They/Them. Dyslexic. (18)

86 posts

Spencer's Magic Bag

Spencer's magic bag

Oh, Spencer's magic messenger bag. He has almost anything in that bag. Why don't we look at some times that bag has saved you and made everything better.


Your case had gone late into the night and early morning, you were bagging on getting some sleep on the plane back, but the jet's blinds are broken. Leaving the sunshine state in the early morning, does not grant you the grace you were hoping for. You drop yourself down in the darker part of the plane, but the sun is still a big pain in the ass. Somehow Spencer is fine, he's not tired, hungry or anything and it makes you so mad. It shouldn't but you're fucking cranky, and sadly you know it. You hold an arm over your eyes as the sucky sun shines through the plane. You're really wishing you haven't forgotten your sunglasses in your suitcase. You give a slight groan and hear Spencer chuckle. You drop your arm and slump back in your seat, making room for Spencer to sit beside you. You lean your head into the crook of his neck. Spencer sets his messenger bag by his legs and throws an am around your shoulder. "What's wrong?" he questions, letting your head rest for the first time in hours.

"Nothing..." You sigh, knowing even if you decide to tell him there's not much he can do to help. Spencer needs his sunglasses, and if he does have painkillers it's probably the kind you need to have with food. "Something is clearly wrong, I'd like to help" He squeezes your shoulder and you snuggle op to him, bringing your legs op on his legs. "There's nothing to do Spence, but thank you" You say, hoping you'd be allowed to cuddle op to him even though the team is around. Spencer grumbles something to the affect of Yes but still, love you, I'm here. You nod slightly, still warm from the burning sun. A few minutes pass with you snuggled op to him. Suddenly, Spencer goes to pull you off and you almost whine. You know Spencer isn't big on PDA, but you were hoping that Spencer would grant you the grace the sun was denying you, though you haven't said it you expected him to notice.

"Something's hurting you" He states questioningly, gently tilting your head back onto the seat. You sigh, that didn't take long. "It's just a headache, the sun isn't helping" You half groan, shifting to lay against the one stretch of wall without a window. Spencer gives a sad smile, glad he was right, yet sad he was right because of course he doesn't like to see you hurt. You watch as he grabs his bag and brings it into his lap, that fucking confused you. He keeps books and case files in that thing, what's he looking for. You close your eyes. Tired and hot. Suddenly something is slipped onto your face, your eyes fly open in surprise. Sunglasses. You look to the top of Spencer's head, his own sunglasses set neatly behind his ears. "You just, have an extra pair of sunglasses?" you ask, as he brings you back into a snuggle. "Of course i do" He confesses, pressing a short, sticky kiss to your forehead. You smile, reminding yourself that you need to write a thank you letter to Diana for raising some a smart, sweet, and considerate son. "Thanks Spence" You mutter. Spencer smiles, pulling his own sunglasses down over his eyes, ready to fall asleep next to you. He shuffles close, leaning his head atop yours. You give a small happy hum, and let yourself sleep for the first time in two days.


You've had a bad day. That's what you tell Spencer as you get in the elevator with him, your arms crossed over your chest, heavy bag slung over your shoulder. Your stomach grumbles and you're reminded that you've not had your usual lunch with Spencer because you've had an enormous amount of paperwork and just did not have the time. "Ahh. Thank you Baby" You whine as he slips the bag off your shoulder. Spencer chuckles and hikes the bag op on his own shoulder. You swear that man has no limit to what he can hold on his shoulders. He could carry 20 bags on one shoulder and not even get winded. You lean on his non bag shoulder and he sets an arm around you. You lay a hand on your stomach, hoping to quiet it. Spencer spares your stomach a glance and your face heats op in embarrassment. You definitely want your stomach to shut op now, and you're kinda regretting letting Spencer take your bag.

"Is something wrong?" He asks, rubbing your side lightly. The question seems odd to you. Is something wrong?, not what is wrong? Normally Spencer would already know something is wrong, or he'd wait to see if you give any more clues. Something must seem very wrong to him, if not he wouldn't be asking. "I'm hungry, starving actually" You confess, hoping that he would take pity on you and get you a snack at some local corner store. "Ha" he sighs, petting your side before letting og of you. You whine and sigh at the same time, whining for him to keep being a pillow and sigh because he won't hold you. "Just a minute Princess" He opens his own bag, digging around for something. For a second you hope he's got a snack, before remembering that he doesn't keep food with his books because some are first edition that he can't risk getting dirty.

You sigh again, and resign yourself to hunger until you get home. But hopefully just until you hit the street and find a store. Spencer nudges you. "Here" he says, and you open your eyes to find Spencer handing you a tapper wear box, layered in two plastic bags. "What is it?" You asks, undoing the plastic. "An extra lunch, a ham and cheese sandwich, crackers, half an apple, half a pear, and a box of apple juice. I always have one" He says, taking the plastic bags from you. Your stomach rolls in happiness as you lean op to kiss him. "You are magic!" you swear and open the lunch. You stuff the de-cored apple in your mouth and chew, then the de-cored pear. You sigh happly as the food settles in your stomach. "How does it not go bad?" you ask, starting to pick op the crackers. "I make the extra one and if someone doesn't need it. Then i eat it the next day and make a new extra" Spencer says, setting an arm around you. The elevator door opens and you two step out as you munch on his food. You remind yourself yet again, to write that damn thank you letter to Diana. Maybe it's better if you go see her actually. It's been a while since you two went to see her.


