luvrsofbts - darling

20. semi-active (not rlly)

221 posts




Pairing: Jin x Reader

Genre: Fluff

Summary: Caught under the mistletoe with the one and only, Kim Seokjin.

A/N: Omg for once darling is on time for a bts member’s birthday ?!!/):&:@/$ lol jk i love you jinnie


Christmas was possibly your favorite holiday ever. The vibes you would get made you feel like a little kid all over again. Plus, Christmas decorating was the cherry on top. And since you’re spending this Christmas with your roommate, also known as your long-term crush, everything just fell into place.

While you were so busy rummaging through your box of Christmas decorations you have brought from your parents home, you didn’t even hear Jin come through the front door of your little shared dorm.

“Woah, what’s that?” Jin asked, startling you.

“Oh my gosh, Jin! You scared me,” You jumped slightly, holding your hand over your heart.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to!” He chuckled, “Anyways, what’s that box for?”

“Christmas decorations for our dorm! We need to spice this boring place up for Christmas feels,”

“You’re crazy, you know that?” Jin smirked, raising one of his eyebrows up.

“But you still love me as your roommate!” You giggled, “Now help me,”


“Higher! Okay, now just a tad bit lower… there!” You clapped your hands together as Jin just finished putting the last ornament up on the tree.

“Y/N, I’m tired! Can we take a break?” Jin whined.

“Take a break? Jin, we’ve been only decorating for 30 minutes! And it was just our Christmas tree!” You laugh, throwing your head back a little, “What? Is there glitter on my face?” You asked after your laughs quiet down, noticing Jin was staring at you with a huge smile on his face, causing you to blush slightly.

“You’re kid, cute,” He blurted out, realizing what he said before his ears started turning red, “I- I mean, uh, let’s get on with decorating!”

You nodded, looking away before he got the chance to see how more red your face got.


After an hour or so, you and Jin finally got done decorating the dorm. You walked around the place, the biggest smile plastered on your face, admiring all the Christmas details you two managed to put up.

Jin clutched the small mistletoe in his hand behind his back, watching you from afar. He hurriedly hung it up as soon as your back faced him.

“Mm, Y/N, come check this out!” Jin coughed, motioning you to come over as you looked at him.

His heart was pumping at each step you took as you got closer and closer to him.

“What is it?” You question, standing right in front of him.

“We’re uh- we’re under the mistletoe,” He smiled shyly, looking away as he scratch the back of his neck.

You looked up and surely, you two were under the mistletoe. Heat rose up to cheeks once again, clearing your throat before answering, “Yeah- I guess we are, hm?”

You two just stood there for what felt like hours, looking around to see who would make the first move until Jin finally got fed up, and the mutual pining you two shared. It was clear to you AND everyone else.

“Well? Are you going to kiss me?” Jin teased, a smug look on his face.

“What do you mean, me? You were the one to call me over here,” You fought back, taking a step closer.

“Yeah, but you obviously put this mistletoe up so it’s clear you wanted to kiss me,” He pushed.

“What?! I did no such thi-” You tried to defend until you were cut off by a pair of lips.

You kissed back instantly, standing on your tippy toes to deepen the kiss as you wrapped your arms around his neck, softly tugging his hair.

“I love testing you,” Jin chuckled as he pulled away, seeing you chase his lips with your eyes still close.

You reconnected your lips, “Oh shut up,” mumbling against his mouth as you continued kissing him.

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More Posts from Luvrsofbts

3 years ago

How do you spend your nights?

Overthinking and imagining scenarios that will never happen

3 years ago



Pairing: Namjoon x Reader

Genre: Fluff, slight angst

Summary: Namjoon’s been having a hard time and he just really need you right now.

A/N: Happy BELATED birthday, joonie <3 love you tons and tons until the day I die. Thank you forever. This is more of an I’m not late! Just early LMAO


With a small sigh, you grabbed the remote and turned off the tv. Namjoon had locked himself in his studio all day, working hard as ever. You left him alone, of course, not wanting to bother him nor his work so you kept yourself busied all day by cleaning around the house.

