Madametnt - Head Empty Zone

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an open letter to everyone who’s ever described pittoo’s wings as black. i understand where you’re coming from but please consider,
Yosuke is so deep in the closet that he can see Narnia

I love Kanji,,,,,, I,,, L,,OV E,,, hiM
And I love the Persona 5 cast because it’s just full of supportive dorks and p l e a s e imagine Kanji entering the P5 crew
how COOL would it be for him??? He’d be in contact with so many interesting, open-minded people and he would blossom in every way because of everyone’s positive impact on him!!! he deserves it SO much
As much as Persona 4′s crew is cool and easygoing, I feel like Yosuke Hanamura the most vocal part of it has some gross toxic undertones and idk but… I can’t picture Kanji being fully comfortable growing up with them, being able to develop his identity and artistic personality. maybe i’m just overthinking this but i always feel uncomfortable for Kanji when he’s with the whole crew, i imagine that everyone in the P5 group would be so much more accepting and respectful
,,,,, anyway here are some wholesome doodles i made back in 2019
Ayo, I’m always happy to see my boy Quentin.
So, in...let's say I theoretically decided to...write for... survivors...
Who would y'all be interested in seeing?
Talk about him coward. I wanna see some pop offs.
Someone talk to me abt my boyfrien I wanna talk about him