The jet had just taken off when you realised. Well, more remembered. It was suspose to be a fun surprise for Reid later, but you got a not so fun susprise. It would just have been unpleasant timing. Had you been wearing underwear. So that's how you find yourself crying in the bathroom. You're wearing a skirt with no underwear and you just got your period. You don't wanna move off the toilet but you can't stay in the bathroom for ever. It's a 2 hour flight. What are you gonna do? had you packed underwear just in case? oh god you don't remember. You grab your phone off the sink. Which one of the girls might have underwear in your size? Emily? Would she even have an extra pair? Would any of them? You about to text JJ, hoping her mom instincts might mean she'd have an extra pair, when you get a text from Spencer.

I know something is wrong, please tell me what so i can help you

You sigh. God damn you've been in for too long. You grab some paper and dry your tears. You love that man. So, so much. You'd die for that man right now. You switch to your chat tread with your boyfriend.

I'm having some femmine issues, would you mind checking my bag for underwear and a pad?

You find yourself blushing a bit, it's not something you like discussing with Spencer. It's not that he doesn't understand. He's actaully a bit too understanding sometimes. Letting you take out your frustration on him when you don't know what else to do and letting you cry on his shoulder when you've realized what you've said. There's a knock on the door and you gather yourself before answering it. Spencer slips you a small bag you don't recognize. You take it and shut and lock the door. You sit back down and open the bag. You could hug that man to death right now. A few months ago, you'd caught Spencer looking through your underwear drawer. He insistsed that he wasn't looking to take anything, and he didn't. You laughed about, if he wasn't gonna take anything then way was he looking? You have your answer now. The bag has a pair of black boy short and 4 pads. Is it kinda weird that he brought you underwear and somehow has it on him exactly when you need it. Maybe, do you care right now? Fuck no.

You fix yourself, making sure there would be no evidence of your little accident. You stick your head out from the bathroom and motion for Reid. Spencer quietly comes to you. No one bothering to look at you two. You pull him inside the bathroom. He looks both suprised and a little scared. You lock the door behind him. "Do they not fit?" He asks. "No, they fit fine. But my god, i could just-" You grab his face and kiss him feverishly. He doesn't quite give you the response you hoped for, only kissing you gently. He places his hands on your waist, gently pulling away from you. "I'm sorry, we're on the clock" You mumble, petting his cheek. "But thank you so much" you murmur, pressing another quick kiss to his lips before you send him out ahead of you. You gather yourself for a moment before walking back out.

You sit down next to Spencer, throwing your legs over his, snuggling op to him quickly. "Better?" He asks. You nod. "Thank you" You whispser, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek. "Anytime" spencer smiles slightly.


You lay down on the couch on the jet. Feeling so tired and small. You just wanna go home. While the team knows you're a little so you don't have to hide or try to stay big. JJ was the first to notice and give you a blanket to snuggle with. It was a hard case, really hard case, a mother and a son killing the son's father figures before killing killing his actual dad. Spencer's sitting with your head in his lap, petting your hair. You wish you were home with Spencer, home with your daddy and stuffies and little gear. You glance op to Spencer, blinking a bit. He glances down to you. "You okay baby?" Spencer asks, setting his book aside to give you all his attention. You bite your bottom lip, toying with your thumb as well, hoping for permission to suck your thumb.

Spencer tilits his head in confusion. "Baby, what's wrong?" He asks, petting your hair gently. "Daddy..." You mumble, not wanting the others to hear. "Daddy's here" He whispers back to you. You pout, snuggling closer, blinkinng at him uselessly. You shuffle around a bit, bitting harder at your lip, hoping he'd cach your hints too. "Oh, baby don't hurt yourself" Spencer says, petting you cheek. You whine and Spencer grabs his bag and looks through it. You sigh lowly, why's he ignoring you? Suddenly Spencer's slipped a pacifier into your mouth, you huff in surprise. "Better?" He asks. You nod happily, sucking on the pacifier. "Good, need anyting else?" Spencer asks gently, petting you hair and face. You mumble through the pacifier, hoping he'd understand you. "Stuffie? You have stuffie?"

Spencer reaches into his bag again, pulling out a small stuffie, before tucking it close to your chest. "There you go little one" Spencer coo's lowly, continuing to pet your hair. You snuggle close to him, happy to have some comfort. You didn't even know Spencer brought a pacifier with him in his bag, but you're not complaining. You're very happy. "Okay, just get some sleep little one" Spencer coo's, gently petting your back, you relax at his touch, feeling asleep quickly.

You are woken op by the jet landing and Spencer gently rousing you. You hum, still sleepy. "What?" You ask, blinking a few times to really open your eyes. Spencer's helping you to your feet, arm around your waist. You pout when you realize you no longer have your pacifier. Spencer gently coaxes you op and fixes your clothes. You whine lightly, looking around for your pacifier. He slips it back in your mouth and you smile sleeply. "Come on Baby, Emily's taking us home" Spencer says, guiding you down from the plane stairs. "Cold" You mumble, shivering. "I know baby it's okay" He reasures you as the two of you get in the back of Emily's SUV. Spencer gently buckles you in and lays his jacket over you. "Thank you daddy" You mumble without thought. Spencer blushes and you can hear Emily laughing lightly. But only barely, you're too tired to care. You lean close to Spencer, snuggling close.

