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Helo!! May I Request A Tadashi Hamada X F! Reader Where He Has A Big Crush On Reader But Is Too Shy To

helo!! May i request a tadashi hamada x f! reader where he has a big crush on reader but is too shy to strike a conversation with her?

Helo!! May I Request A Tadashi Hamada X F! Reader Where He Has A Big Crush On Reader But Is Too Shy To

Tadashi Hamada x Fem!Reader

Synopsis: The Nerd Lab has a new occupant, and Tadashi's usually cool composure completely melts around her.

Warnings: Fluff! Reader Pronouns: She/Her


"Who's the new chick?" "She looks so pretty!" "We should go talk to her!" "Everyone, everyone, before we interact we have to take into account the ultimate test..." Tadashi heard a collective groan as he emerged from his personal lab into the communal area. He saw his friends recoil from Fred as he held up one of his comic books. "What does that have to do with making a new friend?!" Wasabi snatched the comic book from Fred's hands. "If she rolls with comic books, she can roll with anything," Fred smirked. "Who're we talking about?" Tadashi interrupted, stuffing his hands into his pockets. "Oh! Hey 'Dashi!" Honey Lemon waved. "There's a new girl here, she's right over-" "Hi, can you guys help me out? I'm a little lost." Honey Lemon was interrupted by a voice Tadashi could only describe as similar to angels singing. He turned his head and quickly figured out why. She stood next to Gogo and Honey Lemon, clutching her books close to her chest. She seemed nervous around the group, although there really wasn't anything to be intimidated about in a group of absolute science nerds. She turned and made quick eye contact with Tadashi, and his heart skipped a beat upon the lock of her (e/c) eyes with his. "Yeah, no problem! Where do you need to go?" "Callahan Hall, 244," she responded to Wasabi, her gaze drifted to the comic book he had dangled above Fred's head. "Oh, is that a Lizard Mutant issue? I loved those when I was a kid!" "Yes!! Told you guys!! She's cool!" Fred exclaimed, fist pumping the air. Tadashi blinked away from his trance and checked his watch. "I'm uh.. heading that way in a few minutes, let me grab my book- I mean- my bag.. from my lab.. I'll walk you here- there!" "Stupid, stupid, stupid," he thought to himself. He jogged back to his lab, grabbed his crossbody bag, then came back to the group. By then, he could tell that the group was up to something, because he saw each and every one of them give him a look. Gogo and Wasabi traded a smirk that led its way to Tadashi, Honey Lemon gave him a big thumbs up, and Fred was too busy distracting the girl with their Lizard Mutant mutual interest. "Ready?" Tadashi called out to the girl, trying his best to ignore the three that were already onto him. The girl turned and nodded, waving to the group and walking out of the lab with Tadashi. It was quiet for a while, Tadashi trying to figure out a way to start conversation. As they opened the door to the lab that led outside, Tadashi of course holding it open, he formulated on a topic of conversation. "So uh..." he started, but quickly realized he was missing a vital piece of information. He didn't know her name. Tadashi's breath caught in his throat at the sudden realization. He coughed and took another deep breath, and turned to face the girl. He was almost certain he would faint. She was watching him with those (e/c) eyes, curiosity stemmed from his conversation start. Her facial features were absolutely gorgeous, as if sculpted by a Renaissance artist. She tilted her head, and he took notice of her (h/c) hair. The style, the length, the color; perfect. "I uh...." he muttered out, and her mouth curled into a smile as she giggled. He almost melted right then and there on the sidewalk. Her laugh was gorgeous. "You know, I never got your name," the girl questioned, taking the words right out of his mouth. That is, if the words would actually formulate. He hadn't even gotten to that step yet. "Tadashi," he said, relieved it didn't sound abnormal like everything else he had already said. "Nice to meet you, Tadashi," she smiled wider. "I'm (y/n)." It was Tadashi's turn to smile. He loved her name. It fit her so well. "Oh, there it is!" He snapped out of his trance to realize they had made it to Callahan Hall. The walk wasn't long enough. "I'll see you around?" she turned back to Tadashi. "I'll probably be back in the lab later!" Tadashi smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I'll see you later, (y/n)!" As he turned and made his way to his own class, he sighed. Maybe he could practice talking to girls with Hiro

or something.


fiNALLY got back to writing, I’ve been absolutely mobbed with schoolwork and work-work. Phew! 

I hope you enjoyed!