Dinner was soon coming so you stepped into the kitchen, deciding what to prepare for the both of you. But before that, you wanted to pay joon a visit, just to make sure he was okay or if he needed anything.

“Come in,” You heard his voice on the other side, responding to your three knocks.

“Hey, do you need anything?” You asked as you peaked your head in.

His back was facing you so all he responded with was a shake of his head, meaning no.

“Okay. Well, if you do anything, call or text me? I’ll be in the kitchen making dinner. I love you,” You reminded him before shutting the door and then making your way day to the kitchen.

A small smile stretched across Namjoon’s face from his short interaction with you before he let out a deep sigh, going back to work.


Within 10 minutes into preparing for dinner, you got a text from Joon.


I love you too, jagi :)

You giggled lightly to yourself at his text.


When 7:30 rolled around, you were done with cooking and had set the table already. Now you just needed to call Namjoon down.


Dinner’s ready! Come and eat with me?

As soon as it delivered, you heard his studio door open and close, causing a big smile to rise onto your face as you waited for him.

“Hi,” You said as he sat down next to you.

“Hi, jagi,” Namjoon leaned over and gave a small kiss to your cheek.

With rosy cheeks, “Such a flirt,” you mumbled, causing him to chuckle slightly.


“Don’t worry, you can go back to working, I’ll clean up,” You stopped Joon before he picked up a plate.

“It’s okay, you’ve already done so much today,” He refused, picking up the plates before putting them into the sink.

You watched him start washing the dishes, a fond smile playing on your lips.

“You know, I’m the luckiest woman ever,” You sighed happily, snaking your arms around his torso from behind as you laid your face on his back.

You felt him shake his head, “I’m the one that’s lucky.”

Truth be told, Namjoon knew he didn’t need to help you clean up, but he’s been a bit stress with his work lately, so being with you calmed and comforted him.


“If you’re tired, don’t wait up for me, okay?” Joon mumbled into your hair. You don’t know how you two got into this situation, but y’all have been hugging for awhile now, and you didn’t want to let go at all.

“Mhm,” you hummed, eyes close as you breathed in his scent, squeezing your arms around him tighter.

“Don’t fall asleep on me now, pretty girl,” He chuckled, running his hand up and down your back.

“You’re so warm and cuddly right now. Plus, I miss you. Can you come to bed early tonight?” You asked, pulling away slightly with a pout.

“I miss you too, and I’ll try,” Joon gave you a small smile, looking into your eyes. He leaned down and gave your pouty lips a small kiss.


Namjoon didn’t want to admit that he was at his breaking point, but yeah, he was at his breaking point. It’s been three hours since he sent you off to bed and he was needing you more than ever.

After thinking for awhile, he decided to call it a day. Midnight was rolling around soon and he did say that he would try to come to bed early, so that’s exactly what he did. Turning off his studio lights, he shut the door and let out a long, deep breath. Namjoon could feel the lump in his throat growing by the second. Tears started to blur his vision before he slid down his door and let out small sobs.

You’re not surprised that you’re still awake by this hour. You’d always wait up for your boyfriend no matter how tired you were. After being zoned out for a bit while staring at the ceiling, the sound of cries snapped you out of it. You quickly threw the sheets off of you, making your way down the stairs.

“Joon? Is that you?” You whispered into the semi-dark hallway as you made your way to his studio.

Namjoon was too busy being in his own world that he didn’t even notice you until you touched his shoulder.

“Baby, what’s wrong?” You gently asked, a frown on your face as you squat down to him.

He didn’t say anything, just pulled you into him and hugged you tightly as he cried into your neck.

You began to worry. What was going on? Was he hurt? Did something happen? But you didn’t say or ask anything more, just let him cry while you played with his hair, shushing him hear and there, and running your hands up and down his back trying to soothe and calm him down. Then after awhile, Namjoon’s cries began to quiet down.

“Do you want to talk about it?” You gently once asked again, pressing a small kiss to his head.

“Just a bit stress, that’s all,” He replied, sniffling and pulling you even closer to him.

