across his back, echoing across the cafeteria but none of the surrounding students pay it any mind.
"Ow!" Jimin yelps, retreating from your hand. "What the hell?"
"It's nice to meet you, Your Name," you say sweetly as if you didn't just leave a nasty red handprint on his back. "I love your top."
"Oh, thanks! I love your top too."
"Yep." With a sigh and a nod, you face Jimin and speak directly to him, arms crossed and hip popped out in disappointment. "The author led us to the right girl. She's the reader insert, alright."
Your Name occupies herself, amazed by her own hands and interlocking her fingers with a wishful sigh. She's been written to fall in love with the man of her dreams, to discover angsty heartbreak and become the apple of her lover's eye. When she's not doing anything directly related to that purpose, she's just an empty shell of a character, a copycat filling space and time until her next scene.
"She's dumb as a sack of rocks."
"No one is reading the story right now, remember? The author is still writing it. Your Name is an empty character," you explain, scanning her perfect figure up and down with a jealous click of your tongue.
"So, if someone reads the story…"
"Then part of that person's character is reflected in Your Name. It's what makes fanfiction fun to read. You get to put yourself in the story."
Okay, maybe Jimin sees the attractiveness in that. It's an escape just like video games, except more lame and pitiful.
Your Name has yet to do or say anything else. She just sways with her hands folded against her chest, mind empty, no thoughts, unable to leave or initiate anything without the author's guidance or some other trigger.
"Why would anyone want to be her?"
The doors to the cafeteria burst open, immediately stealing everyone's attention. The whole building pauses in place, heads turning in slow-mo to see what the big commotion is about, choirs of gasps and the sound of panties dropping to the ground left and right.
In walks sex on legs, dark hair fluffy with a gloved hand brushing through thick bangs, skin tight jeans and a leather bracer around his wrist. He pretends to pull an arrow from the empty quiver on his hip, shooting it and a charming wink in the direction of a cafeteria worker, chuckling when they faint against the wall with a hand over their heart.
There's only one person who could have that kind of effect simply by walking into the room.
"That's why," you reply, hypnotized eyes following his every move through the line to get lunch. "The main male lead."
"So, it's all about the guy, huh?"
"Obviously. It is a Jungkook fanfic, so yeah."
Jimin gawks. "Wait, that's supposed to be Jeon Jungkook? You mean the singer slash actor in real life?"
"Yep," you sigh in content. Even if this is a fanfic, you're in the same room as the Jungkook and you'll never forget this day.
"That dude doesn't know archery," Jimin pouts.
"It's a fanfic, so he does in this story, okay? Shut up."
Jimin just rolls his eyes, too proud to admit the way you're staring at that fanfic character makes his blood boil something awful. But you're not the only one entranced.
Your Name hasn't been able to blink since Jungkook walked in, hands folded shyly at her chest and lips slightly parted. She holds her breath as he struts in her direction, whipping his hair out of his eyes only for it to gracefully fall over his forehead again.
Jungkook passes by with his lunch, but he doesn't even give Your Name a glance, not even the barest of recognitions. She opens her mouth as if she wants to say something, but no sound comes out. Just a defeated sigh when Jungkook sits down at a table with a bunch of other students and not her.
She pulls her bag further up her shoulder, putting her head down and walking out of the cafeteria as unnoticeably as possible. Jimin watches her, a surprising sense of sympathy for her despite reminding himself she's a fictional character.
You lift a finger to your temple, leaning into Jimin's side as you both watch the scene play out. "I understand."
"What? What just happened?"
"We have to get Jungkook together with Your Name. She's the shy, unnoticed school girl and he's the popular, sporty hunk with a heart of gold."
"Oh come on, that's the worst trope ever." He rolls his eyes in Jungkook's direction. "Heart of gold my ass. He just walked right passed Your Name and didn't even flinch."
"Like you would know anything about fanfic tropes."
"Video games have tropes too, you know."
You roll your lips tight when he sticks his tongue out at you, trying not to smile at how cute he was just now.
"Like what?"
Jimin begins counting on his fingers. "I could name five off the top of my head."
"Are any of them the shy school girl and popular sports star?" you ask.
He drops his hand and expression. "No."
"Then you can reference video games again when they can actually help us," you say, looking back at Jungkook's table. "For how, we need to figure out a way to get those two together so we can end the fic and get out of here. Any ideas?"
Jimin shrugs. "I don't know. I'm hungry."
You're deep in thought, unconcerned with Jimin's empty stomach. He starts rubbing it over his shirt, whining your name and poking your arm over and over.
"Let's eat something, please."
"We don't have meal swipes for this place," you reply shortly, shooing his hand away without ever once losing focus on Jungkook.
Do fanfic characters usually use meal swipes? There's no hurt in trying. The author probably had way better things to write about than whether or not the characters used their meal swipes or paid cash for their lunch.
Besides, this is the spitting image of your real life cafeteria back on campus. If this school is based on that school, then maybe his meal swipes can work. (Does that mean the author goes to your and Jimin's university? Whoa.)
You're not going anywhere. Might as well try.
Wouldn't you know it, Jimin uses a meal swipe to get a tray and two plates for a much needed meal break. So, he makes his way around the different stations of the cafeteria and collects a little bit of everything onto a tray, stacking piles of dino nuggets and mac 'n cheese especially tall.
After tucking two canned sodas under his arm, Jimin finds you right where he left you. Standing in the middle of the floor, eyes glued to the archery star, and biting your nail into a numb.
"Hey. You should eat something."
You look to find the tray of food he's gathered, impressed but mostly grateful.
"You're probably right," you finally admit when your stomach unmistakably starts gurgling. "Food is important."
"Come on, we can think of a plan while we eat."
The two of you make your way to a free table within eye shot of Jungkook's table and slip into opposite booths. Jimin pops open your soda for you, a small smirk on his lips when you gasp at the meal in front of you.
"Dino nuggets and mac 'n cheese? Oh fuck yes, my favorite nostalgic meal ever! How did you know?"
"It's mine too."
After a lengthy discussion at the cafeteria, you and Jimin decide to map out what you already know and what you need to know on the way to an upcoming archery tournament.
Seeing as Jungkook didn't pay Your Name any mind in the cafeteria, but he also didn't display any tension to suggest a break up or fight, it's safe to assume they haven't met yet. Which means you're at the start of the fic, the very very beginning. Depending on the author, this could be a 5K marathon or a 25K marathon.
As the author, I'll give you a hint: it's longer than 5K.
You stuff your phone back into your jean pocket after reading the update, feeling tired just thinking about the work ahead of you.
"Author said it's a lengthy fic. Which means we've got multiple scenes to get through. We could be here for a while."
Jimin swings his arms as he walks beside you, keeping to the outside of the sidewalk so he's closer to the road.
"Yeah," you sigh, fanning yourself.
"Are you warm?"
"Are you not?" you ask in shock, upgrading to two-handed fanning. "It's a million degrees out here. How are you still wearing that jacket?"
Jimin shrugs. "I'm fine."
The sun beats down on your sweater harshly, punishing you for still having it on. Soon enough, you can't bear it anymore. Your arms cross in front of you, fingers pinching the hem of your top and pulling it over your head to reveal a white tank underneath. Instant relief hits your skin.
You tie the sleeves of your sweater around your waist and tie up your hair so it's off your neck.
"Much better," you sigh to yourself. Now maybe you can actually think without getting heat stroke.
"So–" Jimin clears his throat, eyes forward and nowhere else. "So you've read this story before, right?"
"I've read stories similar to it, so it should be pretty simple to figure out. The archery tournament should be a good place to start. Sport events are usually where major plot development happens."
"I sure hope you're right."
Of course, you're right. Jungkook is the archery champion and Your Name is bound to be around here somewhere. After all, who would give up the chance to watch their crush excel at what they do best?
No doubt, this scene will be an important milestone in their relationship. You just have to remember your role as wing woman and make sure Jungkook notices Your Name this time around.
The field is decorated with targets and large, fake deer in the distance. All the archers are dressed in their gear, looking fine as heck you must admit. Never thought archery would do it for you but the strap across the chest and holster around the waist accentuates more curves than you were ready for. Damn.
"There." You direct Jimin's attention with the point of your finger at the provided refreshments. "Your Name is by the water dispenser."
You call out to her as you approach, ducking to avoid the many eyes of the bleachers because good god there's a lot of students here. The crowd makes you feel rather uneasy, but you push your introverted tendencies to the side and focus on the task at hand.
"Oh, hi ___. Hi, Jimin," she greets you happily.
Jimin nods at her, but his focus is on getting a cup of water.
"Are you excited for the archers? Who do you think is gonna win?" you ask with a friendly touch to her arm, trying to be social.
"Of course!" she answers with an innocent smile. "Jungkook will win for sure."
"Have you cheered him on yet?" Jimin asks Your Name while handing you the cup of water. You gratefully down it. So, he gets you another one.
"Everyone is cheering for Jungkook."
"But did you tell him personally that you're cheering for him?"
Your Name's smile fades a little, pulling back into a shy expression as she tucks her hair behind her ear.
"You totally should," Jimin says while you gulp down the second cup of water he filled for you. "He'd appreciate the support."
"You think?"
"Trust me, I'm a guy. If a cute girl like you wished me good luck on my tournament, hell I'd wanna win just for you."
Her cheeks instantly flush, eyelids fluttering as her body turns to face Jimin fully, the dim around her light starting to shine brighter.
"Yeah, sure."
Your Name rolls her lips, running fingers through the tips of her hair. "Do you have a tournament coming up? I'd love to cheer for you, Jimin."
"Me?" He blinks. "Uhh, no. I'm not really into sports."
"What are you into?"
"Gaming," he says slowly.
"That's so cool!"
Jimin shares a look with you out of the side of his eye, unsure how the focus shifted to his interests. You interrupt with a hand on her shoulder, low-key turning her to face Jungkook's direction again.
"Jungkook is into archery. Isn't that cool?"
Your Name's neck stays turned toward Jimin until you place two palms on your cheeks and make her look in the direction of the archery team.
She scans Jungkook head to toe. The archer tightens his quiver, adjusting it on his hip before bending over to tie his shoe. Never thought you'd be jealous of a man's ass but goddamn, the author blessed him with zero regard for their weak audience.
"Wish him good luck like this, watch me–" You hold up two fists and smile as big as you possibly can, making your voice higher pitched and turning your knees in for a cuter effect. "You can do it, Oppa! Fighting!"
Jimin nearly does a spit take. You're fucking adorable.
Your Name seems unsure though. "You really think he'll notice me if I do that?"
"I'm sure he will. Now go get 'em!" You give her a little booty pat to send her on her way.
She timidly makes her way over to Jungkook while you and Jimin observe. This will work. This has to work. Jungkook doesn't have to fall in love with her right now, you remind yourself. All this has to do is get him to notice her, put her in his radar. This is the meet cute, the part where he realizes she's on his side. He finds a companion in someone he never expected, a shy bookworm he's never noticed is his biggest fan.
Jimin leans into your ear and whispers, "Call me Oppa. Just once."
"Not even in your dreams."
"Damn it. Worth a try."
While Your Name doesn't knock his socks off like you hoped, at least Jungkook recognized her efforts and thanked her for the cheer. They don't immediately hit it off and he doesn't look for her in the crowd during the tournament, but that's okay. He knows she exists now, so essentially this scene completed its purpose.
It's almost halfway through the tournament and nothing else has happened. Your Name sat down in the bleachers looking somewhat lost as to where to go since you claimed her spot by the water dispenser.
"Don't worry," Jimin says, watching Jungkook shoot his third bullseye in a row, "it's not a 5K fic, remember? Something new will happen any second. The plot has to progress somehow."
Wouldn't you know it, Jimin is right.
From seemingly nowhere, an arrow comes shooting right at you. Instinctively, you squat to the ground at the sound of the arrow whistling past you, piercing and shattering the water dispenser beside you. In slow-mo, of course.
A small wave of water spills out, soaking through your tank and all down your back.
All you can do is squat there for a moment, taking in what the actual hell just happened. The slow-mo effect dissipates but the entire field has gone quiet, including the idiot who just shot that arrow.
Jimin kneels in front of you. "Oh my god! Are you okay? That arrow didn't hit you, did it?"
You shake your head, staring at the ground in silent shock, panic rising in your chest.
"Thank god," he hangs his head in utter relief and sighs, "that was way too close."
You agree, trying to catch your breath when he offers you a hand to help you stand.
The moment you're back on your feet, your whole fanfic world freezes. Even Jimin's eyes have gone wide and his tongue gets tied.
You immediately cross your arms over your chest, curling in on yourself and trying to cover your soaked through white tank top that's sticking to you like a wetsuit, totally and completely see through. Your brightly colored bra does little to help the situation.
Jimin doesn't hesitate for a single second. He strips his jacket and wraps it around your shoulders, zipping it to your chin. When you don't move, he pulls you into his chest for some extra coverage and comfort.
You're not sure what to do, so your face ends up hiding in his chest, eyes squeezed shut, wishing you could disappear in his arms.
"Come on," he whispers, ushering you off the field, one of his arms wrapped around you protectively while the other hovers over your face so you don't see the eyes of the crowd watching you exit.
Consequently, you don't see Jungkook's curious eyes following you either.
Jimin sits you down on a bench a little ways around the corner where there are no spectators.
"Are you okay?" he asks, kneeling in front of you, hand resting on the bench beside your thigh.
Your stale expression doesn't shift but your eyes start to fill with tears, the white of your pupils turning pink and your eyelids fluttering at the sting.
Jimin feels his heart drop at the same time your first tear does. The first time he's ever seen you cry.
"Everyone was staring at me. They wouldn't stop staring…"
For the first time, Jimin is witnessing how much your introverted personality affects you. Being embarrassed is a common human experience, but it's so much worse for you. Those kinds of things are only magnified by a thousand due to your already anxious state in large crowds.
Your body closes up, limbs curling in on themselves even further inside Jimin's jacket.
"They all saw, didn't they?"
"No," he says immediately, causing your eyes to lift hopefully. "I was quick with the jacket, so I don't think anyone saw much of anything."
You sniffle. "You're sure?"
You know he's being kind, trying to make you feel better. Usually when people say things for the sole purpose of making you feel better, it doesn't help much. But even though you know Jimin is lying, his little smile and confident nose scrunch are cute enough to make you relax somewhat.
"Thanks," you shrug as a gesture to his jacket around your shoulders.
He smiles at you and it makes things a little better somehow. The background blurs, allowing you to focus only on him, putting the rest of the situation into perspective and making things feel all a little less daunting. Life doesn't feel as serious when Jimin smiles, and that's a rare experience for you. Out here, away from all the people, you can regather yourself and process things clearly.
You wanna touch him, just to be in physical contact with him again, but he stands up first, making your jerk your hand away from where it was reaching out inconspicuously.
"I'll go get you a towel and see if I can steal a dry shirt from someone."
"You're leaving?" The question popped out before you could stop it.
He holds back a teasing smile. "Should I stay here?"
"No, it's fine," you say quickly, turning your knees in. "Go get me a shirt. Hurry up."
He just snickers, whispering "cute" under his breath before sticking his hands in his jean pockets and casually making his way back toward the archery field. If anything, Your Name will probably have an extra top you can borrow. It'll be small but it'll probably work in a pinch.
Now that you think about it, you might be in this fic for a while. What about clothes, sleep and hygiene? Do you have a room in the dorms or will you and Jimin have to scrap on the side of the street for basic necessities? The author wouldn't leave you in that horrible situation, would they?
"Hey, you."
That's not Jimin's voice.
You turn your head to see none other than the main male lead confidently coming over to your bench.
"Just wanted to check on you and make sure you're okay," he says.
You nod, trying not to be stunned speechless that your in real life celebrity crush is speaking to you as a fanfic character in an alternative universe. Holy shit!
Jungkook smiles. "Thank goodness. I saw that arrow heading towards you and I think my heart stopped for a solid minute. You've got quick reflexes."
"Thankfully," you exhale. "My life definitely flashed before my eyes though."
"What did you see?" he casually asks, taking a seat beside you on the bench.
You're suddenly very aware of how close he is, shoulder to shoulder. When he turns his head toward you, the little sparkles in his eyes become noticeable and you can make out a small freckle on the underside of the curve of his bottom lip.
"I saw school. My family. My friends."
"A boyfriend?"
"You're single?"
You nod slowly. "Yes."
Jungkook seems pleased to hear this. He adjusts in his seat, a confident smug on his lips and an indifferent shrug on his shoulders.
"We should maybe go out sometime, if you're interested. You know, we could be…friends?"
If you were feeling more confident or outgoing in this moment, you might call him out on the fact that he just confirmed you were single and then asked you out as a friend when you guys don't even know each other. He definitely thought he was smoother than he actually was just now.
"Yeah sure," you reply, rather small and quiet.
"Great," Jungkook hands you his phone. "Put in your number."
With no reason not to in your mind, you do as he requests, adding a signature koala emoji at the end of your name.
"Why a koala?" he asks amused.
"They're cute."
"You're cuter."
Damn, that response was fast. As if he had it right on the tip of his tongue, ready to go for anyone.
Surprisingly, it doesn't make you nearly as fluttery as you expected. It was a good line, but the Flynn Rider smolder just isn't doing it for you right now.
He tucks a strand of hair behind your ear but it's not flattering and it doesn't make your heart flutter. There's no slow-mo and the world around you doesn't disappear. Actually, it feels kind of awkward and he doesn't put your hair in the right place so it just falls again.
Jungkook stands, slipping his phone into his pocket now that he's got your info.
"I'll text you," he promises before waving goodbye, his other hand scratching the back of his head bashfully as if he's not used to getting girl's numbers. He totally is though.
Okay. Okay, don't freak out. This is a good thing. Now you've got a connection with both Your Name and Jungkook. This way will be easier to manipulate their relationship and eventually write a happy ending. That's the goal. In order to get out of here, you need a happy ending. That's what the author asked for.
Jimin returns a few moments later with a dry shirt and a towel. You tell him what happened, and he doesn't seem very pleased that Jungkook has your phone number. Not that he's willing to tell you why that bothers him, but either way what's done is done.
Now it's time for the next chapter.
"Actually, I think we should chill for now."
Jimin can't be serious, is he serious?
"I mean, why not? It's almost night anyway. Look, the sun is setting and we haven't even had dinner yet."
"Okay, so we go back to the cafeteria, get some dino nuggies, and then keep working," you reply.
But your dear companion doesn't seem too thrilled with that plan. He shakes his head, face scrunched in displeasure.
"Let's go out instead. I don't want dino nuggies."
You gasp, hand over your heart. "Don't want dino nuggies? When does anyone not want dino nuggies? They are the only matter in existence not capable of disappointment."
Jimin laughs with you, covering his mouth with the back of his hand. Why are you suddenly disappointed?
"Yeah, okay. I still would rather go get pizza or something," he comments.
"With pineapple?"
"Ew, no I'm not a psychopath."
"Well, I just figured since you don't want dino nuggies, there must be something wrong with you."