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More Posts from Magicalmoonstrawberry

blind spot | tom holland

Blind Spot | Tom Holland

pairing: tom holland x reader

summary: as a snowstorm hits nyc, you find yourself trapped with your first (and only) one night stand

warnings: cursing, drinking, mentions of cheating, smut — minors dni

words: 8.2k

a/n: it’s here!!! this is my entry for @venomsilk’s valentines bingo ♡ the card will be posted by the end of the fic, as to not ruin the surprise. i hope you guys like it, pls don’t forget to reblog and tell me your thoughts, your feedback means more then you know to me 💌 ily all, be safe !

You woke up to soft snores coming from the space in bed beside you, where the guy you had hooked up with the night before slept soundly, making you let out a frustrated sigh. “Great!”, you thought to yourself as you remembered last night's events.

It was friday night and you were yet again at home, laying down on your sofa, while you scrolled through random tv channels. The sudden sound of the door opening startled you, making you quickly straighten yourself up and get your laptop, already knowing who it was and what was coming next.

Addilyn was your best friend and current roommate, and you loved her to death, but right now she was the last person you wished to see. “Hi, gorgeous!” She let it out upon entering, closing the door behind her. “Hi, Addie!” You faked a smile, pretending to look at something on your laptop.

After letting her stuff by the table, Addilyn approached you, “What are you doing?” She asked, trying to take a peek at your computer, where you had a tab with job offers already opened. “Ah, you know, the usual!” You shrugged, “Any luck?” Addilyn insisted, to which you dry swallowed, “Not really! I’ll keep looking though!” You said, watching as she gave you a pitiful look. “Please, don’t! I already know!” You let your laptop aside, knowing what was coming next. “y/n, you’re my best friend and I love you to pieces but you need to do something with your life. It’s been months!” Addilyn exclaimed, making you let out a deep sigh.

You knew what she was talking about. Who were you kidding? Of course, you knew this was the only thing in your mind for quite a while now. “Listen, I know I already told you this multiple times but I’ll say it again and again until you get it inside your head.” Your friend took a deep breath before continuing. “What Mason did was fucking awful, he cheated and that’s unforgivable. You needed time to recover and we gave you that, but you need to get up and go on with your life. C’mon, you’re young and hot as fuck! You need to get out of this house and just do something.” Addilyn lectured you, and once again, you knew she was right.

“I know, Addie! I just… don’t know how to.” You cried, wanting nothing more than to just disappear. “Derek and I are going to a party tonight. Come with us!” Your friend happily offered, to which you scrunched up your nose. “You know I’m not the partying type, Addie.” You said, watching as your friend rolled her eyes with frustration. “Well, plan B then,” Addilyn exclaimed, before reaching for your computer. “What are you doing?” You asked, completely oblivious.

After a few seconds of typing, your friend turned your laptop screen to you, the sudden brightness almost blinding you. It was only when your eyes focused that you realized what she was showing you. “A dating site, Addie? Really?” You scoffed, “Hey, don’t give me that look! First of all, it’s not a dating site, it’s a “one night stand” type of site. And second, it’s either this or you’re coming to the party with us.” Addilyn informed you, making you narrow your eyes at her.

You had two options now and to be completely honest, none of them sounded appealing to you nor were they how you expected to spend your friday night, but it was not like you really had a choice anyway. “Fine! Give me this laptop.” You grumbled, your friend letting out an excited squeal, before passing you the device. “I won’t promise anything though.” You clarified, making her nod.

After that, she left to get ready for the party, leaving you with no other choice but to start creating your profile on the dating site, wait, scratch that, the “one night stand” site. With some difficulty, you picked a username that wasn’t already being used, which ended up being harder than you thought, and a profile picture, rolling your eyes and skipping the part that asked you to write down a couple of words about yourself.

When Derek showed up to pick Addilyn up, she was ready to go, and so they took off, not before she made you pinky promise her that you’d at least try the website. And you did. After some weird guys tried to make you send them nude pictures, you found someone by the name “bestcuddlerever”, which you found funny and quite adorable.

Turns out, “bestcuddlerever’s” name was Tom, a british guy living in New York City, trying to start his career as an actor. Tom was sweet and funny, and after a video call, just to make sure he wasn’t an old man hiding behind this cute curly-haired boy profile picture, you agreed to go to his place, since Addilyn’s apartment wasn’t really your house.

And that’s how you ended up here, in Tom’s bed, waiting for him to wake up so you could finally leave. You realized, after three or four failed attempts of waking Tom up, that he was a heavy sleeper, another one of his charming characteristics. For the next hour, you did everything you could to keep yourself busy until Tom eventually woke up. You went to the bathroom and got yourself a glass of water from the kitchen, before going back to bed where you read a book you had found by his bedside table.

