luvygirllove - pictures

This is just going to be for everyday pictures I think look nice.

465 posts

Luvygirllove - Pictures - Tumblr Blog

6 months ago
6 months ago
7 months ago
luvygirllove - pictures
7 months ago
luvygirllove - pictures
7 months ago
7 months ago
luvygirllove - pictures
7 months ago

“what’s the wind resistance on those blowjob handles?”

7 months ago

Crab fights with knife

Crab Fights With Knife
7 months ago

“Haven’t seen you in awhile, what you been up to?”


Havent Seen You In Awhile, What You Been Up To?
Havent Seen You In Awhile, What You Been Up To?
Havent Seen You In Awhile, What You Been Up To?
7 months ago

LMAOOO i tried to post the car fight from deadpool 3 on youtube with casual playing in the background and it immediately got copyrighted. marvel your homophobic side is showing /j

anyways here is is cause i'm not a pussy

7 months ago
luvygirllove - pictures
8 months ago

Clerith was canon in 1997. Clerith is canon (again) in 2020.


Due to the scene being in reference to “If you know what happens to Aerith later in the story, it’s a line that strikes emotionally,“ we know this scene is referring to Aerith’s death.

In the Remake, Aerith knows she dies. Aerith also knows REAL Cloud falls in love with her in the OG. Aerith tells Cloud not to fall in love with her this time because she knows she dies.

In the Remake, Aerith is trying to protect Cloud from falling in love with her due to her death.

Clerith is confirmed as the canon OG pairing.


The MOST OBVIOUS transformation of Cloud’s “frosty exterior” in the Remake is when he starts doing high-five’s with Aerith on the reg.

At first Cloud rejects them. Then, he is about to give one but stops short. Then, you have to hold the triangle button down so he gives Aerith a high-five. Then, he gives Aerith an automatic high-five at the battle arena. The crowd chants:

“Cloud and Aerith! – Cloud and Aerith! – Cloud and Aerith!”

The high-five’s is a clear-cut, distinct transformation of Cloud’s personality. Intentionally designed by SE to show Aerith slowly melting Cloud’s “frosty exterior.”

Given Cloud’s earlier reluctance, I got chills when Cloud & Aerith high-five’d in the battle arena.

Then, when Cloud has to remind everyone that rescuing Aerith from Shinra HQ is the #1 priority, it cemented to me that Cloud had significantly changed from the very beginning of the game.

Aerith is evoking the REAL Cloud to the surface.

Cloud’s love for Aerith is giving us glimpses of who he truly is.

Not only are the high-five’s and quest to save Aerith from Shinra HQ significant, clear-cut examples of Cloud’s transformation, but Cloud also has a REAL memory of his mother telling him to have an “older girlfriend” – someone who will call him a “silly goose” when he needs to hear it (Aerith calls Cloud “silly” in FF7R). Aerith shows us the REAL Cloud’s personality and triggers him into having a REAL memory of his Mom telling him to pick Aerith as his girlfriend (ie: "older” – “silly goose”).

Cloud and Aerith dominate once Cloud falls to her flower bed.

Just as in the OG, when both women are present, Cloud’s preference is Aerith (something that continues even in death and makes Tifa jealous).


As a kid in 1997, it was obvious to me that Cloud loved Aerith more than Tifa.

Not until I went online all these years later did I discover (shockingly) that the American FFVII fanbase had been misled by some in the FFVII fandom.

So why did they decide to launch a campaign to delegitimize Clerith?

Well, when FFVII first came out in 1997, many western gamers didn’t understand Aerith. She was (literally) foreign to them. Japanese animation was still very niche back then.

Though the Japanese adored Aerith’s spunky personality & pink dress (and saw her as the obvious romantic interest for Cloud), many men in the United States thought her hair was “ugly” and that her personality was “annoying.” Far too “anime” for their tastes. They preferred Tifa – the loyal, more American looking childhood friend – the “girl-next-door.” Plus, her big boobs didn’t hurt, either.