Jimin rolls his eyes, not noticing the cute way you smile at him, genuinely enjoying your conversation. He's actually kinda fun to talk to. He's sweeter than you originally thought when all you knew about him was that he liked to tease you. There's something captivating about the shape of his mouth when he talks, the movement of his neck, the shifting of his eyes from you to the sunset.
He leans back on his hands and looks out at the campus. The best place to get a bird's eye view is up here at the monogram. You can see the whole campus. Just as you expected, it's an exact replica of your campus back in real life.
Somehow, you find yourself watching his profile instead, the lines of his jaw and the curve of his nose. He's got soft features and they match his personality really well, you think. He's handsome and he's not going to abandon you here. He proved that today.
Jimin turns his head to look at you.
"I'm glad you're here with me." Your heart rate spikes as soon as you say those words, the realization that you just said them out loud hits you like a ton of bricks. "I mean, I'm not glad we're stuck in a fanfic, that sucks, but if I'm gonna be stuck in here, it would suck more to be alone because then, you know, it would be worse because I'd be alone, not without you specifically but just alone in general, ummm….I guess."
He just waits patiently until you're done stuttering like an idiot, his smile slowly growing with each embarrassed syllable. His eyes are full of fondness but you don't notice them while you're too busy trying to calm the palpitations in your chest by picking at blades of grass. What's this nervous energy all of a sudden?
"We can have pineapple on the pizza if you want," he says casually.
"I don't like pineapple." You steal a glance at him only to do a double take when you find him grinning like an idiot. "What's that face for?"
"Because I didn't know that about you. And now I do."
You're not sure how to respond, so you just scoff under your breath, muttering to yourself and pulling your knees to your chest, suppressing the desire to ask him about his favorite dino nuggie shape.
"Wanna bring the pizza back up here and eat?"
"Yeah, that sounds nice."
How you fell asleep outside, you'll never know. How you ended up cuddled beside Jimin is even more of a mystery.
Beside is a weak term to use when your whole body is curled into his front, one leg slipped between his legs and your arms tucked between your chests. He's lazily wrapped around you, arm laid across your side and nose almost touching yours.
When the chill of midnight wakes you up, you're sure it's a dream. His eyes happen to open at the same moment, a deep inhale through his nose as his world comes into view, as you come into view.
"Hi," he grumbles, voice scratchy and low.
"Am I dreaming about you now?"
"You probably got cold."
You look down, trying to move your leg but it doesn't want to pull away from the comfy spot it's found between his legs. When you look back up, he's watching you softly, half lidded eyes swollen from a rough few hours and the greasy pizza.
"So, this is a dream."
"Depends," his lips move through the dark, the feeling of his knuckle softly rubbing your cheek down to your chin and finally across your bottom lip, "if it is, are you gonna move?"
"Then this is a dream."
"What if you pretend to be in love with Your Name?"
Jimin doesn't seem too excited about that suggestion. He lifts one brow and sticks his hands in his pockets, glancing over his shoulder at where the female lead sits at the opposite side of the cafeteria.
"But I don't like her," he says flatly, "plus she's a fanfic character. It doesn't make sense to ask her out."
"It doesn't have to make sense. It's a fanfic," you argue, leaning your back against the wall. "Plus, she's cute, come on. We need her to trust us."
Not as cute as you. And she's dumb. Jimin doesn't know if he could last a whole evening as her date let alone pretend to be attracted to her. She's not his type anyway.
"Statistically, dating someone based on physical attraction alone only works like two percent of the time," he assures you, sticking out his tongue at the sour taste of just the idea.
"Well, just pretend this is one of the times when it does."
"Sorry, I don't have enough experience points for that."
You roll your eyes. "Ha ha, very funny. Just go ask her out. We don't have any other ideas than to make Jungkook jealous somehow, and me dating Jungkook won't work because Your Name is too timid to act on jealousy."
Well, that does it. Now Jimin is determined to find a better solution. There's got to be a way to get those crazy kids together that doesn't involve you getting with Jungkook or Jimin acting like he can last longer than ten minutes with Your Name before wanting to suck his brain out through his ears.
"Look, every story has an algorithm, right? We just have to find this storyline's algorithm and use it to make the ending get here faster so we can get the fuck out of here."
"What do you mean?" you ask, not following along at all. But you're interested in where Jimin is going with this exactly.
He glances across the room at Your Name, eyes bouncing between her seat on the far wall and Jungkook's table surrounded by fellow archers who think they're cool because they can shoot a tree from thirty yards.
"Okay, hear me out," Jimin starts talking with his hands, which means he wants you to really listen, so you do, "you know how in video games–"
He rolls his eyes but there's no mistaking that tiny smile hidden in the corner of his lips. "Well in video games there's something called an algorithm."
"This is fanfiction, Jimin, algorithms are a math thing."
"They're also a story thing. The algorithm is the step by step process of what eventually gets you to the ending. It's what draws you in, makes it attractive. Sorta like the formula to the story. Predictability."
"Okay," you reply slowly. "I think I understand."
"So, what's the algorithm of this fanfic? What's the thing that makes the story move forward to get to the ending?"
You have to think for a moment, consider the characters and setting. What's the main premise that's going to eventually trigger the progression of the storyline? The glue between the romantic interests?
"Opposites attract?"
"Getting warmer." He taps his chin. "Anything else it could be?"
"Sexual tension?"
"That's it, you're a genius!" Jimin lights up.
A sense of warmth fills your cheeks knowing you answered correctly, and you have to stop yourself from smiling like a middle schooler when Jimin praises you.
He leans in closer, placing his hands on either side of you on the wall, encasing your smaller frame in his presence.
"A build up of sexual tension between two unlikely characters," his eyes trace the lines of your nose to your lips, "that eventually erupts in a heated finale of confession and passion."
You exhale, unaware you were even holding your breath, chest sinking and then filling up again with much needed oxygen.
There's that infamous slow-mo, the one that keeps happening during the most inconvenient moments. You're still not sure if Jimin also experiences it - probably not - but it's doing things to you.
His features become softer and rounder, the illusion of a blurry background causes your attention to be enraptured that much easier. His eyes gently blink and when they open, they've moved upward, now looking directly into yours.
The moment is all too fleeting when his expression shifts into something horrified and he suddenly clears his throat and stands up straight again.
You brush off your clothes, trying to act as inconspicuous as possible because whatever the heck that was has no impact on the goal at hand. No matter how unusually pretty his eyes are.
"So," you pull your hair over your shoulder and then toss it back again, "we need to build sexual tension between Jungkook and Your Name."
"Luckily, Your Name already thinks Jungkook is sexy. But how to make Jungkook notice her…" Jimin comments, a hand on his hip and the other scratching his head.
And then an idea clicks in your mind. "A costume change."
"Be serious."
"I am serious. In fanfiction, when a character changes their outfit to something sexy or different from their usual vibe, it makes the other characters notice them. OC's do it all the time."
Jimin guesses that could work. He tries to put it into perspective by imagining you wearing something you normally wouldn't. His gaming sweatshirt would be much too big for you considering it's big on him. The zipper is broken so it would probably fall off your one shoulder. His cat ear headset certainly would be a costume change, not to mention the sight of your beautiful legs in leggings, or even better, oversized pajama shorts and fluffy socks. He imagines how cute you'd be sitting in his lap and letting him teach you how to use the controller, whining when your character dies for the tenth time but then getting so happy when you win.
Maybe you even twist around and hug his neck, maybe you're so happy you give him a kiss. Maybe the two of you get so caught up in the kiss that you forget the game and end up straddling his lap in his gamer chair. Maybe things get a little heated and he takes off your sweatshirt. You're nervous but he makes sure you're comfortable first and foremost because he just wants you to feel safe and loved because you deserve to be taken care of and kissed like that. You deserve so much.
Yeah, a costume change could work.
Jimin responds before his imagination can go further, "Okay, so how do we do that?"
At that moment, your phone vibrates with a text from an unknown number.
[unknown] hey there cutie ;) it's JK ;) my team is throwing a party tonight to celebrate our win at the tournament ;) wanna swing by? ;)
Putting aside the major turn off that Jungkook just asked you to a party without indicating that he will be taking any kind of responsibility for the fact that he invited you to a party, this is just what the doctor ordered.
You show Jimin the screen. "Boom."
"Why four winky faces? Wait a damn minute, is he asking you out on a date right now?"
"Didn't even offer to pick you up," he grumbles, "what a loser."
"It's still a party."
"I guess."
"A sexy party," you clarify, "probably with alcohol. There'll be a bunch of NPC's and I'll make sure Your Name wears something that'll catch Jungkook's attention."
As much as Jimin is dreading going to a major social event that's not a sports game or gaming tournament, he can't deny that this is probably going to be your greatest chance at making some progress in the story.
He gives a little side eye, a smile in the corner of his lips as the two of you head to get food. "I didn't think you knew any video game lingo."
You nudge his shoulder as you walk. "I know a little. I live in the 21st century after all."
Jimin commits your giggle to his memory because, damn, it wasn't slow-mo but he felt his world light up because of it.
You get two trays and casually make your way over to where Your Name is finishing up her lunch.
"Hey, mind if we join you?"
"Sure," she smiles innocently - is it just you or is it annoying how symmetrical and sweet her smile is?
Jimin takes the seat between you both, instantly regretting the decision when Your Name scoots a little closer so their shoulders touch. He looks at you as if you're going to fix it, but you brush it off, starting to eat while moving the conversation along.
"So, Your Name, did you get the invite to Jungkook's party?"
"I heard about it–" wow news travels fast in fanfics, "--but I haven't gotten an invitation."
"You're in luck! Jimin needs a plus one."
"I do?" the unsuspecting victim asks in terror.
Your Name instantly starts acting shy, leaning even closer to him but turning her face away and only glancing to feign vulnerability or whatever other reason girls do that shit.
"You're going to the party, Jimin?"
"Apparently." He glares at you.
"I'd love to be your plus one. I don't typically go to parties, but it might be fun to go together." She bites her lip, catching Jimin's easily distracted attention.
Wait a second, is he actually staring at her?
"Really? You want to go with me?"
"Yeah, I really do!"
His expression softens. "No girl has ever wanted to go to a party with me. I'm kind of a geek."
Your Name shakes her head with a gasp, placing a hand on his bicep with a subtle squeeze. "Oh no! You're not a geek at all! You're the coolest guy I know."
You swear there are hearts in her eyes. Bitch. Can she back the fuck up? He's not a piece of meat.
Jimin looks totally lost. Flustered and very lost. Clearly, he's never been in this situation before. He turns to you for guidance and you reach around him to peel her hand off his arm, starting to regret your plan of having them go together.
"Sounds like you guys have a plan then." That came out a little more disappointed than you intended.
"Yeah," Your Name agrees with a soft giggle. "Should I meet you there?"
"I'll pick you up." Because that's what a gentleman does.
"Kay." She sways back and forth for a moment just looking at him, eventually picking up her tray and gathering her bookbag. "See you later then, Jiminie."
She practically skips away, her little skirt bouncing at her thighs. Jimin watches until she's out of the building, out of the scene, out of sight. And then he collapses in the booth with a tired sigh.
"That was intense."
"Jiminie?" you mock and cross your arms. "Where does she get off calling you Jiminie? You're not even dating, it's just a party."
"If you're that jealous, you can call me Jiminie too."
"I'm not jealous." Your reply is a little too fast, mumbling after, "...nothing to be jealous about."
He wants to call you out but you're cute like this, and he doesn't want to stifle your jealousy just yet. So instead, he lets you grumble through the rest of your meal together, resting his cheek in his hand and chuckling to himself each time you roll your eyes or stuff your cheeks a bit too full to keep yourself from cursing out loud.
Jimin doesn't own trendy clothes. Actually, in this universe, he doesn't own any extra clothes. Turns out when you get transported into a fanfic, your dorm room doesn't come with you. A dumb rule but whatever.
Thankfully, Jungkook is kind enough to lend him some party wear at your request. Not that the archery star is obligated to share his exclusive wardrobe, but he wants to get on your good side, and Jimin is in desperate need of an upgrade.
Jimin steps out of the closet and grimaces. "It's a little…tight."
"That's the point." Jungkook whistles. "Girls like tight."
"I like breathing."
"You look hot."
Despite his requests for something more comfortable, Jungkook is not the most accommodating character. His compliments help a little bit, but Jimin can't sit down without popping a button and that's an issue.
After Jimin has been dressed comes the agonizing process of choosing what Jungkook will wear to his own party. He leans against the door frame while Jungkook pulls more shirts from the closet and tosses them on the bed one by one.
"So," Jimin talks in the meantime, casually looking at his feet and the walls, "you sure you're cool coming with me to pick up Your Name?"
"Yeah, of course, man," Jungkook says, trying on the first top and checking it out in the mirror. "___ will be there anyway, so I'll just pick her up at the same time."
The fact that Jungkook was not going to pick you up without the convenience of Jimin's date is just outrageous. As if guys should need a reason to be gentlemen. But apparently Jungkook needs more than that. If you ask Jimin, he needs a reality check. How ironic.
"Plus she's your girlfriend, so I don't mind," Jungkook adds.
Jimin's eyes go wide. "Your Name? She's not my girlfriend," he quickly corrects.
"She's not?" Jungkook seems shocked, but then shrugs it off. "Oh."
"It's just…does she know that?"
"What do you mean?"
Jungkook sighs as if he's not supposed to be sharing this secret information. He slips a shirt over his head, taking his time in answering while Jimin's concern grows out of hand.
"Your Name has been going around telling everyone that you asked her to the party, so people just kinda assumed you two are a thing."
"I didn't – I mean, I guess I did sorta ask her but it was more of a convenience thing. I don't like her like that," Jimin says.
"No worries, man, you don't have to explain anything to me."
Surprised his answer was satisfactory, Jimin decides now may be an excellent time to lure the conversation in a different direction. He's not only here to get an outfit for the party, he's here on a mission. Step one to get Jungkook and Your Name together is to get Jungkook thinking about her.
"So like, if someone else wanted to ask out Your Name, that'd be totally fine."
Jimin nonchalantly drags his toe across the ground, picking at his nails and shrugging as if his next comment isn't meant to be important.
"Would you wanna ask her out?"
"Me?" Jungkook chuckles to himself. "I mean, she's cute but I don't really know her that well. I'm glad you're the one bringing her actually."
"Your Name is friends with ___, right?"
Uh oh. Jimin doesn't like where this is going if this is going where he thinks this is going. There was a sliver of hope left that Jungkook hadn't completely counted Your Name out of the game, but it looks like his worst fear is becoming more and more real.
"I'd rather get to know ___ better to be honest. She's less, you know, ditsy."
Well, Jimin can't argue with that statement. He keeps trying, he has to. Even if the hope of getting out of this story without any broken hearts is already long gone.
"Your Name is cute though," he says in a positive tone.
"Yeah, of course she is." Jungkook's head drops back and he smiles at the ceiling like an idiot. "But ___ is just…"
Incredible? Enchanting? Hilarious? Genuine? Smart? Dedicated? Inspirational?
Jimin waits for him to say something else – something about your humor or sense of individuality or favorite shape of dino nuggies – but Jungkook doesn't mention any of Jimin's favorite things about you.
"Just hot?"
"What, you don't think so?"
"Of course, I think she's attractive."
"You'd have to be blind not to," Jungkook winks, gathering his shoes and spritzing some cologne into the air just to walk under it. "Besides, I'm supposed to be the hottest girl on campus."
"Who said that?"
Jungkook's attitude shifts for a moment, something somber that makes him appear more human than he has before. His usual main character glow dims and a filter flickers for just a moment, long enough for Jimin to glimpse something that was hidden before.
"You know, just people. I mean, if I'm not supposed to get the girl, then what? What should I do?"
It's a weird moment, one that Jimin isn't quite sure how to label. There's a dullness in Jungkook's eyes, behind which is a thought he'd never thought before. His eyes lower to the floor in a few blinks, the corners of his lips sinking too, and then it hits Jimin like a truck.
Jungkook isn't happy. Not by a long shot.
He shakes it off as soon as Jimin notices it and plasters his winning, stunning smile over whatever realism was showing.
"How do I look?"
Like the boy of every girl's dream. It hurts a little bit to look at Jungkook and know that's your type. Because Jimin will never be that guy. It's not his character, not his profile. He won't ever be a fanfic boy who wears designer clothes and always says the right thing and has perfect hair. He won't ever be good at archery or acting, or be able to make you swoon simply by walking across the room.
You want a Jungkook guy, and that's not Jimin.
"You look perfect."
Your Name is so pretty, there's no question. The girl of every boy's dream. But her wardrobe is…well. Let's just say her style is a bit bright compared to your preferred color palette.
"Come on!" she urges you, bouncing on her bed and clapping her dainty hands. "Let's see it!"
This is so stupid. Clothes are not this important, so why you have to try on fifteen different outfits just to make a fanfic character happy doesn't sound logical. Then again, has anything in this world been logical so far?
You shyly step out of the closet and into view, pulling down the material of your skirt to your mid-thigh. Layers of bracelets and patterned stockings flatter your body type while your halter top shows off round shoulders.
"Wow," she says breathlessly, "you're beautiful."
Okay maybe you feel a little pretty, but you didn't come here to get compliments. As long as she doesn't make you change again, perhaps you can actually make some progress on the story.
"Make up time!" Your Name announces, patting the seat in front of her mirror for you to sit.
"Oh, I don't need any, thanks."
"Of course, you don't need any, but it's fun to wear it," she gives you a sassy shoulder and clicks her tongue, gesturing for you to sit anyway.
Her smile says you don't have the choice.
As she starts with some cleansing pads to make sure your skin is ready, you figure this is as good as any time to talk about what girls usually talk about during scenes like this.
"So, boys," you start with an awkward chuckle, "they're cute."
"Boys are the best!"
"Especially Jungkook. He's super cute, right?" You open one eye while she does the shadow for the other.
Her lips spread into a sly grin, pausing your makeup so she can gasp. "Do you like Jungkook?"
"What? Me? No!"
"You totally do! You have a crush on Jungkook, oh my god! That's so cute, ___, you guys are so cute together. I can totally see it!"
"No! I don't have a crush on Jungkook, he's just a friend. I swear." You have to cut her off before she gets too excited about this completely wrong idea.
"Oh." She seems disappointed. "But isn't he taking you to the party?"
"He's – well, yeah – but it's more of a convenience thing. I don't like him like that."
"Then who's your crush?"
Whoa, were you about to say Jimin? You'd have to cut your tongue off if it did that. Unacceptable and unhelpful, why would he even be on your mind right now? This scene isn't about who you like anyway.
"I don't have a crush." Playing it off with a vague statement is probably wise.
Your Name pauses where she stands, a glitch-like twitch on her lips when she tries to respond. She starts to speak but backspaces over and over, like an unsure author rewriting a line again and again.
"But…you're such girlfriend material," she finally gets a full sentence out.
"Thanks, but that doesn't mean I have to crush on someone."
She actually looks a little worried for you as well as confused. "Then what do you do all day?"
"Go to school, play games, study, hang out with friends, write fanfi– uhh, write fantasy stories." That was a close one. "Just whatever makes me happy."