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More Posts from Lover-i-lover

1 year ago


You were done, everything was hurting and you just wanted to go the fuck home. The first thing you did, was tell Hotch, who immediately send you and Spencer home, as you are in no condition to drive. Spencer had packed your things for you, telling you to just relax the best you can. He bent down, helping you put on compression socks, it didn't always help, but you're hoping it'll work today.

"Are you sure you don't have any painkillers with you?"

"Yes Spencer for the millionth time i use the last one!" You yell, you didn't mean to, but you're just so irritated. Spencer gives you the look, and your shoulder shrugs sag. "I'm sorry, I just....No, I don't have any more pain meds left and it's getting really bed" You explain as Spencer helps you into a soft par of slippers.

"I'll stop by the pharmacy on our way back and you can see if you can get some sleep?"

You smile, he's too sweet to you sometimes. "Thank you" You brush a hand over his hair.

Spencer help you to the car with a blanket and a pillow, it's about 9pm and while you are tired, the pain is making you restless. When you finally get more painkillers, it makes the pain dull, but not go away, now your whole body just aching instead. So Spencer does what Spencer does best.

He makes you comfortable.

He feeds you all the food and drinks you can think of, makes all the stops you need to get out and stretch, and when you finally fall asleep, he drives carefully.

Spencer doesn't wake you op when you arrive home. You blink your eyes open as Spencer tucks you into bed. Your body still aches but the drowsiness outweighs it and you fall asleep again. Spencer tucks himself in behind you, careful to not make your pain worse by cuddling you.

You guide his arms to places it doesn't hurt too badly and the two of you fall asleep.

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1 year ago


It's a hot night, you've been sweating all day long. You decide it best to shower, Spencer isn't going to be home for a while and there for you can hog the bathroom for as long as you want.

You step into the tub / shower comb in your shared apartment. You quick rise the sweat off your body before settling for a nice long bath. You step out, still wet. As the tub fills op behind you, grab the basket of 'everything bath' that Spencer had gotten for you for your birthday. The basket is still pilled high with special hair care for your hair type, body washes, bath salts, bath bombs, and body scrubs.

You almost laughed at him when you saw it. But he coaxed you into it, at first just the physical care products then slowly to the more pretty and relaxing stuff.

You set the basket of stuff by the tub, just where you can reach. You slip into the warm water, your phone on the counter is playing some of your favorite music. You're on your second round of conditioner when the bathroom door opens, you haven't bothered to lock it as you were alone.

"There you are" Spencer sighs in relief as you rise the conditioner from your hair. "Hey, thought you weren't gonna be home until late?" You ask, brushing a hand through your hair. Spencer dips a hand into the blue and purple water besides you. "It's 2:28 am" Spencer presses a kiss to your damp forehead.

"It is?" You ask, watching as Spencer strips off. "Yes, do you mean if i join you?"

"I'd love that"

Spencer slips in behind you. The water in the tub raising further op. "Mhmm" Spencer snuggles into your neck, pressing a few sweet kisses to your skin. "Bad case?" You ask he continues to kiss you. That seems to halt him.

"Two kids, siblings, kidnapped by the same man a hour apart. They were found barely alive in the unsub's basement....I'd rather not discuss it further"

You turn your head, planting a soft kiss on his lips. "Of course" His eyes soften, and his shoulders relax. "Thank you" You share a few kisses before helping Spencer wash the day's stress away.

It's 2:58 by the time you and Spencer settle in bed together. It's dark, so you feel your way to Spencer's embrace. Spencer holds you close, gently tracing circles on your back.

You snuggle your head into the crook of his neck, your whole body feels soft and relaxed. Spencer shifts and gently pushes a leg between your thigh, you smile at this. A bath then cuddles, not a bad night.

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2 years ago

Little time

Word count : 2,1 k

Pairing : Jasico (Jason x Nico)

I walk into the Hades cabin, ready to hear why Nico hasn't left it all day. As soon as my eyes lands on him. I have the answer. Nico, my boyfriend. Is dressed in his little space clothes, laying in bed with his stuffie in his arms. His little legs, clothed in light grey sweatpants, are curled op close to his chest. He hasn't seen me yet. I gently close the door and fully step into the cabin. At first I thought he was sleeping, but when I listened closer. The sound coming from him wasn't snoring, it was whimpering. I bend over and take off my shoes before joining my baby on the bed. "Hi little one" I coo, gently sitting down next to him. He sniffles, but doesn't say a word. He pops his paci out. Crying. "Daddyy!...." He wails. Shuffling to lay his head in my lap. I reach out and help him to. I stoke his hair. "What's got my baby so upset?" I ask, running my hand down his curved back. He's almost laying like a ball. As I reach his bottom, there's a sinking feeling in my chest. I really hope I'm wrong. "Did you have an accident?" He pouts, shaking his little head no. "No?" "No" he presses his face into my thigh, mumbling. "What's wrong little one? You need to tell Daddy or he can't help you"