You quickly put the book back in its place once Tom started to stir beside you, a sign that he was hopefully waking up. He stretched his arms before turning his head to you, “Good morning, y/n!” He said in a raspy voice, still coated with sleep. “Good morning!” You said it back, pretending to stretch too, even though you had already done that earlier.

It was now or never, you thought to yourself as you watched him turn his whole body towards you, “Well, I had a great time last night, thanks for having me.” You said, propping your elbows up in bed. “You’re very welcome, y/n!” Tom smiled, watching as you got up. “Do you wanna grab breakfast or do you normally just take off?” He asked once you started to put your clothes back on. “Normally?” You asked, suddenly stopping your movements. “Huh?” He asked, seemingly confused. “You said normally. Like I do this so many times that I have a normal and an abnormal version of it.” You explained, going back to your clothes. “That’s not what I meant. I—I have no idea how often you do this.” Tom mumbled, “I told you last night that this is my first time making anything remotely like this.” You said while sitting down to put your shoes on. “Now c’mon y/n, do you really expect me to believe this was your first one night stand like… ever?” Tom’s tone was playful but enough to make your blood boil. “Yes, I mean the only reason I’m even here is that my roommate pressured the shit out of me…” you were saying before Tom cut you off, “Yeah, she sexiled you or whatever, right?” He said, to which you added, “Yeah, exactly! And yet I’m sensing some judgy vibes coming from you, which is odd considering the teamwork involved.” You said, putting another layer of clothes on.

Tom seemed to change his attitude then, “There are no judgy vibes. I— I honestly really admire what you did. I wish more girls were that forward.” He said, sitting up in bed. “Forward? There you go with the slut thing again.” You exclaimed, not wanting to believe this guy. “I’m not calling you slut. I’m calling you a girl who went over to a stranger's house at midnight to have sex if only there was a word for someone who does that.” Tom let it out with a chuckle, and that was the last straw for you. “Woah, you know what? Screw you!” You shouted, to which he quickly apologized, “That was a joke! I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”

“You invited me here, just… remember that.” You state, grabbing your purse and looking around to see if you hadn’t forgotten anything. “Uhm, that’s not quite how it happened but it doesn’t matter. Look, can we please just eat breakfast? I’m known for making pretty damn good oatmeal.” Tom offered with both of his hands up. “You know what? Save your oatmeal, I think I’d just take off but thanks for having me, it was awesome to get to know you, have a great life, Tom.” You exclaimed, before going in the direction of the front door. “Well, okay… bye! It was lovely having sex with you.” Tom waved, following right after you. “Oh, I wish I could say the same.” You lied, opening the door. “Uhm, you sounded like you were having a really good time last night.” The brunette let it out, a smirk now present on his lips. “You know what, Tom? Maybe you shouldn’t believe everything you hear.” You sneered, finally seeming to make Tom snap. “Okay, fuck you y/n!” He exclaimed, to which you said it back, “Fuck you too!” before slamming his door shut.

You took a few strides to the building’s door, being left with nothing when you tried to push it open. So, you tried it again, and again until your frustration got the best of you and you kicked the metal door, cursing to yourself. Taking a peek through the glass window, you could see the snow had covered the streets, as well as the door, impeding you from opening it.

Tom came walking down the stairs after a few minutes, a laundry basket in his hands, “Do you need some help?” He asked, an amused smirk decorating his lips. You rolled your eyes and got out of the way for him to try, already knowing it was useless. After a few tries, Tom finally seemed to give up, “Yeah, looks like it’s stuck.” He stated, making you let out another frustrated sigh.

Five minutes later, you were inside Tom’s house again, watching as the news guy warned everyone to stay inside since the roads weren’t safe to drive and there was an even worse snowstorm coming. You let out a frustrated sigh, not wanting to believe this was actually happening to you. “I’m gonna make some breakfast,” Tom announced before getting up and going to the kitchen.

While he was out, you decided to call Addilyn and at least let her know where you were. “Hey! Yeah, I’m fine! I’m at this guy I met last night’s house. No, it’s really not like that, Addie! Actually, it’s your fault I’m stuck here now.” You let it out, trying to keep your voice at bay. “No! He’s like an absolute asshole, he called me slut like two times just this morning.” You whined, “I thought we had already clarified that I did not call you slut!” Tom suddenly exclaimed, nearly scaring you to death. “Anyways, breakfast is done!” He announced from his place by the door, before going back to the kitchen. You could hear Alexa’s voice on the other end of the line, so you quickly said your goodbyes, sending her Tom’s address and making her promise to rescue you as soon as possible.

