lucillele - ♡.°୭̥‧₊ luci
♡.°୭̥‧₊ luci

. ˚◞♡ ⃗ ❤️*ೃ༄they/them ፨ INFP

22 posts


𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 | 𝟐

Shuri x Black!fem!reader

Summary: Going to a party with your “friends” seemed like it going in the wrong turn but luckily you met someone special.

Warning: angst, insecurities/anxiety, fake friends, long paragraph at the end, cursing, possibly ooc shuri idk

A/N: Si La Quieres was playing when I was writing this and I was like aww then I got to the angst. Also, I actually proofread it this time which means I am never not proofreading and posting stuff again. Good news is I actually enjoyed writing and reading it. Credit to @vargskelegore for the hbcu shuri idea


It had been about a week since you and Shuri met at that party. You still cringed at the thought of the things that you said from the car to the way through the dorms but Shuri assured you it was fine and actually quite funny to experience. She had definitely made life more enjoyable while you went through the emotionally tiring transition of weeding out those “friends” out of your life.

She had even gotten you out of your comfort zone a bit. This bond between you two had brought up questions but luckily you were used to ignoring the things you didn’t want to hear. It was quite amusing when you did listen though. It did bring out a feeling of jealousy you didn’t know you had. The relationship didn’t start off with pure platonic feelings or attraction on your part but you thought it would eventually fade out as you got closer. Oh were you wrong.

Shuri had been calling you for a few seconds now but you were too focused on getting this paper done at the last minute. She had resorted to leaning forward out of her chair and flicking a finger under your chin to get your attention causing you to furrow your brows in confusion. It wasn’t unusual for her to touch you in some way as she had gotten more comfortable and started always having her hands on you in some way which did not help your feelings at all. “You didn’t hear the previous 5 times I was calling you?” She said, laughing a bit. You thought about it before facepalming. “I’m so sorry. I waited until the last minute to do this paper and..” you stopped to hopefully not reveal anything.

“And? You usually pass these classes without even trying. What’s really wrong?” She said, looking at you attentively. The fact that she had noticed these things prior to your meeting had made your breath hitch a bit.

“I guess I’m just tired between this and the girls.” You said, hoping she would buy it especially since it was technically the truth just not all of it. She nodded, giving you a sympathetic smile before grabbing your computer. She clicked the touchpad a few times, probably making sure whatever you wrote was saved, and then closed your laptop. You just sat there watching her get up from the chair beside your bed and walk to the door until she turned around and looked at you like you were crazy. “Come on! We’re going to take a break.” You hesitantly got up and walked to the door which she held out for you. “Where are we going?” You asked. “It’s a surprise.” Shuri said with a smile that made you almost forget about all of your problems.


The “break” had ended up being longer than you expected with Shuri claiming she wanted to give everything a chance. You were grateful though, she was able to get your mind off of everything and became a good person to confide in considering she had heard the worst of it when you first met. Now she had you rambling, most likely off of the pure sugar you were running off of at the moment, about anything that came to mind. “I was so damn focused on pleasing them that I neglected everything. I haven’t even done anything besides attend classes. That is not what I came here for.” You said, the last part making Shuri’s eyebrows furrow.

You let out a few giggles before trying to explain yourself. “I mean that’s like 50% of what I came here for but you know college is supposed to be fun. You’re supposed to be able to grow here and I’ve been doing the opposite.” You said before stuffing your mouth with ice cream.

As you talked, Shuri nodded and smiled taking in everything before responding. “On a good note, you can afford to focus on something other than classes. On another good note, you have me.” She said giving you that same smile that made everything else not matter.

You looked at her for a second smiling before averting your eyes to try to make yourself not obvious. Despite your feelings for her developing minute after minute when you were around her or thinking about her, you were getting more comfortable with being close to her. Your first instinct was to avoid possible rejection and avoid her but this was different. “I have one question. How long it’s going to take for you to forget about you know what?” You said, leaning forward a bit to whisper the last part.

“I hope never.” She said, smiling from across the table. “No! I was probably weird! Why would you want to remember that?”

“It was the most interesting thing that happened that day.” She said. “You are pretty weird though. I like it.” You stared at her for a minute with a sort of “done” look making her bust out laughing. “See and now I get to see things like that.” She said in between laughs. “Are you happy?” You said in a deadpan tone but trying not to smile. “Yes, very much.” She said with a wide smile.


Two weeks went by with you and Shuri hanging out randomly and you had become pretty good friends by now. You’d started to get more comfortable around her but that only made your feelings harder to hide. It had become a whole thing between ‘Should I tell her?’ and ‘No! I’ve only known her for almost a month now.’ And you thought it was hard to hide it two weeks ago.

You and Shuri were now in her dorm room “studying.” You both had abandoned everything early on in the session, deciding to watch tv instead which had become routine by now. Sure, it wasn’t helping your workload but you had learned not to care about anything else around Shuri which became something she lightly scolded you about.

