lunar-solarsystem - Leviathan / Levii :3
Leviathan / Levii :3

apple :]

552 posts

Hello , I Hope You're Doing Well..

Hello 👋, I hope you're doing well..

My name is Mahmoud, and I'm a 17-year-old from Gaza. The ongoing war has devastated my city, destroyed my school, and made daily life incredibly challenging.

Despite these hardships, I'm determined to continue my education and build a better future. I've been given a chance to study abroad, but I need help to cover the costs of leaving Gaza, as well as living expenses and other essentials abroad once the crossing opens.. 🙏

If you can, please consider donating or sharing, your kindness can truly make a difference, and thanks for your time. â€đŸ‰ 🔗

verified!!!!! please donate if you guys can, i wish you the best 🍉

^ gofundme: 🔗

More Posts from Lunar-solarsystem

7 months ago

maybe a liiiiiiittle ;]

𝕐’𝕜𝕟𝕠𝕹, 𝕐’𝕜𝕟𝕠𝕹,

𝕀’𝕝𝕝 đ•€đ•–đ•– đ•Ș𝕠𝕩 𝕒𝕘𝕒𝕚𝕟

oh? what’s this?

a memory held close by one
.forgotten by the other.

, ,

what’s this? a photo
 a photo of two siblings it seems. The photo seems
older than the other photos
. how long ago was this taken?

The hero runs to see the delightfulness and amazement given to them by the river of stars. This happened a lot; A long time ago. The hero was delighted every time they saw the river and its beauty

 why does the hero forget now?

(say hello and to Eridani and Persei, mine and @mads-does-stuff’s DCA/TSaMs OCs!!!!)

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7 months ago



One month after the incident

Monty was at the entrance of the daycare, well not THE daycare but the little area with the weird statue of Moon and the tv’s advertising candy. It’d been a week over a month since Monty had been in there with Monty being rented out by Fazbear for three weeks with only two days off, and the week before Sun’s birthday too. Monty had forgotten to visit as he used his days off to either relax or cause chaos, it’s been two weeks since they’d come back but he hasn’t heard a peep from Sun or Moon, goodness knows they’re never usually this silent

Monty heard from the other glamrocks that apparently Moon just suddenly completely shut down the daycare about a month ago
 right after Sun’s birthday..

Monty figured it was no good sign that Moon’s kept the daycare closed for this long, because it’s never closed this long

Monty poked the Moon plushie that could teleport others into the tower room area where Sun and Moon lived, he was teleported to the balcony.

Something was off here, Monty could feel that something wasn’t right here

They accidentally knocked over a box while going down the latter. It made a loud noise when it hit the ground.

Monty saw someone at the door to Sun’s room, they must have heard the box fall..

It was Moon.. but there was something wrong, his hat wasn’t sitting where it usually was, obscuring half of Moon’s face in the process. Moon’s neck ruffles were gone, they’d probably have been ripped off considering there wouldn’t be any other way to remove them
 his pants had black stains all over them, it looked like the stains had been attempted to have been removed but to no avail

Moon: Well, well, well~ if it isn’t my ďęąƙ ƂþÿąƂ fĆ™ÄŻÄ™Ă±Ä Montgomery!

Monty: Moon-? Are you good man? Nobody’s seen you or Sun for a month, and I think we both know that you’ve never closed the daycare for THIS long-

Moon has a scoffing laugh at Monty’s statement, like he’s loosing his sanity by the second.

Moon: And Ɣħÿ does that matter to YOU Monty?

Monty: (what is up with you..?) Because y’all are my friends and I surprisingly care-

Moon’s laughs, like he was just told a blatant lie and the lie was obviously meant to be taken as a joke.

Moon: FƯƄƆƷ joke Monty
 How much money do you want? Monty: What? When did I ask you for money in this?

Moon’s deranged smile shifts to a cold expression, still with a wide eyed stare
 he wasn’t in the mood for jĂžÄ·Ä™ĆŸ anymore

Moon: Well that’s obviously the only reason you REALLY came to visit after over a month of nothing.

Monty: Moon you know I was busy- and I’m not here for money I’m just-

Moon raised his voice.


Monty: what are you on ab-


Monty became wide eyed at the statement, struggling to say something
 Moon looked like he was about to burst into tears, not counting the tears that were already forming from him yelling.