When you got to the kitchen, Tom was already seated at the table, eating a bowl of what you guessed was his famous oatmeal, another identical bowl waiting beside him. You didn’t know what to say, so you just sat and ate, until there was nothing else on your bowl. Damn, his oatmeal was really that good. “It was really good! Thanks!” You said while taking the bowl to the sink. “Yeah, sure!” Tom shrugged, washing the dishes you had just eaten from. The silence was defeating and actually uncomfortable, something you didn’t expect it to be.

Back in the living room, you sat on the couch, the tv in front of you showing a golf championship, while you tried to distract yourself with your phone. Turns out, staying in the same room with a person in complete silence was not for you so, after a few minutes, you finally decided to speak. “Can you say something, please?” You turned to him, leaving your phone aside. “For you to turn it around and say I’m calling you a slut again? I’ll pass.” Tom let it out, to which you rolled your eyes. “Look, I’m sorry, ok? You didn’t call me a slut!” You admitted, getting the brunette’s attention. He raised his eyebrows, surprised at your sudden apology. You didn’t want to let him win though, so before his smirk could grow even more in size, you added in a quick breath, “You implied I was, though.” Shaking his head, Tom threw his hands up, “Can we just get past this, please?” He sighed, “What do you mean?” You asked, turning your attention to him. “Like, I don’t know, pretend last night never happened. Like we never had sex.” Tom let it out, making you almost flinch at his last words. “And how do you think that’d help us?” You questioned, to which he shrugged, “As I said, we could at least try.” You thought about his offer for a second, concluding that whatever this is, it was better than staying in uncomfortable silence for the rest of the weekend. “Fine!” You breathed, rolling your eyes at him. “Great! Should we like, introduce ourselves again?” Tom asked, making you violently shake your head. “Please, don’t!” You exclaimed, remembering how awkward it was last night and how you did not want to go through that again.

Sighing, Tom seemed to think about his next question for a few seconds, before finally asking “What do you do for a living?” The question made you instantly close your eyes with a groan, “Really? That?” You mumbled, already tired of the question. “Look, I’m trying, okay?” Tom exclaimed, making you feel sorry for being such a pain in his ass. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry! It’s just, everyone seems to be asking that question to me lately and the answer is always the same: nothing. I currently do nothing except stare at my degree and think about the fact that even though I graduated, I still have no idea what I want to do with my life.” You let it out in one breath, getting Tom completely by surprise. “I’m sorry! That was… a lot!” You apologized upon realizing his astonished face.

Tom shook his head, “It’s okay, you don’t have to apologize, y/n! I mean, it’s not like I’m a perfect role model, you see, I’m a broke artist trying his best to start an acting career in New York City so, what would you be apologizing for?” He shrugged, averting your gaze. “Also, we’re still very young, we have so much life to live. We don’t have to know what we want to do for the rest of our lives right after graduating. It’s not like the degree comes with an instruction manual.” You were left speechless after his little rant, you just stare at him dumbfounded, trying to understand how a person like Tom would say stuff like that.

You cleared your throat after a few beats of silence, “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” You smiled, Tom quickly reciprocating. “So, what do you like to do in your free time?” The brunette asked, trying to lighten up the mood and to be honest, you were grateful for that. “Well, let’s see! I like going out with my friends, no parties though, that’s not my cup of tea.” You said, to which Tom nodded, seeming to agree with you.

“What else? I like visiting museums, yeah, I love that actually. Oh, my friend and I, the one that’s also my roommate, we like doing puzzles. In fact, we do it every single wednesday, it’s kinda like our midweek ritual.” You let it out, watching as Tom’s eyes suddenly grew in size. “See, this is already working. Now we have something in common, I also like puzzles. My whole family does actually, we even have a competition every Christmas when I go home.” Upon talking about his family, Tom’s smile seemed to grow wider, but also sadder.

Sensing it was a difficult topic for him, you tried to ask the next question in the kindest way possible. “Why did you decide to move here?” You felt bad as you heard Tom sigh. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked that.” You quickly apologized, to which Tom shook his head. “No, don’t worry! It’s just… hard. But why don’t we just start on a puzzle? I think I have a new one I haven't even started yet, and then we can keep talking. What do you think?” Tom asked, and to your surprise, you quickly nodded, without even thinking about it.

A few minutes later, you were sitting on the floor, in front of Tom’s coffee table, where a puzzle of five hundred pieces sat, waiting for it to be done. He came back from the kitchen carrying bowls with snacks and two beers, handing you one, “Here, this one for you. Cheers!” The brunette exclaimed while joining you on the floor. “Cheers!” You repeated after him, clicking your bottles together.