It's very faint, but you swear you see her eyes dull for a moment. Her main character gleam flickers out and what's left seems…real. Her shoulders slump into a lower position, the usual pep in her limbs drained while this seemingly brand new concept swims in her mind.
She looks down at herself unimpressed, unsure.
"Do you wanna change your clothes? They look uncomfortable," you ask slowly, not wanting to assume but also not trying to hinder whatever sudden character development may be happening.
"Oh no! I wasn't…well, I'm supposed to…I dressed up for Jiminie," she tells you innocently, "but the skirt is kinda…short, I think."
You take her hands and smile confidently. "Do you have an outfit you feel more comfortable in?"
She nods.
"Then you should wear that instead."
"What if Jiminie doesn't like it?" she frowns.
"So what? To hell with what Jimin thinks. To hell with what any boy thinks." You stand with half done makeup, Your Name's gaze following you in wonder and amazement. "Is it in your closet?"
She tentatively follows behind, watching you search through the many dresses and skirts hanging prettily organized by color and style.
"Which one is it?" you ask over your shoulder.
Your Name shyly points to the very back of the closet, to a small dresser with a single drawer. You open it and immediately gasp.
"Your Name, this is perfect!"
"Of course!" You pull out the clothes and hold them up to her frame, giggling at the sight of her lips slowly twisting into perhaps the first genuine smile you've witnessed from her. "It's your favorite outfit, right?"
"Yeah," she shyly admits. "Because it's comfy."
Then your eyes light up brighter than any main character, an aura of gentleness and genius emitting from your very body.
"Do you have a second pair?"
He's not sure why he's so nervous. It's not this is a legit date, plus he doesn't even like Your Name.
Jungkook gives him a nudge. "Smile when she comes down the stairs. Girls like that."
The previous conversation lingers in Jimin's mind, different possible outcomes if he had said something else, if he had kept the convo focused on Your Name for a little while longer. Eventually, the boys got to talking about archery and Jungkook led the conversation from there with hardly enough time for Jimin to comment.
For what it was all worth, Jimin didn't mind hearing about the different types of arrows and their tendencies when matched with a recurve bow versus a compound bow. Jungkook is clearly passionate about it, so he let the fanfic character rant. It's what friends do.
"Are they almost done?" Jungkook checks his phone and chuckles. "Girls. They take forever to get all dolled up, huh? It's cute that ___ wants to look nice for me."
Jimin starts to reply, but it's pointless when you arrive at the top of the stairs.
"Hi, guys! Sorry for making you wait."
With absolutely zero concern for your posture, you skip down the stairs, jumping off the last one and landing directly in front of Jungkook.
"I'm ready!"
He gawks at you, blinking and unable to utter a single word. You're wearing a blue sweatshirt with matching solid blue sweatpants. Your hair is tied into a messy bun, all makeup cleaned off, and ugg boots with bows on the back. The only accessory is a cute pair of casual studs in your ears that match your blue aesthetic.
You give him a once-over and smile. "You look nice, Jungkook."
"___," Jimin catches your attention while Jungkook glitches, unable to hold in his laugh when you rock on your tiptoes and hold your hands behind your back, "what's with the sweatsuit?"
"Your Name picked it out."
"She did?" He's surprised, as you expected.
"Yep!" You turn back to the stairs and call for the last member of your group. "Come on, we're gonna be late!"
All eyes are on Your Name as she appears in a matching pink set of sweats and classic black ugg boots. Her usually perfect hair is half up, half down in a braided bun, and this moment officially marks the first time a boy has ever seen her without makeup.
She shyly begins her descent, immediately reaching for your hand when she joins the group.
"Hi, Jimin," she swallows nervously.
"Your Name," he smiles, offering her his hand instead, "you look pretty in pink."
Her hand slips out of yours and into his, the lovely way his fingers fold between hers, the physical comfort leaking from his touch as it fills every crevice of her self-doubt.
She's glowing. Not solely because of Jimin. But because she's finally starting to be a main character of her own story. You can see it in the way her smile stretches across her face. There's something different about this one, something much more real.
You're smiling too, on the inside. But for some reason, you can't bring your lips to lift at all. All you can do is stare at their hands and feel your chest cave in on itself.
The rest of the world blurs into a hazy background, a lonely melody hums in the distance. The only thing in focus…him. Him and his precious, strawberry cheeks.
You should have expected this. After Your Name's comments left your thoughts in tune with your feelings for him, a slow-mo moment was inevitable. Still, it manages to catch you off guard because…he's not looking at you.
He's looking at her.
Unblinking, gentle eyes scan from head to toe in awe of what they see. His lips part when he talks like a magician using a spell to keep you mesmerized. The sound of your heart thuds in your ears, only getting louder and faster the longer you see him. But no matter how loud your heartbeat is, he doesn't hear it. Doesn't even acknowledge you while he's got her in his sights.
"You look cute in blue." Jungkook is the one who breaks the slo-mo by offering you his arm, unashamed to have you on it now that he's done belly laughing at the initial shock of seeing you dressed so casually for his party. "Shall we?"
The costume change worked in a way you didn't intend. It seems Jungkook didn't notice Your Name at all after he saw you. Even worse, Your Name couldn't care less about Jungkook right now either.
Things keep getting more and more complicated. As you walk with Jungkook behind the other couple, you can examine Your Name when she looks at him, when she talks to him, when she watches him. And it's very clear.
Not only does Jungkook not have a crush on Your Name, but now Your Name's attention has been swept away seemingly for good too.
And you realize…Jimin is glowing like a main character. But when you look at Jungkook, his aura is as quiet as yours.
Shit. This is not good.
Part 2 coming soon!
perm taglist: @staerryminimini @unicornbabylover @kookieswan @sugarflywme @dvalitaes @kookiecrumb @jeonsjiddies @myooniverse @miscelunaaa @jinsquishes @azreeeeee @armys-dna @thesugatoyourtae @jmforevs @kimprosperi @jjkeverlast @joontied @pamzn @ssaboala @hobipost @jimilter @sleepilysworld @rjsmochii @familiarlikemymirror3 @gimmethatagustd @alluringfairies @minijagiya @roseyykris @jwnghyuns @kaitaesupremacy @squawkadoodledoo @jimin2014 @jminthinker @femmesstuff @valhallawhispers @bora-kat @bloodline1632 @lookhere-2seok @hoseokteardrop @minniesvenus @seokjinkismet @chimchimmarie @mywhispered-thoughts @pasttelrose @screamertannie @soeur-de-ame @dunixxd @taolucha

namjoon and jeongguk being cutie ♡

Me, Myself, and j-hope
(oh my god i cant believe i had this in drafts for monthsss and i forgot to post it???)
AHHH this was such a beautiful way to end this story, nothing makes me happier than knowing these characters I love so much have gotten their happy ever after 🥺🫶 they deserved it after everything they went through!! and its so cute how mc and jungkook now made their own little family, i’m sooo happy for them 💖
thank you for writing this lovely story, mindy!! every chapter was like a rollercoaster and i enjoyed it sooo much, i’ll definitely be rereading 💜💜
Fallen Arrangement || finale

-> As the daughter of a king, your destiny has always been to take over the throne when you become of age. You just didn't expect your father to give you the throne so soon. And you definitely didn't expect it to come with a husband.
Pairing: prince!jungkook x princess!reader, village boy!jimin x princess!reader
Genre/au: royal!au, angst, fluff, smut, drama, coming of age, forbidden romance, fake dating!au, strangers to lovers, arranged marriage!au, every over done Kdrama shit cliché you can think of but in fanfic form tbh
Warnings: kissing, grinding, light manhandling, detailed minor character death, detailed violence (fist fight), Jungkook gets punched in the face, trauma stemming from dead parents and murder, the worst wedding scene you'll ever read in any fic lol
Wc: 19K
a/n: thank you to everyone who read and supported our precious FA babies. I hope you all enjoy the ending and don't think I did Jimin too dirty tbh his character is a difficult one -- they all are -- and this is a genre I'm still learning how to write, so thanks for going easy on me lmao ❤️ I appreciate and love y'all a lot!!
You wake up with a smile on your face, which is a blessing in and of itself. But to wake up with another pair of lips pressed to the back of your neck is a feeling you are pleasantly surprised with, cuddled into a firm chest with a lazy arm wrapped around your middle. A very secure feeling indeed.
He's doing more than just holding you to be close physically. It's difficult to identify because while you recognize the feeling as being similar to when Jimin would hold you, there's a new layer to right now, something different but familiar that you really like.
You find yourself smiling this early in the morning when you manage the courage to place your hand over his hand that's resting on your stomach. How is it that his hand can be rough one moment and soft the next? It's one of the many mysteries you hope to solve one day.
The prince sighs and nuzzles into your neck sleepily as his legs and arms tighten into a smaller ball, which in turn cuddles you closer to his chest. His raspy morning mumbles make you want to giggle, but you keep it to yourself so you don't wake the sleeping beauty. You've both been through so much, he needs to sleep as much as he can.
This is really nice. Waking up with someone you love. Them wrapping you in a warm, protective cuddle. The feeling of safety and security rushing over you. You lean back into his embrace and sigh. Do you get to wake up every morning like this now? Isn't that spoiling you a bit much?
Jungkook shifts slightly, taking a deep breath and opening his eyes before pausing. "Oh, good morning."
"Good morning." You can't see Jungkook's face, but you feel him start to pull away from you.
"Where are you going?" you ask quickly, turning around without even thinking.
The prince looks at you with droopy eyes. "I don't want to make you uncomfortable or anything. I guess I just happened to hold you like that in my sleep, I'm sorry."
"Sorry for what?" you chuckle when he starts to get out of bed. "Get back here. I don't want you to leave yet. Do you have to?"
Of course Jungkook doesn't want to leave! If he could he would stay in bed with you, and never let you leave. He's had many dreams of being held by you like you held him last night.
"No, I can stay." Jungkook lets you tuck him back into bed and hug him with your head resting on his chest.
You smile and start to draw little patterns over his shirt. "I know there are still things we have to do and problems to work out with my father and the kingdoms…but can't we take this morning? Just us. We haven't had a moment to breathe."
How you actually asked him that without shaking, you'll never know. It's a fact that two days ago you left Jungkook sitting all alone with tears falling down his face, and now you're waking up beside him, committed to being with him. It all happened very fast, but one thing is for sure. You don't want Jungkook to question your feelings or if you're just pretending. You want to treat Jungkook with the same care and attention that he gave you.
It's all or nothing and you're prepared to give Jungkook your all.
The prince looks down at you before carefully lifting his hand and brushing one finger through your hair. "Am I still dreaming?" he asks softly.
You nuzzle into his chest. "No. But if this is a dream, do you want to wake up?"
"I never want to wake up."
"Does it feel like a dream?"
Jungkook nods.
You lift yourself up so you can press a soft kiss to his cheek. "Did that feel like a dream?"
"A little," he replies, attempting to hide a smile.
You lift yourself once again, placing another kiss to his other cheek. Jungkook smiles a little bigger so you kiss his forehead and nose too. By this time, he's absolutely beaming at you.
"I love your smile," you admit with a glance at his lips.
Jungkook looks away and takes a deep breath before looking back to you. "And I love you."
Before you know it, your whole body is pulled even closer until you're practically on top of Jungkook's chest. Your little hums of happiness warm Jungkook's heart as he places a kiss to the top of your head.
And this moment is confirmation for you but it's also a small piece of normality, a normal you want to live with for a long, long time.
Eventually you and Jungkook do get out of bed (he drags you out of the bed when he stands because you refuse to release his waist). It was finally time to start your days, even though by now the day is halfway over.
You're grateful that Mr. Frederick found you a proper change of clothes. Maybe the dress is a little old for you, but a dress is a dress, and you're grateful for it.
Checking your hair in the mirror, Jungkook stepped out of the bathroom, stopping in his tracks and staring right at you.
"What? You don't like it?"
"You look beautiful," he says.
"Thank you." You scan him head to toe, a tilt to your head and a pull at your lips.
He looks down at his appearance and then up at your furrowed brow. "Is something wrong?"
"No! No, it's just that..." you sigh, trying to figure out how to word your explanation.
"It's just what?"
"Do you remember what you wore when I visited your room the first time?"
Jungkook stares at you with disbelief. "That was a while ago. No, I don't remember what I was wearing. I can't believe you remember that."
You giggle, "Well, I remember thinking that you looked really good in it."
Jungkook blushes when you say this, brushing the back of his neck with his hand. "You did?"
"Mhm," you sing, taking swaying steps towards him. "You were dressed down and comfy. I really liked the times when you weren't Prince Jeon Jungkook." He laughs at your fake manly voice when you say his name. "I always preferred Just Jungkook."
That's when Just Jungkook leans over you with a smile and kisses you, gently molding to your lips for a moment and holding you there, body swelling as his arms wrap securely around you.
"What was that for?" you ask with a hypnotized gaze at his button nose.
Jungkook smiles, nose scrunching just a little bit. "Nothing, it's just…I'm still getting used to the fact that I can kiss you, and you don't slap me or whatever."
"It helps that we're not in a prison cell. And I want you to kiss me."
"Yeah, those things are important," Jungkook chuckles. "So, umm, what other things do you like about me?"
You can't help but laugh out loud for a moment before tapping your chin, thinking about what to say. "Well, I really like your smile. I think you smile like a bunny."
"A bunny?" the prince repeats with a thoughtful nod. "Okay, never heard that one before."
"Yes," you giggle, "it's cute."
Jungkook just shakes his head with a laugh, slowly grazing a hand through your hair, the back of his knuckles across your cheek. "This is crazy..." he whispers to himself.
He's so intently gentle with you, through his touches, his words, his eyes. Everything about him treats you like porcelain in his grasp and it feels odd to be handled ro carefully. There's a stir of something intense twisting inside your gut, the realization that you're physically and mentally safe for the first time in a long time.
Jungkook rocks on his heels, rocking you with him. "What else?"
"What else what?"
Jungkook clears his throat. "What else do you like about me?"
"You're like a little child, Kook, why do you keep asking me that?"
He chooses not to comment on your newly developed nickname for him because he kinda likes it and doesn't want to discourage terms of endearment. He shrugs and walks to the wall, leaning against it so he can watch you finish your makeup for the day.
"Because, I like all the stupid little things you do, so I was just wondering what you like about me."
Your jaw drops as you slowly turn your entire body towards the boy trying to hide his smile, but you're smiling too, placing a hand on your hip.
"What stupid little things?"
"You know, like the way you huff under your breath when you're annoyed, or always wear the same pair of shoes, or take two months to make up your mind."
"Whoa, excuse me?" Okay, that kind of stung but you're honestly laughing. Jungkook just smiles at the way you dramatize the situation, "Not cool. Not. Cool. Jungkook."
He puts his hands up in surrender. "Hey, I'm just telling it like it is."
"Yeah, okay." You give Jungkook a dirty look before finally finishing getting ready, the prince making sarcastic, dorky comments every ten seconds.
"So are you finally gonna answer my question?" Jungkook smirks.
"Depends, how long are you gonna hold that over my head?"
Jungkook just shrugs.
You shift your weight a little when you finally decide to say, "Fine, if you really want to know…I don't mind when you kiss me out of nowhere. Actually, I kinda like it. Now."
Jungkook's entire face, neck, and both ears turn an intense shade of red as he looks at you and smiles. "Really?"
"Mhm," you hum innocently, although you're pretty sure the action of slowly stepping closer and slipping your hand into his, does not have the purest of intentions.
Jungkook ganders at your smaller frame pressing itself up against him and can't help but feel hot. As in...really hot. And not because he just laughed until he teared up.
"I'm glad," Jungkook comments, not really paying much attention to his words, but feeling good when you smile nonetheless.
"I should have already said this, but thank you." You intertwine your fingers with his long slender ones, feeling the way Jungkook's gaze is locked on your eyes.
"For what?"
"For that kiss you're about to give me."
The prince takes a sharp breath, narrowing his eyes at you and smirking. "That was smooth, Princess. But it's gonna take a little practice to get to my level."
You raise your eyebrows in pleasant surprise as your arms slowly place themselves around Jungkook's neck. "Is that playful banter, I hear?"
He shrugs.
You bite your lip. "Looks like I'm gonna need some practice then." The seductive way those words drip from your lips makes Jungkook's heart race. Just the look in your eye is enough to make his body tense up.
Letting his gaze fall to your lips that hover only a few inches from his, he knows what they feel like, what they taste like when the kiss is genuine. He just kissed you a few minutes ago but he can't wait to kiss you again.
In less than a second, the prince has his lips pressed to yours in a passionate kiss that has your head spinning in every direction at once. Your knees almost give way again, but you manage to keep yourself upright this time, the mere pace he tries to set has your body reacting instantly.
Jungkook's kiss makes you want to fall completely, the entire concept of kissing Jungkook like this, openly, freely, passionately, and of your own desire making you want to kiss him that much more.
You do, however, stumble back until you feel yourself hit your vanity mirror. Little perfume bottles and accessories topple over, but you don't notice. You've never seen this borderline dominant, needy side of Jungkook before, but you love it. You love the way he melts into his desire immediately when he feels you kissing back, rolling your hips teasingly until he roughly picks you up and sits you on the vanity, caught between your legs now wrapped around his thighs.
Your hands slide into his hair and the kiss turns from passionate to competitive. A competition to see who can make the other crack first. A challenge you give yourself to turn this cocky, playful prince into a dependent, submissive boy.
You can't clearly keep one thought in your head for more than two seconds with Jungkook on your lips like this. His hands that were supporting his weight on either side of you, slide up the top of your thighs until they finally rest at your sides.
Your incoherent thoughts are interrupted by a small, sudden pain from when he unconsciously grips your hips a little too tight, and his nails dig into your skin. You whimper lightly, dropping your hands, and Jungkook immediately pulls away to look at you.
"I'm sorry!"
"It's okay," you assure him breathlessly, pulling him back in when he leans away. "It just surprised me."
He feels better that you're still smiling, staring down at your already swollen lips and sighing at the sight of you already showing signs of arousal.
"What are you thinking about?"
"I'm thinking about how much I want you right now."
Your heart rate immediately starts rising and your whole body feels electrified by the possibility. He could rip your dress off right now if he wanted to. Your hands slowly slide down his torso, your lips feeling the need to be kissed even though they just were.
"I want you too," you whisper to him like a secret, fingers dipping into his waistband.
His breath quickens, fingers working tirelessly to undo his slacks. Once the buttons are popped, he pulls your dress down one shoulder and kisses the bare skin there. Your head falls back, hips jutting forward to grind against the growing bulge in his pants.
His lips dance across your skin, both your bodies arching to feel as much of the other as possible. Jungkook moans into the crook of your neck, making the hairs on your arm stand on end. Damn, he sounds so beautiful.
"Kook," you sigh his name, shivers up your spine when his hips buck against you in response to your use of his new nickname.
"Can I take off your dress? I know we said it was time to go, but…I think I need you back in bed." His lips hover over yours, ghosting the idea of having them over every inch of your body. "Just for a moment, just for a small moment."