You were both snuggled under the fluffy blanket you came wrapped in when you knocked on her door to pull an all nighter. Shuri just laughed at you and let you in, saying you would be the first one to fall asleep and wouldn’t last even half the night. You were determined to prove her wrong and spend more time with her but she didn’t need to know that last part.

It wasn’t looking good for you about 2 hours in as all the little comments and context you were giving Shuri had ceased. She noticed this of course along with how your head gravitated to leaning back onto her shoulder but you kept trying to keep yourself awake and your head straight. She smiled and said nothing about it for a while even when your head actually fell onto her for a few seconds. However, you quickly woke up and sat up. “Are you sleepy?” Shuri said in a teasing tone, looking down at you.

“No.” You mumbled and heard her laugh at how you were being as stubborn as a child. “It’s ok if you are.” She said, giving you a soft look. If only you would look back at her and see how she was looking at you right now. Then, there would be no doubt in your mind about how she felt about you but you kept your eyes on the TV, too distracted with trying to prove you were awake. “No.” You repeated even as your eyes were shutting on their own. Shuri cupped your cheek and guided your head towards her shoulder. You immediately gave in and cuddled closer to her causing Shuri to tense up a bit before relaxing again, but you were too asleep to notice that and how her heart was suddenly beating faster.


You woke up with a gentle light shining in the room. You sat up and stretched before realizing that it wasn’t your room or your bed and you were alone. You turned to find the source of the light snores you heard and found Shuri slightly cuddled up to you. Your first instinct was to run to the bathroom and freak out there but not wanting to wake her up, you tried to freak out in your head instead.

Of course, the first explanation you thought off wasn’t the most positive because of past *experiences* but eventually you figured out what happened which at least helped you feel better. Sort of. That combined with her being beside you didn’t help your shocked state right now. You had taken a few peeks at Shuri, the seemingly peaceful state she was in making you calm as well. You had taken too many peeks though, causing you to be blessed with her beautiful morning voice. “How do I look?” She asked before opening her eyes and smiling at you.

Your eyes widened a bit before you got the courage to respond. “You’ve gotten a little bit of slobber right here. Oh, and lines all over your face.” You said, turning to her and using your elbow you prop yourself up. She was actually convinced for a bit until she saw your mischievous smile. “You think you’re funny?” She said, giving you a look that would’ve melted you if you weren’t feeling so bold right now. “I do, yes.” Shuri shook her head smiling at you before checking the time, making her smile disappear. “Shit!” she said, jumping out of bed.

“What’s wrong?” You said, sitting up. She stopped for a second and turned around to look at you. “Nothing! I just have to take care of something.” She said, walking to the bathroom. You started to get up and gather your things when Shuri walked out of the bathroom out of her pajamas and in a new tracksuit. You couldn’t help but do a double take and tried to cover it up with pretending that you were looking for something. “You don’t have to leave if you don’t want to.” She said smiling at you as she hurried and got everything he needed.

You gave her a small nod and smiled at her. There was a bit of silence for a moment so you resorted to cleaning up to be a good “guest” when you felt Shuri come closer to you. “Make sure to eat something okay? And actually study.” She said in a caring tone, taking your hand in hers. She’d started doing gestures like these more often since you’d opened up to her more. While your jokes and quirks were funny, she worried about your wellbeing when you had way too much on your mind.

“No promises.” You said only to be met with silence and a look from Shuri as she had her hand on the doorknob. “Kidding.” You said sheepishly and watched as she left, the eye contact making your ears burn.

You took up on her offer to stay for a little bit and took in every detail of her dorm. It was much better decorated then yours for sure. While your room still felt like a dorm room, Shuri’s felt like an actual home. There were beautiful art pieces to fill the dull walls and big desk with a whole set up and other things you would be sure to ask about later. Not to mention how big and comfortable her bed was and how it was making it hard for you to leave. Or maybe it was the smell or the way you both had been in it just a few minutes ago.

You forced yourself to get up and get ready at your own dorm to be productive today. Shuri was right, most of your classes were easy to pass but you had fallen behind because of some distractions but with no classes today and some free time hopefully you could catch up on what you neglected. You walked to the library, sighing contently when you reached the exact spot your life changed in a few weeks ago.


Your study session went pretty well and you were almost done with everything. Of course, you couldn’t just have a peaceful work session and just had to be interrupted. “Oh, there she is.” You heard a familiar voice saying, making you look up to see Jada, one of your “friends.” “Hey girl, I haven’t seen you in a while.” She said in a fake nice tone, pulling out the chair in front of you.

“Hi Jada.” You said, shutting your laptop and giving her a small smile. “You’ve been busy I see.” She said. “Oh, no I’m just catching up on classes.” You said, trying your best to not seem annoyed. “No, girl, I mean with you and Shuri.” She said, leaning closer to you and whispering.

