lost-echo1 - Lost Echo
Lost Echo

Hello, welcome to my profile I write, sketch, edit and 3d model!! Instagram @ricky_pillai_art discord/steam lost echo

40 posts

Are You A Writer Or Artist? Looking For A Safe And Positive Atmosphere To Chat With Others And Find Support?

Are You A Writer Or Artist? Looking For A Safe And Positive Atmosphere To Chat With Others And Find Support?

Are you a Writer or Artist? Looking for a safe and positive atmosphere to chat with others and find support? Kuroshironeko is a server that provides:

Channels just for Content Creators (Fandom based or Original’s) to chat, share support tools, request beta’s, hash out ideas, post commission info, partner up for projects, even links to events on Tumblr.

Fandom Channels for chatting (fangirling/boying), fiction stories, and artwork. Right now there are channels for the following:

Mashima (FT, RM, EZ)

Akatsuki no Yona


Rumics World (any of Takahashi’s works)


Shokugeki no Soma

Fruits Basket

Otomate (any fandoms in this world)

Bungou stray Dogs



Original Works/OC characters

Entertainment including:

Bookclub group to share in a love of reading. VC option available.


Cards Against Humanity or Uno

Dank Memer, OwO, and more

Rpg games D&D and LoL

VC rooms for music and socializing

NSFW channels for creators as well as fun are available for verified 18+ yrs and older.

For more information please send us a message. Invite Links will only be provided in private after approval is processed by admins to ensure membership does not grow too quickly. We really wish to keep this smaller, cozy, and safe for all as an introverts playground 😊.

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More Posts from Lost-echo1

5 years ago

reblog if you want your followers to tell you one thing they secretly think about you.

6 years ago

An exchange of goods.

Okay so a friend of mine agreed to let me post this. We made a deal that I write something for her and she draws something for me so I’m posting it here to Tumblr so everyone can see her amazing work.

This is the short I write for her. I hope you all like it as much as she did.


This was supposed to be a date and she can’t stop the butterflies that are going rampant in her stomach. She’s spent the last hour making sure her hair is perfect, that she has every single strand right where it should be. Normally, hair her shade of blue made her feel special, unique even, but Laro, with hair a darker cerulean than her own, seemed to have been born to wear it. He was perfect in every way and the thought that she was going to spend the entire evening with him had her heart racing.

Her body was clad in tight fitting pants that clung to her like a second skin; topped with knee high boots, she had to admit that she looked amazing in them. She wore a thicker sweater because of the cold and with Christmas just a day away, the recent snow flurries had the temperature dropping to new lows. Silver seemed to go well with her hair and fair skin so her coat, with the silver lining, went well with the deep maroon of her sweater.

Sparing one last glance in the mirror, Marina decided to skip the scarf and opt for a hat instead, knowing her ears would get very cold, very fast. She used to hide from her unusually elven-like ears but after she met Laro, who had the same ears, she has become rather fond of them. She always joked that they were made for each other.

“Okay, I’m ready!” She winks at her reflection to psych herself up and she’s put the door a moment later, shivering slightly when the wind whips around her.




Marina doesn’t know how long she’s been waiting at the café, but when it’s clear that her date isn’t coming she feels her heart jump into her throat. Did she do something wrong? Did he change his mind? She doesn’t know the answer and the more the wracks her brain, the more the overthinks and it’s only a few minutes later that she’s on the verge of panic.

Around her she can hear the hustle and bustle of the passers by going about their lives and she wishes she could be like them. She wishes everything worked out for her. She wishes that she wasn’t on the verge of tears.

“Laro, where are you?” Her question hangs in the air, directed at no one in particular but she wants desperately for someone, anyone to give her the answer she needs. She’s off and running before her mind has time to process, checking the nearby shops just in case. Why was she so adamant to find him? Why did she have this ache in her stomach at his absence? Did he really grow to mean so much to her?

“I’ll find you, I swear it.” Her golden eyes are staring straight ahead and she knows what she needs to do. She reaches down into the very core of her being, drawing on any magic that is residing in her, reaching for it with every ounce of willpower she has, but when nothing happens she feels tears well. How does Laro make it look so easy?