You quickly nod, pulling yourself onto his hips and clinging to him around his waist and shoulders. His hands support you under your thighs, picking you off the vanity and carrying you toward the mattress.
Right as your back hits the blankets, you reach for his slacks and begin pulling them down his toned thigh–
knock knock knock~
Jungkook sighs, head hung beside your neck. "What is it with people knocking on doors and interrupting my big moments?"
You can't help but giggle at the sheer disappointment in his voice. You're disappointed too but he's so dramatic about it.
"Prince Jeon?" A voice is heard through the door.
Jungkook takes a few breaths to calm himself down before pulling himself off you, adjusting himself in his pants and buttoning his slacks. He combs a hand through his hair and clears his throat. You're still a mess on his bed, biting your lip and being an all around brat by tempting him still.
"Who is it?"
"Mr. Fredrick," the voice answers.
Jungkook seems to click into royal prince mode rather quickly when he hears it's his butler at the door.
You hop back to your feet and smooth out your hair and outfit before Mr. Frederick walks in and bows.
The look that Jungkook and his butler share frightens you more than expected. The small defeated look in the prince's eye that comes next makes your heart clench as he approaches the doorway.
"Is it time already?"
The advisor nods and presents the door for the prince to usher him away.
Jungkook looks back at you and smiles assuredly. "I'll be back later, okay? Just be careful if you decide to go out. Your father is contained, but it could still be dangerous."
You nod before rolling your lip between your teeth nervously.
Jungkook sighs. "Don't give me that look, I promise everything is okay. I'll tell you about it later." And with one last wink, he and Mr. Frederick leaves the room, leaving you all alone.
You stare at the door for a few more moments, replaying the morning in your mind as you try to comprehend everything that has happened over the past seventy-two hours.
You know that you may still have to deal with your father at some point, but you thought everything was going to be okay now. Isn't this the end? This morning felt like a happy ever after. But maybe it's not yet.
Jungkook told you that you could wait for him in his room or look around for a little bit, so you decided to go with option B. He got to spend months in your kingdom, so now it's your turn to see what his home is like. After all, you'll have to decide which kingdom you'll live in when all this is over and you'd like to be able to make an informed decision. Just from the castle itself, you wouldn't mind living here. Away from the trauma and childhood memories of your castle.
The first thought you have is maybe Jungkook has a garden like you do? Some place he always goes when he needs to think or be alone. You could use that right now. You need to be able to sort out all these intense feelings, new laws, and decisions you have yet to make.
You peek out the door before stepping from the safety of Jungkook's room into the big, bad world, or as you call it now, reality. Why you decided that you needed to check the perimeter before leaving is a mystery, but nevertheless, you make sure the coast is clear and then begin to walk down the hallway.
The castle is way bigger then you remember it being even yesterday. The sun is shining through the glass windows that make up a good majority of the wall to your left. To the right are all the rooms you remember passing last night when you went on a scavenger hunt for Jungkook's room.
You look down at the purple carpet beneath your feet and stop. The way the windows are placed plus the way the sun is shining through them leaves rectangles of sunlight and warms the soft material under your feet.
You kick off your shoes and pick them up, holding them off to your side as you get ready to take a running start.
Counting yourself in, you start running down the hall, jumping from reflection to reflection.
This is something you used to do in hallways all the time as a kid. Of course, then you had to imagine that there were patterns to follow or booby traps to avoid. Everywhere the sun wasn't shining was lava or a black hole. You were all alone as a child so you made time to entertain yourself with the little things.
And then you grew up. And then no more games. But here, with something as simple as the sun shining through the window, you feel like you can find enjoyment in those things again. You feel at home here, oddly more so than you do in your own castle.
Skipping down the halls, jumping from rectangle to rectangle, giggling until you can't breathe. Forgetting, for just a moment, that you're a princess with duties, responsibilities, a kingdom to inherit, and you can just exist. All of these feelings come together to make you smile more innocently and child-like than you have in a long time.
You're occupied playing and exploring when you remember Jungkook's warning…
"You should be careful if you decide to go out. Your father is contained, but it could still be dangerous."
Your father killed Jungkook's parents, you're sure of it. He deserves to be punished and you hope Jungkook gives the King what he deserves.
"Will he fall for it?"
You stop, your head instantly whipping around to find the source of the voice.
"It's worth a shot…it's really all we have left at this point unless you want something really messy to clean up afterwards."
Your eyes widen as you slip your shoes back on, listening for which room these two voice are coming from.
This sounds like a professional, important meeting between two very professional, important people. You probably should keep going and not eavesdrop on the clearly isolated conversation.
So, you carefully peek through the crack of the door once you discover which room they're in and start listening.
You see a very frantic Jungkook running hand after hand through his now messy hair and leaning over a table covered in papers and maps. Next to him, rubbing his back sympathetically, is Mr. Frederick from before.
You like Mr. Frederick. He kind of reminds you of Mrs. Barnes in a way, and you're glad that Jungkook has someone he can lean on too. Especially during a time like this, Jungkook is visibly distraught over something.
"I hope ___ will be okay. I think I should ask her about it." You hear Jungkook sigh.
"I would advise against that, Your Highness. Simply because no matter what he's done and how he's hurt her, he is still her father. She may be hesitant, and we can't afford to lose time."
"I don't think she will be. I want to include her in this."
"Do as you wish but, Your Highness, there's not a lot of time. We need your decision now."
Jungkook starts pacing from the table, towards the door, to the table, towards the door again. You can see the worry on his face, the way he bites his lip and rubs the back of his neck with frustration. He feels pressured, that's understandable. You would be more worried if Jungkook could make this decision without thinking twice. It's obviously a decision concerning what to do about your father, and that alone piques your interest.
You're glad that, despite this new amendment or whatever, the people of the castle seem to have accepted Jungkook as their king before any crown is on his head. They know who their ruler is, law or no law, and they support him. Hopefully, the people of his kingdom feel the same.
"All I know is that I can't lose her again," Jungkook says finally. "I believe what ___ is telling me is true, and for the first time since I've met her, she's chosen to be with me. She loves me. For the first time in a long time, I'm happy, Frederick. Genuinely happy. I can't lose her."
Your heart leaps into your throat. If you had been in that room with them, nothing would have stopped you from throwing your arms around his neck and hugging Jungkook until his heart could be seen through his chest.
But here you stay, listening intensely to the next words of the man who stands beside the prince, sighing. "Your Highness, I understand how you feel, but you also have to take the kingdoms into consideration. What will the people think if they see you let such a dangerous man free?"
Dangerous man? Let him free? So they do mean your father. Is Jungkook really thinking about letting him go free? He can't! Not after what your father has done, not after the pain and manipulation he' caused.
Jimin has permanent scars. Jungkook will be forever haunted. Jimin will go through mental and emotional turmoil for the rest of his life. Jungkook will always have doubts and fears because of the toxic poison the king etched into his mind.
No. The King will be stopped. He will be punished. He will pay. If it's the last thing you do.
"I won't let him go free," Jungkook assures his advisor, "I just don't know what to do about ___. How is she gonna take her only remaining parent being sentenced by her – umm, by me."
"Your Highness, what's wrong?" Mr. Frederick asks cautiously after a moment.
Jungkook stares at the ground before lifting his eyes towards the table. "I guess the arrangement is over. The deal is done. I...I didn't even think about…"
"What do you mean, Your Highness?"
"I mean, I'm not her fiance anymore, am I?"
Mr. Frederick slowly walks over to the Prince and folds his hands tenderly. "Well, she did bring a marriage license with her, so that has to mean something."
Jungkook chuckles, shoulders bouncing and handsome face flashing a dreamy smile. "Yeah, I guess you're right."
You really just want to burst through the door and speak your mind before smacking a huge kiss to the lips of that idiot prince. But you refrain from doing so. This whole conversation was obviously not meant for you to hear.
"Right, guess that's it then." The stern look in Jungkook's eye when he looks back to his advisor sends shivers up your spine. "Do it."
Mr. Frederick bows low. "I will see that it is done according to your wishes, Your Highness."
You need fresh air to clear your head. If Jungkook asks you about this later, you want to have an answer, a well thought-out, professional answer that can be taken seriously.
You leave the door still slightly cracked and run down the hall towards the nearest exit.
You didn't get a very good look at the castle grounds yesterday. You had quickly jumped off star, handing her to the castle guard by the stables, and tried to keep breathing as you searched through the castle until you found the Prince looking more broken then you had ever seen before.
That moment was when you made an in-the-moment decision to kiss him. It worked didn't it? And you won't lie to yourself, you really liked it. There's no doubt in your mind. You love him.
Outside isn't what you expected. It's not closed off like your garden. It's open. It's higher up. In fact, if you walk far enough you can actually stand on the edge of a beautiful horizon overlooking a bay with ships and people bustling about their daily lives. The scene is actually quite breathtaking.
You look over the cliff and sigh.
These are the people your father was going to overtake. These are the people Jungkook is fighting for. These are the people Jungkook will be king over once he takes his stand. Will you be beside him? You hope so...
The view is majestic, can you stay here forever? There's a breeze that blows kiss after kiss across your cheek, and your hair flows behind you as a song plays in your head. You close your eyes and begin humming the tune.
After a moment, you realize. You haven't thought of this song since before your mom passed away. The song she used to sing to you as you fell asleep. It brings a calming reassurance to your pounding chest and nervous heart.
You sigh, "Things are gonna be okay."
And things are okay... for the two seconds of happiness you find yourself listening to the breeze and imagining your mother's sweet voice singing to you as you watch the ships sail off into the horizon, and the people skipping down the boardwalks below you.
For two seconds, everything is right.
And then...
"Hello, My Dear."
You stare straight ahead, no blinking, no breathing. The voice behind you sends worse than shivers up your spine. It paralyzes you from your feet up. Your feet remain frozen in time as you listen, not to the breeze, but to the slow and steady breaths of a very dangerous king creeping up to the edge of the cliff.
"You're not going to turn around and face me? I expect more from you, daughter, afterall I raised you. Respect your elders."
The words of Mr. Frederick going off like alarms in your mind at a time like this scares you, but also makes you realize something.
"...no matter what he's done, or how he's hurt her, he is still her father. She may be hesitant, and we can't afford to lose time."
It makes sense when you're an outsider looking in, but Mr. Fredrick doesn't understand the level of pain this man has caused not only you, but also the people you care about. Are you ready to lose your only surviving parent?
Truth is, you lost your father a long time ago. When you lost your mother, your father lost himself and consequently, he lost you. He may be your father, but he is no longer the man you respect or can call dad.
"You are not...my father."
The king erupts in laughter, throwing his head back as his voice echoes off the dangerous cliff. "I'm not your father? You're even more ridiculous than I gave you credit for." He approaches you with a menacing aura. "Careful, ___, don't want to slip and fall."
You glance behind you and see the drop off the cliff a few steps away.
That's…a long way down.
You gasp when you look back at the king who is now standing startlingly close, lifting a hand to keep him away.
"Don't?" Your father tilts his head like a confused puppy. "Don't what?"
"Don't come any closer," you stay sternly.
The king smiles slowly, his lips seem to stretch across the length of his entire face. "You used to be so cute, you know? But now," he sighs, "you're just really annoying. How you managed to make two guys love you at the same time, I'll never know. You're not charming or responsible. How long did you keep Jungkook hooked? Two, three months?"
You shake your head, your eyes stay unblinking.
"Good to know he finally got over your pathetic mask. Nice try with the marriage license but I know he didn't sign it and I know you're not married."
"I never--"
"Save it!" the king suddenly shouts. "You can't play dumb with me, ___, I was there through your entire act. You think I didn't know about your little deal with Jungkook? You think I didn't know about Jimin? About your secret relationship? I see the hiding places haven't gotten any more inventive since I was young. Behind a bush, really? You can do better than that." He shakes his head and starts to walk towards you, as your feet shuffle backwards to the edge.
You can't run. You can scream, but who would hear?
Quickly, you lift your hand to your neck and squeeze the necklace beneath your dress.
Help me.
Jungkook finally puts his pen aside and rubs his eyes. "Was that the last one?"
Mr. Frederick picks up the signed and rejected proposals, a proud smile for his respectes ruler, no matter what the law says. "Yes, Sire. You should be finished now. The kingdom will be grateful for all you've done today. With these signed amendments and documents, we can refute that bastard's attempts at dictating the kingdoms."
Jungkook nods and stretches. Being king is going to be just as hard as he thought, but he knows he can do it if he has you next to him.
The prince takes one last look at the official paperwork he spent the last two hours working on. His signature was starting to get shaky by the end of it. Hopefully, a nap is somewhere in his near future.
"I'll take my leave then."
"Rest well, Your Highness."
The hallway is longer for some reason as Jungkook trudges his way to his bedroom. It hasn't even been that long since he woke up, only a few hours, but he feels the intense desire to crawl back into his sheets.
Like last night, the way you clung to him, the way you snuggled him. And this morning when he woke up nuzzled into your neck, when you kissed him. Instead of pushing him away, you actually asked him to stay. Another feeling of what Jungkook can only define as love rushes over him. Does he get to sleep next to you like that every night? Are all his mornings going to be like that from now on?
His heart starts beating faster at just the thought. A smile breaks out on his face, and he is unable to hold it back. It actually feels like happily ever after is finally happening.
He stops outside the door, straightening his shirt and combining a hand through his hair just on the off chance you're still in there.
He feels kind of stupid for doing that, because he doesn't know why exactly he needs to. You like him when he's scruffy and comfy apparently. All he knows is that he doesn't feel as spent when he thinks about you greeting him with a hug and a kiss as his life partner.
"___?" He softly knocks twice and then opens the door, biting his lip in anticipation of seeing you again.
Oh, you're not here. Did you go exploring? Jungkook almost starts giggling at the thought of cute little you wandering the halls and ultimately getting lost. Because you would...get lost. He knows it but he still loves you.
Jungkook sighs and makes his way to his dresser, changing into a more comfortable t-shirt and bottoms. He may be the soon-to-be-crowned King, but right now he feels like being Just Jungkook. With just you.
Not two seconds after he closes the drawer and slips his shirt over his head, his necklace alarms him to an incoming danger. You're in danger. You're calling for help.
What follows is an ear shattering scream that spikes his attention and makes his heart palpitate within his chest. A scream coated in fear and so devastatingly loud, Jungkook can feel it threatening his eardrums as his heart drops. A scream that sends shivers up and down his entire body.
Without time to even process, Jungkook immediately starts running towards the sound.
The cliff side.
The steps he takes are slow, intimidating, and his smile grows with every inch he gets closer, hands held out ready to push.
"I'll scream," you threaten.
The king stops, raises his eyebrows and slumping his shoulders. "I guess I'm beat then." He stares at you for a moment before bursting out into laughter. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I couldn't even keep a straight face, that's so funny!"
For some reason, the fact that he is laughing makes you even more nervous. You're trapped between this maniac and the edge of a cliff. If you fall there is no way you would survive. You were just thinking how beautiful the horizon was, but now, all of it seems like a nightmare.
The king finally starts to steady his laughter and wipe his eyes. "Oh, I needed that. Thanks for the laugh. But seriously, you can't actually think that anyone would hear you? And besides who is gonna go up against the king? No one can beat me..." His voice changed with his last few words too much for you not to notice the evil that clouds over his eyes.
His voice goes high-pitched and almost unbearable as he mimics you, "Please." He chuckles and cups his face, "Please?" His hands drop and he rolls his eyes. "You're pathetic."
He may be a villain and he may be someone you can never look at the same way again, but he is still the man who raised you. And to be told you're pathetic by the man who raised you to be a queen, makes you feel smaller than you've ever felt before.
Tears continue to fall as you feel like you're nearing the end. You shake your head.
"I can't stop now," he says as if it's obvious why. "You've already made it clear you'll do anything to keep me from what's mine, including marrying Jungkook."
Your eyes grow wide. So he does mean to end you here, his words fading into muffled whispers as your head spins and your vision blurs. Your chest feels like it's enduring the weight of a thousand burning suns.
And then with one small stumble, the king's hands catch you by the collar of your dress and hold you up so just the tip of your toes touch the dust.
"You have caused me more pain and frustration in the last three months than I ever signed up for. Did you actually think I ever really wanted you? You were a mistake! You still are a mistake, and I don't want to see your ridiculous face anymore!"
The tears refuse to stop, your lungs refuse to breathe. Nothing but a struggle and struggle with no point in fighting when your efforts to escape only make him tighten his grip.
He looms over your eyes. "I thought you said you were going to scream?"
You choke on a gasp.
"Go on. Scream!" he shouts, hot breath on your face and deep voice shaking your eardrums.
When you refuse to move or speak, the king releases your collar, and you collapse to your knees. You quickly look up at the king who's taking a few steps back. He spreads his arms open wide and looks up into the sky.
"I said SCREAM!"
And when his gaze falls back to your trembling body sitting on the ground, your arms clasp around your stomach and your eyes close as you let out a desperate, pleading, unmistakably horrific scream.
You didn't want to. Didn't want to let the king know that he could make you scream like that, but every fiber in your being forces you to release all the built-up trepidation that's been boiling inside you since the beginning.
Your scream echoes off the walls of the cliff, the ground practically shaking beneath you (or that's you shaking). You feel unsteady, unsure, and unsafe to the point where you could scream until your throat is raw.
"Yes! Now that's a scream! That's what I wanted. Don't you feel better now, ___? Knowing that even when you scream, no one wants to save you! You are worthless, why would anyone want to keep you?" he says with a harsh laugh. "This is reality and this is what I want the last thought in your pretty little head to be."
And with his final word, the heel of his shoe collides with your temple, the force sending you rolling towards the cliff with a shriek and a gasp, tiny rocks falling down when you slide into the dirt along the crumbling edge.
Your head starts immediately pounding, lifting your hand to feel where he has kicked your head, fingers stained red when you bring them into your line of sight again.
His feet follow your now limp body as you unconsciously roll to soothe the pain, huffing determination and pushing yourself up.
"You're the pathetic one here," you tell him breathlessly. "Even if you kill me, I won't surrender. I'll haunt you in your worst nightmares. Return the favor by making every second of your reality a living hell. I swear."
With a sharp jerk, your body is lifted off the ground. Your feet dangle in the air as he holds you up by your throat. Your hands instinctively claw at his grip, expression turning into panic when you realize your airway is blocked from here.
"You look just like her, you know that? You were told that growing up, but I don't think you understand just how much."
Your tongue starts to poke out from between your lips as his hand tightens around your neck.
"You look exactly like her, it's sickening. Everything you do, everything you say reminds me of her. I don't know how many times I renovated that stupid garden, but for some reason she still followed me. And then I realized...it's you. She was always going to follow me so long as you were in my castle."
You close your eyes as the king starts to take the last few steps to the edge. You can't possibly look down, but you can tell from the gravity pulling you downwards that if he drops you now...it won't be good.
You clasp onto his arm and try to hold yourself up while simultaneously trying to release his grip on your neck, your feet just hanging in mid-air over what will surely be the end of you.
He chuckles, "I finally realized if I really wanted to free myself from her death, I have to free myself of you. But you just didn't want to follow the plan. It's really frustrating, having a daughter like you."
