luvymelody - melody

writer (v random schedule tbh lol), in my 20s, genderfluid

45 posts

Teruhashi Kokomi - Valentine : Laufey

Teruhashi Kokomi - Valentine : Laufey

teruhashi kokomi - valentine : laufey

teruhashi had a crush on this guy at school.

he was handsome, most handsome guy in their guy and everyone agreed to it. he was athletic and smart, he was kind to everyone and held a smile of his face all the time. nearly everyone had a crush on him, maybe even some guys, even teruhashi couldn't help but fall for him.

everytime they were paired up, teruhashi had prayed to the gods to favour her, to give her y/n l/n as a partner and whenever he was, she was beyond excited.

"let's work hard!"

"yes teruhashi."

he said, closing his eyes with a big smile and she blushed at the sight, trying to contain her face from turning red but as he opened his eyes, he had already suspected something that she didn't even know.

y/n wrote on the paper as he tapped the pen to his lips in thought, teruhashi looked at him, suggesting ideas and whatnot for the presentation that they were going to do later to present infront of the class. but then y/n set his pen down, fidgeting with his nails,

"would you like to go out to do this? i don't think we'll have enough time to finish this project."

teruhashi exclaimed loudly in her head, yes!

"oh sure! when are you free?"

"is this saturday okay?"

"yeah! let's meet up at the cafe downtown, what time?"




y/n tapped his foot impatiently up and down on the ground as the sound of his foot matched his movements. he held his laptop in a bag with his phone in hand, waiting for teruhashi.


y/n looked to his right, seeing teruhashi as her blue hair flowed into the wind and her hand holding her hair so the wind didn't blow her hair into her face, he smiled gently, waving back.

teruhashi stood infront of him and gestured to the door of the cafe,

"shall we go inside?"

"oh yeah-"

y/n pocketed his phone and reached his hand fast towards the door handle before teruhashi could, holding the door open for her as her hand retracted back to her fast,

"oh! thank you l/n!"

"my pleasure."

he smiled again with that stupid smile that gave teruhashi butterflies in her stomach, turning and entering the cafe quickly before he could hear her heart that was thumping in her chest.


y/n yawned loudly as he stretched his arms over his head. looking at teruhashi who was looking at the sunset,

"that was quick, we didn't know we finished the project so early."

"me either.."

y/n muttered as he stared at teruhashi, the sight of the golden rays of the sun, shining down on the two of them infront of the cafe but y/n was only looking at teruhashi, she was so pretty. no one else deserved to look at her but him, she was like a sight of espresso each morning. maybe he didn't even deserve to look at her either.


she hummed at her name, making eye contact with y/n.

"do you, want to go on a date together, not as in friends, but like boyfriend girlfriend date.. i'm sorry if you don't- actually ignore everything i just said-"

teruhashi beamed at him, exclaiming a yes but realised what she was doing and cleared her thought, responding with a soft yes. y/n smiled as he wrapped an arm around her, rubbing the side of her arm as she blushed red, not caring if y/n sees her like this.

"let me walk you home, okay?"


she said with a big smile and closed eyes, it was y/n's turn to blush now, trying to calm his nerves and face from turning too red.

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More Posts from Luvymelody

1 year ago
Bakugou Katsuki - Gemini : Ethan Low

bakugou katsuki - gemini : ethan low

"kiss me right now."

y/n stubbornly said, her arms crossing above her chest and as bakugou looked down at her with a rise in his eyebrow.


"what do you mean why! i shouldn't need a reason to kiss you do i?"

y/n exclaimed, her arms lightly hitting his exposed arms as if he could feel any pain or slight discomfort. he wore his sleeveless black shirt as they trained together outside the dorm building. the sun was starting to set outside and the two of them were taking a break together.

"you don't deserve it."


"you haven't hit me good enough yet dumbass."

"don't matter i'm working hard enough- i'm done anyway!"

y/n swung around on the spot infront of bakugou and was about to walk away and head to the entrance of the dorms but bakugou held her hand, causing her head to turn around again to witness bakugou with a smirk on his face.

