Just a place to put some art when I feel like it!!
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Lovelylizardking - Lizards Can Indeed Draw!! - Tumblr Blog

My girl slinking around with her spine of jello. And at a certain level I'm pretty sure dragonborn sorcerers grow wings??

And here is Aziraphale’s version!! Not super happy with the flames on the sword but I’ll learn how to draw fire in due time!!

I drew Crowley!! I’ve always liked the look of stain glass windows because of all the shapes and decided to give it a try. It was a lot of fun!!

I’m not super good at drawing tech stuff but I thought I’d have a go at it. I think I did a pretty good job!! It really helped that I was in the mood to draw I think. These are only sketches of my spaceships so I hope I have the time to put solid lines and maybe colour.

A slightly more realistic looking Thava!! I've been practicing animal mouths recently and I think I'm making some good progress.

Nearing the final stretches of my project!! The background turned out alright, even if it’s not the best.

Here is the progress on my project so far!! I’m still working on the colours so it’s not quite done yet, but I’m getting there. I’m also going to have to draw my own forest background for it to be on, which I’m not the greatest at, so wish me luck!!

I had to design an animal that was a mix between two different animals. I chose a komodo dragon and a jaguar. I love the way big cats move and komodo dragons have saliva so gross it’s poisonous (venomous??). It looks kinda silly from the front view, but reptiles just have faces like that. I’ll try to remember to post the final product even if I don’t like it all that much.

Also, I fear some of you may have made the assumption that Isaakios is tall. He may be willow-y, but he is only 5'2". Thava is the tall one.

I figure Isaakios is a "I do yoga every day and am pretty flexible as a result" kinda guy and Thava is a "my spine is naturally made of jello" kinda girl.

Vallyre is back!! I've been made aware that this name does not in fact sound like the word Valor but is instead a girls name for Valarie. I do not care enough to change it!! His name is Vallyre and it shall sound like Valor. And if you haven't figured it out yet, I have no idea how clothes are supposed to work, enjoy my ignorance!!

My beautiful girl. Also, I figure some dragonborn can flip their heads over like I've seen some dogs do. Thava is actually a darker green but I thought this shade was pretty too!!

R.I.P Stan Lee. You were an absolute legend and inspiration, thank you.
‘The only advice anybody can give is, if you wanna be a writer, keep writing. And read all you can, read everything.’ – Stan Lee

Some sketches of my sweet boy and my crazy girl. Drawing bodies is getting a little easier, yay for practice!!

I've been having a fun time with animal crossing recently!! I forgot how fun and relaxing it is to play.

Hey!! I haven't posted in a while. Have a mermaid!!
Maybe misusing the name of God isn’t so much about saying the shallow words, “Oh my God,” as it is about using the name of God to justify discrimination, oppression, injustice, racism, slavery, xenophobia, poverty, sexism, islamophobia, ableism, homophobia, war, & the list can go on.