Of course, since FFVII inherently revolves around a love triangle, there is obviously an option to play it the Tifa way.

However, as a kid in 1997, I never saw Tifa as a threat. I saw her as the secondary, optional way to play the game. The girl you would pick on your second playthrough.

When you consider:

The official Amano artwork

Beginning love point totals (you have to make counterintuitive choices to catch Tifa up to Aerith’s automatic 1st place position)

The non-optional bodyguard agreement

The “normally” occurring CxA Gold Saucer date

Numerous flirtatious moments & obvious hints

Tifa’s constant jealousy

The Promised Land scene non-optionally occurring *AFTER* the inherently variable Highwind scene

Frequent CxA cameos

Aerith being the first & last image we see in the entire game

…it is clear Tifa never held a candle to Aerith as the heroine, or as the primary love interest for Cloud.

To put it simply – Aerith was created first by SE. Tifa was created second. Aerith is the primary love interest. Tifa is the secondary love interest. Obvious common sense.

Unfortunately, fueled by their unyielding, irrational hatred of all things Aerith, they successfully sold the myth (for years) that Cloud x Tifa is the official canon couple of FFVII, thereby brainwashing the entire American fandom against Cloud x Aerith.

They reduced & twisted Cloud’s love for Aerith as “guilt.”

Saying that even though the Real Cloud chooses to live in Aerith’s Church, has his heart broken every time he visits her grave, reconnects with her in Flower Fields (and cameos), and seeks to find her in the Promised Land, is all due to guilt over the death of a mere friend. Saying that anything romantic shown in the OG is all a result of Zack (ie: attempted delegitimization).

I guess the symbolism of Cloud’s continued love for Aerith, and all the nuances that entails, is too cultured & sophisticated for them to comprehend. Or maybe they are purposely not comprehending the obvious?

Thankfully, the Japanese understand what all of this means. So why don’t western fans?

The only logical conclusion is because of their deep, burning, irrational hatred of Aerith as a character. Always minimizing & downplaying her role as the first & true heroine & love interest to Cloud.

But now, with the Remake perfecting Aerith’s look & personality, and making it crystal clear that these are Cloud’s REAL feelings, and that Aerith wants to move FORWARD from Zack, you are now seeing a significant swing within the fandom towards Cloud x Aerith.

The other side has spent years using Crisis Core & Advent Children to their advantage:

Essentially saying Crisis Core makes Zerith canon, and Advent Children makes Cloti canon. Simple & easy for the masses to understand, right?

So how, exactly, did they convince millions to believe their great myth?

1. Cloud & Aerith only liked each other because of Zack.


The relationship between Zack & Aerith in CC is officially described as a minor infatuation between two juveniles, much like Cloud’s childhood crush on Tifa.

In the OG, Aerith says her and Zack were NEVER serious, that their relationship is “in the past now,” and that he probably moved on to someone else because he’s a “real lady’s man.”

On the normally occurring CxA Gold Saucer date, Aerith confirms that although she initially liked Cloud because of Zack, she has grown to like Cloud for Cloud.

Within the lifestream, Aerith tells Zack that she prefers Cloud’s personality over his, and that she will only call Zack if she gets “really lonely.”

In the Remake, Aerith states she wants to move FORWARD with her life in regards to Zack.

Aerith triggers Cloud into a REAL memory of his mother suggesting he have an “older girlfriend.” This REAL memory proves the REAL Cloud was present during his interactions with Aerith. She is bringing the REAL Cloud back to the surface.

In official sources, Aerith is stated as saying she loves Cloud MORE than Zack.

Cloud is stated to be Aerith’s “koibito” (“lover” in Japanese).

Yes – Cloud adopted some memories & mannerisms from Zack, but he never transformed 100% into Zack.

It is a myth that Cloud & Aerith’s love is null-and-void because of Zack.

2. Tifa wins by default due to being alive.


Tifa winning by default due to being alive is why they hope to god Aerith doesn’t live in the Remake.