“Joonie… I know that you’re the leader, but if you’ve been feeling this way, please take a break and take care of yourself. You know that the boys care about you so much and they will understand,” You reason, pulling away slightly before wiping away his tears.

“I know, but what if I fail them by taking a break?” Namjoon sighed, a small frown on his face.

“What? Why would you ever think that. You’re failing yourself by overworking. Take a minute and just breathe. The boys are always lecturing you about taking care of yourself anyways, listen to them,” You reason once again, staring deeply into his eyes.

“Okay. Thank you, jagi. I’m so lucky to have you here with me,” He said.

“Let’s go to bed, yeah?” You ask, getting up.

Namjoon gave you a small nod before the both of you made your way up to your bedroom.

As soon as Namjoon got into bed after his shower, he pulled you closer to him. Wrapping his arms around your waist as he laid his head on your chest. Letting out a small yawn, Namjoon leaned up slightly to press a kiss to your lips before snuggling deeper into you then closing his eyes, letting sleep take over him.

“Goodnight, Joonie. I love you,” Deep breaths puffed out of his nose, indicating that he was asleep. You played with his hair a bit, pressing small kisses to his forehead here and there before sooner or later, sleep took over you as well.

Tags :
3 years ago



Pairing: Jin x Reader

Genre: Fluff

Summary: Caught under the mistletoe with the one and only, Kim Seokjin.

A/N: Omg for once darling is on time for a bts member’s birthday ?!!/):&:@/$ lol jk i love you jinnie


Christmas was possibly your favorite holiday ever. The vibes you would get made you feel like a little kid all over again. Plus, Christmas decorating was the cherry on top. And since you’re spending this Christmas with your roommate, also known as your long-term crush, everything just fell into place.

While you were so busy rummaging through your box of Christmas decorations you have brought from your parents home, you didn’t even hear Jin come through the front door of your little shared dorm.

“Woah, what’s that?” Jin asked, startling you.

“Oh my gosh, Jin! You scared me,” You jumped slightly, holding your hand over your heart.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to!” He chuckled, “Anyways, what’s that box for?”

“Christmas decorations for our dorm! We need to spice this boring place up for Christmas feels,”

“You’re crazy, you know that?” Jin smirked, raising one of his eyebrows up.

“But you still love me as your roommate!” You giggled, “Now help me,”


“Higher! Okay, now just a tad bit lower… there!” You clapped your hands together as Jin just finished putting the last ornament up on the tree.

“Y/N, I’m tired! Can we take a break?” Jin whined.

“Take a break? Jin, we’ve been only decorating for 30 minutes! And it was just our Christmas tree!” You laugh, throwing your head back a little, “What? Is there glitter on my face?” You asked after your laughs quiet down, noticing Jin was staring at you with a huge smile on his face, causing you to blush slightly.

“You’re kid, cute,” He blurted out, realizing what he said before his ears started turning red, “I- I mean, uh, let’s get on with decorating!”

You nodded, looking away before he got the chance to see how more red your face got.


After an hour or so, you and Jin finally got done decorating the dorm. You walked around the place, the biggest smile plastered on your face, admiring all the Christmas details you two managed to put up.

Jin clutched the small mistletoe in his hand behind his back, watching you from afar. He hurriedly hung it up as soon as your back faced him.

“Mm, Y/N, come check this out!” Jin coughed, motioning you to come over as you looked at him.

His heart was pumping at each step you took as you got closer and closer to him.

“What is it?” You question, standing right in front of him.

“We’re uh- we’re under the mistletoe,” He smiled shyly, looking away as he scratch the back of his neck.

You looked up and surely, you two were under the mistletoe. Heat rose up to cheeks once again, clearing your throat before answering, “Yeah- I guess we are, hm?”

You two just stood there for what felt like hours, looking around to see who would make the first move until Jin finally got fed up, and the mutual pining you two shared. It was clear to you AND everyone else.

“Well? Are you going to kiss me?” Jin teased, a smug look on his face.

“What do you mean, me? You were the one to call me over here,” You fought back, taking a step closer.