“What do you mean?” You asked. “What do you mean what do I mean? Aliyah saw you coming out of her room. You two have been sneaking around for weeks.” She said, like it was the latest celebrity gossip. You just watched as she pulled up multiple pictures of you and Shuri on campus laughing and smiling.

“We’re friends.” You said for like the nineteenth time or at least that’s what it felt like. You had started packing your things and getting ready to walk away from this situation. “Friends my ass.” She said, clearly having a laugh out of this. “I’m serious.” You said, stopping yourself from rolling your eyes. “Well if you guys aren’t dating, I know some who would date her.” She said, causing you to practically snap your neck to look at her. “Well, if I date her, you two are gonna need to set some boundaries.” She said, leaning back into the chair she was sitting in and smiling.

That was the last straw for you. You dropped your backpack up on the table and got up quickly causing the chair to screech on the floor and making other people look. “Okay. I’m going to leave now to stop myself from saying what I really want to say. Leave me and Shuri alone.” You said, unintentionally making the last part louder which you’re sure everyone heard.

You walked off as quickly as you could. You heard a chair screech like yours did before and Jada yelling at you. “Fine! I don’t want to deal with your uppity ass anyway!” You just continued to walk out of the library despite your sporadic heartbeat and desperate need for air. At some point, you ended up running all the way to your dorm and ended up staying there the rest of the day.


You had never told Shuri what happened and since it somehow never made its way to her, so you decided to act like nothing happened. Yeah she could tell something was wrong but she could tell you didn’t want to talk about it so she left it alone in hopes that you would come to talk to her out of your own will. You wanted to so badly but you saw how busy she was and how she still made time for you and thought ‘I can’t add another thing to her plate.’

Your relationship had developed even more now that it had been around a month and a half since you two had met. Everything was great but you felt your feelings for her and insecurities about what other people thought eating up at you and your happiness. Still, you pushed it down and tried to enjoy the moments you had with her.

Now you were getting ready to go to a football game with Shuri. You two had randomly come up with the idea on another one of your“study sessions”, planning to go out to eat after and end the night with a movie. The whole thing sounded like a date which pretty much describes a lot of the things you and Shuri did lately.

“I’m serious. Is this too much or not?” You said, observing yourself in the mirror. You were wearing a black skirt with a black oversized graphic tee tucked in and long boots that would shorten the gap between you and Shuri. Not to mention a headband holding back your hair from your face and medium sized hoops. “Honey, if you change your outfit one time I will slap you and I will not apologize this time.” Your roommate and best friend, Ari said, giving your face a little pat and falling back onto her bed. She had slapped you to snap you out a whole freakout about a similar thing about a week ago but immediately felt bad about it and apologized.

“I’m just trying to make sure it’s not too much or too little or both.” You said, fluffing your hair out a bit more. “I think you’re fine. I still can’t believe you met her while you were drunk. I told you not to go especially with those b-” “Ari.” “Whatever you want to call them. I just wanted to see my folks for one weekend and you get a whole ass girlfriend.” She said, getting up to help you with your hair. “She’s not my girlfriend.” You said, rolling your eyes. She just raised her eyebrows at you. “You’re so cute.” She said before patting your head and walking into the bathroom.

You were going to add to the conversation until you heard a knock. “Y/N, you ready!” You heard Shuri’s voice say. “So when are you going to tell her you love her?” Ari said casually leaning against the door frame with her toothbrush in her mouth. Your eyes widened and you threw a pillow at her. “Shut up!” You whispered, grabbing your purse and opening the door. “Hi.” You said, smiling at Shuri and closing the door behind you.

“Hey. You look amazing.” Shuri said, grabbing your hand. “Thank you.” You said, trying to seem casual when you felt a vibration in your pocket. You grabbed your phone and saw a text from Ari with a hand, ring, and kissing emoji, making you quickly shove your phone back into your pocket. “You’re acting weird tonight.” Shuri said, chuckling. You acted offended and walked off knowing that she would chase after you. Predictably, she grabbed your hand and pulled you back, seeing your smile. “Nevermind. This is normal for you.” She said, walking off and leaving you to chase after her now.


The game was exactly what you needed. It was the moment where you could just let go after all of the feelings and thoughts you had pent up. Shuri had made you go crazy multiple times during the whole thing but you weren’t complaining. This was one of the times you weren’t worried about what people thought and it was like a breath of fresh air.

The restaurant you guys had chosen was packed but luckily you were able to get in early enough. It seemed like someone in the universe was out for you because your three favorite girls Jada, Aliyah, and Elle were about two tables away. You had noticed earlier and just tried to ignore it which was pretty easy with Shuri in front of you. Halfway through your conversation, one of the players Miles came up to you. He was asking simple questions at first and introduced himself until he started to get outright bold. You could tell Shuri was pissed off. “It’s been nice talking to you but we have somewhere to be.” Shuri said, standing up. “Come on, let's go, love.” Love? That was new. She intertwined her fingers with yours and lightly dragged you out. You followed her turning to give a small wave to Miles and seeing your ex-friends smile knowingly.