Your entire body is numb at this point, complexion starting to morph color from lack of oxygen.
"Everything I tried backfired. I couldn't get your mother out of my head. I couldn't get YOUR mother out of my fucking head!" He shakes you when he starts raising his voice. "This is where I finally end things. And with you gone, I can be free to take over throne after throne, until my life is back. Jungkook won't be functional after I break the news to him."
He tilts his head and looks sympathetically off the cliff. "His precious ___ tragically falls off the edge of a cliff while blindingly enjoying her new found love in the sunset. Tragic really. But it will destroy him enough."
Is this it? Is this the ending to everything you've been though? Does your father win after all this time? How?
"Hey, asshole!!"
His voice doesn't fully reach your numbing ears, but the next moment, his fist connects with the king's jaw, the sudden impact causing the release of the king's hold on your throat and a slow, timely drop.
Jungkook has never moved so fast in his entire life.
"___!!" he cries as his chest slides across the rocks, his arm stretching past the edge of the cliff just in time.
A sharp pain shoots through your shoulder and back like a buttlet as you're suddenly caught in mid-air.
Your voice burns when you scream in agony, legs swung in the air, occasionally scratching against the side of the cliff. Your heart beat reaches a speed you didn't think was possible for mankind, the pounding almost breaking the skin.
Adrenalin fills everyone's veins as Jungkook leaves bruises from how tightly he's holding onto your wrist. Your entire body shakes as you look up at the prince with nothing but fear trailing down your cheeks, coughing until you can breathe again somewhat.
The king is already back to his feet, a cynical smile plastered on his face as he wipes away the blood from his now busted lip. Courtesy of Jungkook's fist.
"Don't lie to yourself," the king snickers, stomping his way toward the prince. "You think she'll ever really marry you? She lied. Lied! It was always a lie, Jungkook. From the very beginning, she did nothing but lie to you!"
You can hear the words your father is telling Jungkook, but all you can do is shake your head and silently beg Jungkook with your eyes.
"She doesn't love you. She only wanted to save her village boy, don't you see what she's doing? She's lying to you, and you're falling for it again! Jungkook, you can't be with her, ever. She only wants to use you."
Jungkook holds his breath, everything in him fighting to not hear the king's words. And it is. All of him is. You know he doesn't believe what the king is saying, but that doesn't mean his chest doesn't tighten or burn with every syllable.
"No..." you choke as your hand wraps around his wrist tighter.
You know he'll never drop you, but it's just the fear and pain you can see in his eyes that scare you beyond hanging off a cliff.
"Jungkook, watch out!"
You try to warn him before your father's hands slam down on the prince's back, gripping his shirt and almost ripping it off.
The prince struggles to keep hold of you, but is ultimately yanked backwards, your weight just too much for his one limb to carry and with a slip of his hand, you fall...
Your scream is ear shattering. Jungkook disappears from view as the king throws him away from the ledge. He collides with the dirt and rolls a few yards, the ground staining his skin with smudges and small cuts.
The king's heavy breathing is almost as intimidating as the killer look in his eyes, piercing Jungkook's mind as he peals his cheek from the dust.
Your name rips from this throat in pure and utterly horror, a terrible, unreal burn throughout his whole body as if he's falling through the atmosphere, and yet there's a ten ton weight on his body.
"You," the king chokes on his words as if he just can't believe what he is saying, "did this to yourself, understand? All this is your fault."
Jungkook doesn't notice the sting of his tears falling into the cuts on his face. He just stares past the king to the edge of the cliff where you have fallen. Chin trembling, heart shattering, mind fogging, reality dissociating, lungs collapsing.
You...fell...he dropped you.
Your hands slide down the side of the cliff, desperately grabbing at anything and everything until your fingers manage to wrap around a sharp rock, who's home is a few feet down from the top. You let out a deep, painful grunt as your arm feels practically ripped from it's socket, but there you hang on for dear life, crying.
Jungkook's gaze shifts from the ground to looking directly into the king's eyes. "This…" he stands slowly, shaking, "is not my fault."
"Don't lie to yourself. You think ___ was ever going to really marry you? She lied. Lied! It was always a lie, Jungkook. From the very beginning, she did nothing but lie to you." This is the second time those words try to infiltrate Jungkook's already weak heart.
He tightens his jaw and stares at the man squeezing his fists uncontrollably. "She told me the truth."
"She left you!"
"She came after me."
"She hated you!!"
"She loved me."
The king just huffs a few breaths and shouts angrily at the boy. His proclamation was accompanied by a fist flying back to gain enough force to draw blood when it comes in contact with the prince's cheek.
Even if the punch sent a shooting pain through his hand, the king only steps to where the prince has stumbled back and strikes again, this time giving Jungkook a matching busted lip.
"You have been a pain in my ass since your stupid parents decided to ship you to my castle like a piece of cattle!"
Jungkook coughs when he tastes blood in the back of his throat. He struggles to stand to his feet, only to be sent plummeting back to the ground once more by the king's now blood stained knuckles.
The initial shock of being punched in the face is starting to be numbed by Jungkook's realization. He keeps glancing at the cliff, to where he saw you disappear.
No splash. There's no sound of you hitting the waves, no body crunching and breaking on the sharp rocks below.
His body starts to make its way back to the cliff on its own accord, something possibly foolish inside telling him to go get you. The prince fights his way through the king's merciless kicks and beatings as he crawls his way to where his heart tells him you have to be alive.
Finally, Jungkook rolls the last few feet with the help of one more kick to his ribs before quickly climbing his way to his feet and looking directly at the dictator who has caused him so much pain.
Not just now. He's the one who made you cry one too many times, the one who threw someone you loved in prison, the one who forced Jungkook to be the bad guy. He's the one who made Jungkook an orphan, the one who hit you, the one who lied, the one who held you by your throat and dropped you off a cliff just to rid himself of his own past and shadows.
"You don't understand what you've done here."
"I understand what I want."
"No," Jungkooks slowly shakes his head. "You only understand what you can never have."
Jungkook takes no time to hesitate before his next move. He pulls his fist back and throws one, powerful, angry punch at the king's face, smashing him in the jaw and feelings a snap at the contact of his knuckles.
But it doesn't keep the king down for long. With broken bones in his face, the king recklessly throws his next punch. The prince parries to the left, and he falls forward past Jungkook's position at the edge of the cliff.
He tries to catch himself but ends up tumbling past the edge, a slip of his foot, but Jungkook turns just in time for the king to take a tight hold of his forearm, digging his nails into his skin to keep his grip.
"Ahh!" Jungkook groans when he's dragged to the edge, the top half of his body hanging off with the king's grip drawing blood from his arm.
He hears your voice break through, and he sees you hanging on for dear life only a few feet away.
"___! Hold on!" he calls to you with shock but also hope.
You do as your told, even though multiple blisters have popped on your hands and countless attempts to climb back to the top have failed. Your arms feel like nothing, but they stay holding you up, holding on for just a little longer.
The king glances between you and the prince before noticeably tightening his grip on the Prince's wrist. "You drop me, your entire Kingdom goes down. You can't rule, I'm your last hope. You drop me and it's all over, you hear me!"
Jungkook just stares at him. His eyes say one thing, but you can tell just from the way he limply lets his arm hang, he's thinking something else.
"You're right," he replies quietly. "I drop you and all this is finally over."
Jungkook isn't holding onto the King. The King is clinging to Jungkook with everything he has, but even you can see the slight way he slides down to just barely keeping a grip on the Prince's wrist.
He glances to you, and you two share a look that means one thing to you, and one thing to the Prince.
Suddenly, your father is kicking uncontrollablly, and swinging his legs towards your hand. His heel stabs your fingers once or twice, but you refuse to let go.
"No!" Jungkook starts shouting desperately, trying to swing his arm so the king can't reach you. "Stop it! Stop!"
The king doesn't stop, his unstable, relentless need to end you takes over his entire being and mind.
Ultimately, there is no way to keep hold as the king flings his body towards you, trying desperately to make you fall.
Everything inside you panics. Unadulterated, pure panic that trembles every bone and fills every nerve. You can't hold on for much longer.
In one swift movement, Jungkook lets out a cry so intense you almost don't notice the way your father takes hold of your ankle as he slips from Jungkook's grasp.
"Aghh!" The pain you feel shoots from your shoulder as the extra weight on your foot sends excruciating agony through every inch of you.
The pain only last for as long as it takes for your shoe to slip from your heel and start the long decent to the crushing ground below, along with the king and his devastating, heart piercing cry.
You close your eyes immediately after it happens. You can't watch. But in your mind you understand what just happened.
However, Jungkook wastes no time in reaching down for you as far as he can, "___! Reach for me!" he calls for you, hanging more than half way down the cliff side to reach you.
Your eyes open, with tears blurring your vision, you give your last ounce of strength into throwing your left arm towards his hand, fumbling only a little before he takes a firm hold on your wrist.
"Okay, I'm gonna pull you up. Try your best to hang on tight and use the cliff to climb up with me, okay?"
Both of you work together until your body is lifted past the edge of the cliff, and you fall with a panicked sigh into Jungkook's arms. He immediately embraces you with uneven breaths and shaking hands, slowly stroking your hair, and he holds your ear to his rapid beating heart.
"I got you now. I got you, it's okay." Is all he can repeat over, and over, and over.
Your eyes start to close when all feeling in your body disappears, and your fists fall limp around Jungkook's waist, fingers twitching and arm muscles spasming from being exhorted so intensely.
You both collapse to the ground with unbelief in your eyes. Carefully, your limp body is pressed to his chest as Jungkook releases his tears.
"I got you," are the last words Jungkook whimpers to you before the world goes dark, and all that's left is the ringing sound of your father's last cry in your ear and your one bare foot being stained by the dirt of the earth.
You couldn't emotionally or physically do it, so Jungkook told you he would take care of your father's body when they found it among the sea rocks.
The day after his death, a ship took your father's body out to sea to dump into the ocean. Not a proper burial with flowers or scents or royal seals. But it would rid you of him for once and for all. Let the creatures in the deep have their feast. It was what you wanted. You didn't want to bury him, to go through all that. But you also felt the responsibility to make a decision.
You sat on the edge of Jungkook's bed. It's only been hours since he left to see your wishes carried out, but you feel as though he's been gone for days. It feels dangerous to be without him still, even though you know in your head that you're safe. Your body and heart are still anxious.
That agonizing feeling Jungkook went through when all he needed was a hug? You understand that now. Honestly, all you need is a hug.
You look down at your fingers as they run softly over the sheets of the bed.
"Breath in…breath out."
That's what you've been telling yourself since Jungkook kissed your hand and closed the bedroom behind himself. He didn't have to tell you to stay here.
You had already showered and changed into Jungkook's black t-shirt and that did help a little. The loose fabric smells like him, but while the scent does help calm you, nothing compares to Jungkook holding you in his arms.
You sigh, looking to the door then back at your small hands now laying still in your lap. You already had the blisters and cuts cleaned and bandaged after your shower. Mr. Frederick had done a thorough job of making sure every injury that was inflicted on you was taken care of properly. But he can't do much for the intangible pain immediately.
A soft knock precedes Jungkook opening the door and peeking his head inside. Immediately, you're standing in attention, with wide, grateful eyes.
He steps into the room and closes the door behind himself. "It's done."
With a sharp breath and a nod, you quickly run to him and throw your arms around his middle. You don't speak, you just hold onto him as if you're still in danger of falling.
And Jungkook holds onto you, arms protectively wrap around your smaller frame, and your face nuzzles against his frame.
After a few moments, Jungkook pulls back just enough so he can cup your face, and finally look gently into your eyes. Last time he saw them, they were full of fear and insecurity. Now he has the chance to reflect on their security and a hope that the past is behind you and a better future is not far.
But his eyes only show worry as his fingers trace down the side of your neck, and you hiss. "What is this?"
You reach up to take his hand away. "It's nothing. It's just from when my father was holding me." You quickly return to embracing him, blinking away the tears before they escape.
"I'm so sorry." His voice is barely audible, but you manage to feel the deep vibrations against your cheek.
"Don't be. You came for me. You rescued me."
Jungkook kisses your head. "I was late."
This is the moment you look up at him and smile as best you can. "I'm still here. And I'm still yours."
Jungkook smiles when you do, his hand gently cupping your face as his eyes find yours. This moment of knowing that the danger is over, this moment of reassurance that no one is waiting to bring about harm anymore.
"I love you. I knew you would come for me."
He leans down and gently kisses the few bruises where his t-shirt has fallen off your shoulder and left them exposed, looking back up at you as his lips trace your skin. "I love it when you say that."
"When I say what?"
"You love me."
"Well, I do."
He sighs, using his hands to pull your body into his. His lips stay next to your neck, his breath tickling you as a contrast to his sighs giving you rushes of excitement and assurance.
"I do love you."
"I love you so much."
Jungkook's kisses have always been magical to you, even the ones you didn't know were coming. Something about his lips just sends an indescribable sensation through your bones.
His lips press into your neck, slow kisses placing themselves all over, from your collarbone to your cheeks. Your initial response is to close your eyes, but you try to keep them open. You know that if your eyes close, you'll fall too far into the sensation. You'll lose yourself.
You can feel the slight sway Jungkook starts as he falls into the rhythm of your deep breaths. Besides the small sting that comes from his lips pressing into the dark bruises on your skin, everything about his kisses is ultimately perfect.
He's not necessarily trying to get a reaction from you. He simply wants to reaffirm how he feels about you, confirm your physical presence and safety in his arms for himself.
He sighs against your skin, sending goosebumps all over your body. But something about it seems...sad. Something is still off.
"I was so scared," he whispers breathlessly.
The prince's kisses halt for a few moments. He feels like a statue in your arms, pressed against you, his breathing the only thing you're sure of. His quiet, soft breaths are still tickling you, however, now you're just worried.
He stays silent still.
"Jungkook, are you okay?"
With your question, he suddenly, but slowly tightens his grip as his arms wrap around your lower back, and his lips press into your neck once more, hugging you as close to himself as you can possibly be.
"...I dropped you."
Your heart clenches. "Everything is okay now, I promise." You let your arms wrap around him and rise to your toes so you can hug him tightly.
Maybe at the beginning, you would feel weird hugging anyone like this. Silently. Openly. With both your hearts and all your emotions exposed. But now, you feel like this is all you can do. If this is what Jungkook needs, this is what you will do for him. And you can't deny, you need this too.
All Jungkook needed was a hug. And now he finally is getting what he needs. A hug that is genuine and soft. A hug that needs no words, but he knows everything you mean.
And you are getting exactly what you need. A soothing kiss to bring your bruises relief, and his strong arms to hold you close, telling you that he'll never let anyone take you from him.
And so, for who knows how long, you stay there. Letting Jungkook just feel you in his arms and rest in your embrace as well, until the moon is high and sleep starts calling to both of you.
And before you separate, ready to answer the call of sleep, you make sure he never forgets…
"I love you, Jungkook."
Getting ready for bed proved to be an adventure all on its own tonight. You slept in the same black t-shirt as before (yes Jungkook's).
When the prince steps out of the bathroom, he sees you sitting on the edge of the bed, your short legs swinging with the blankets, your cheeks smiling at him softly.
He looks down as he closes the door behind himself and sits beside you on the bed, a thick tension resting in the air.
"How are you doing?" he asks you gently.
"Tired," you say kindly. "Are you okay?"
He shakes his head, placing a hand over yours. "I think it'll be a little while before we're both okay again. Do you understand what happens next concerning the kingdoms?"
You swallow. "Yeah."
Jungkook lifts his legs and sits criss-crossed on the bed, while you lay back with your head on a pillow and your legs curled up halfway to your chest.
For a moment, all is silent. You're both just giving the other person time to think. But you've always done better thinking out loud, and after a few minutes of ringing silence, you speak your thoughts.
"Are you scared?” You turn your head slightly to see Jungkook still sitting with his legs crossed, staring at the wall.
Jungkooks takes a deep breath and lets it go, looking behind himself to see you looking up at him with furrowed brows and worried eyes. Everything in him breaks again, feeling unable to provide a safe place for you after your father destroyed the concept.
"...No." The prince lays back and sighs, head resting on his arm and eyes watching the ceiling. "I guess I'm only scared of one thing."
You shift to lay on your side. "What are you afraid of?"
He blinks, eyes are filled with unwanted tears, your heart silently screaming when you see him try to smile for you. "Don't worry about that. Just stay by me and everything will be okay."
With your eyes gently shut, Jungkook's hand caresses your cheek for a moment before it reaches under the sheets to feel down the length of your arm. You let him take hold of your hand and intertwine your fingers into the lonely spaces lovingly.
"Marry me, ___. For real this time. Not because of any law or anyone telling us what to do. Marry me because I love you and you love me."
The moment seems to go on for forever as he waits for you to speak, his chest rising and falling a little more rapidly. You can practically hear his heart beating through his worn down, white t-shirt.
"I will."
Jungkook finally smiles, wholeheartedly and honestly smiles. It's been too long since your heart fluttered just by his smile. That adorable bunny smile that you thought you might have lost for a moment.
He rolls to his side, opens his arms, and invites you to shimmy your way until you're being held safe and sound inside his embrace.
"I love you," he whispers with a kiss to your temple. That soft, caring, wonderful kiss to your temple, immediately easing your anxiety, calming your heart, and sending chills through you all at the same time.
The last thing you remember is closing your eyes and falling into a peaceful sleep to the feeling of Jungkook stroking your back and his heart beating rhythmically in your ear.
Now, you're opening your eyes to be met by his worried expression, and hands brushing hair away from your face.
"___? What's wrong?"
Suddenly, the images from your nightmare come rushing back. Another nightmare? You thought you were finished with those! Jimin is safe. Jungkook loves you. Your father is defeated. Why are you still being haunted?
"I can't. Every time I close my eyes I see him," you tell your fiancé lying beside you, his hand cupping your cheek and strokes it softly. "I can't stop seeing his face, Jungkook, his horrible face. H-he's dead now, isn't he? I thought the nightmares would end. Why won't he go away? Oh god, he'll never go away, will he?"
"Hey, hey, hey..." Jungkook instinctively pulls you to him, hiding your frightened face in his chest, "no matter what happens, I promise I'll be here to fight his ghost with you. I won't leave you to defend yourself or your kingdom alone."
You look up at Jungkook who immediately leans closer to you.
Every kiss you've ever experienced has been passionate, crazy, sudden, or intense in some way. But this...this kiss is different. It makes you feel safe. Exactly what you need. Safety.
It's slow, loving, and all together innocent in every way, only lasting a few seconds, but it's exactly what you need. The release is slow and Jungkook remains close to your lips after he pulls away.
"Come closer," he whispers with a cuddle.
You tuck your head to nuzzle under his chin. Jungkook strokes your back with one hand, gently running the other through one part of your hair over and over. His soft hums reach your ear, turning you into a pathetic puddle of emotions, but also somehow piecing you back together. You hug him closer.
The most relaxed and right you've felt in years, if not in your entire life, is right now. And when you close your eyes, the only thing you see is the future as Jungkook sees it.