"I.... I don't knoww..." Nico mumbles in my leg. I bring my hand back op and gently stoke his hair. "Okay, okay honey" I murmur. "Think you can be a good boy for me and come op? Huh?" I ask, gently tangling my fingers into the bottom of his curls. He whines, but slowly makes his way op on his knees. "Oh that's my good boy" I praise, shifting to the centre of the bed. "Come, come sit in Daddy's lap" I pat my upper thigh. Nico discards his pacifier on his nightstand. He crawls op to me, settling on my lap with a small thud. "No no, have your paci, baby" I say shaking my head, I grab his paci and pop it back in his mouth. He mumbles something and shifts a little. He reaches op and pulls it out of his mouth. "No, baby please don't take it out. Any upset baby of mine wil keep his paci" I say. "But Daddy...." Nico whines "I'm thirsty" I chuckle a little. "Do you want some water?" I ask. "Mmm" He nods, popping his paci back in his mouth. "Okay, move your little bottom" I pat his thigh and he shuffles off me. I grab a bottle of water from my bag that left here this morning. I pass to him and get back in bed with him. We get back to our previous position as Nico slowly downs the bottle. After he's had half of it, he tries to set it aside. But he can't reach, I take it from him and set it on the nightstand.

"Better?" I ask, gently popping his pacifier back in his mouth. Nico happily nods and sucks on his paci. Gods, If I had known this about from day one. I've never been able to be scared of him. If only I knew, he was a little. It's not like I wouldn't have be able to take him seriously, but I wouldn't have be able to be as scared of him as I was. And sure at first it kinda weirded me out. But, the first time he went into little space around me. Gods I melted. At first, he would still use my name, because I'd asked him to. But when he started to slip op, calling me Daddy, Dada, and Baba. He would get so embarrassed and upset by it. Eventually I told him to call me whatever he wanted. It didn't bother me at that point. I was so lost in thought that I didn't notice that my little boy was shifting and looking a little uncomfortable. "What's wrong Baby?" I coo, running my hand op his leg. He shifts, whining. I grab the pacifier and pull it out. "I, I need to use the bathroom" "Go then" I pat his thigh. "But-" "No buts, bathroom, now" He whines, but does get up for the bathroom. It takes maybe 2 minutes before he is back on my lap. "Why don't you have a nap?" I ask. "Noooooooooo" He whines, bouncing a bit. "I slept all night. I don't need a nap" He pouts, crossing his arms over his chest and over his (my) old shirt. "How long, was all night?" I ask. "Like, 9 whole hours" He mutters. That's impressive for him. On a normal day, it's 7 hours at the most. 9 hours if I get him down for a nap. Which he pretty much always refuses. So to have 9 hours of night sleep is really good. "Woah, 9 whole hours? That's really good baby" I praise, tangling my hand into his hair. He tilts his head in the touch. "But are you sleepy?"

"Noooooo" He murmurs. "Okay, okay. Not sleepy, do you want your paci?" I ask, grabbing it from the nightstand and waving it in front of him. "Noo!" He yells. I wince, turning my head on instinct. "Little one, do not yell at me" I state. There's a small ringing in my ears. "Humph" He huffs, wrapping his legs around my hips. "Did you want your paci?" I ask again. "Noooooo!" "Young man, you know very well that you do not yell at me" I state, shoving the pacifier in his mouth to quiet him down. I give him a small smack on the side of his bottom. "Now, quit fussing or you will be down for a nap" Nico mumbles something but through a pacifier it's not understandable. "Are you gonna quit fussing?" I ask, hooking a finger into the pacifier, ready to pull it out if he is done being fussy. Also ready to shove it back in if he isn't. He nods, mumbling something I can't really make out. I've got it half way out. I pull it out fully. "Are you gonna be good?" He avoids my eyes. Mumbles out what could be a yes, or a no. But I take it. Not in the mood to keep him in line. "Thank you" I praise, laying his pacifier back on the nightstand. "Noooo" Nico whines, grabbing for it. He snatches it and pops it back in his mouth. Nico happily wraps his arms around my neck, snuggling his head into the crook of my neck. He leans forward, resting on his knees. Maybe, my heart melts a little. Just a little. I chuckle, running a hand down his back. "Mhmh Mmm" Nico hums. After a bit. He tugs on my neck. "What is it?" I ask, gently tapping him on his bottom. He presses his face into my neck. His pacifier digging into my skin. He mumbles something. "What baby? Daddy can't understand you" I say, musing a bit. He whines, shifting a bit. He leans back and the pacifier drops from his mouth on accident. He whimpers and grabs it again. He wiggles his hips a bit.

"Aww" I tease, gently patting him on the butt. "Is that it?" He nods. "Are you gonna be a cute little boy? My good little boy?'' I tease, popping him on the butt, perhaps a little harsher then I meant to. He gives a small jump, whimpering. Shit. "Sorry" I mumble. We've never really talked about, actual pain limits. And, I don't think you spank your little. At least not with out a damn good reason and consent. "Are you okay?" I ask, gently running my hand op the back of his shirt to trace patterns on the soft skin of his back. "I'm okay'" He murmurs, putting his paci to his lips. Stopping to get my approval. I nod and he pops it back in his mouth. Nico happily continues to suck on his favourite pacifier yet again. Seemingly not faced by the pain. He muses, and buries his face in my neck. I trace my fingers alone his spine. He giggles, gently pressing his knees into my sides. I leave my other hand on his little butt. After some more giggles and wiggles from my little boy. He starts to shift his hips again, leaning his rear back into my hand. "Come on baby, tell Daddy what you want" I coax, gently dragging my nails down his back. He mumbles something into my neck. "Excuse me? Daddy can't hear you little one" I coo. Nico whines, and I feel his pacifier fall down by my back. "Will you please do that again?" He mutters. I reach back and grob for the pacifier, luckily I catch the, handle? i guess you call it that. I lay in it on the nightstand. He's dropped it so many times that's its gotten dirty. "Daddy~~" He whines, grabbing for it. "Sorry baby, but it's dirty. You can't have it anymore"