You may personally prefer Tifa, but in the OG, Cloud himself clearly prefers Aerith over Tifa, and the other side knows it (just look at the Shinra jail cell moment).

Tifa only has a chance once Aerith is out of the picture. If Aerith lives, it is all but over for Tifa.

Even in death, Cloud has an “undying” love for Aerith that will never go away. Tifa knows this to be true and is stated to be jealous of Cloud’s continued feelings for Aerith.

In the AC credits, Tactics cameo, and the Dissidia cameo, it is clear Cloud still wants to meet and be with Aerith in the Promised Land. Denying the common sense symbolism of this is a sign of someone who has a deep-rooted bias against Aerith.

Furthermore, Cloud and Tifa are in an established “family of friends,” share zero romantic moments, have tons of continued jealousy, fighting, and sleep in separate rooms. Plus, Barret returns to living with them in DoC.

Cloud & Tifa only have the possibility of being a thing if Aerith is out of the picture. The other side better pray to god Aerith doesn’t live in the Remake.

And even if Aerith dies, Cloud & Aerith will always remain a tragic star-crossed love story where Cloud forever wants to meet her in the Promised Land. Tifa’s continued jealousy confirms this to be true.

In the Remake, Cloud cries when he thinks of Aerith facing her inevitable demise. True love.



8 months ago
Cloud, It's Okay.
Cloud, It's Okay.
Cloud, It's Okay.
Cloud, It's Okay.
Cloud, It's Okay.
Cloud, It's Okay.
Cloud, It's Okay.

Cloud, it's okay.

8 months ago

laptop overheating?? pour water on it to cool it down!

8 months ago
So Keep Your Distance.
So Keep Your Distance.
So Keep Your Distance.
So Keep Your Distance.

So keep your distance.

8 months ago

Evidence from SE that supports Cloud x Aerith

Here is some official evidence from SE that supports Cloud x Aerith:

1. The Cloud x Aerith Golden Saucer date is confirmed as canon within the compilation: A:“#111: The Planet’s largest amusement park is run by Dio. Cloud and company visit this place many times in their battle. They meet Cait Sith here. A PROMISED date [there is only one promised date in the game] that ends in a magical night. In the city of desire that floats above the sands, the light memory of the two people is asleep even now…Aerith: “I think I must have seen him again, in you… But you’re different. Things are different… No, Cloud… I’m searching for you…” ~Final Fantasy Art Collection B: “In Aerith’s case, if you play the game normally,the partner that generally comes will be Aerith.”~Final Fantasy VII Dismantled C: “Oh, Cloud…I enjoyed our date at the Gold Saucer. The view from the gondola that night was really beautiful. I’ll never forget it. I’ll never forget you, Cloud…” ~Aerith, Final Fantasy VII Dismantled, Square Enix 2. Aerith Gainsborough: “A girl with the blood of the Ancients flowing through her veins who is engraved in Cloud’s heart for the rest of his life” ~DoC game manual, Square Enix 3. “Cloud was her friend, her koibito (lover in Japanese) - a symbol of what was important to her, and someone to be protected.” ~Case of Lifestream: White, Square Enix 4. “The place where he awakens. That is Cloud’s Promised Land……When he awakes, there was his friends. There were the children, freed from their fatal illness. Tifa and Marlene, and Denzel asking for Cloud to heal his Geostigma— his family were waiting. Engulfed in celebration, he realises where he is meant to live. He realises that he was able to forgive himself. And when he turns around—- “she” is starting to leave. Together with the friend who had given Cloud his life. Cloud no longer has to suffer in loneliness… And so they too go back to where they belong. Back to the current of life flowing around the planet” ~Final Fantasy VII 10th Anniversary Ultimania, Square Enix —-Cloud awakes in Aerith’s Church where he shares a spiritual connection with her. Where Cloud awakes is his Promised Land — his supreme happiness. This means Cloud’s supreme place of happiness is with Aerith in her Church. Tifa is lumped in as one of Cloud’s friends in this passage.   5. “…I think I’m beginning to understand. An answer from the planet…the Promised Land… I think I can meet her… there…” ~Cloud Strife 6. “I never blamed you. Not once. You came for me. That’s all that matters.”~Aerith Gainsborough 7. “A story of a love that could never be…” ~Official Square Enix commercial referring to Cloud x Aerith 8. “At first when I met Cloud, I believed he was similar to Zack. Little actions, the way he spoke… his kindness. But Cloud is Cloud. I, now undoubtedly, love Cloud much more than Zack.” ~Aerith’s monologue in Gongaga, Final Fantasy VII Dismantled, Square Enix 9. Aerith brought Denzel to Cloud:  “Denzel had collapsed in front of Aerith’s church. That’s why I thought Aerith lead him to me.” ~Cloud, Case of Tifa, Square Enix 10. Cloud to Aerith in Cosmo Canyon: “But, I’m -I mean- we’re here for you, right?” ~Cloud Strife 11. “Although in the beginning Aerith felt close to Cloud is because he behaves like Zack, her interest in Cloud himself grows and she is attracted to him.”~page 31, Final Fantasy VII Ultimania Omega, Square Enix 12. “When Aerith thinks of Cloud and Zack’s similarities, she sees that the present Cloud is not the real Cloud. Her meaningful lines like, “I’m searching for you” and “I want to meet you” all mean that she has discovered the existence of the real Cloud, although he’s not aware of it himself.“ ~page 31, Final Fantasy VII Ultimania Omega, Square Enix 13. "First off, it bothered me how you looked exactly alike. Two completely different people, but look exactly the same. The way you walk, gesture… I think I must have seen him again, in you… But you’re different. Things are different…” ~Aerith, Final Fantasy VII 14. The hand reach scene at the end of Final Fantasy VII.   15. “After solving the puzzle about Cait Sith’s replaceable body, he tells one last fortune of Cloud and Aerith’s affinity. Cait Sith’s lines, which seem to expect Cloud and Aerith’s wedding, now makes it more painful.” ~Final Fantasy VII Dismantled, Square Enix “Looks good. You are perfect for each other!” “Aerith’s star and Cloud’s star! They show a great future!” — “Poor Tifa!” ~Cait Sith 16. Cloud is searching to be with Aerith in the Promised Land at the end of Advent Children. Cloud also keeps Aerith’s flowers on his desk in his single bedroom. 17. “Each carries their own feelings and love for Aerith. In this story, Cloud also carries his undying feeling for Aerith even to this very day…” ~Nomura, Square Enix 18. “But if you play Kingdom Hearts, toward the end, some of the questions about the relationship between Cloud and Aeris in FFVII might be answered.” ~Nomura, Square Enix 19. Cloud agrees to be Aerith’s bodyguard for the price of one date.   20. Cloud is living in Aerith’s Church at the beginning of Advent Children because that is where he finds peace after his diagnosis –(living in a room by himself in a “family of friends” due to extenuating circumstances doesn’t seem to cut it). Remember, Aerith’s Church is Cloud’s Promised Land — the place where he finds supreme happiness and shares a spiritual connection with Aerith.  21. (Note: this is the canon version to this scene) Marlene: Guess what? Guess what? Aeris was asking me lots of questions. Like what kind of person Cloud is. I bet she likes you, Cloud! Cloud: Let’s hope so. Marlene: I won’t tell Tifa. 22. In Advent Children, when Sephiroth asks Cloud what he cherishes the most, the first image that comes to his mind is Aerith.  23. “As for Cloud… He sees Aerith several times throughout the film. It’s not that he sees her because he feels her presence. He sees her because her consciousness lives on inside him.” ~Nomura, Square Enix 24. “You should have… An older girlfriend, one that would take care of you. I think that would be the perfect type for you.” ~Mrs. Strife (Cloud’s Mom) 25. Cloud and Aerith share a date at Green Park in the Sector 6 Slum. Cloud and Aerith share two canon dates in Final Fantasy VII.   “Date in the Park: In Scene 04-10, Zack and Aerith have a date in Green Park in the sector 6 slum. An identical situation is seen in “FFVII” as well, which features a scene of Cloud and Aerith on a date in the same park.” ~CC Ultimania, Square Enix

