Wow... It's A Long Post Today! As An Apology For Lack Of Consistent Posting.
Wow... It's a long post today! As an apology for lack of consistent posting.

crixpycromch liked this · 3 years ago
More Posts from Maddenleftchat
Compliant darling
Buff but sensitive darling child (Platonic)
Bold darling
Out spoken puppy darling
Forehead kisses
Drunk mental break down
God schlatt with a compliant darling
Blob darling
Domain traveler (God! Schlatt)
Why the gods see you as they do.
hi, can please request what would happen if DreamXd and God! Dream falling in love with the same darling?
Oh fun!
Triggers: obsessive behavior, possessive behavior, toxic relationship, unhealthy relationship, unhealthy control, codependent behaviors, mentions of mass murder, mentions of war, heavy manipulation, God complex, superiority complex, heavy guilt tripping, and yandere like behaviors. PLEASE BE CAREFUL WHEN READING!

Well...the likelihood of this really ever happening is very low.
These two gods have a VERY different taste and lovers.
Along with the way that they treat their lovers.
XD is cruel and really only wants to play mind games.
He tries his best to be nice but he can't... It's not really in his nature.
He sees you as more of a pet than a person, something to sit and look pretty.
While GD (god dream) is gentle and really only wants to spoil you.
He simply wants to hold you and know that you're loved, you're safe.
So least to say, you would have to have a very... interesting personality to catch both of their attention.
But it is possible, just very unlikely.
Now, one thing to note about these two is they do NOT get along.
They hate each other's guts.
It's impossible to make these two see eye-to-eye.
XD can't understand how or why GD can be so gentle and careful with the humans?
XD believes GD's ways to be too boring and mellow.
Meanwhile GD hates how reckless XD can be.
GD refers to XD's behaviors to be the same as a toddler's behaviors.
And to be honest, they are both right in their own ways.
GD is very gentle and simply finds curiosity among the humans.
He is so entranced by the species, that he believes that all of his questions will never be answered.
While XD thinks that the humans are so boring.
He wants to create chaos among them.
It amuses him when humans fight against their own kind.
How stupid do the humans have to be?
Do they not understand their only killing off themselves?
To XD the humans are just stupid little ants for entertainment.
But to GD humans are their own people with their own complex lives and minds.
But when they saw you, they had no idea what to think.
You were not some dumb little rat like the other humans.
But You did not exactly have your own personality or mind either.
It's like you shifted yourself every time you saw somebody different.
It was a different personality for every different person or friend group you were around.
And this caught the eye of both gods.
And this you realize soon will be your greatest downfall…
GD is likely to make the first move, he'll come down in the form of a human and try to befriend you.
What can you say?
His curiosity got the best of him.
He wanted to take a look inside your mind and see your real personality.
To see your true intentions.
This risky move however would anger XD.
How dare GD even think about touching you!
XD saw you as a very interesting play thing.
You could play people like puppets and they would never even know.
He could use you to cause so many wars.
And then he would make you watch the wars, and make sure you slowly fall apart losing every little bit of your sanity…
That won't be able to happen with GD with you!
Honestly it's a huge war between the two.
They tear the Earth apart to see who is strong enough to take care of you.
Whether this breaks you or makes you laugh they don't care.
Around the halfway mark it's no longer about what you want or what you need, It's about what they think you want and what they think you need.
There is no sharing with these two.
There never has been.
And there never will be.
So having the option of them "sharing you" isn't going to happen.
Eventually one of them will end up living.
If GD ends up living, you will be in a utopia.
You will be given the finest jewelries in the finest soaks that he can find.
You will be draped with the finest fabrics around your fabulous figure.
It will be gifted with a room full of jewels and gold.
You will be given an empire in an army to rule, if you wish.
Anything you want will be given.
All you have to do is love him back.
He won't pressure you into anything that you don't want to do, after all he does realize humans have boundaries.
He may not understand the reason for boundaries, but he does acknowledge their existence.
Honestly you'll be off pretty well if he lives.
But he might be a little clingy..
If XD lives, you're in for a world of chaos and complete hurt.
You won't be able to run freely or do as you please.
A minute this man claims his victory is the minute you lose.
Your freedom is gone.
You don't speak unless spoken to.
You don't move unless told to.
You don't look at anything else unless told to.
XD is an insatiable glutton for power.
He wants control over everything...and I mean EVERYTHING.
Most of your days will likely be spent next to him or on his lap while he works.
You will be gifted and given things, but they are things he thinks you want.
XD will inquire you a lot about humans and their traditions.
XD won't necessarily physically hurt you unless absolutely needed.
And if you're a good little darling, you might just get your own country to rule…
Other than that that's the only good thing that will come out of it.
He'll make you watch wars, hammer it into your head that this is all your fault.
He'll make you walk amongst the rebel that was caused by him in his rival.
He'll describe the fight in vivid detail, and he won't forget to leave out the line then this was all caused by you.
In short: Better hope of GD...
Word count: 970
Thanks for reading!