And you don't want to see it any other way.
You pace back and forth until there's a faded trail in the carpet, trying not to bite your third fingernail into a nub but it's proving more difficult the longer time goes on.
Jungkook has been talking with advisers for the past – you take a look at the wall – hour and forty-three minutes. Is everything okay? That's a stupid question. What you're really wondering is if everything's going to be okay after all this finally?
If only you had been allowed to be in there with him. You two are in this together after all. Honestly, you don't understand why Jungkook told you to wait out here. But wait you must, if you want to respect his wishes.
You look once again at the huge doors that are still closed in front of you.
"When will they be done talking? What are they saying?" you mutter to yourself.
Another tragic death of a fingernail, the doors to the throne room open and out walks five tall men dressed in dark suits. They carry piles and piles of papers in their arms, all reviewed and signed with blue ink. They just stare at you.
"Can I help you?"
"Your Majesty." They suddenly bow.
You're taken back at first. "Majesty" is a term reserved for the king or queen. You've only ever been called "Highness" your whole life.
Does this mean that....?
Jungkook steps out from behind the five tall men, and relaxes his shoulders with a sigh. "It's all done. Everything is signed for…I'm the King."
Your entire respiratory system suddenly doesn't know how to function. "You are?"
Jungkook nods.
"Yes, really," Jungkook laughs as you start giggling in excitement.
"Wait," you shake your head in slight confusion, "so, what does that mean if..." You don't finish the question, since you can tell from the way Jungkook shifts his weight, he knows what you're asking.
"Ah, well, you see," he explains, stepping to you, "this is when you must perform your duties as well, starting with adding your signatures next to mine. Legally, you are the sole ruler of your kingdom as of now, so I hope you understand why they must be signed individually before we can meet about them together."
You nod, listening to Jungkook's instructions.
"Once your part is done, all of this will come into effect when we marry. Then our kingdoms will be joined and," his eyes glaze over, as he scans the details of your expression, "we'll rule together."
This must be why Jungkook spent so long in that throne room. They were discussing how to go about the thones that your father had passed away, and you were left to rule while still being under twenty-five. Being betrothed to Jungkook, as effective last night, this means Prince Jungkook is King Jungkook, and his word is the new law.
"While the coronation will not be for another few weeks, due to the circumstances, I will begin immediately acting as King."
After all, Jungkook is technically the one who is supposed to be king. But then again, you were the one claimed by your father as heir to the throne. With two kingdoms in need of rulers, and two rulers under twenty-five, the solution seemed obvious to you. There must be more to this process than you thought.
"So when?"
"When's the wedding?"
Even after everything that has happened between you two, after being his fiancé for technically multiple months, Jungkook still blushes like a middle schooler. "Oh, umm, whenever we decide. As long as it's before the six months are up."
"So, sometime within the next," you count it out in your head, "three months?"
Jungkook nods. You can tell he's not even trying to hide his smile.
“Mrs. Barnes is going faint when she hears she has to plan a royal wedding in three months.” With a smile breaking out on your own lips as well, you say to him, "I understand that you're technically the king now, but I hope you'll be okay with still being my prince charming."
Jungkook just smiles. "I'm okay with that. You've always been a queen to me."
He must not care that there are still five men standing around you because he doesn't hesitate to scoop you up into his arms, your feet lifting off the carpet as you're twirled around.
After safely returning to earth, Jungkook holds you to him with a loving nuzzle to your nose. "I can't wait to rule the kingdoms with you."
Everything seems like it's okay now. Is this the end? The happily ever after you've been waiting for since chapter one of your story?
It must be.
You gaze back into the eyes of the prince-- of the king that has been through so much with you. And you think to yourself...
"Happy ever after, Jungkook."
The five men that had once stood before you and Jungkook are now helping you into a carriage that will take you back to your own castle and home.
Together, you and Jungkook decided to rule your two kingdoms from his palace in the East. Many factors came into play with this decision, but ultimately, it was your call, and Jungkook wanted you to rule as his Queen from wherever you felt most comfortable.
"Thanks, Kook," you say as your hand is held to help you climb into the carriage, and it takes off.
You quickly turn to see out the window, waving to Jungkook as you ride away.
Of course the prince wanted to come with you, but he has duties still to be taken care of here, in his kingdom. And you, of course, must gather your things and take care of the castle your father left behind before you can live with your soon to be husband.
Husband. You breathlessly chuckle to yourself when you remember the way you detest the idea.
Yet, here you are getting ready to proclaim to the entire world that your once fallen arrangement is now to be fulfilled, and you couldn't be happier.
A few hours passed and then a few more. It takes almost a full day's journey to travel from Jungkook's kingdom by carriage. But it is very much worth the wait.
The first place you go is not your castle. Oh, no. The first place you instruct to be taken is a small, old cottage in the middle of the village owned by a lovely woman with a wooden spoon in her left hand.
"Hello," you greet her gently when she opens the door.
"Your Highness!" Mrs. Barnes is legitimately excited to see you again. "You have returned?"
"Yes, I have. May I come in? I have something I wish to ask you."
Mrs. Barnes wastes no time in hurrying you through the door and leading you to her living area where you are served some delicious tea, while a warm blanket is placed on your lap.
Mrs. Barnes sits across from you after an unexpected and unnecessary show of hospitality, waiting for you to speak.
"Mrs. Barnes, I want to thank you for your service and loyalty to my family. You've been so good to us for so many years. You dressed my mother and then you took imaginable steps to ensure that I was safe and cared for. I don't know what I would have done during all that time, if I didn't have you."
The woman simply smiles and bows in her seat. "I don't deserve such praise, Your Highness. It is my pleasure to serve such a beautiful lady such as yourself."
You gently scoot forward in your seat, taking Mrs. Barnes' tender hands on your own. "Mrs. Barnes, I understand that this is your home, but it would make me so happy if you would agree to come with me to Jungkook's kingdom and continue to be by my side."
Mrs. Barnes only grasps your hands and looks at you with wide eyes, "Your Highness, does this mean that--?"
"Yes," you nod excitedly, "Jungkook and I are to be married and rule the kingdoms together."
Perhaps the biggest, proudest smile you've ever witnessed appears on her delicate, aging face. She brings a hand to her mouth as if she needs to hide how big her smile is becoming. "Your High– I mean, Your Majesty. I'm honored that you wish me to come with you. It would be my pleasure to do so."
You and Mrs. Barnes continue to express how happy you are that you discovered your heart and found what you had been looking for. Your conversation turns to the wedding planning and discussing details between shared giggles.
But after a few more minutes, you decide to ask her the question you really came here to ask.
"I don't just want you to come with me. I would like you to be my personal adviser. I trust you and, after everything you've done for me, after all the times you've been there for me, I cannot think of anyone else I want guiding me when I become Queen."
The moment the words left your lips, Mrs. Barnes is in complete shock but also a wondrous smile is placed on her lips. "It would be an honor, Your Majesty."
And it's true. If you have one choice of someone you wish to stay by your side, Mrs. Barnes would be that person. She's kind and wise and selfless, and you cannot imagine leaving her behind after how much she has done for you.
Your time with Mrs. Barnes is short, but you enjoy every second of talking and sipping tea and being normal while you sit with her.
Of course, it occurred to you that Jimin is possibly somewhere in this house. It hasn't been very long since you last saw him. Is he still upset with you? Does he even want to see you?
You wouldn't mind seeing Jimin again. After all, he still means so much to you, of course he does. And if anyone is going to tell him about the wedding, it should be you.
"Is Jimin here?" you finally muster up the courage to ask.
"He's out right now," Mrs. Barnes informs you. "That boy is very sweet. He goes out every evening and collects wood for my fireplace, fixed my roof, and my vegetable garden has never looked this healthy. I honestly think he loves this house more than I do."
"Yes, in fact, he often helps me with the cooking and cleaning too. He really is a good man." Mrs. Barnes shifts her eyes to the door to make sure no one is listening before whispering. "Truth be told, I would like it if he would stay here, but he says he doesn't wish for that."
“I’m not surprised he wants to leave.”
"Says he wants to travel. See the world. He told me one night at dinner that being here is somewhat hard for him. He would rather start a new life somewhere else. I understand, of course."
You understand. Is it possible for Jimin to just go back to the life he had? Being a village boy? Working in the fields? Living on his own? Even after he's completely healed physically, and even though Mrs. Barnes would surely be welcoming for Jimin to stay in her home, you understand why he wants to leave. This place, this kingdom holds so many memories and so much pain in his eyes. If Jimin wants to see the world, you want to make that happen for him.
Once your tea is finished, Mrs. Barnes stands as you make your way to the exit. "Thank you for having me and for agreeing to stay with me through my rule as Queen. I'll need you by my side."
Mrs. Barnes curtsies and smiles. "I'll be joining you in your new home soon, Your Majesty."
You're maybe just a little disappointed that you didn't see Jimin while you were here. But you suppose the news of your wedding will spread rapidly once it is announced.
The steps you take to the carriage are followed by Mrs. Barnes. You really are glad she agreed to soon follow you to Jungkook's kingdom as well. But right before your turn to enter the carriage, you quickly wrap your arms around the women and sigh.
She's not caught off guard at all. In fact, she immediately embraces you with a smile.
You release from your hug and smile at her. She really is an angel sent from heaven and you don't want to lose her.
One moment you are looking into her eyes, and the next your gaze is caught by the sight of a man coming up the walkway carrying an armload of what you can only guess is wood for the fireplace.
"Hi, Jimin."
"So," Jimin starts the conversation after he has put the firewood away, standing with his hands deep in his pockets as he looks anywhere besides your eyes, "what are you doing here?"
Now that you have the chance to say it, all of sudden, you're nervous.
You clear your throat. "I needed to speak with Mrs. Barnes about some matters. I'm moving to Jungkook's kingdom and I want her to come with me.”
Jimin's eyes suddenly aren't nervous anymore as they look straight into yours. "You're moving? I see. So does that mean...?"
"I'm marrying him."
Jimin licks his lips, then pauses for a moment. You start to get worried until a small smile turns up the corner of his lips, "I'm happy for you."
"Thank you."
Jimin chuckles lightly, "I mean, I would be lying if I said I was looking forward to it."
You chuckle a little as well, rocking back and forth on your heels.
"What I mean is, you love him. It's only a little painfully obvious. I want you to be with someone who treats you right and is going to love you the right way. The way you deserve to be loved."
Your heart settles while he speaks, familiar warmth spreading through your body. His words mean so much to you. Everything he said, you needed to hear, and now you feel ready to take on being Queen. Maybe you needed to hear him say these things more than you thought. His support means the world.
Jimin claps his hands, trying to lighten the mood since it became so serious for that moment. "So when is the wedding?"
"Three months."
"Three months?!" Jimin repeats a little too loud. "Wow, that was fast."
"Maybe, but we have to make sure no legal matters come up and keep us from ruling."
"Ah, umm well, I don't know a lot about that stuff," he shyly admits. "But I'm guessing I'm not invited anyway."
"I didn't know if you would want to come, honestly. Of course, you're welcome to."
Jimin shakes his head. "No thanks. I'm flattered but I won't be here."
"You won't?" you ask innocently as your head tilts to the side.
"Nope," he answers with a long off stare, watching toward the edge of the land, where the sun meets the soil, "I'm leaving."
Perhaps you should have expected it since Mrs. Barnes shared it with you first, but somehow Jimin still manages to catch you off guard. You hadn't fully processed the idea of Jimin being so far away after having him so close for so long.
"I'm gonna castaway on a ship and go see the world. Mrs. Barnes told me I should be healed enough in the next three months to start putting my life back together."
For some reason when Jimin said that, your entire heart fell into your stomach. "I'm so sorry."
"You're sorry? For what?"
"For--" But you stop. You're sorry that Jimin has to put his life back together. You're sorry it was all your fault that he has to go through all this just to feel stable on his feet again. He seems to be recovering quickly, but because of you, Jimin's life will always be haunted. You don't want to live knowing that. Even if he does forgive you.
"___," Jimin's voice brings you back to reality, "I know what you're thinking, but please stop thinking it." He places his hands on your arms so your attention is caught in his eyes. "I'm grateful that I got to be a part of a love story with you. So it wasn't mine like I thought it was. The point is, I got to be yours for however long it was, and you were mine." He steps closer to you, tracing his hands down to yours so he can take a hold of your cold fingers, warming them in his grasp. "I loved you. I still love you. And I am not sorry that my life will never be the same because of it. Every moment we spent together will always be precious to me. But you need to go, be Queen, marry the prince of your dreams, and have the best life you can have. And I need to go find my place in the world now."
By this time, Jimin has come so close you can feel his forehead pressing to yours lovingly. But it's not a temptation or a guilty feeling rushing through you. It's a feeling of complete contentment and satisfaction. You love Jimin and you always will. He is everything you could have asked for to fill the role he did in your life. And now that you've had this moment with him. You feel more ready than ever to take on the rest of your story.
You look up at him. "Thank you for being in my life. I'll never trade our memories for anything."
He leans over you to kiss your forehead. "I wish you all the happiness in the world.”
All in all, you do love Jimin. Maybe not in the way you were expecting to love him by the end of all this, but you do love him. And you always will.
"Bye, Jimin."
"Goodbye, ___."
After your time at Mrs. Barnes' home, you make your way to the castle. Your home, or it's supposed to be. It feels different somehow. Maybe because your new home is with Jungkook? Maybe because so much has happened here, you can't possibly feel the same way that you did growing up here? Maybe because your father is no longer here?
Whatever the reason for the feeling, you decide you don't want to be here any longer than you have to be.
Guards and assistants begin packing up your things, putting them into the carriage, and emptying the castle piece by piece. All your father's belongings are taken away as well, and now the throne room seems so empty.
You guess, you don't mind. Anytime you feel a rush of insecurity or fear, you remind yourself that if you can just make it through tonight, you can see Jungkook again, and his embrace while you sleep will make all this disappear. But for now, you will have to stay here for the night. You silently wish you had stolen one last kiss before you left.
The room is left with only your bed and a small table with your lamp and clothes for the next day.
Your bedroom, taking a look around yourself in wonder. How many times did you cry in these sheets? How many times did Mrs. Barnes dress you in the mirror? How many times did Jimin toss rocks at this window? How many times did Jungkook knock on your door?
Too many to count.
All the memories this room has and all the moments that you've had here will always follow you. But you are glad for one thing: that you've had your time here and now it's time to start a new chapter, in a new room, in a new home, in a new role.
So, you sit on your bed with a sigh, thinking about all the memories you can, just to lull you to sleep since you don't have Jungkook's warm hands to rub across your back.
knock knock knock~
"Yes, come in?"
But instead of a guard or maybe even the carriage driver like you were expecting, someone else you missed enters your room.
"Sami!" you exclaim, jumping up from your spot on the bed.
"I hear the correct way to address you nowadays is 'Your Majesty'." He smiles and bows.
"I missed you!"
The butler is only a little shocked when you throw a hug around his neck. He catches you, eventually returning your hug. "I missed you too."
You drop your arms from around him and step back so he can fix his uniform. "I was told you would be coming by to collect your things. Moving day is here, I suppose?"
You nod and sigh, "Yes, moving day is finally here. Thank you for taking care of the castle while I was gone and my father..." your voice trails off.
Sami looks at you with a knowing gleam in his eye. "I know about the king and the engagement. King Jeon made sure to inform me of everything so I wouldn't be unprepared for your return. Do not worry, Your Majesty, I am ready for the next generation to take over the throne." He leans down a little closer and gives you a playful wink. "And I'm excited to see how you will change this kingdom for the better."
Sami was always there for you as well. He never failed to give you corrections when your father failed to raise you or to be the middleman between you and your father. Yes, you knew Sami was regularly loyal to your father, but you also know that Sami is more loyal to you.
"Sami," you're not sure if this is the right time to ask this, or if ever is a right time, but you ask anyway, "are you going to stay with me? I mean, are you going to continue to serve the royal family?"
Sami looks almost offended by your question. "Why, Your Majesty, even if I was offered a million pounds in gold, I could never leave you now. I promised your mother I would stay by your side and that is what I intend to do."
Every part of you feels warmed by Sami's promise. Maybe a small tear threatens to fall, but only out of the pure appreciation you have for this man and for what he has done for you during the story of your life.
"Thank you." You can't help but give the butler one last warm hug before he goes to ensure all the preparations for your trip back tomorrow are taken care of.
"It's a full day's journey," he says, "but I will make sure Your Majesty doesn't feel a single bump."
Sami was right. The ride back to Jungkook's castle was much more enjoyable than the ride to your father's. Maybe it was because now you had taken the time to talk to Sami, Mrs. Barnes, and even Jimin. You appreciate your conversations with each of them, but now, you really are just looking forward to seeing Jungkook again.
Yes, it has only been one night, and yes, you were only a day's carriage ride away. But still...
Are you embarrassed because you actually miss his stupid face? You remember the times when you purposefully avoided Jungkook because you didn't want to see him. And now look at you. Fidgeting with the end of your dress as you sit in the carriage, eagerly waiting for the door to be opened.
The carriage is approached by two figures, one dressed in a suit with white gloves, and the other in a casual white t-shirt and slacks, hair pushed back, and arms wide open for you.
Your heart rate picks up when you see him. The door to the carriage isn't open for more than one second, and your feet are jumping from the platform as your arms wrap around his neck. His arms hold you securely when you land in his embrace, feeling spun around and around while his giggles sound next to your ear.
"I missed you so much!" you sing happily as Jungkook continues to squeeze you tightly.
"It was only one day, ___, did you really miss me that much?"
Yes, this is what the prince asks you, but you can tell from the way he still hugs you even after your feet are placed back on the ground, he missed you just as much.
"Yes, you idiot. Of course, I fucking missed you." And you seal this statement with a much needed kiss.
Jungkook blushes lightly and returns your kiss with a small peck as well. "You must be tired after that journey. Let's give the men space to unpack your stuff and we can find you some food, okay?"
You nod with a smile and continue to walk hand in hand with Jungkook up the stairs to the front doors of your new home.
Your first impression of this place was confusing, maybe even slightly intimidating. But now, as you walk through the long, silver accented hallways, this castle feels more like a home than your own castle has in a long time.
The stories Jungkook tells you about the hallways and corridors and dining rooms, times he spent playing hide and seek with his parents, times he spent hiding from his studies, and the times he spent learning how to be a man are all reflected in the brick and tile. He's comforted being here, so he's glad you're growing to like it here as well.
You have an appreciation for the carpet even, as crazy as that sounds. It's the little things that catch your attention and ultimately embarrass you when Jungkook comments about how your smile grows when you see something you think is pretty.
Soon enough, you're navigating your way through those hallways like a boss...or rather a queen, since you will be crowned in only a month now.
Yes, only a month left. Three and a half weeks. Thirty days. Seven hundred and twenty hours. Forty-three thousand and two hundred minutes.
Does being Queen scare you?
Hell yes.
Does being Jungkook's Queen scare you?
Not even a little bit.