“Yeah, but you obviously put this mistletoe up so it’s clear you wanted to kiss me,” He pushed.

“What?! I did no such thi-” You tried to defend until you were cut off by a pair of lips.

You kissed back instantly, standing on your tippy toes to deepen the kiss as you wrapped your arms around his neck, softly tugging his hair.

“I love testing you,” Jin chuckled as he pulled away, seeing you chase his lips with your eyes still close.

You reconnected your lips, “Oh shut up,” mumbling against his mouth as you continued kissing him.

3 years ago

jokes , probs tonight bc suddenly i got inspo ??

hi hopefully ill have smth out for jinnie tmr x

3 years ago

NOOO I BARELY JUST STARTED WRITING BUT THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR MENTIONING ME !! here are a few more authors i’d like to mention as well, please check them out if you haven’t <3

@taesinferno @kimnjss @jungshookz @delightfulserendipity @ninetailedfoxmanchi @jiminiesfavouritecolourisblue @silv3rswirls @blu-joons @honeytae @dreamescapeswriting @tuvaidk @dulcebangtan @v-hope @taetaespeaches

the BTS fanfic writers on this platform are INSANE























yes i read fanfiction on the toilet. sue me.



This made me crack up 😭😂.. but for real I feel u, the writers here are INSANEE YESSS.. “yes I read fan fiction on the toilet” 😭😂 same broski samee

@inkedtae @chateautae @hueseok @joonbird @kimtaehyunq @jungkxook @chimoona @amourtae

My fav authors🥰 who r talented af😌✋🏻

omg i feel so honored to be included in your list of fave writers here 🥺 (and along with amazing writers as well) thank you so much 😩💓

tagging some amazing writers as well bc u guys deserve the world !!

@flowerboykun @jensrose @blaqpinksthetic @koishua @gguksgalaxy @jimidol @knjsnoona @nomseok @kookdiaries + many more <3

thank you so so much for mentioning me sweetheart ❤️❤️ honestly every writer should be mentioned here, they work so hard & create such wonderful piece of writing!

tagging more talented writers:

@xpeachesncream @s0seo @opaljm @taegularities @jimilter @mercurygguk @bratkook @mintxxxy @bonnyskies @cutechim

Aww catie you really are too freakin sweet!🥲 you and your sexy brain have my whole ❤️

I swear 90% of the time my desire to physically write and my desire to be creative are just lookin at each other like

The BTS Fanfic Writers On This Platform Are INSANE
The BTS Fanfic Writers On This Platform Are INSANE

To add a few more extremely talented writers to the list of those who deserve mountains of praise:

@lunaandhertrashheap @oftenderweapons @jungkooksbroski @baepsaesbae

First, thank you Sara for mentioning little old me in this list with all these INCREDIBLE creators. I was a little shy about reblogging this, also because it’s been sooooo long since I last read something that was just for my pleasure.

So, it’s my turn to add some people.

There’s a guilty pleasure I ALWAYS indulge in and that is rereading The Snowball Effect Collab fics. Therefore, shoutout to @fortunexkookie (dang, tag’s not working!!! 😩) @ddaenggtan @stutterfly and @taehyungforreal . I love that universe, and some other fics I read from these incredible people.

@xjoonchildx is another great blog for guilty pleasures (and one of the few mafia!au writers I fully, fearlessly endorse).

@joonscypher did this incredible thing called Stuck. I had the honour to beta-read part one and there is no other word except devastated to describe how I felt afterwards. I still cling to my teddy bear whenever I do a reread. Cherry, you really did something with that one.

@ppersonna gave me the professor!Joon I always needed, the Christmassy!Joon I want to marry and the Landlord!Yoongi I need to attend all my needs. Not to mention the fact that if my blog really took off it was because Lindy took the time and the patience to review one of my (heavily unedited) Jimin fics. Thank you so much for that one, Lindy, I will never be able to convey how grateful I am for that.