"I want my paci....please?" Nico mumbles. "No baby you can't have that paci, why don't you go find another one?" I redirect. "No..... I want that one!" He wines reaching out to grab it. I grab his hand and bring it to my lips to shift his attention. "Daddy..." Nico mumbles, blushing. I gently grab onto his rear to keep him distracted. He whimpers at the touch, but leans into it. "There's my baby, all flustered and small. Don't worry, Daddy’s got you" I coax. He blinks a couple times, eyes going blank and doey, falling into my grasp. Oh, that's new. Unintended side effect, I suppose. He makes one last attempt to grab his pacifier. I give him a little smack on the butt. Not enough to hurt, but enough to make a point. "Please?...." Nico asks, his mouth gone slightly slack. "You can have another pacifier little one, just not that one. It's dirty" "Okay...." He mumbles, shifting to move off me. I get op and find him one of his other pacifier. We settle back in bed, he quickly grabs for said pacifier. "Ah ah now" I tease. Nico pouts, and grabs for it again. I raise it beyond his reach. "Ask nicely" I instruct. He whines, but does still. "Can I please have my paci?" he asks, hands placed on his thighs. "Yes you can" I muse, popping it back in his waiting mouth. My little boy hums very happily and bounces on my lap. He is such a cutie pie. He reaches his hands op, stopping again for my permission. "Come on little one, it's okay" I coo. His small arms settling around my hips. His eyes were blank and empty, so small and innocent. It's not a look I get to see a lot. Nico never got to be a child, never got to keep his innocent. Which is why he needs this. He tucks his head into my neck. I pat his little butt, knowing that was what he wanted. He gives a small whines, shifting a bit. He wiggles a little and I do it again. He mumbles something. "You like that?" I ask, continuing to toy with his bottom. Patting, grabbing and smoothing my hand over his rear end. "Mhm" He hums, gently nodding his head against my neck. "Good boy" I praise, continuing my distraction. I move my hips a bit to get comfortable. My baby whines, shifting as well. As I continue my little distraction Nico starts to grow heavy in my lap. Growing tired, I'd assume.

"Aww, does my baby need a nap?" I feel a small nod against my neck. I give his butt a small smack, he gives a little whimper and his arms tighten about my waist. "Okay, do you wanna stay in Daddy's lap or do you want to lay down?" I ask, gently popping on the bottom again. He mumbles something I can't hear. "Okay okay, I know. Do you want to stay in Daddy's lap?" I ask. He nods and shifts a bit more. "Okay little one, have a nap in Daddy's lap" I coax, continuing to grob his ass. He nods, pacifier dragging along my neck. He shifts one last time before he gets comfortable in my lap. After a bit, Nico goes limp, snoring. The pacifier drops from his mouth and I catch it this time. I move just enough to lay it on the nightstand. I lean back and relax. I guess a nap isn’t too out of place now. I can’t really do anything else. I’ve got nothing around. No books or paper, not that i could do anything with them. I rest an arm around his hips. When ever Nico sleeps in my lap, I end op taking a nap as well.

Today, is no exception.

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1 year ago


you look around in your and Spencer's shared closet, runing your hand over every shirt, trying to pick a good shirt for the rainy day. It's chill out and while your appartment is heated, it's still chilly enough to need a long sleved shirt. Since your favioute sweatshirt is in the wash, you're looking for another comfortable shirt. Spencer's been called away for a missing child, so at worst, he'll be home early tomorrow, if it's good he might be home in a few hours.

You've just run your hand down your last swearer, finding the material rough and unforgiving for you today. You run a hand down over the sweater that separate your side and Spencer's side of the closet. The feeling of the soft cotton sends a shiver down your spine, that's it. That's the one you want. Spencer's dark blue, light but warm sweater. You pull the sweater off the hanger and pull it on over your t-shirt. You press your nose to the fabric, breathing in the smell of Spencer's deodorant and cologne.

You settle on te couch with a hot mug of tea. You mind wanders to the case. Spencer muttered off some details to you bofre he left this morning. A 7 year old boy went missing from a church youth program, when his mother came to get him, the program leader said his grandfather had picked him op, but the boy doesn't have a living grandarent. It's case like these that make you not want kids. You'd love to have a family with Spencer, but cases where kids go missing from safe places, they creep you out.

While you don't want the church going, white fence or classic nuclear family, you'd like a kid or two, not more then three though. The idea of a family life with Spencer, it would be tough, with his job, but you'd really love it. Life in a home with some good land and a few kids runing around outside. You sip the hot tea, bringing yourself back to your reality, there's nothing you can do to help the boy. All you can do is be there for Spencer when he comes home, to keep him ready and able to help when another boy goes missing.