You took your hand out of Shuri making her turn back to look at you worriedly. “The hell was that?” You said, pointing back to the restaurant. “He was flirting with you. What do you mean?” She said, walking closer to you. “I don’t care about him. It wasn’t a big deal and you escalated it.” You said, crossing your arms. “He needed to leave you alone.” She said as if it was a fact. “You confuse me, you know that?” You said, staring at the floor. “You do all these things and it doesn’t feel like we’re friends but we’re friends. That’s it.” You said. “Everyone is sure of what we are but me.” You continued, making Shuri realize what this was about. You couldn’t even control what came out, at this point it was a mix of insecurities and uncertainty. You felt bad about how it all seemed projected at Shuri but still you wanted an answer about what you two were. She cared for you a lot but was it out of pity or love? You felt so stupid so you avoided her eyes and backed up when she walked closer to you, trying to console you. No. She was supposed to get mad at you and leave. She wasn’t supposed to care for you even when you took everything out on her. “I..I need to get home. I promised Ari I would help her study.” You said, still looking at the ground. You walked away despite the urge to stop when she called your name. ‘This was not how this was supposed to go’ You thought.

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More Posts from Lucillele

1 year ago

so uh, hi. i’m backk. writers block and life has been kicking my ass but im back. i’ve been obsessed with spiderverse and miguel so i might write some stuff for that.

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2 years ago

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐚𝐲𝐬

Shuri x Black!fem!reader

warning: probably too long, cute/sappy stuff as usual 🥰🥰

A/N: happy new years!! i know im not active but idk what to post other than fics anyway i had a little writers block so some parts may not be the best or not fit, also i was listening to the ways when i was writing this so i just thought it fits

@flrboyd so sorry this took so long

translations: usana - baby, sthandhwa - my love,

Out of anyone in the Jabari tribe, you were the most explorative and open to new things. You still believed in keeping traditions alive but you weren’t far from modernization either. The other tribes and all of your country’s technological advancements had intrigued you, especially the person behind it.

You had come across Shuri working in her lab while you were on one of your long walks that were really just excuses to get out and observe how everybody else lived. She was always working on something, infatuated with something new every few days. She had looked so ethereal when she was focused on something but you were careful not to look for too long to avoid making her feel uncomfortable and risk being spotted.

You could usually go from place to place without being noticed by most but Shuri had noticed you lurking long ago. In fact, she looked forward to seeing you in hopes that she could talk to you one day. She had learned about you as much as she could when you came around. She learned you were very kind to others even when it came at your expense or discomfort despite being a loner. Still, you weren’t one to be underestimated, you had the problem-solving skills and the initiative to take control of situations when it was needed.

Eventually, on one lucky day, she was able to catch up to you and talk to you. She’d found out that you were Jabari long ago, but she didn’t care. You had proved every stereotype that she had in her mind wrong as you did with everyone that you met. From that day, you two would often sneak away and just talk for as long as you could about anything that was on your minds. She told you about anything you wanted to know, loving how open you were to learning and with people. No one knew you were close friends, much less sneaking away together for hours. At first glance it seemed like it just wouldn’t work, she was the lead scientist behind many of Wakanda’s tech and the princess and you were a part of the Jabari which was against everything she stood for. Over the past few months, you two had proved all of that wrong.

It didn’t long for your feelings to develop and it showed. You were getting clumsy with your excuses and people were starting to get suspicious of where you were going almost every day. Even when you were at home, you couldn’t get your mind off of what you would say to Shuri or what new thing you might learn about her the next time you two met up.

It was starting to show in Shuri too. She was getting bolder to hide how flustered you made her. She was also distracted in the lab and wasn’t making fun of her brother as much as she usually would. Everyone knew something was up but they couldn’t put their finger on it.

You had never told her how you felt out of fear that it wouldn’t end up well and would ruin the relationship and she never told you either, thinking that you didn’t feel the same. It still showed between the longing stares between you two when there was silence or the increasing displays of affection and touches that lasted way too long between two “friends.” You both said nothing, but you were both getting tired of holding back and meeting in secret, not being able to confide in anyone else about how you felt about each other.

When her father was killed, she came to you for comfort, not caring about who saw or not. There were times when it was just silence and you were just in each other’s space and times when she just poured her heart out to you. She became so grateful for you and vowed to never let anything come between you.

On the day of T’Challa’s ceremony, you snuck out to watch from afar in support of T’Challa, being very careful not to get caught. There was no saying what reaction you would get being caught considering the Jabari already didn’t like you getting out so much but couldn’t keep you in the mountains.