Finally, let me recommend my wife @joheunsaram . With every piece I read, she surprises me more. You’re a literal miracle, Mars, and I love you so much. I’m still crying over No Rebounds and I will always hold it against you.

ahhh thank you lovely dita 🥰🥰🥰

i have so many authors i love on this site and they all bring something different to storytelling.

here’s just a few because i always miss someone 😭

@illneverrecover @sahmfanficbts @snackhobi @yeojaa @wwilloww @uhgood-dooghu @btsarmy9593 @reliablemitten @augustbutwinter @kkulfm @hobisuniverse @madseok 💕💕💕

AH feck Ana thank you so much for thinking of me 😭 😭 😭 😭let me rec some of my favourite authors too!!! @joheunsaram @oftenderweapons @kpopfanfictrash @taegularities @missgeniality @neonlights92 @gcfkims @taesinferno @triviafics @joonscypher @jjksblackgf @joonscore @wwilloww @hobeemin @pjmsdior @v-hope @hobidreams @readyplayerhobi @ladyartemesia @btssavedmylifeblr @lavienjin @sahmbtsfanfic (not tagging??) @bangtiddies @eatjeanjin @chateautae @joonsrack @cest-la-tae @xjoonchildx (you didn’t think I wouldn’t include you, did you?) @augustbutwinter @kkulfm @madseok 

I’m sure I’m missing some, so please don’t feel left out if I didn’t mention you!! I’m operating on 4 hours of sleep and am trying to do 3 things at the same time so my brain is all over the place :(

Anyone please feel free to reblog and add some of your favourite authors!! I can’t wait to discover new writing blogs <3

Alright thanks for making me teary eyed today Bells. 😭😭🥺🥺

Thank you for including me in your post. 💜

cracks fingers

Okies. Here are a few creators I enjoy 😏

@yoongsgguktae @softjeon @agustdjoon @agustdef @hobisuniverse @wwilloww @kimnjss

@kimtaehyunq @ressjeon @joonscypher @joheunsaram @oftenderweapons @sahmfanficbts @sugasbabiie @yutasgalaxy

@hisunshiine @jimilter @kookdiaries @jamaisjoons @jayhopely @lavienjin @mimikookie

And many many more!! Keep shining and sharing your work lovelies 💜💜

Aww thank you ☺️ I also gotta add to this @kookdiaries @missgeniality @knjsnoona @joyfulhopelox @cremeandsuga @sunshinejunghoseokie and everyone else I would’ve mentioned as already been tagged lol

Cee! You lovely soul! Thank you 🥺

Gotta shout out @joyfulhopelox (again because she is phenomenal), @aurorajm (so talented and creative), @hobipaint (a talented writer and beta and all around pal) @rosietae (taemi, my heart) @delacyrose224 @ggukcangetit and @alpacaparkaseok (each and every one of them is a masterpiece in of itself), @imyourhobiii (Astra, one of my first tumblr favorites and now a friend cloae to my heart) one of my favorite newer moots and fellow creators @fluffyydumplings

Way to make me mush on a Thursday, Cam. 🥺🥺🥺

Shouting out @alpacaparkaseok @moon-write @hyungieyoongi because they all deserve the world, so.

Cam & Delacy are some of the sweetest 🥺🥺 but this post is no joke! Like, if you’re needing some new content, just scroll through and pick an author you’re unfamiliar with! That’s what I’m gonna do 👀

Also dragging @park-jimin-isnt-real @mariewrites @dreamcatcherjiah (ily bb) and @galaxtea-writes & @sor-vette into this because YES. 💕

:o awww, way to make my day better, B! As for this reblog, dang, can I just say that there are so many writers I had no idea about haha I’m sure everyone on here is so talented and I’m excited to jump into their masterlists! <33

here are a few good writers that I know of, @blu-joons (if you’re looking for a multi-fandom writer, this is your gal), @fly-you-dam-fools, @softbobamilktae, (both of these lovelies deserve more recognition) @ninetailedfoxmanchi (her mafia reactions are bomb) @kookiesbuckethat (ilyilyilyily) @taleasnewastime (honestly don’t come @ me. You really should hire me at this point hahah)

Ok @galaxtea-writes you’ve got the job, I hope you don’t charge an arm on the leg because I really don’t have the cash. Can I pay you in virtual hugs?