You take another sip, relaxing as the liquid warms your throat and stomach, making you feel cozy and safe as you snuggle op under a blanket. You're not sure when Spencer left, it was either late last night or early this morning, it was dark out. That much you are sure of, it was dark out. You hope it's not raining where ever in the country Spencer is at the mommnet. You don't even remember if said where he was going. Does it matter though? isn't a missing kid a missing kid no matter where they are from? You finish off your mug of tea, craving for another. You drag yourself op from the couch, needing some golden goodness. As you're stirring in your milk and sugar, Spencer comes back through your front door seemingly in disstressed. You grab another cup, kowing Spencer's wil either want tea or coffee. "Hi honey" You greet, watching as Spencer drops his bag with no regard for it's safetly on the floor. "Tea?" You ask, lifting his normal coffee cup. "Yes please" He nods, sheding his shoes and jacket. You never wore shoes inside, when you told Spencer this, he insitsted he'd do it too.

"Do you-" "He wasn't alive when we got there, he was dead within the hour he was taken" Spencer sighs, joining you in the kitchen. "I'm so sorry" You mumble, pouring Spencer a cup of tea. Spencer stands behind you, tucking himself close to you as he wraps his arms around you. "It's not your fault, it's the bastered who took him fault"

"i know, but still" You say, stirring a few teaspoons of sugar into the tea. Spencer's always had a sweet tooth, sweet tea and sweet coffee are a must. "Mhmm" Spencer adknowledges your statement, resting his head in the crook of your neck. "I don't wanna think about it anymore, i'm home now" Spencer presses himself closer to you.

"Of course" You say, crading your neck to let him snuggle close to your skin. His breath on your neck makes you shiver, but you let him, knowing the scent of you always calms him. "Thank you" He mutters. You tap his arm and he let's go of you. You give him the hot mug, and he takes it, tugding to the cough with you following behind with your own tea. You sit down nex to Spencer, leaning into him slightly.

"Is that my sweater?" He asks, laying an arm around your shoulders. You find yourself flushing. "It may be" You say, setting your mug down on the small coffee table. "You look, wonderfull in it" Your reponse is muffled by Spencer leaning in and pressing his warm, sweet lips to yours. You lay a hand on his chest in surprise. It takes you a second to kiss back, grabbing his collar with one hand and wrapping your other arm around his neck. He pulls back a second, catching his breath. "Was this on purpose?" He heaves and you stramble to know what he's asking you.

After a momment you admit defeat. "If what is on purpose?" You ask, toying with his collar. His hand grabs at the fabric of your- his sweater. "You're wearing my sweater, you know how i feel about seeing you in my clothes" He mumbles, straddling your lap. You grin. "Remind me" You sneak a hand down to pull his shirt out from his slacks. He seizes your wrist, eyes staring straighet at the sweater you've got on. "Don't push it, just kiss me" Spencer demands

"Mhm, i don't know, you're not being very nice Spence" You tease, undoing his top button. You smile as your tone makes Spencer shiver. "Please kiss me?" He tries, shuffling closer to you, bringing your bodies together. His arms settle down around your waist. "Mhmm, i don't think so baby-" "Please! Please i need to kiss you y/n" He tugs at you harshly and you chuckle. "Oh, needy for me? You need me?" You tease. Spencer gives you his famous puppy eyes and you melt, you can't help it. "That is not fair, Spencer Reid" "You're not fair either" He pouts.

You sigh and drag him down into a firm kiss. His lips are sloppy on yours. You slide a hand around his back, pulling his shirt op from his pants anyway. His protests are muffled in you lips, allowing you to slip your tongue into his mouth. He softens in your lap, relaxing as you kiss him. You slide your hand op his back, feeling the soft skin. He whines at your touch, and pride swells in your chest. You love how he reacts to your touch. "Spence?" you mumble between kisses. "Yes?" He mumbles back, sliping a hand under your sweater to feel your skin for himself.

"It's wasn't on purpose, but the next time it will be" You mutter, firmly grabbing ahold of his shirt collar. "That's not fair" He whines, his mouth so close to yours that you can smell the sweet tea on his breath. "Tell me you don't want it then" You tease, hoisting his hips op closer to yours. "I can't" He gasps as his hips hit yours, grabbing on tightly to your waist. "Then quit complaining" You give your hips a small thrust into his, watching as he tries to not moan. "I'm sorry" He gulps, fingers digging into your skin so harshly you know you'll end op brusicing. "That's better" You praise. "Now tell me what you want"

"I, um"

"Use your words Spencer" You tease, watching as he blushes and tries to stammer out his answer. "I want to fuck you in my sweater" He confesses. You blush, not expecting this explicet answer. "Well" You huff, manuvering around to lay under him. Spencer follows, staying atop you. "You better get started then" You wrap your arms around his neck. "You are gonna kil me one day" He gulps, chuckling slightly. "Mhmm," You reach op and tug him down for your mouths to met again. You hook a leg op around him. "I might, but you'll like it i'm sure" You mutter in between kisses. "I love you" He whispers to you as he begins to kiss down your neck. "I love you too" You whisper back, sliding a hand op into his hair, tanggling your fingers in his soft curls. He undoes your pants, shuffling to get them off you and leave you in your underwear only. You reaching op, undoning his shirt and pulling it off him.

"Baby, if you don't hurry op and fuck me, i'm going to do it myself" You huff as he works to get his pants off. "Keep being a brat and i won't fuck you at all"

"Okay, okay, i'll be good"

"Good, because i'm gonna need you to you to hold on for a while" He says, slipping out from his boxers and tossing them on the floor. "What? Spencer that's not- hey!" You yelp as he lifts your hips and slips your underwear down to your knees. Spencer leans op, close to your face. "You heard me" He grunts. "I'm gonna take my time with you and you are gonna hold on until i give you permisson" Spencer muffles your answer in his lips and you stoamch twists. You know what taking his time means, it means he's gonna rail you six ways to sunday. And you can't wait.