26. Cloud tells Aerith her eyes are “impressive" 

27. Cloud only laughed and cried for one character – Aerith

28. Cloud has a "mysterious” feeling for Aerith:

“After the explosion of First Reactor, Cloud met Aerith while running away alone. Cloud left the place, remembering the mysterious feeling he had for Aerith from the small conversation. He then reunited with AVALANCHE safely, and left for their base…” ~Final Fantasy VII Story Playback, Page 111

29. Cloud x Aerith have official SE artwork together, which is similar to other canon Final Fantasy couples

30. Cloud felt at “peace” with Aerith in her Church

31. “It was the sound of Cloud’s heart cracking. It was the cry of his heart that could never be healed of the grief he had towards Aerith’s death, the blame towards himself and the hatred he had for Sephiroth…There was nothing she could do about Cloud’s suffering and the pain ached in her heart.” ~Maiden of the Planet, Square Enix Cloud’s heart broke when Aerith died.

8 months ago


8 months ago
luvygirllove - pictures
luvygirllove - pictures
luvygirllove - pictures
8 months ago
For Some Reason Middle Aged Comic Fans Coming On The Internet To Defend Their Decision As To Why They
For Some Reason Middle Aged Comic Fans Coming On The Internet To Defend Their Decision As To Why They
For Some Reason Middle Aged Comic Fans Coming On The Internet To Defend Their Decision As To Why They
For Some Reason Middle Aged Comic Fans Coming On The Internet To Defend Their Decision As To Why They
For Some Reason Middle Aged Comic Fans Coming On The Internet To Defend Their Decision As To Why They
For Some Reason Middle Aged Comic Fans Coming On The Internet To Defend Their Decision As To Why They
For Some Reason Middle Aged Comic Fans Coming On The Internet To Defend Their Decision As To Why They
For Some Reason Middle Aged Comic Fans Coming On The Internet To Defend Their Decision As To Why They
For Some Reason Middle Aged Comic Fans Coming On The Internet To Defend Their Decision As To Why They

for some reason middle aged comic fans coming on the internet to defend their decision as to why they thought a twelve year old should have died or lived is so funny 😭😭😭

8 months ago

Beautiful cow who is mooing at you

8 months ago

FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH (2024) ↳ Hair down Aerith ˖⁺‧₊⟡₊˚⊹

9 months ago
Pink Chocobo
Pink Chocobo
Pink Chocobo
Pink Chocobo
Pink Chocobo
Pink Chocobo

pink chocobo ♡

9 months ago
A Love Reincarnated Throughout The UniversesFinal Fantasy VII | Final Fantasy Tactics
A Love Reincarnated Throughout The UniversesFinal Fantasy VII | Final Fantasy Tactics
A Love Reincarnated Throughout The UniversesFinal Fantasy VII | Final Fantasy Tactics
A Love Reincarnated Throughout The UniversesFinal Fantasy VII | Final Fantasy Tactics
A Love Reincarnated Throughout The UniversesFinal Fantasy VII | Final Fantasy Tactics
A Love Reincarnated Throughout The UniversesFinal Fantasy VII | Final Fantasy Tactics
A Love Reincarnated Throughout The UniversesFinal Fantasy VII | Final Fantasy Tactics
A Love Reincarnated Throughout The UniversesFinal Fantasy VII | Final Fantasy Tactics
A Love Reincarnated Throughout The UniversesFinal Fantasy VII | Final Fantasy Tactics
A Love Reincarnated Throughout The UniversesFinal Fantasy VII | Final Fantasy Tactics

A Love Reincarnated Throughout the Universes Final Fantasy VII | Final Fantasy Tactics

“An answer from the Planet…  the Promised Land… I think I can meet her… there.” –Cloud Strife; Bodyguard

9 months ago
luvygirllove - pictures