"you give up already princess?"

"yeah i can't be bothered anymore,"

she tried to shake her hand out of his grip, twisting and turning her wrist and shaking his hand, also trying to pry his fingers off, but his grip was so strong around her hand it was impossible, so she gave up.

"i'll let go if you hit me, just once."

"ugh fine."

bakugou let go of her hand and got into his stance, y/n stretched her back and also got into her stance, but then she quickly took off in the opposite direction, grabbing her jacket that was on the floor aswell.

"hey! princess!"

bakugou ran towards her direction, she entered through the entrance and quickly sprinted to the elevator, pressing the buttons and spamming it as the door slowly closed, but then a hand stopped the two doors from closing together, the large hand of bakugou as he got into the elevator, closing the button to close, then pressing the top floor to give them the longest time that they could be together in the elevator.

they stood parallel to each other, bakugou turned only his head to look to y/n, y/n felt his eyes boring into her head and sh also turned her head as she stared to his lips, bakugou doing the same. she leaned in a little bit, but then bakugou smashed his lips against hers, she reciprocated, tangling her fingers in his hair as his hands held onto her hips with a desperate grip lingering on.

y/n licked the bottom of his lip, sticking out her tongue and bakugou reacted immediately, dipping his tongue into her mouth and their spit travelled throughout each others mouths. she separated from him and his lips attached to her neck, trailing down further and further as her whimpers and noises from her mouth got louder and louder, the elevator door dinged but y/n and bakugou were too lost in ecstasy to care.

not realizing their classmate, todoroki standing at the door of the elevator, watching the two of them making out as he slowly retreated to the stairs, going to ask midoriya on why they kissing so passionately in the elevator.

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1 year ago

i need to be sedated actually.

I Need To Be Sedated Actually.
2 years ago


“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”

3 years ago
() Luvymelody !

(๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ ⋆。𖦹°⭒˚。⋆ luvymelody !

hi! i'm an x reader writer, i don't do character x character. i might do an oc x reader type of fics but i'm still unsure!


what i write for!

requests! currently closed at the moment, sorry!

1 year ago
Todoroki Shoto - For The First Time : Mac Demarco

todoroki shoto - for the first time : mac demarco

todoroki never really understand why he his face seemed to feel more hot as one of his classmates walked into the room. just one specific classmate.

y/n l/n.

she was a pretty girl no doubt, there would be people from business classes to even the hero classes coming to the 1-a classroom everyday just to have a glance of y/n walking out. todoroki found her pretty but he didn't really pay much thought to it.

aizawa had planned a hero exercise where the class were put into a pair or a trio and they were to retrieve the hostage that was kidnapped and bring them back outside. the kidnapper was going to be aizawa and the hostage was just going to be a mannequin.

partners and groups were going to be made by a wheel a day before in homeroom. everyone got their respected partners or groups and then that left todoroki and y/n with no group or partner.

"so that leaves todoroki and l/n together."

"aww no fair i wanted y/n!"

kaminari called out, yelling out as he got shoji, one of the biggest guys in the class and would probably be seen in a second, shoji's face grew red under his mask.

y/n walked up to todoroki as her seat that was on the right near the middle section while todoroki was in the back left of the class.

"hi todoroki! let's try our best okay!"

y/n exclaimed, her fists above her chest and clutched inwards and having a smile on her face. todoroki didn't understand why, but his face grew hot again.

"of course, l/n."


the exercise went off without a hitch, no problems whatsoever. some pairs passed the course and some failed. todoroki and y/n were last to perform.

"you sneak though the left side and i'll sneak though the middle corridor. if i get caught you help me and if you get caught i'll help you-"

y/n was explaining on what they should do as their plan but todoroki was too mesmerised the way their lips moved, noticing the new shade of lip product that they had. it wasn't like a lipstick it was more of a lip tint.