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2 years ago


As Nico and I settle into bed, I'm twisting and turning way more then usual. I can hear Nico snoring beside me, and I try not turn onto him. I've been up since 5 this morning, so I stupidly thought that I won't have trouble falling asleep. After a rather harsh turn, Nico stops snoring. Fuck. "Jacey?" He asks groggily. I twist on my side to look at him in the darkness of night. "Mhm" I murmur, my head starting to ache in the not surprisingly hot Zeus cabin. "What's-" He start, a yawn cutting him off. "Up?" he asks, snuggling to keep his eyes up. "I can't sleep" I mutter out. A sleepy Nico shuffles closer and tucks himself into my body, wrapping his arms around my hips. "Bed" He murmurs into my neck, sending a shiver down my spine. "Could you lay differently?" I ask, holding Nico helps but I find sleeping a lot easier with a weight on top of me. He makes a sound of agreement. "Up?" He asks, detangling himself from me to resettle where I want him. "Yes please" I say. My tired boyfriend moves onto top of me, getting comfortable with his head in my neck. He rests his hands on my shoulders and hums into my neck. Sending another shudder down my back. The very last bit of stress is pressed out of me as he rests his body on mine. Nico is maybe ten kg smaller then me, but that's still enough weight to keep me down and calm. With Nico sleeping on me, I can't twist and turn anymore. I feel a lot safer sleeping with Nico. My body grows heavy, and I fall into a deep sleep.

Next thing I know, I'm back at Camp Jupiter, at my first training. They expected so much of me, I was Jupiter's son, I had to know how to fight. When I didn't take to it right away, everyone was disappointed. The sword drops from my hand and the other kids my age laugh and point. I remember running away in tears. I hid away into my bunk, crying under the covers. Then I'm thirteen again, standing in front of the whole camp, I'm holding a speech. The same speech the older campers always wanted me to repeat. I remember that standing there, on that stage, and just feeling the weight of the world settling on my shoulders. It was the first time I realized that no matter what I said or did, I would always be a son of Jupiter first, and a person second. I still feel that way a lot of the time. Never with Nico though. Nico treats me like a person, which is a low bar. But I have to admit, that's what made me fall for him, he actually cared about me, my feelings and my hobbies. Guess I'm just a sucker for anyone who treats me like person. The image changes again, I'm running into the forest at Camp Jupiter. I don't quite remember this. I'm, maybe eight. Crying, I climb up in a tall tree. What happened? I don't recall this at all. Everything else has been memories, why isn't this? A couple boys come running into the forest, their face are blurred and almost non existing. They all look around for me and yell for me to come. What is this even? I'm hiding in the treetop. There's something on my face, it that blood? Why is there blood on my nose? Did I get hurt? Did I fall? Did they do that? Fear sets in and my blood runs cold. All of a sudden, I lose my footing. This is a memory. Fuck how did I forget. I brace for the impact, but there's nothing. The forest is completely quiet. The boys are starring at up at me. I peel my eyes up and a shook of fear runs through my body. I'm floating in mid-air, legs curled up with my arms up around my ears. I hold back a scream and grab for a branch. I cultch my hands around it, and for some reason, I stay afloat. The time I figured out I could fly. The five boys run from me screaming. Gravity takes hold and I fall. I try to hold onto tree, but the branch is too fragile, and it snaps with the strain of my weight. I crash to the ground, the second my face hits the dirt.

I startle up in bed. Nico's rolled off me sometime during the night. My chest's tight, I can't breathe, it's like my throat is closing. I wrap my arms around myself, hands steady on my bare shoulders. I bury my head into my crossed arms. My heartbeat is drumming in my ear. It feels like I just ran from one end of camp to the other. I only notice that I've been rocking back and forth when I feel the blanket on the end of bed touch my legs. Fuck. I glace over to the alarm clock on my nightstand. 4:35, you have got to be kidding me. I have to be up in two hours. The sun is already slowly rising, making the sky a light yellow that fades to blue. "Fuck" I mumble sniffling. Warm tears roll down my cheeks. Through my blurry vison I look over at Nico, he's peacefully sleeping. Should I? I shouldn't. I wipe away the tears. Just because I woke up doesn't he has to get up as well. I swing my legs over the side of the bed, getting out of bed as quietly as I can. There's a cold sweat running down my back, I'm shivering. As I pull a hoodie over my head. I spot a window open, I didn't open any window. Maybe Nico opened it. I can go outside in sweatpants, right? Yeah, yeah, it's fine. I slip on my shoes, stopping by the door to hear if Nico's sleeping. There's a small, gentle snoring. Thank the gods I didn't wake him.