You couldn’t help but smile as you saw all of the tribes together, cheering T’Challa’s name. It was the first time you had seen anything like it with the last ceremony being early on in your life. You stepped closer, waiting to hear if someone would challenge. Your smile grew wider as you heard Shuri’s voice, wanting the ceremony to be over. However, your smile dropped when you heard a familiar chant getting closer. The Jabari would like to challenge.

It felt like you had got caught even though they were nowhere near you. You watched with wide eyes as M’Baku stepped up to Zuri and T’Challa. You had zoned out, thinking of what people would think of the Jabari after this and if it would make things worse. At this point, any hope that the tension between Jabari and every other tribe would eventually phase out had dissolved.

“We have watched and listened from the mountains! We have watched in disgust as your technological advancements have been overseen by a child! Who scoffs at tradition.” M’Baku said, referring to Shuri before turning to T’Challa. You had stopped listening to whatever else he said, too focused on if your relationship with Shuri was in danger.

You felt yourself step closer and closer as the fight got more intense and it wasn’t looking good for M’Baku. You breathed out a sigh of slight relief when M’Baku yielded, glad to still have a leader but anxious about the future. You made eye contact with M’Baku before quickly leaving.

As soon as the ceremony was over, you scurried to get back to the mountains and act like nothing happened. It worked at first until M’Baku called your name as you walked past him, you stopped in your tracks, not turning around to meet his eye. “Where have you been, child?” He asked as if he didn’t know, getting up from his spot.

He had taken sort of a big brother role since you lost your parents. You were grateful but there were times when he was hard on you but in his defense, you often gave him a hard time with your stubbornness. Of course, over the years you had tended to just let him speak and ask for forgiveness later rather than permission.“I was helping-” Before you could even get it all out, he interrupted you, causing you to turn around to face him. “T’Challa became King today.” He said, leaning on his cane. “I know.” You said, looking down. “You saw.” He said, sitting back in his chair. “You think I don’t know where you go every day?” He said, tilting his head and looking at you skeptically.

You opened your mouth, ready to defend yourself and Shuri but opted not to say anything. If he found out, it was better to not speak and let him tell his speech but surprisingly he didn’t have one. You were so in your head wondering about what the aftermath of all this would be that you didn’t realize that he was now asking you a question. You never said you were going to listen. “What interests you so much about these other tribes, hm?” He asked, leaning back.

You had just snapped out of your thoughts to register what he said and took a while to try to think of an answer that wouldn’t make the situation worse but he continued speaking before you could utter anything. “Whatever it is, let it go. Everything you need is right here.” He said as if it was final. You couldn’t decide whether he knew about you and Shuri but you nodded and walked away with all types of conclusions swirling around in your head.

You solemnly walked to the spot you and Shuri usually met at. It was facing where you two would usually watch the sunrise or sunset but leave before you could see all of it to get back home in time. You assumed after everything that happened today, she would want to talk to you about it and all the ideas she had. You were right, seeing Shuri’s figure in your peripheral vision.

Her face immediately lit up when she saw you and sat down next to you. “What are you so happy about?” You grinned, poking her cheek as you pulled your legs up to your chest and rested your hands on top of them. “I can’t just be happy?” She said, trying to contain her wide smile. “Well, your brother became king. There’s a lot to be happy about I assume but there’s another reason isn’t there?” You said, smiling back at her.

“And I’m with you.” She said, her smile falling into a more serious but content expression. You returned her look with a shy smile before turning away to look at the stars. You really didn’t want to ruin her night with asking her to help you decide on the fate of your friendship or whatever it was turning out to be. You held out your hand and felt her immediately intertwine her fingers with yours.

“Something wrong?” Shuri said, rubbing her thumb back and forth on your hand while looking at you for any type of explanation as to why you were so quiet today. You shook your head. “No, I just want to listen today. You seem to have a lot to tell me.” You said, moving to face her. “I bet you already know it all, don’t you?” She said, grabbing both of your hands, holding them, and resting them in the space between you two. “I’d still like to hear it.” You said, watching as Shuri kissed your hands. And with that, it didn’t take long for you to forget about what other people thought or whoever suspected what. It didn’t matter when you were with her.

It didn’t take long for you to find out that a stranger had made his way into Wakanda, offering up the cadaver of the very man that killed many Wakandans in the pursuit of vibranium. You decided to lay low, knowing that he was not a direct threat to you but to your country. You wanted to help in some way but you knew you couldn’t so you just hoped that everything would turn out ok even if it was too optimistic.

You were in denial when you first heard the news. Immediately your mind jumped to Shuri and her mother. Were they ok? What happened to them? Where would they go? You couldn’t stop the pacing, the fidgeting, or the staring at the walls. You couldn’t relax to go to sleep and could only go to sleep out of pure exhaustion. You were a dreamer, an optimist that wasn’t naturally built for confrontation but over the years you had learned to put on a tough demeanor and faked it till you made it. And it was tested in times like this.