Studio Ghibli ♡
I remembered the villains are, in fact, villains and as a result would be interesting as yanderes.
So, headcanons for how you think yandere Shigaraki and yandere Dabi (separate) would take their darlings? They’re already villains, so it’s not like they have to worry about the law
- 👑
Triggers: the act of kidnapping, description of kidnapping, mention of kidnapping, and yandere like behaviors. Please be careful when reading.

Well... Shigaraki is far from gentle.
He is mad at you.
He has been for months.
Well, because you are making him feel this way.
That's why he's not going to be nice and gentle with you.
I can see they're being two different ways that he kidnaps you.
One being he doesn't himself.
Or two he has somebody else do it.
It's going to turn out bad for you either way, there's no way you're escaping him.
The first way that he would kidnap you is doing it himself.
He would likely do this in the dead of night.
When everybody is asleep.
When the city is semi quiet.
When the heroes are out on patrol and doing other things, worried about when the next league of villain attack will be.
Meanwhile you will be all cooped up in your little home, believing that you are safe from the outside world.
But oh dear reader how you are wrong…
He doesn't need to be loud when he kidnaps you.
I'll just disintegrate the door knob to the front door.
Slip inside like a cat, sly and quiet.
Slip on his gloves.
Pick you up in his arms, and whisk you away into the night.
Then before you know it you'll be thrown onto a concrete floor, and tied to a wall with quirk canceling chains.
But if he has someone else do it, then it's not so quiet.
Once again, he will likely have them strike in the night.
Shigaraki likely hired a couple of local thugs to kidnap you.
They would pull up (skr skr) in a black van.
Then before you knew it, you were being manhandled into a van, with a bag thrown over your head.
Wow really are dumb sometimes.
In short: You're kinda fucked either way..
Word count: 305

Unlike Shigaraki, Dabi doesn't have all these fancy resources, but he does have himself.
And that's all he needs.
Dabi will be gentle with you.
Because unlike the man child, he actually understands his feelings!
So at least you won't end up with any bad injuries! 👍
(Unless you struggle, then you might get a few burns)
Dabi is as well likely to attack during the night.
He'll be more tricky with his break in as well.
Dabi will wait until you're in the most valuable position of sleep.
He'll then break the lock on your bedroom window, and slide it open.
He'll then pick you up.
And if you're a light sleeper and fight, he won't hesitate to burn your arm a little.
If you're a heavy sleeper, you should be okay.
Dabi doesn't need fancy stuff to get the job done.
To him, kidnapping you is just an in and out job.
It doesn't need to be any more complicated than that.
What can he say?
Dabi is a simple man, and likes to get things done the easy way.
It's likely not as extravagant as you thought dear reader.
But do remember this, all the fun does began when the kidnapping is over~
In short: If you have the feeling of being watched of late... I'd recommend you take a few more sleeping pills.. just so you don't get burned...
Word count: 234
Thanks for reading!

Art by Zhang Shu