The door creaks a little as I open it. Just as I close it, I realize that leaving maybe isn't the best idea. If I go on a walk, and Nico wakes up, he won't know where I am, and then I'll get an earful for not telling him or leaving a note. Nico worries a lot, but I don't mind, most of the time anyway. I'm not going back inside, I need some air. I throw myself down the steps of the Zeus cabin. I guess I'll just sit here for a while. I breath in the sweet morning air. My heartbeat slowly returns to normal. Even though I know it was only a memory, the fear has settled deep in my stomach. More tears fight to fall, and I give up. I lay my head on my knees, the tears rolling down and soaking into the soft fabric. Fucking shit. I sniffle, wrapping my arms around my legs to stay stable. At least no one else is awake to see me like this. I hiccup, damn it. I rock a bit, trying to calm my nerves. I sniffle again and lift my head, dragging my sleeve over my wet eyes. I hear a small creaking behind me, did I not close the door properly? There's a small hand on my shoulder. I twist my head to look at him. A half sleep Nico is standing behind me without a shirt on. "What's wrong?" He yawns, tangling his hand into my hand. "Just a, bad dream. Bad memoires" I shallow down the cold worry that had set in my throat. He gently tugs my head up, leaning down to kiss my forehead. "I'm sorry honey" He ruffles my hair then lets go. His sweet voice makes the fear in my stomach disappear. Another tear presses past my eye, and Nico's soft hand reaches down and wipes it away. "Come back to bed, it's too earlier" He pleads. I nod and push myself of the steps. As I stand facing Nico, he reaches up and slings his arms around my neck. He leans up and snuggles his head against my neck. "You'll be okay" He whispers and kisses my cheek. He gets down and laces his hand with mine. He pulls me back inside.

Sniffling, I close the door behind me. "Sorry" I mutter. "Don't you dare be" He yawns again, he never gets up this early. I've had to get up at four a couple of time, I'm a little mere use to it. A sleepy Nico spins me around to the side of the bed. "I love you" He murmurs pulling me in for a hug. I let myself sink into his arms, not bothering to hold back the tears. I mumble the same words back to him, but I don't think he can understand a word that comes out of my mouth. "You're okay" He whispers running his hand up my back. I sniffle, my nose is all stuffed up. A very tired Nico sits down on the edge of the bed, he gently tugs at my waist. I take the cue, shifting down with my legs on either side of him. His warm arms wrap around my middle. I cry into his shoulder, my tears rolling down his chest. "What was it about?" He asks, twisting a hand in my hair. "I, I-" I shake my head against his shoulder. I can't, it's too much. "Okay Honey, it's okay, I got you" He murmurs, gently running a hand up my back. He plays with my hair as we sit in the silence of an early morning. After maybe twenty minutes of straight up sobbing on his shoulder. I try to talk, but it's childlike babbling through even more tears. "Baby" He pleads, gentle hands pulling my head from his shoulder my cheeks. "You don't have to talk, okay?" He says wiping my tears with his thumb. "If you want, of course you can. But if it's only upsetting you more, then you don't have to, okay? I know it's hard" He reassures, leaning in and resting his forehead against mine. Tears roll down my chin, I whimper and throw my arms around my neck. We sit here for gods know how long. By the time I stop crying, the has risen into the morning sky, and my head is being spilt in half by a headache. "Come on, you need some sleep" Nico pats my back. Through still slightly blurry eyes I glace over at my alarm clock. Fuck, I can't. It almost 6 : 35, I have to get up soon anyway. "I, I can't" My voice is hoarser then I've ever heard myself sound. "I've class soon" I sniffle, I clear my throat and it hurts. "No, No you don't" Nico shakes his head, tugging me closer to him. "You didn't fall asleep until one this morning, and you been up since when? Four? " "4:35, I'm fine I should-"

"No" He says, getting a bit stern with me. "Bed" "Nico plea-" "No. You make me sleep after a night like this. You are going back to bed" He insists. I sigh, he's right. I do. Guess there's no way out of this. I'll tell Chiron later. "Could I have some water first?" I ask, wiping my runny nose on my sleeves. "Of course" He mumbles. I move off his lap and look for the bottle of water I brought back from dinner last night. I find it on my desk and down the half empty bottle. It feels like my head is being spilt open on sizzling asphalt. As I shallow the last bit, the tiredness takes it's troll on me and I stumble to my dresser. Nico's walking around, drawing the brand-new curtains he had the Hephaestus cabin install here so that I didn't have to walk to his cabin every time I have a migraine. I throw my now dirty hoodie off, it's covered in tears and snot. I dump it into my laundry basket and find a new one to wear. "Do you, want a shirt?" I sniffle. "Yes please" Nico makes his voice ten times lighter then normal. I laugh, finding an old hoodie of mine and throwing it in his face. "Hey!" He chuckles, bring his knee up to catch it. He pulls it on and walks over to me. "Come on, it is past your bedtime mister" He jokes patting me on the backside. I fake a gasp. "My bedtime? I have a bedtime?" I grab his shoulders. "Mhm, don't forget your naptime either" He leans up and kisses me. I let myself relax with his lips on mine, gently moving with him for a little bit. He pulls away. "Now no more avoiding, to bed with you" "I wasn't" "Yeah yeah shut it, bed" He says removing my hands from his shoulder. I sling my arms around his neck and tug him closer by it. "Mhm?" "You been up with me, so to bed with you too" I say. "That was the plan Honey" He mumbles letting me drag him to bed by his neck. As we tumble into bed together, Nico says something I don't quite catch. "What?" I ask, laying down on my side of the bed. Nico drags me into the middle and lays over me. "You are so" He bops my nose. "Cute" I feel a small blush come onto my already red cheeks. I pull the blanket over us. My eyes have grown very heavy and so it's no problem closing my eyes. "Jacey?" He mumbles "Mhm?"

"When you're ready to talk about it, I'm here. You know that, right?"

"Yeah, I know"

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