You caught a glimpse of Shuri with her mother, Nakia, and the man she had told you about, Everett Ross. It eased your nerves to know that they were okay so you allowed yourself a breath of relief. You stuck around too long though, long enough for Shuri to catch your eye. You knew Nakia had noticed you as well but all you could think about was holding her. You could tell she needed you but now wasn’t the time, not in front of her mother or Nakia, and sure as hell not in front of M’Baku. Nakia was watching the whole thing, not sure what to make of it. She started to say something to Ramonda but Shuri squeezed her hand, eyes pleading for her to let it go. Her eyes focused back onto you, not breaking eye contact until you disappeared out of her sight.

You spent another night in your room, not sleeping. The look Shuri gave you was the main thing on your mind, she needed you and you were thinking about what other people would think. You told yourself it was because you didn’t want her to be bothered with having to explain why she was friends with you. The harsh reality was you were protecting your heart from possibly getting broken if she were to leave you. It was an illogical, pure emotional possibility that you had come with out of your own insecurity. You loved her too much to hide it from her but you were scared of what seeds would other people plant in her head after it would come out that you had been meeting up with her.

You paced all around Jabariland, hoping to find something that would distract you or give you some type of peace. You walked by a room, seeing Ramonda, Shuri, Nakia, and T’Challa. You had to hold back the gasp you were about to let out before you realized that you weren’t supposed to be snooping. Hearing T’Challa ask for a moment alone with M’Baku, you took the opportunity to leave before anyone had pointed you out. You were interrupted by a cold hand grabbing your wrist, making you jump before turning around and seeing Shuri. You immediately wrapped your arms around her waist and pulled her into a hug which she instantly reciprocated, squeezing you tighter. She took in a breath, taking note of the light fragrance you always used that instantly calmed her.

“Shuri?” You whispered, hands still holding her waist. You saw the way her eyes teared up and immediately pulled her back into you, this time squeezing tighter than you had before. It had been a few seconds of you rubbing circles on her back, listening as she took deep breaths.

“I’m so sorry about everything.” You said quietly, rubbing her cheek as Shuri stepped away from your hug to look at you.

“Do you need anything? I want to help.” You asked, leading her to a more private room where you could talk. You sat down on one of the chairs in the room, Shuri doing the same and scooting closer to you when you held out one of your hands for her to hold. She looked down at your hands on top of hers and then looked up at you. “I just want you to be here. With me.” She said.

This sent your mind into a frenzy of trying to determine if this was real or some cruel daydream your brain had worked up. She must’ve seen the way the cogs were running in your brain because she squeezed your hand to bring you back from your mind. “I don’t care about what others think and I don’t want you to be either. I don’t want to sneak around to see the woman I love.”

Your eyes widened. “I don’t want to either.” You said, scooting closer to Shuri. “I’m not..ashamed of you, I’m just scared. What if they get in your head?”

“Nothing anyone says will change how I feel about you. Have some faith in me, will you?” She said softly. Before you could reply Shuri’s name was called. She turned around to see Nakia standing at the doorway, eyes shifting between you and her. Shuri stood and looked back at you, not wanting to leave you. You got up to kiss her cheek and left the room to give her and Nakia a moment alone.

Though you kept a calm composure, inside you felt like you were in some type of daydream your mind cooked up to comfort you. It felt selfish to be focused on your love life while the fate of Wakanda and other countries was uncertain but you couldn’t help it. Though you kept a calm composure, inside you felt like one of those teen girls in the American movies Shuri talked about sometimes. It felt childish and partly selfish to be focused on your love life while the fate of Wakanda and other countries was uncertain but you couldn’t help it. Your current relationship with Shuri had been a constant thing on your mind the last few months and in seconds she had debunked any doubts that you’d thought up.

Though knowing how Shuri felt about you gave you some solace, the threat that Killmonger faced still worried you. It made it worse that Shuri was going out to fight and would possibly encounter a fight with him. He had his name for a reason and based on what Shuri had told you about him, he wouldn’t hesitate to kill anyone who was in his way. Shuri had tried to assure you that she would be as careful as she could but it didn’t stop your mind from going to the worst possibility.

You walked to where M’Baku sat on the throne, not able to let it go. You tried to push down your irritation and worry to be respectful and greeted him with the little patience you had. “Lord M’Baku, isn’t there something we can do to help them fight? There are plenty of Jabari warriors that can h-“ He interrupted you with just a raise of his hand, making you press your lips together into a thin line out of annoyance.

“I will not give lives of the Jabari to a fight that does not concern us,” M’Baku said, staring at you with a critical look. He waited a moment to continue talking, probably to make you think about what you were asking him to do. “I told you to let go of whatever it was guiding you from out of this mountains, hm? And you disobeyed me.” He said leaning up closer to his cane.