She searches for him, anywhere and everywhere she can think of before coming to a stop just outside the nearby park. Laughter drifts to her ears and she turns to see a family playing in the snow. The children look so happy and she smiles briefly before setting her eyes on the center of the park. Maybe, just maybe he’s there. He has to be, right? She doesn’t know why, but she’s drawn to the large tree in the center, it’s lights seeming to illuminate her way. Her feet move on their own, her body simply along for the ride and in her chest she can feel a heat she recognizes. She feels his magic, his very essence, all the way to her soul.

The closer she gets, she hears music; it’s tune bringing a smile to her face before she even realizes it. There, leaning against the large tree, is Laro, and she can see the smile growing on his face. His form is standing tall and proud if she had to put a word to it, his hands stuffed into his pockets. His toothy grin reaches his deep brown eyes and she finds her cheeks wet from the tears that spilled over. Her worry vanishes in a gasp and she’s running to close the distance, her arms wrapping around him as if her life depends on it.

She’s enveloped in his warmth and the sigh that escapes is one of relief. He’s sturdy against her, his body warming the chill from her bones in an instant.

“I’m glad you found me, I’m sorry I didn’t make our meeting Marina,” he rests a hand on her head and she looks up and hazel meets gold in a torrent of unsaid emotions before he continues, “but I wanted to make sure this was perfect for you. Looks like you got here before I could get to you though.” He chuckles and it vibrates through her body.

“I got worried something happened to you…” she can’t hide the shaking in her tone and he holds her tighter.

“I know, I’m sorry for worrying you.” He turns them both around so she can see what has taken him so long and her eyes widen in shock. The tree is lit top to bottom in blue and silver lights and at the base is a picnic waiting for her of all her favorites and the squeak that leaves her lips is one of both surprise and happiness.

“You did all this…for me?” She looks to him, looking for any waver of his emotions, but finds none and her heart clenches.

“I sure did,” he smiled down at her,” I wanted you to have everything you’ve ever wanted this year.” She watches him pull out a small box and her body goes stiff, her mind racing in about a million different directions but she remains quiet.

“It’s not much but I’ve been saving up from my jobs to get this for you because I know you’ve been eyeing it,” he pauses to open it for her and she is met with glistening metal, “I figured you could practice magic with this knife. I hope you like it.”

She can see the words inscribed on the blade, As you grow stronger, so do my feelings for you. She can’t help the tears that overwhelm her.

“Merry Christmas Marina.”


And THIS, is the wonderful picture she drew for me!

An Exchange Of Goods.
5 years ago
Been A While Since I Have Posted Anything Here Except For Reblogs.

Been a while since I have posted anything here except for reblogs.

Dedicated to : @bmarvels

Love you big sis! Thanks for being there for me n helpinge a lot. I'd be lost without your help. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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5 years ago

My Treasure

Day 4- Treasure @fortheloveofnaluevents

With a shaky breath, Natsu tentatively presses his lips against the side of her neck, her fingers curling around his arms that hold her as she exposes more of her neck to him with a soft hum, “Natsu..”

Hearing his name like that on her lips encourages him to tighten his hold around her waist and deepen his kiss along her neck, leaving a trail of sparks in his wake that lights a fire deep within her.

Her breathing picks up at his touch as she turns around to capture his lips with hers, invading his mouth with her tongue as she starts taking control; her hands gripping his spiked locks bringing him in as his hands squeeze her hips tightly keeping her close.

She pulls back briefly for them to catch their breath, leaning their heads against each other, “You got quite a deal with the prize you won,” Lucy says between breaths trying to get her pounding heart back under control.

Natsu blushes as his hand cups her chin, making her look at him, his gaze intense as he fights off his natural reluctance to be bold and brazen when he’s not behind the wheel, “You are my true prize, my treasure, Lucy.”

6 years ago

Ok guess time !!!

1 I can cook

2 I have ✈️ to some place at least once

3 I know 3 types of martial arts

@diabl0o @dark0angel13 @theweiszguy @thegemibaby @lucielhyung @pie-artistical @phoneboxfairy @petri808

Let’s play two truths and a lie!

I have ridden in a police car

I have ridden in a fire truck

I have ridden in a sleigh

@l0nelyb0y @that-nerd-emi @gatewaygeek @dreaming-of-the-midnight-sun

@anyone else who wants to try