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Today Is Thursday And I Ended Reading Twist And Shout So Want Somebody My Emotions ?
Today is thursday and I ended reading Twist and Shout so want somebody my emotions ?


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More Posts from Luna366

Things we know about the season 12 finale
Jared: Something happens in the finale that is a first we’ll see. I’d say don’t miss the last thirty seconds of the finale.
Misha: I can say that the fans are going to freak out. I think it’s very chilling and disturbing. When I read the script for the finale, I was definitely shocked. I thought, ‘can they do this?’ The last five seconds!
Jensen: I’m going to one up [Jared and Misha] and say that it’s the last second. The moment the screen goes black. The last second. There are multiple characters involved. There’s a predicament now.
so my uncle is a priest and apparently can’t deny when i ask him to bless something so i now have a blessed laptop, blessed loaf of bread, and blessed underwear.
Hallo Supernatural fandom

okay but if you’re ever in london and you have the chance to see a shakespeare play performed at the globe theatre itself DO IT even if you don’t think you’d dig shakespeare
if you need convincing here are a few highlights from when my family and i went to see the official globe theatre production of a midsummer night’s dream:
they cast helena as a guy (helenus), first of all. they took a straight love square between two girls and two guys and made it a love square between a girl and three guys, only one of which was white. both sets of couples get happy endings and it’s fuckin adorable
it was reimagined with an indian setting
puck had a water pistol and kept shooting at the audience
historical accuracy?? who cares everyone’s gonna dress like a modern hipster teenager
bottom and his acting troupe sung bon jovi
oh yeah also the acting troupe were reimagined as globe theatre employees with delusions of acting skills
hermia and helenus sung single ladies by beyonce
innuendos. innuendoes everywhere
oberon walked onstage for the fight between oberon and titania drunk with a half-empty bottle of schweppes
lysander spent a significant length of time in the play wandering around in just boxers and a leather jacket
oberon made out with puck
demetrius dabbed
Anyone up for the#bringRowenaBack2k17 campaign?