“But this isn’t about me. This is about protecting Wakanda from that man destroying our country, if not the continent or the world!” You said stepping closer only to be stopped by the two men M’Baku always had beside him, causing you to huff and hesitantly step back. The more time went by the more you felt your patience dissolving.

“I understand that you are worried about your lover but I will not let that dictate how I,” He said, emphasizing the “I” and getting up, slowly walking towards you. “choose to lead.” You looked up at him, almost as if you were silently challenging him.

The unofficial staring contest went on for a little bit before you broke the silence. “Out of everything that has happened, this is the one thing we can’t sit out on.” You said before walking away.

At this point, pacing had become your go-to stress reliever if you hadn’t reverted to mindlessly walking and letting yourself end up where your legs took you. Although this time, your subconscious had taken over and led you to the spot where you and Shuri had talked earlier.

You sat down in the exact same spot you did, breathing into your hands before smoothing them over your hair. Resting your elbow on your bouncing knee, you had no idea what to do to pass the time. There was nothing you could or anything Shuri would let you do, but you couldn’t just relax like there was nothing wrong either. You couldn’t help but worry when it came to her especially with Killmonger having had enough time to prepare weapons for himself and to ship out.

Your eyes opened when you sensed someone’s presence, hearing unfamiliar footsteps and smelling a comforting but unknown scent. Your eyes widened as you recognized Ramonda, making you immediately stand up. She slightly chuckled as she adjusted her Basotho blanket as she sat down, gesturing for you to sit back down.

You sat back down and it didn’t take long for your knee to bounce again and for your hands to find each other. “You are not the only one struggling to live with all of this.” She said, tucking her blanket closer around her. If you were this anxious over what the outcome of this fight would be, you couldn’t imagine what she was feeling with both of her children out there fighting.

“It’s hard to not think of the worst.” You said quietly, moving your hands to clutch the sides of your arms. “I know. We just have to hope for the best and believe that they will come home safe to us.” Her wording made you wonder how she found out about you and Shuri or if she actually did find out and you were just assuming.

“I am thankful for the way that you love my daughter.” She said, making you look from the ground to her. “I’ve known for a while, I just didn’t know who. Then I saw the way she looked at you when she thought I couldn’t see it.” She chuckled probably at the effort we put into keeping it a secret only for her to already know.

You laughed with her, thinking about the lengths you and Shuri went to just to keep it a secret. It was funny, really. You spent the next few seconds laughing together, happy to think about something else for a minute. “I know that me and Shuri’s backgrounds are different and so are our beliefs but I admire that. It’s part of what I love about her. I intend to not let that get in the way of our relationship”

“I know. I see how happy you make Shuri.” Ramonda said, smiling. You smiled back, still a bit bashful at how obvious you had been all these months.

The sound of multiple footsteps in unison made you look up, seeing Jabari warriors running out of Jabariland. You got up to watch just how many of the Jabari were running out onto the field. Ramonda, also shocked at the Jabari getting involved for the first time in a long time, got up to look too. You slightly smiled, satisfied with the fact that you were able to do something.

Your pacing was stopped by a pair of arms wrapping around your waist, causing you to gasp before realizing it was Shuri. “Shuri! Don’t sneak up on me like that.” Turning around, you immediately grabbed one of her arms, checking for any scratches or cuts. As you put the one down, Shuri placed the other in your hand, watching as you ran your hand over her smooth skin. “Were you worried?” She said, pressing her thumb against the space between your eyebrows to stop you from frowning.

Shuri got nothing but a look from you as you pulled her into the tightest hug she had probably ever had. There was hesitation in hugging you back and rubbing small circles on your back. The both of you breathe and breathed out in a big huff, relaxing into the hug. You laughed at just how unreal the past few days have been. “I love you.” You said, pulling back from her embrace to look at her. The way Shuri smiled widely in response made you want to freeze time and take a picture of this exact moment. “I love you too, sthandhwa.” She said, pulling you back against her.

“Come with me.” She said suddenly, making you look up at her in confusion. “Where?” You asked. “Home. I want everyone to meet you.” She said, grabbing your hand and starting to guide you to the aircraft she had parked just outside of Jabariland. She looked towards you for your approval. You put your hand up to your chin, acting like you were still thinking about it. “Okay.” You said, smiling, making Shuri immediately pep up and practically run into the aircraft. You hesitantly stepped in, looking at how thought-out everything seemed. This was just another product of Shuri’s beautiful mind. “Is something wrong?” Shuri asked, grabbing onto your hand to help you get in. You shook your head, looking around in awe. “Just admiring your work.” You said, making Shuri laugh as she rested her hands on your waist. “Take your time, usana.”

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2 years ago

i think it’s gonna take me a while to write for someone other than shuri

but for right now im gonna dump all stuff i wrote even those its short

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2 years ago

𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬

Shuri x Black!fem!reader

Summary: Going to a party with your “friends” seemed like it going in the wrong turn but luckily you met someone special.