The only word you can think of to express how you feel when you think about marrying Jungkook is anticipation. You're actively looking forward to ruling beside him, eating every meal with him, waking up to kisses from him. All those little things that used to feel so wrong to think about now bring you an excitement you never had before.
And every morning you wake up beside Jungkook only intensifies those feelings.
This morning is no different. After moving in and setting up a whole room for yourself, you still spend most of your time in Jungkook's bedroom. Half your stuff is in there at this point anyway.
You smile as your eyes sleepily open to a still soundly sleeping baby with slightly parted lips and strong arms unconsciously draped over your side.
"Good morning," you mumble and give those precious lips a kiss.
When you pull away, your lips are replaced with a smile as Jungkook scrunches his nose and slowly opens his eyes.
"Mmm good morning."
"Did you sleep well?"
Jungkook's answer is him rolling over as his weight lays on top of you and he fakes snores in your ear.
"Ah! Jungkook, get off me!" you groan, practically feeling the smile on his face as he pretends he didn't hear you.
"Kooook, I can't breathe!" you giggle-shout at the man sprawled out across your middle.
The man doesn't move, although his chest bounces a little when he tries to hold back his laugh.
All it takes is a small, annoyed huff of breath, and Jungkook rolls back to his side, leaving your stomach to raise up as you take an over exaggerated breath.
Jungkook faces you, and so you face him…
And the staring contest begins!
You just stare at each other for god knows how long. There's an unspoken competition engaged in the moment now, both of you staring until you ultimately break and end up pulling the sheets past your head.
Why are you hiding, who knows? All you know is the giggle Jungkook makes when he sees you hide is your new favorite sound, and the smile you see on his face when you peek out at him is your new favorite sight.
"Don't laugh at me," you pout playfully, the blanket still covering up to your eyes.
"Aww, come on, baby, you know I love you. Even if you are unable to out-stare me."
You sigh and roll your eyes when Jungkook winks at you. "Don't get all high and mighty yet, Your Majesty. I can still beat you."
The evil smile on Jungkook's face makes you nervous. "Okay then, how about we make this interesting? You pick the game and we'll play. If you win, I'll admit you can beat me at something. But if I win, you have to admit that I am the best at everything. Deal?"
You just snicker, "Sure do like making deals, don't you?"
"Deal?" Jungkooks just asks you again with a chuckle.
"Aren't you even a little anxious? What if you don't like the game I choose?"
Jungkook only rolls his eyes. "Don't you understand by now, ___? I can do anything. Just name the game."
All of a sudden, a mischievous smile you didn't think you were capable of spreading across your lips in the most cynical way possible.
"A deal it is then."
Jungkook smiles and tilts his head as he scoots closer to you, but what stops him is your small pointer finger halting his puckered lips.
"Ah, ah, ah," you sing, biting your lip. He stops and looks at you confused. You stopped him from kissing you?
He pauses. "What are you doing?"
"This is the game," you explain. "We'll see who breaks first."
Jungkook just laughs.
And with that, you throw the sheets from around your legs, sitting up so you can stretch, and Jungkook can see his black t-shirt (yes, you still sleep in it) just barely brushing your thighs. When you stand and bend over, the curve of your ass is perfectly on display, wiggling in the air when you stand up straight again and look over your shoulder.
"Good luck, King Jeon."
This game is the best idea you could have ever had.
Firstly, your wedding is in a few weeks, and so far since you moved in you and Jungkook have kissed...a lot. You want the kiss on your wedding day to be something outstandingly spectacular. If you pause with the make out sessions now then your kiss at the altar will for sure be magnificent. Secondly, it's kinda fun to see Jungkook slowly breaking down like this, in an innocent way of course.
Last time you saw him was at breakfast. You sat across from him as usual and talked while you were served. What wasn't usual was the way you, just every once in a while, wiped your lips with your thumb, convinced there were crumbs sitting in the corner of your mouth.
It was so funny the way Jungkook's gaze would shift towards the floor or back to his plate when you did that. Yeah, you're gonna win this game for sure.
One day.
Two days..
Three days...
You still fall asleep in Jungkook's bed every night, but with one small difference. No kisses goodnight were given. Not that it wasn't starting to be tempting for you too. Nothing would be easier than to just press your body to his and wait for his self control to crack as your lips hover just out of reach in the most innocent way possible.
But no, you don't. You hold your ground. Jungkook will give in any day now. And then you'll get your kiss.
Four days....
Five days.....
Six days......
Wow. Jungkook is stronger than you thought. It's been a week. You thought for sure he would have caved by now. What with all the extra kisses you've blown to him while walking away and all the 'accidental' times you've fallen into his arms.
This game is becoming dangerous for you too. You really, really want a kiss now. But you have to win. Your competitive side came out around day one and it's not going away anytime soon.
Seven days......
Eight days........
Nine days.........
How are you two still alive? Last time you saw Jungkook he was sweating like a dog and running his hands through his hair profusely. He looked like a mess, eyes constantly heavy, almost closing on more than one occasion.
Maybe this game isn't the best idea you could have had--
Ten days.........
Eleven days...........
Twelve days............
That's it. Fuck this. You feel actually sick to your stomach by now. You and Jungkook are both way too competitive for this.
The bedroom door opens slowly as you peek inside. It's already very late. You got into the habit of waiting until Jungkook fell asleep to get in bed since the temptation started to get a little too strong around day nine.
"Jungkook?" you whisper to make sure the man in bed is asleep before closing the door behind yourself and walking to the bed.
"Jungkook?" His name is coated in worry now when you see him. In the dark, he looks so, so weak. When did this happen?
"Jungkook!" You frantically crawl in bed beside him, waking up the sickly looking king in the process.
He moans a little, turning his head as if annoyed that he's been woken from a peaceful sleep. "What now?"
"Jungkook, are you okay? You look awful,* you worry as your hand rests on his forehead, checking for a fever.
He smiles lazily. "I'm just tired." He reaches for you still, cuddling into your arms.
"You're so warm. Are you sick?"
"I haven't felt like myself the past few days."
You sigh. Maybe it wasn't the best idea to keep your attention from Jungkook in the way that you did. The first few days were nothing but relentless teasing and, while it was fun, you could see the whole time how frustrated it made him. Although he admitted to having fun playing along to your challenge, he obviously didn't have fun for long. How he looks now breaks your heart.
"You're so tense. I'm sorry for all this." Not sure if Jungkook looking like this is your fault or not, but you feel the need to apologize anyway.
"Don't be, ___. I'll be better by tomorrow. I just need more sleep, that's all. I think the wedding preparations are stressing me out or something."
But the look on his face tells you that something is wrong. This weird but somewhat natural instinct kicks in and all you can think to do is make sure Jungkook doesn't get any more sick than he looks right now.
And so, with a steady hand you pull back the sheets and help Jungkook sit up. "Why are you wearing sweats? No wonder you're burning up."
"I was cold before. I promise I'm fine. I'm just--" his words are cut off with his cough, "--tired."
"Stop, see?" you urge him gently as you brush his hair away from sticking to the sweat on his forehead. "You're not well. Now, I'm gonna go get you some water. You change out of these sweats. I'll be back."
Jungkook just nods as his breathing starts to pick up, starting to roll over when you look back from the doorway.
"Don't fall asleep before I get back!" you add before closing the door and heading to the kitchen to get a glass of water.
What you did to deserve Jungkook, you'll never know. Truth be told, you did nothing to deserve him. But right now he needs you, and you want to be there for him. You know for a fact if this situation was the other way around, Jungkook would stop at nothing to heal you. So you are going to stop at nothing to heal him.
Even though you told Jungkook not to fall asleep, you find him sitting on the edge of the bed with his head hung low, breathing softly with closed eyes when you return from the kitchen.
Okay, Jungkook has always been competitive and it's obvious by now that both of you like playing games and keeping things...interesting. But something inside you screams that this stupid game needs to end. Jungkook is just as competitive as you are and it becomes obvious to you that one of you has to be the bigger man here. Jungkook is sick in bed and the whole time he's been feeling down you have been avoiding loving on him because of a stupid competition.
"Hey?" you whisper, placing the glass of water on the bed table.
Jungkook groans and opens his eyes to see you. You feel his head again, hoping maybe he's cooler now that he's not in sweats. He changed into some loose shorts and a t-shirt. You feel better about that at least.
He looks at you with tired eyes, almost falling back onto the bed once or twice, but he manages to stay awake.
"I miss you," he says sleepily. "Is the game over yet?"
This one question breaks your heart. You've missed Jungkook too obviously, and now a feeling of guilt comes over you because you were the one who started this. Now, you're gonna be the one to end it.
Without hesitation, after twelve days, your lips finally collide.
Maybe it's a good thing you didn't wait to kiss until the altar, considering the small, desperate sounds Jungkook makes and the way he pushes deeper as you kiss him almost drives you to insanity. His brows furrow as if he's concentrating on everything, but also nothing. He's kept himself from you, building this feeling inside of himself for twelve days and now it feels better than ever to have you on his lips again.
You admit as well, the whole game was a stupid idea. True, you're getting the kiss of the century out of it, but at what cost? Jungkook is sick and – wait.
You quickly pull away and take a step back.
The smug look on the man's face immediately confirms what you suspected.
"You didn't..."
Jungkook winks at you before standing to his feet, confident and cocky and not at all sick. "I win."
Your jaw drops. Your arms go limp as you stare at him. He faked? That was all fake? A lie? How dare he?!
"Jungkook, you--"
"Yes?" he responds before taking a sip of the water you had so graciously gotten him in his time of need.
You sigh with your fists clenched, "Genius."
Jungkook smiles, placing the glass back on the table. "That is a very accurate statement." His bunny smile makes an appearance as he steps to you. "And you know what else?"
You roll your eyes, still somewhat annoyed that he tricked you in order to win. "What?"
"Now there's nothing stopping me from doing this."
And when the last syllable ends, his lips are on yours in the most addictive way you've ever tasted them. His hands grip your hips after already pulling them flesh against his own, rocking his hips against you, and your own arms instinctively wrap around his neck.
Jungkook, however, can't hide the smile on his lips as he kisses you. You have to give the man credit. He played the game fair and square. It was still dirty the way he made you scared for him. But still, you guess you forgive him.
This is the man you love. Trickery and all.
When the kiss ends, Jungkook just presses his forehead to yours. "Alright. You beat me."
"Jungkook, you were only supposed to admit that if I won. I have to admit that you're the best at everything, remember?"
Jungkook shakes his head, which in turn makes your head shake too, which in turn just makes you giggle.
He says, "You did beat me. No way I can make someone fall as hard as I just did with just one kiss."
You blush lightly and run your hands into his hair to play with the locks gently. "So...it's a tie?"
"Whatever you want to call it, my Queen."
"You're going to be a great King, you know that?"
Your Jungkook smiles before pecking your lips again. "I know. Because I'll have you next to me. My Dad always told me behind every great man is an even greater woman."
There's a little bit of pride showing through your eyes. "Your Dad was a very smart man."
"Yeah...yeah he was. I wish you could have met him."
You carefully lift his chin with one finger and bring his eyes to find yours. "You're also a very smart man, and I'm so thankful to have met you and fallen in love with you. You mean everything to me and I'll do whatever it takes to make you as happy as you have made me. No matter what comes our way, we can bring victory to the kingdoms our parents left behind. I know we can."
Jungkook breathlessly smiles, and without another moment lost, he leans over with a kiss to your forehead and a whisper, "Thank you for loving me."
"Thank you for making me fall for you."
Jungkook then finally allows you to change back into your (his) sleep shirt, and cuddles you in the sheets until you both are able to fall into a deep, perfect slumber filled with peaceful caresses and innocent kisses.
Just kidding, you didn't sleep much that night.
"Get up! Get up! Get up!" you exclaim, jumping into the sheets as the bed bounces Jungkook into the air.
"Huh?" His eyes shoot open, hands floating in mid-air as they wait for his brain to catch up.
You stop at his hips, straddling with one leg on either side, and lean over so his morning, selective hearing can understand you correctly. "It's the 23rd of May."
Your fiancé lets one hand fall and it rests on your thigh as his other wipes away the sleepies from the corner of his eyes. "I know it is, ___."
"Then you know what today is."
Jungkook smiles and lets you play with his hands. "Today is exactly one week before I finally get to stand in front of everyone and proclaim you as my wife and queen…and I can't wait."
You noticeably bite your lip before lowering down to Jungkook's level, drawing small pictures on his shirt as you giggle. It's obvious that this is just you being happy. And you are happy. How could you not be?
Jungkook chuckles and runs a hand through your hair lovingly. "You know, you've done this every morning since that day we ended our little game, right?"
"Does it bother you? I can stop," you offer, a small finger pausing drawing its almost complete masterpiece.
"No!" Okay, maybe that came out a little more sudden than Jungkook meant it to. "I mean, I don't mind."
"Whatever you say." You shrug and return to drawing your pictures and nuzzling into his chest.
"You're so cute."
You give your fiancé a big smile before quickly giving him his good morning kiss and climbing out of the bed, heading towards the bathroom.
"I'm going to take a shower and you are going to get your work done for the day so we can start."
Jungkook sits up on his elbows so he can see you and tilts his head to the side, sheets falling just enough to reveal his broad chest. "Start what?"
The way you slowly turn back to face the sleepy boy in bed and bite your lip has Jungkook swallowing a little harder than he intended.
"Practicing, of course. The people expect our kiss at the altar to be picture perfect." You slowly close the door after seeing Jungkook start smiling. "You don't want to disappoint anyone, do you?"
The wedding is being held outside, as you requested, and Jungkook told you himself he would make sure that every detail is to your liking.
When you replied with, "all I need is you standing at the end of the aisle," Jungkook almost lost his mind. His eyes darted from your gaze to your lips countless times before he gave in and threw you inside a spare bedroom.
Afterwards you told him maybe that was a little too intense for the wedding. He laughed.
The next week seemed to go by so fast, and yet so agonizingly slowly! Every time you blinked something else was being added to the decorations, another layer was being added to the cake, more people were showing up to fix all the little details you didn't even notice at first.
You still laid on Jungkook's chest every morning and told him about your dreams or wishes or moments you were looking forward to during married life.
And Jungkook still smiled and listened to every word until you got up to shower, and then he replayed the argument in his mind that told him there is no possible way he can be this lucky.
But as soon as you both stepped out into the world, it was hustle and bustle and chaos. One of the few things that got you through the days were the small smiles you shared with Jungkook from across the room while cooks shoved icing flavors into his mouth and florists shoved different roses in your face.
All this will be worth it. Soon. Very soon. If you can just make it one more day. One more day of all this craziness and you can escape for longer than a few nighttime hours.
Jungkook did tell you that your honeymoon will probably have to be put off for a little while as the kingdoms will require both of your immediate attention. You understand that, and it doesn't bother you considering how much Jungkook is going through just trying to give you the wedding of your dreams.
But the thing is...that dream you had about the perfect proposal, wedding, honeymoon, and everything else has already been overwhelmed by just the fact that this is the man you love, wanting to take care of you, and keep you for the rest of your life, not only as his wife, but also his Queen.
All your thoughts are interrupted by two arms wrapping themselves around your middle, and a small kiss being placed on your cheek.
Jungkook rests his chin on your shoulder as he hugs you tightly from behind. His smile is seen in the mirror as you smile back.
"What are you thinking about?"
"Nothing. Everything." You turn around in his arms to face him. "Actually, I was thinking about you."
Jungkook's flustered smile is almost too cute to take. "My chiseled jaw and exceptional cooking skills I'm assuming."
"All good things for sure."
You share a kiss with your fiancé before changing for bed and cuddle into the freshly cleaned sheets. You've slept next to Jungkook for what seems like so many nights, but it still gives you butterflies every time. You think you would be used to the feeling of his hands holding you like they do, but no.
You feel Jungkook crawl in not moments after you and wrap his arms around you like he always does, his chest pressing into your back.
"Hey," you mustered up the courage after a few moments.
"Hm?" Jungkook hums half asleep in response.
You take a deep breath. "I love you."
Jungkook smiles genuinely, slowly tightening his hold around you and cuddling you closer to his chest, not that you mind. "Are you nervous about tomorrow?"
Tomorrow is the day. It's been years, it feels like, and yet only hours since Jungkook asked you to stay beside him. That one precious, perfect night that will always be in your mind. That was, in your opinion, the proposal you always wanted. And now tomorrow you will be having the wedding you always wanted. And it's all because of the man holding you.
Are you nervous?
Of course!
Is this still what you want most in the world?
Of course.
"Not even a little bit." Is your response as you snuggle down into the sheets. He kisses your head before following you off to dreamland. This night, his last time to do so as your fiance.
Morning came quickly. Did you even sleep for eight hours? You must have although it definitely feels much less than that.
Jungkook is already swept away to have himself prepared for the ceremony, and you are woken by dress maids and a very excited Mrs. Barnes.
"You're early."
She just smiles and motions towards your wedding gown on the wall. "You didn't think I would miss the biggest day of your life, now did you?"
"What would I do without you?" you reply happily, giving this practically perfect human being a hug.
And you truly mean that. You're freaking out a lot more than you thought you would. You wonder if Jungkook is freaking out just as much as you are? Today is the day. You two have gone through a lot to get to this point. It's okay if you have a little freak out. Yeah, totally okay.
Finally, your dress is fitted and you turn to see yourself in the mirror.
The dress, my god. Everything about it is exactly how you imagined it would be. But you also realize that even if you have the perfect dress, and the perfect cake, and the perfect roses, all of that stuff means nothing if you're not marrying the perfect man for you.
But you are marrying the perfect man for you.
Every woman in the room gasps when they see you dressed in your wedding gown, but the first thought that comes to your mind is what Jungkook will say when he sees you like this. His bride. His own. His Queen.
You also wonder what Jungkook looks like in his fancy wedding tux. The wedding is in a few hours so you'll find out soon enough, but that doesn't mean the excitement doesn't just build and build and build with every moment.
Finally, after hair and make-up and flowers and rehearsal speeches and last minute fix-ups and over a hundred countdowns...it's time.
The aisle is lighted and accented, the only thing missing now being you.
Jungkook stands ready and waiting in his suit at the altar. He looks magnificent. Better than you ever could have imagined. All you want to do is run to him and throw your arms around him and-- don't cry yet! Stop tears, not yet! This is not the time to ruin the make-up that took you two hours to do this morning!
Take a deep breath and steady yourself. This is it. This is the moment. All this story, all this time, all this heartbreak, all this pain, and all this joy has led up to this moment. It's your wedding day.
Your mind races just as fast as your heart is beating. Every thought you can conjure is flooding your brain with imagines and things to make you that much more nervous.
Wedding jitters? Ooohhh yeah, they are very much real. So real your hand is sweating holding on to your bouquet.
"Your Majesty." A soft male voice comes up beside you. You whip around to see Sami bowing low to you with a smile. "Ready?"
That's a stupid question. You love Jungkook with all you have, and everything you are. Of course you're ready. You want this more than anything. There is no doubt in your mind that Jungkook wants this too.
With a small breath and a tightening grip around your bouquet, you decide, "Yes, I'm ready."
The instruments play and that is your que. Sami offers you his arm and you gladly, but nervously, take hold of it.
