25| 🌺Me, Myself & I 🌺 | Kpop and animé stan
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ceos of duality

i’m the one (getting teased) by ateez

wooyoung (feat. hwa) being a sagittarius ♐

wooyoung ✭ the star

sanhwa approves
San 🥰🤭

sabshine ☀️💪🍫 → for @sanshine

“this is just great. cross half the galaxy, nearly get our butts shot off by the drej, just so we can rescue the window washer.”
TITAN A.E. (2000) dir. don bluth & gary goldman

He was a young artist employed by the Disney studio, but tasked with the entry-level job of finishing off the work of the animators and crafting the “in-between” animations that completed the characters’ movements. Wong had learned that studio executives were creating a film from the new novel, Bambi, A Life in the Woods by Felix Salten. Tom says the young artist read the book and without consulting his supervisor, “took the script and painted some visual concepts to set the mood, color and the design.”
His sketches recalled the lush mountain and forest scenes of Sung dynasty landscape paintings. His initiative paid off. Walt Disney, who was looking for something new for the film, was captivated and personally directed that Wong be promoted. Today, top animators and illustrators revere Wong’s work. Children today are as enchanted by the misty, lyrical brushstrokes of Wong’s colorful nature scenes, inspired by his training at Otis College of Art and self-study of Sung Dynasty art
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🌷🍵 ghibli + spring 🌿⛅

Howl’s Moving Castle (2004) Castle in the Sky (1986) Spirited Away (2001) The Secret World of Arrietty (2010) Whisper of the Heart (1995) Tales from Earthsea (2006) Princess Mononoke (1997)
[ part 1 ] [ part 2 ]

Castle in the Sky (1986) Howl’s Moving Castle (2004) Princess Mononoke (1997) Spirited Away (2001) Whisper of the Heart (1995)
[ part 1 ] [ part 2 ]

Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea 崖の上のポニョ 2008 | dir. Hayao Miyazaki
Scooby doo's theme song but it's Ateez

It’s finally happening! Can you believe it? Jongin is about to release his VERY FIRST Solo Mini Album, called [KAI (开)]. Something we have been waiting for - as it seems like - forever, and the waiting after the official announcement earlier this year felt even longer… But now that moment is near, and we’re all so excited about it! Mark that date in your calendars, because November 30th of 2020 is going to change the whole game! Because I am this excited I decided to hold another Giveaway this year, Yaaay! And also a big thanks to AYU for making this lovely header for the Giveaway! The Giveaway will end on Sunday, December 27th, 2:00 PM, GERMAN TIME! ➨ This is what you can win ;; Winner 1 ;;
2 Copies of [KAI (开)] (Flipbook Version + 1 Photobook Version of your choice)
Winner 2 ;;
1 Copy of [KAI (开)] (You can chose from the 2 remaining Versions)
Winner 3 ;;
1 Copy of [KAI (开)] (You’ll get the last remaining Version)
Please note that the albums still will be sealed when I sent them to you, so you will get a random photocard. Posters (if there will be any) will be included as well and will be sent in the same package, folded. Once you have chosen you will get that exact version, you can’t change your mind later. ➨ Rules ;;
There will be three (!!!) winners.
All you have to do is to reblog this post! DON’T spam your followers! (Spamming means reblogging the post more than 5 times each day.)
You can get disqualified if I see you spamming this post, also NO-Giveaway-Blogs! Don’t create side-blogs just to reblog this post over and over again.
You should be EXO and/ or Jongin-biased (I don’t want you to make any profit out of those things when the Giveaway is over).
I will ship worldwide and you don’t have to pay for anything. Because of the current situation shipping might take longer than usual tho :// I might get a tracking number for your package too.
If you’re under 18 please ask your parents for permission to participate in this Giveaway and to later give me your address.
I will chose the winner with a random number generator.
I won’t publish the winner. I will write you a message. So please keep your Ask Box open. You’ll have 48 hours to answer.
The Giveaway will end on Sunday, December 27th, 2:00 PM, GERMAN TIME!
I wish you all the best luck!

MMMH by KAI (카이) ; Even if I’m already fascinated and stagger. Girl, I just want more. What have you done to me? I only miss you. Just go into my arms, destroy me if you want.

“Thank you… When I debuted, I was a student as well. I was 19 years old. I was wearing a yellow school uniform and now I’m releasing my solo album and I’m thrilled to share this moment with you. As KAI, as a singer, I am fulfilling my dream but I’m really happy that you’re with me. You kept me going through hard times. 900K people are watching and I’m crying so much. Oh my… Thank you so much. I’ve read your messages, I wish I could read more. Sorry I could only read so much. I have a runny nose. I know your feelings, thank you. Thank you for your supportive message. Good luck on your college entrance exam. I want my fans to be happy just like I’m happy thanks to you. What do I do? I’m so grateful. I have about 5 minutes to go ‘til my album release, I’m afraid it’s time to wrap it up. I’m not ending this abruptly because I’m crying, it’s time. I’m really happy but I was so nervous. I don’t get nervous often. Because this is the moment I’ve been waiting for. 1 million people have joined me for this V Live. I’m nervous but I’m crying in front of 1 million people because of these messages V Live brought. Please support my album KAI. Saying this while crying feels like I’m doing business. Please check out my first performance on Naver No W at 9pm. Have a wonderful time, please look forward to it!”
-KAI (开): The Opening V Live

kai: mmmh

“Promise not to look back.” Spirited Away (2001), dir. Hayao Miyazaki
I’m living for it

Would 10/10 die for these two
If you're reading this, please I BEG YOU TO REBLOG! my country Honduras was completely destroyed by hurricane eta. The night of November 5 the Sula valley was severely flooded by the overflows of various rivers, there are approximately 4 cities completely underwater and numerous small villages i can't even count. Even the airport of my city San Pedro Sula is underwater. Aproximately 300,000 families lost everything they had, there are hundreds of people going missing, our social medias are flooded with posts of people desperately searching for their family members since communication has been lost due to the floods and lanslides on roads. And almost 200 people have been found dead including drowned kids. Our indigenous people have lost all of their crops they live of. They have nothing left and up to this day there's still people trapped in the roofs of their homes waiting to be rescued. The government has abandoned us ever since covid came into our country. And literally we have no one, it's only us helping each other with what we have. Hundreds of hondurans have shown their golden heart by providing shelter to those who have nowhere to go and lost everything, you have no idea how much i've cried seeing how with the little we have, we've tried to help the most. This is a third world contry, victims of a narco state and a corrupted government, we have gone through so much, fought for too long for the justice we have never gotten. So please, spread awareness, i beg you to do so.
My dear friend Natalia @zeldatrickers is fundraising, shes buying essentials to donate to shelters, if you can, please consider donating through PayPal. Also, here's a twt link with a thread of links to donate.

the star // mingi

by toshiasan

exo quotes
( don’t copy my work )