Warnings: maybe ooc shuri, alcohol/drunkenness, mentions of toxic friends

A/N: This is very out of my comfort zone since have never been to an hbcu and never will be unfortunately :( but hey I tried. This was supposed to be a oneshot but I feel like making a part 2. Also, I’m bad at editing but wanted to put something other than a gif so excuse the pic. Credit to @vargskelegore for the hbcu shuri idea

Parties were never really your thing but being in the friend group you were in, it was sort of required. You had no idea why you were still here or trying to be friends with these girls considering they had left you here in the corner while they danced and laughed. Their excuse was that you were too “awkward” and “stiff.”. The reality was they weren’t able to listen to anything that wasn’t familiar to them, meaning you.

You were stumbling down the stairs trying to get to the door when you almost fell onto some random girl. “Woah, careful.” She said laughing as she caught you and help you get back on your feet. Even drunk you could still recognize that voice. Some random girl my ass. “Princess Shuri?” you said, trying your best to sound sober. “Just Shuri.” she said, holding your arms to keep you from falling down the stairs head first. “Are you okay?” She asked.

“Y-yeah. I’m just trying to get to the- my car.” You said, taking another sip of your drink.“No, no, no.” Shuri said, taking the drink from your hand. “Did you come here with somebody?” She asked, looking around. “Nope.” you said popping the p. You heard her let out a deep breath and felt her gently grab your arm to get your attention. “Hey, give me your hand.” She said. You immediately dropped your hand in hers, making her chuckle as she pried the keys from your other hand. “Come on, let’s get you down these stairs.”

On the way to your dorm, you’d told Shuri everything that went down. It didn’t make the most sense as you were starting to get pissed at the situation all over again and was trying to fight the sleepiness. Shuri had enjoyed how you had not given a fuck in the world how other people were looking at you two, mainly at you for how loud you were being. However she had learned more than she’d expected to learn about you in the last hour that it had taken for you to settle down. She’d helped you get dressed as much as she could without making you uncomfortable and even tucked you in as you sleepily requested.

“Shuri.” You said, emphasizing the ‘sh’ part.

“Do you think I’m boring?” You asked, turning your body to face her eager for her answer. As much as you’d tried or pretended not to care about what your friends said, it was still on your mind. You knew college wasn’t like high school and it didn’t really matter what they thought or said because at the end of the day you were still going to get your degree but that didn’t stop your mind from wandering. ‘Does everyone think that?’ was the main thing on your mind throughout the silence that there was for a moment.

“No, not at all. Why?”

“No reason.” You said, turning around to face the wall. She’d already known why because of your past drunker self rambling on and on about these two girls but you decided that if there you had any dignity left, you would do your best to preserve it. Still, you wanted to tell her everything and just be real with someone for at least one second. You felt tightness in your chest, thinking about how everything would be going back to them and being left out over and over again. To be silenced.

You were snapped out of your thoughts by the feeling of a pat at the edge of your bed. “I think you’re amazing. You just need better friends.” She said, smiling at you. You looked at her with wide eyes as she said goodbye and closed the door like she didn’t just make your heart speed up. Needless to say it took you more than a few minutes to go to bed that night.

You walked to the library in shame as you remembered some of the things that you said last night to the literal Princess of Wakanda. You specifically chose a dark and isolated corner to get some work done and not have to be worried about headaches or getting spotted by someone for all the things you did. Surprisingly, you actually got some work done when you stopped thinking about everything for just a few minutes.

“Y/N?” Your eyes widen at that familiar voice. She gave you no time to prepare or to hide or run away like you had planned in the few seconds that it took for her to walk into your view. You slowly looked up to meet her eyes. “Hi.” You said quietly. “Hi.” She said, smiling, almost imitating you. She sat down and slid a drink across the table. “Oh! You didn’t have to-” “I wanted to. It’s okay.” She said softly.

You hesitantly grabbed the drink and took a sip before making a sound at how good it was. “I thought you would like it.” Shuri said, making your ears burn. I thought you would like it. You repeated it in your head as you struggled for a response. “Thank you. Not just for this but know.. Everything-” You said getting shushed by a girl studying about a table away. “It was fun and interesting.” She said in a teasing tone that made your ears burn more than they were before “You were right though. I need new friends.” You said, fidgeting with your hands.

“You could start with me.” She said, giving you a smile that made you automatically smile back against your control. You took a minute to process what she said before replying a little too loud to be in a library. “Wait what?” You said, earning you another shush from the same girl. “I mean, that would be..nice.” You said trying to sound calm. “Nice?” She said, laughing, also getting a shush from the same girl causing you to roll your eyes. “What? I’m not much of a talker. I don’t know a lot of words.” You said, making Shuri give you a ‘really’ look. “I’m serious.” You said, making Shuri laugh even more. This was going to be interesting.

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