The moment seems frozen in time to both of you. The moment Jungkook turns around and sees you walking down the aisle towards him. His eyes begin sparkling as they watch you, almost shining it seems, and they are all you can focus on.
Everything around you disappears into some kind of blurry mess until you reach him. The world around you, the eyes, and stares, the sighs, all of it seems to be non-existent as you get closer, closer, and still closer to standing with Jungkook.
Sami turns and smiles at you. "I could not give you over to be cared for by anyone less worthy. Be happy in love as I know you are. And promise me you will stay the beautiful ___ that I watched grow up into the gorgeous woman who is standing here now."
"I promise."
He then squeezes your hands before he lets Jungkook take them from him. The ordained begins the ceremony.
Most of what is said, you hear, and some of what is said goes right past you. All you know is that what you do see the entire time is the way Jungkook can't take his eyes off you. The way he stares at you as if he's finally found what he has been searching for, for his whole life. Actually, those are the exact thoughts in his mind.
When the ordained asks you to state your vows, your heart skips a beat for the thousandth time that minute. That can't be healthy.
Jungkook's voice drains out every other sound...
"From the very beginning, I didn't think that this was my story, let alone our story. But with every day you spent with me, it only made me realize how much I wanted it to be our story. ___, you are the love of my life and also my best friend. I want you to know that our love story doesn't end here and it doesn't end in a hundred years or even a thousand. I will never stop fighting for you and with you as we continue our story. I want to live for as long as I can being in love with my best friend. In sickness, and in health. In good times, and in bad. I promise to love you, my Queen. I promise to keep you, protect you, and pursue you even when all these fancy lights and dresses go away. You will still be mine, and I will still be yours. Forever. Best friends and soul mates."
And then your vow to him while Jungkook's thumb keeps your voice calm the whole time by rubbing the back of your hand....
"I never had a best friend before. Someone who dropped flour on my head, or hid me in closets, or tickled me until I couldn't breath. But having you as a friend has made my life more colorful than I ever imagined it could be. You are so stubborn sometimes and I am more thankful for that every day I remember how often I ran away from you. You never gave me up. You never told me I wasn't worth it. You always loved me from the very beginning. Making me fall for you was, I know, not easy. But I want to thank you for being someone who I can fall for each and every day all over again. I promise to keep you, protect you, and love you even in the most unimaginable of circumstances. I promise to never run away from you. I am yours and you are mine, my Just Jungkook, and I will love you until death do us part."
Jungkook's careful gaze as he slips a thin gold band around the fourth finger on your left hand, is nothing compared to the teary eyes you try to see past as you slip a matching ring onto his finger as well.
Together you promise...
"This ring is a symbol of my never ending love for you. The circle is a sign of our unity, and the gold is representative of how brightly you shine in my life. I can't go on without you. And now I never have to."
Once the vows are stated and your hand now wears Jungkook's ring, the crowd erupts as King Jungkook pulls you closer for a kiss. A kiss that says, "No matter what happens now, I have you and you have me. No matter where we go or how long we spend apart or together, I will never stop loving you. For as long as we both shall live."
In your heart, did you always know this would happen?
In your heart, could you be happier that Jungkook pursued you, never gave up on you completely, loved you unconditionally and uncontrollably?
You suppose this is as good a place as any to make your last testament. Jungkook will forever be the man of your dreams and of your Fallen Arrangement.
"Dong-Sun! Watch where you're going!"
The little toddler runs around your legs, as you try to keep track of him and not drop the ten pound dish in your hand.
"Look, Mommy!"
The boy barely reaches your thighs in height, how does he have so much energy? You're convinced he gets it from his father. He continues to show you how fast he can "fly" as he runs past you and under the table.
"Jungkook!" you shout after you're sure you won't trip over your son. "Dinner is ready! Can you bring Chin-Sun with you?"
You don't hear a reply. Immediately after your hands have placed the dish on the table, they are catching a falling four year old before he crashes from jumping off the dining chair.
"Dong-Sun, please calm down. It's minutes until dinner, and if your father sees you running around like this, he won't be pleased."
The toddler pouts for a moment before nodding his head. "Okay, Mommy. But can I have more potatoes this time?"
"Yes," you agree with a smile, "ifyou can sit still in your seat until your father gets here."
"Okay!" the little boy responds happily and runs to jump into his chair.
The dining room table is already set and ready for dinner. Now all you need is that darn husband of yours.
"___!" You hear Jungkook calling from another room.
"Where did we leave Chin-Sun's socks?"
You giggle and shake your head. Jungkook is one of the best men you know and he is wonderful with your two little ones. However, you swear that man would lose his own head if it weren't attached to his shoulders.
"Just put some socks on her and come eat!"
Your firstborn is still sitting in his seat, although now he has turned his napkin into a miniature cape and his fork is a sword.
Your mom instincts go into overdrive and you rush to take the presumably murderous object from the toddler's fingers. "Dong-Sun! Be careful, oh my god!"
Your son, with a dumb-founded look he must have gotten from his father, watches you take his weapon against the evil, delicious turkey on the table.
"Mommy, do you not want me to protect you?" he asks as you pick him up, placing the boy on your hip and straightening his napkin cape.
"I am so proud of you for protecting me. But Mommy needs you to be careful, so you protect yourself too, okay?"
Your son smiles, and pecks your cheek happily. "Okay, Mommy!"
He squirms until you cave and place him down so he can take off running towards the wall and back again, releasing his endless energy before he is tied to his dinner chair for good.
At this moment, Jungkook walks into the room with your one-year-old sweetheart wearing black socks that are about ten sizes too big hanging off her toes.
"We're here," Jungkook announces with a smile, proud that he got his daughter ready for dinner all by himself.
"Honey," you try not to laugh, "is our daughter wearing your socks?"
Jungkook runs his hand over the yards of sock that are left dangling in the air off of Chin-Sun's ting foot and shrugs. "You said to just pick some socks and hurry, so I did."
Why this warms your heart, you don't know, but for some reason, when things like this happen it just reminds you how lucky you are to have this family. To have Jungkook as the father of your son and daughter.
Jungkook sighs when he sees his son zooming around the table. "Dong-Sun," he says calmly and the little boy pauses, looking over at the King, "are you ready for dinner like mommy asked?"
"Yes, Sir!"
"Then I want to see my little prince at his best behavior, please."
Little Dong-Sun stands at attention with a huge smile. "Yes, Sir."
Jungkook hands Chin-Sun to you so he can pick up your son and "fly" him like a superhero into his chair. Dong-Sun just giggles and smiles at his daddy as Jungkook takes the seat next to him.
You sit your baby girl in your lap and Jungkook serves his family plates. It also warms your heart that Jungkook does this. Once a week, you decide to have this family only dinner. No cooks. No servants. No guards. Just you four being together. The first night Jungkook decided that he is the man of the family and he will be the one to serve and provide.
You only cried a little. Granted you had just given birth to your second child, and you were only a little emotional. Just a little.
Your husband finishes serving all the plates and claps his hands. "Let's eat!"
You take a bite.
Your son eyes his father to take a bite too before turning his attention to you, "Mommy?"
"Yes, baby?"
"Why does Daddy always wait for you to eat before he eats?"
You instantly look over at Jungkook who is simply watching you with those "I'm in love with you" eyes that make your heart flutter even after all these years.
"Because Daddy loves me, he wants to make sure I eat first," you say gently, still watching Jungkook's eyes.
"Ooohhh," Dong-Sun realizes with a cute nod. Pretty quickly, he disregards everything as he starts to eat.
The four year old starts making roaring noises and attacking the mashed potatoes on his spoon before stuffing the bite into his mouth.
You roll your eyes. "Baby, what did we talk about last time about playing with your food?"
"But Mommy! The dragon is gonna take the princess, and then the noble prince won't be able to save her!" The wide eyes on the boy only make you lean back a little. He is dead serious about this, and it's pretty obvious that there is no other choice unless he wants to let the princess die!
You two stare at each other. Staring.
Suddenly, Jungkook lets out this big roar (sounds like a lion, but it was probably supposed to be a dragon) and lifts his spoon up into the air. "I, the mighty dragon, am here to steal the princess and take her away to be my prisonerrrr!"
The scene that plays out before you is pure proof that this boy is Jungkook's son. Not only does Dong-Sun look like a baby Jungkook, but his energy and imagination simply must have come from him. No one can deny.
However, your lovely Chin-Sun, is a quiet little angel who tends to be somewhat shy and reserved. She's only one year old, but already she is very developed for her age.
They are both your pride and joy.
Jungkook eventually is defeated by the little prince and the princess is saved. You clap for the wonderful show as it comes to a perfect ending.
"Bravo! Bravo!"
Your son only giggles and opens his mouth so his father can finally get him to eat a big bite of his vegetables.
One thing Jungkook has always been good at, as a father and as a King, is always getting what he wants by the end of the day. He was an expert at this even before you were married.
You also had managed to feed Chin-Sun a few bites of her food by the time a knock sounded.
knock knock knock~
Of course, you had informed every person in the facility that family dinner is not to be interrupted. This is the first time that someone other than you four has come since family dinner started.
"Come in," your husband tells whoever it could possibly be.
To your surprise, a humble Sami walks in and bows. "Your Majesty, I have--"
The butler is unable to finish explaining his intrusion as he is interrupted by a high pitched shout of acclamation from a very hyper four year old. Dong-Sun jumps from his chair and sprints to the new face in the room.
Dong-Sun's arms go out and so do Sami's as he prepares to catch the toddler flinging himself across the carpet.
Sami picks up the giggling boy and spins him around once before placing his feet back down and whispering something in the boy's ear.
Immediately, Dong-Sun walks back to you and bows. "Sorry, Mommy. I got too excited."
You just laugh and stroke his thin, black hair. "Thank you, baby, it's okay."
Dong-Sun sits back in his seat and continues to eat with the help of his mighty, dragon slaying spoon.
You and Jungkook both look back to Sami and ask, "What do you need?"
This is family dinner, but if Sami feels the need to drop by when he knows you are eating together, you feel this will require your immediate attention.
Your butler walks to you and bows, holding a white envelope out towards you. "This was dropped off for you. I thought you would like to know immediately considering who dropped it off."
You tilt your head, transferring Chin-Sun to your other leg before taking the letter. "What do you mean? Who personally dropped this off?"
"I was requested not to say."
You furrow your brow. "By who?"
"I think the best way to answer your questions is to read the letter, Your Majesty." And Sami bows again before closing the door behind himself.
You look at Jungkook, but he just shrugs.
So without hesitation, you rip open the letter and read...
Dear my princess,
Are you impressed I learned to write so well? I can’t take all the credit. Captain Gray Beard is actually a really good guy.
How are you? I've missed you quite a lot. I hope life has been treating you well since I last saw you. I still remember the last time I saw you at Mrs. Barnes' home. This letter will be answers for you. I hope you read it all, and it brings some peace to you.
My life right now is getting very close to my dream. It wasn't an easy journey to get here, but I couldn't be happier where I am, and where I am going. I hope you can say the same about where you are.
I am living my dream abroad as of right now thanks to a few very special people. I didn't understand the condition I have after spending time in the prison at first. But after a few weeks, Mrs. Barnes opened my eyes to what I had become, and how I needed to help myself. I was irrational, angry, and upset all the time. What killed me was, I didn't know why? It felt like my body was taken over every night, and every morning I was scared of footsteps coming around the corner, as if I could still hear the whips dragging on the floor.
I’m not completely okay, but things are looking up since I started traveling.
So far I’ve been to thirteen countries and sailed four oceans. It’s weird I feel more at home without a home. But I do miss you often. The main point is I wanted to write to you. So I did.
Please know that no matter where or what or who I’m with. You will always have a friend in me. Always. I don't want there to be any confusion or unresolved messes between us. That's why this letter is being written even if it is being written a few years late.
The main thing I want to say is, I am happy. So please, don't worry about me. I hope you are happy too. I have a feeling you are happy. I sincerely hope this feeling is right. I hope I see you again. Sometime in the future.
Keep living and loving the way you do, and don't forget about me, like you promised, okay?
Your village boy
When you finish reading the letter, you slowly refold the paper and place it back in the envelope.
"Who was it from?"
You perk up to see Jungkook looking at you while his hand is holding a spoonful of vegetables in your son's mouth.
"It's from Jimin, actually."
"Jimin?" Jungkook raises his eyebrows, scooping another bite for Dong-Sun. "What did he say?"
You and Jungkook made a promise before your marriage. No secrets. No secrets. No secrets. So far, for the past years you have kept that promise, and you're keeping it now.
"He wrote to tell me how he is doing. He's abroad right now.”
"Good to hear from him after so long. I'm glad he's found himself after everything that happened."
"Yeah..." You smile genuinely. "It sure is good to hear from him."
Jimin seems like such a distant memory to you now...almost. Of course, you promised you would never forget him and you never shall.
You're broken from your short internal thoughts by the small whine coming from the cuteness sitting in your lap. Quickly, you feed little Chin-Sun another bite and smile.
"She eats so well," you chuckle to yourself.
"I can eat well too, Mommy! Watch!" And now your little boy has determined in his heart to win in this "eating well" contest. Another trait he gets from his father, or maybe from both of you.
You giggle as your family finishes their dinner, the evening growing later and later. Eventually, the little girl in your lap falls into a peaceful sleep, and the once energetic toddler sitting across from you starts to yawn.
And so the dishes are cleared, your little two pride and joys are tucked into bed, and the lights turned off.
They lay there, peaceful and innocent, in their bedroom, while you stand in the doorway, just watching them dream. Maybe you're just silently wishing for them to grow up to be the best rulers their kingdoms have ever known, but a part of you wishes they would always stay this little and innocent. As long as they can be the best people they can be, and show the world how amazing they are, you'll be happy.
Jungkook comes up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist before nuzzling a kiss to your neck. "Whatcha thinking about?"
You smile and rub his arms locked around you. "How lucky I am." Slowly, you turn in his arms to face him, cupping his jaw and pressing your forehead to his. "I love this family so much, Jungkook."
"And this family loves you," Jungkook assures you with a kiss. "Thank you for being a part of it."
With your two dear ones safe and sound, you and your Jungkook make your way down the hall, his hand around your waist and your head on his shoulder.
The sun sets outside the hall windows as the color dances off the warm carpet beneath your bare feet. You smile. This place has become so much more to you than just a castle. This place is your home. So much more than that even.
Jungkook opens the bedroom door for you, allowing you to walk in, and make your way towards your dresser. You pull out a black t-shirt.
"Honey, when did you get that shirt? I don't remember you buying clothes recently," Jungkook questions as he slips on his pajamas as well.
You walk towards the bed while stripping your dress and pulling the shirt over your head so it hangs at your thighs. "Do you remember it now?"
You can tell by the way his expression softens and his hand slowly slides its way to grip the material at your side that he does.
"You...you still have this shirt?"
You nod, slowly wrapping your arms around his neck and pecking his nose. "I thought maybe it would be nice to sleep in it again. After all, I can't remember one night I didn't sleep perfectly in this shirt."
Jungkook smiles, and lets you step into him. Even after years of ruling beside each other, having two kids, countless displays of affection, what happens here, now, just you two, thinking back to things as simple as a t-shirt...a simple kiss becomes so much more.
Jungkook's lips are so familiar by now and yet they still ignite a fire within you that will never grow old. You love him that much more even now. Every kiss only makes you fall for him again and again and again. He is your best friend, the love of your life, your husband, the father of your children, and the best thing to have ever happened to you.
This is the life you chose, and every day you live it only reminds you of how lucky you are to have had such a love story and how blessed you are to have the love of this man.
Jungkook gave you the best love story any princess could ever ask for.
And you wouldn't change a single chapter.
@staerryminimini @unicornbabylover @kookieswan @sugarflywme @dvalitaes @kookiecrumb @jeonsjiddies @myooniverse @miscelunaaa @highly-functioning-mitochondria @azreeeeee @armys-dna @thesugatoyourtae @jmforevs @kimprosperi @jjkeverlast @joontied @pamzn @ssaboala @hobipost @jimilter @sleepilysworld @rjsmochii @familiarlikemymirror3 @gimmethatagustd @alluringfairies @minijagiya @roseyykris @jwnghyuns @kaitaesupremacy @squawkadoodledoo @jimin2014 @jminthinker @femmesstuff @valhallawhispers @bora-kat @bloodline1632 @ahundredtimesover @greezenini @koostarcandy @sparklingprimrose @xxxavee16 @koorosie @minniesvenus @bishuthot @pringles-bringles @jamlessstars @tearyjjeon @lookhere-2seok
Hey guys, yeah you guessed it, I got another message from Jimin. He just really cares and has a lot to tell you so...
He wants to tell you that it's gonna be okay. Even though everything feels like it's not, it will be okay. He knows you're worried about it. He knows you're stressed about it. But he also knows that you are capable and strong. It's okay that you're not fearless, it's okay to be afraid. It's hard, he knows, and you're holding on so tight just to keep it all together. But he hopes you know it's okay to let go and be held sometimes too. If you need someone to hold onto, he's got you. He loves you and will be here when you come out of this on the other side.

calling you cool (teaser) | jjk

upcoming: calling you cool (m) pairing: jungkook x guitarist!reader(f) rating/genre: m (18+) ; angst , fluff , smut ; rock band au , valentines au , strangers to lovers summary: after your band finishes a coveted club gig on valentines, you’re frustrated that your dope ass night ends with you hiding in a bathroom stall. at least, this is what you figured—until someone comes along to change that. warnings: none for teaser but dear god there will be hella warnings on drop day lol also it’s long hair don’t care jk note: so… i have no explanation for this other than i went to a live show the other night and got, umm. inspired lmao. tbh this is for the ones that wanna get revenge on this man for everything he’s been up to && it’s cuffing season so let’s get itttt<33 note 2: current word count is at 3.5k and i’m assuming 2-3 more scenes to write unless more come up, so this should be out fairly quick! est. word count: 7-10k est. drop date: february 13th-15th, 2023 ⟶ 18+ teaser & taglist here. ⟶ masterlist here.
bts fanfics i personally think shakespeare would lose his job over in the 1500’s: an essay by me
i do not apologise for the title. i genuinely think he would quiver in his boots if he read any of these. and he definitely should. and so should you. let’s get into it.
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a jin a day while he is away ♥
day 55
🎶 Composition of the Century (The Collab Masterlist!) 🎶

Hello, everyone! Welcome to the concert hall.
Take your seats and silence your phones, we have the genius Min Yoongi himself to celebrate on his thirtieth birthday!
Isi (@raplinesmoon), Ryen (@kithtaehyung) and Mars (@joheunsaram) are stoked to announce the masterlist for our second BTS 30 for 30 collab. For this collaboration, we have gathered 30 fantastic writers to showcase 30 musical pieces celebrating Yoongi’s brilliant mind during his birth month.
🎼 All details/ratings of the upcoming lineup are under the cut. These fics are slated to go on tour by March 15th, so get ready to be moved (and don’t forget to come back and give them a listen!)
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how do i stop weird p0rn accs from following me 🫥🫥🫥🫥