Monty: Sun
 he what..? No- no he couldn’t
 no.. what are you on about

Moon: You didn’t even come on his f(udging) birthday

Moon: would’ve known just as much as I do about what I’m talking about if you even Ă§Ă„Ć™ĂšÄ enough to check sooner

Monty: Moon this isn’t- this ain’t funny-

Moon: And ƔħăƄ exactly makes you think I’m trying to be funny here
 if you want proof just look in Sun’s room

Monty rushed to Sun’s door
 and what he saw was horrific

Sun’s body torn and dismembered
 they look to have been cleaned off because there’s no way there wasn’t any oil spillage with how much damage was caused
 the dark stains on Moon’s pants made sense now

Sun’s torso and head were still connected.. it was laid on Sun’s bed and connected to a lot of other machines by a bunch of wires
 while there wasn’t any oil on Sun there were oil stains practically everywhere in the path from the door to the bed, and now that Monty thinks about it, there was some oil outside the room as well

Monty: M-moon
 tell me w-what the f(udge) happened to Sun exactly

Moon: Oh you know
 a dear “friend” of ours came through the portal and gave Sun a pÀßƆfƳƂ birthday gift

Moon: don’t worry
 he’s no longer a pƙþbƂĂȘm
. not after what he did to Sun

Moon: and not after what I dīď to him

Monty: Moon
 what did you do

Moon: The same exact thing ęváșœĆ™Ăż Moon does Montgomery

Moon starts laughing
 but then it quickly turned to crying as Moon fell to the floor

Moon: Sun
 he-*hick*- he’s gone Monty! My b- my baby brother’s gone Monty

Moon’s sobbing continued, falling into heart wrenching wailing at points

Monty goes down to Moon on the floor, he hugs Moon(he’s gonna swear it’s a one time thing), trying to calm him down or even just console him

Moon continues sobbing and wailing, letting it all out, it’s haunting to hear Moon’s cries that day. But maybe Monty also needed to let out a few tears as well..

At some point Moon manages to choke up some words between his cries

“I-I tried to-*hick* to-to be better Monty! B-but nothing e-*hick* n-nothing even matters now that h-he’s gone!”

And they cried
 cried for a while
 but at some point, Moon starts powering down because he wasn’t recharging, so he grew tired in his lack of self care

Before Moon fell asleep
 Monty promised him they’d help Moon bring Sun back, no matter what..

Some drawings for this as well:

One Month After The Incident
One Month After The Incident
One Month After The Incident

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7 months ago

𝕐’𝕜𝕟𝕠𝕹, 𝕐’𝕜𝕟𝕠𝕹,

𝕀’𝕝𝕝 đ•€đ•–đ•– đ•Ș𝕠𝕩 𝕒𝕘𝕒𝕚𝕟

oh? what’s this?

a memory held close by one
.forgotten by the other.

, ,

what’s this? a photo
 a photo of two siblings it seems. The photo seems
older than the other photos
. how long ago was this taken?

The hero runs to see the delightfulness and amazement given to them by the river of stars. This happened a lot; A long time ago. The hero was delighted every time they saw the river and its beauty

 why does the hero forget now?

(say hello and to Eridani and Persei, mine and @mads-does-stuff’s DCA/TSaMs OCs!!!!)

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7 months ago


.huh..? 😭

rb and put in the tags your username without using the middle row of the keyboard

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7 months ago

random doodle dump that no one asked for :D

Random Doodle Dump That No One Asked For :D

close ups + other drawings below

Random Doodle Dump That No One Asked For :D
Random Doodle Dump That No One Asked For :D
Random Doodle Dump That No One Asked For :D
Random Doodle Dump That No One Asked For :D

the first photo is of Jack from TSaMs, the second is Bill Cipher, the third is a drawing i made from boredom (not connected to anything), and the 4th one is of my own FNaF DCA/TSaMs OC Eridani (left) and @mads-does-stuff’s OC Persei (right)

(This is them, Eridani and Persei, before the memory wipe nation attacked :]) (will explain in a future post)

Random Doodle Dump That No One Asked For :D
Random Doodle Dump That No One Asked For :D
Random Doodle Dump That No One Asked For :D

these 3 photos are more of Jack and Solar from TSaMs, BABY Jack and Solar (@justdrawlynn11), and Sun, from Lynn’s Celestial Underground AU (CU AU), sleeping soundly in his bed as the tired King he is :]

enjoy my art :D

(i apologize if any photos are blurry or look bad)

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