Blimey what a long list of amazing creators. I really deliberated whether to tag anyone because it’s that thing of having about 50 million people I want to tag but not having the space or time to do that (also there’s always that one person you just love that you miss and your heart breaks). Anyway, I want to tag a few people who’s stories I’ve loved recently. @yoonpobs @candlewaxandp0lar0ids @personasintro @myooniverse @reliablemitten you guys are great!

Rachel and Ana can’t believe two of my favorite writers tagged me. I think you meant someone else 🤣 the support and welcome and community for writers is wonderful. Reading and writing has been such an escape for me this last year, I’m so grateful to authors whose writing has been part of that. You all are so insanely talented and bring people a lot of joy and comfort: @xjoonchildx @sunshinerainbowsbts @btsarmy9593 @calixwrites @suga-kookiemonster @jeonstudios @yoonjinkooked @arizonapoppy @madseok @sahmfanficbts @hamsterclaw @lamourche @snackhobi @bonvoyagenoona @taleasnewastime and the amazing @hannahbee12719 who is so creative and kind in making banners and graphics.

Mittens! Thank you for tagging me 🥺 I can’t believe the amazingly talented and incredibly supportive writers I’ve gotten to know in my short time on this site. I’m gonna throw out a few names here but truly, I could name the author of every fic I’ve ever read, because you’ve all given me so much JOY! @reliablemitten @arizonapoppy @btsarmy9593 @lavienjin @snackhobi @bonvoyagenoona @candlewaxandp0lar0ids @jinpanman @jinfizz @yoonjinkooked @myooniverse @xjoonchildx @floralseokjin @honeymoonjin @wwilloww @kithtaehyung @triviafics @whatifyoulivelikethat @dntaewithluv @playmetheclassics @madseok @hellojeongkook Thank you for your stories! 💕

I’m not even worthy of being on this list thank you for tagging me Sunny and being the ray of sunshine you always are 🥺💕 tagging more amazing writers: @mochilatae @m-yg93 @ahundredtimesover @jimilter @jiminrings @taegularities @amourtae @lavienjin @sublimebangtan @namjooningelsewhere @knjsnoona @rmverse @joonscypher @namjin-fangirling-again @joontella @aglassofpinkchampagne @purgatorywriter @bonvoyagenoona @dntaewithluv @sahmfanficbts @craztextae @xpeachesncream @writemywaytoyourheart @writtenwhalien @sopefactory @99liners @diorkim @diorejeon @deepseavibez @go1denjeon @parkdatjimin @clouditae @btspenandpaper @4joonkookie @kookieswan @ilikemesometaetaes @balenciaguks @7deadlysinsfics @googikoo @opaljm @jikookiekosmos @missbickerbocker @yeoldontknow @kithtaehyung @chateautae @junghelioseok @xjoonchildx @wwilloww @citrustan @borathae

If I have missed anyone I apologise profusely, but y'all are fucking amazing 💕🥰

THIS IS SO ENCOURAGING AND SWEET OMGOMGOMG 🥺🥺🥺 💕💕 adding a few more bc they’re amazing authors and they deserve love if they haven’t been mentioned yet! I wanna mention everyone but obviously I can’t so I missed anyone Im sorry just know I appreciate and love your work!

@kookieswan @eureka-its-zico @hobipost @caffekoo @luvrsofbts @mysweetkittae @written-in-solitude @hamsterclaw @kookiecrumb @jaehyunzbae @tuvaidk @sunshinerainbowsbts @minyfic @gcfkims @jiminmellow @jeonstudios @cutechim @sparklingchim @intokook @smoochkooks @triviafics @secretmischief @yoongi-bear @kookingtae @kookiesbuckethat @itsallabouthedetails @delightfulserendipity @sublimebangtan @jinnie-forthe-winnie @wonderer-ru @aurorajm @woodstockbtswriter @onlyswan @dimpleddaydreams @augustbutwinter @lavienjin @wwilloww @xpeachesncream @googikoo @7deadlysinsfics @ahundredtimesover @readyplayerhobi

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