"did you get a new lip product?"

y/n paused and took a double take at todoroki's words. then smiled,

"you noticed? isn't it cute! it was only like 1000 yen, but the cashier was looking at me funny so i don't know if he was scamming me or-"

todoroki's heart thumped faster, feeling like it was beating out of his chest infront of the h/c coloured haired girl.

"anyway do you like it?"

y/n asked, her lips puckering up and she closed her eyes in a pose to show off her lips. he stared hard at her lips and he nearly held up his hand to touch them, if they felt as soft as they looked, but she opened her eyes once more, and his hand retracted quicker than ice can melt under the sun.

"yes, it looks beautiful."

y/n blushed and todoroki noticed that that was how he looked at her when she walked into a room. did she find him pretty?


todoroki held onto the mannequin as he looked for y/n, he didn't see her as he went down the left hallway, he didn't know if she got caught or was just in hiding.

todoroki walked fast and noticed a noise behind him, trying to shoot off his ice immediately towards the noise but nothing came out of his hands.

"good try, i have your partner by the way."

todoroki whipped his head around and saw that aizawa was holding onto y/n was his rope that was wrapped around his neck, his hair floating and the yellow goggles on his face onto. y/n nervously smiled and mouthed out a 'sorry' towards the heterochromia eyed boy.

todoroki noticed that y/n was growing a thorn out of her hand, noticing the plants and flora that grew out of both, as aizawa didn't notice and just thought that she wouldn't be able to get out of his scarf grip.

y/n mouthed a 'now' as the stem of the flower bent and grew, hitting aizawa in the face as he grunted into surprise. todoroki immediately froze out a large block of ice towards aizawa, freezing him in place and y/n got out of the rope, making a run towards todoroki.

"let's go- todoroki!"

todoroki waited until the girl was next to him, reaching out for her hand and gripping onto her hand as they exited the building. the class outside cheered as they noticed the two coming out.

"good job! you guys made it!"

mina called out, running over the y/n and hugging her tight as the warmth in her right hand left, the one parallel to her was todoroki's left side.


the girls crowded around y/n, they whispered a few words and that made y/n the same red as before that todoroki saw that mimicked his face aswell.

"why were you guys holding hands?"

midoriya asked, as he walked up to todoroki next to iida.

"the pair of you did a fantastic job!"

iida said, todoroki gave a small smile with the corner of his lips turning up.

"thank you."


the class went back to the dorm rooms, they were settling in for the night and todoroki lied in his bed, hands intertwined on his stomach as he thought about the day.

he was so curious about his temperature rise that y/n and him were feeling, so he got up, walking towards y/n's dorm room. he knocked on the door, as it was opened, no surprisingly y/n opened it.

she was doing her skincare and had a headband to hold back her hair and two eye masks under her eyes. she blushed to see todoroki, she thought that mina was the one knocking as she said that she was coming over.

"oh! hi todoroki, this is kinda embarrassing for you to see me like this.."

"it's alright, you're always beautiful in every way."

y/n grew even more red than before.

"that's really kind of you todoroki-"

"i need to ask, why does your face turn red when i compliment you? because it happens to me when you walk into the same room as me and i notice you. i notice you everytime you do and i've always questioned what this meant because i didn't understand. when i was looking at your lips my heart was beating really loud that it felt like it was coming out of my chest and i don't know what it means and i'm nearly desperate to know what it means."

todoroki summarised, y/n took it in slowly and her face still remained red, she reached down to grab onto todoroki's hands and held them between her and todoroki, then it was todoroki's turn to turn red.

"it.. it means that you like me, todoroki. like, like like me, you like me how a couple would love each other but just a little less."

todoroki listened to her words and gripped her hands tight,

"i understand now.."

todoroki stared into her eyes and glanced at her lips once more.

"may i kiss you?"

todoroki questioned once more, y/n's lips started to tremble under her nerves, uttering a quiet yes as todoroki slowly leaned in, closing the gap between the two of them. he finally understood the feeling and emotion that he felt for y/n. love.

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