You started the puzzle by separating some of the pieces, not even realizing Tom was doing the same beside you. “So… family talk, huh?” He let it out after taking a long deep breath. “Tom, seriously, I meant it when I said you don’t have to talk about that. It’s fine, I shouldn’t have asked in the first place.” You stated, making sure not to force him to talk about something he didn’t want to. “No, it’s fine, don’t worry! It’s just that, you have no idea how many times I thought about how wrong the decision to leave my family and move here to pursue my acting career was.” Tom let it out in one big breath.

After a few sips of his beer, he continued, “I just keep thinking about all the things that I’m missing, birthday parties, my dog, watching my little brothers grow up, it’s… it’s a lot.” Tom sniffed, “Even more so when I achieved close to nothing while being here. I feel like I’m such a failure to them, you know? It’s like I can almost hear the people from my hometown mocking me, laughing at the little boy who went to New York City to become an actor and came back with nothing but more bills for his parents to pay.” Tom finished, and you could see he was trying his best not to cry in front of you.

Stopping your movements, you held Tom’s hand, his reddened face turning to you almost immediately. “Hey, look I don’t know your family, like at all, but I can assure you they don’t think about you as a failure. I bet they think you’re the badass brother, who left the comfort of his home to go follow his dreams.” You murmured, forcing a smile out of Tom. “You think?” He asked, to which you nodded. “I know it!” You winked, releasing his hand. “Thanks, y/n!” You nodded, before finishing, “And don’t even get me started on the people from your hometown, they’re just jealous ‘cause you got out of there and it’s living an adventure, while they’re stuck to their miserable lives, living in a small house, with two kids, working a 9-5 and not getting paid enough to even go to a nice restaurant once a month.” You quickly realized you had exaggerated, not being able to contain your laugh upon looking at Tom’s adorable confused face. “I thought you wouldn’t stop anymore.” Tom laughed. “Yeah, sorry! That was a lot, I… got carried away.” You let it out, your cheeks burning from embarrassment. “It is true though, so thank you for that.” The boy smiled, “Anytime!” You smiled back, staring at him for a little bit longer than you should. “It seems like we’re really good at giving each other’s advice,” Tom mumbled, staring right back at you. “Yeah, I guess we are.” You said trying to control your sudden nerves. “We really should start the puzzle now.” You said after a few seconds, “Yes! You’re right, the puzzle.” Tom seemed to come back from another universe at that, quickly averting his gaze from you to the game pieces in front of him, an action that made you chuckle.

A couple of hours later, you and Tom were still on the floor, talking about anything and everything while the puzzle lay halfway done on the table in front of you. “So, on your profile, it said “newly single”. Wanna tell me what happened?” Tom threw the question at you, making you almost choke on your beer. “Sorry! You don’t have to answer that.” He quickly added, but you shook your head, deciding it was time to talk about it anyways. “It’s fine, you just… caught me by surprise. Well, let’s see, where do I begin? I was in a long-term relationship with my high school sweetheart, we moved together in college, I got my degree based on him, he proposed a year later, I accepted, we graduated, he cheated on me, I found out and… now I’m here.” You blurted the words out, feeling kinda proud of yourself for the quick summary you had put together.

When you looked back at Tom, his face was a perfect mixture of shock and disbelief, “You were engaged?” He asked, to which you groaned. “Don’t give me that look.” You mumbled, “I’m sorry, I just wasn’t expecting that.” Tom explained, “No, I get it! People always look at me like that when I say it. But I don’t know, we were in love and felt like it was time so why should we wait? Well, I guess we should had follow everyone else’s advice and waited, maybe that way I wouldn’t have been cheated on and ended up on a strangers house on a friday night looking for sex.” You said, widening your eyes at the realization of what you had just said. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that.” You quickly let it out, but Tom was already laughing, “It’s fine! I guess I deserved that.” He shrugged off, making you laugh too.

“Speaking of sex…” Tom started after a few seconds, a smirk present on his lips. “I thought we weren’t talking about that.” You said, confused at his sudden change of mind. “You can’t just say that you didn’t like to have sex with me and expect me to forget it, y/n.” He let it out, making you chuckle. “So… am I really that bad in bed?” Tom insisted, and you could feel yourself start to grow flustered. “No, you’re not! You’re… you’re good in bed Tom. I just said that to hurt your feelings because you had hurt mine.” You exclaimed, your cheeks now burning from saying it out loud. “Thanks! I’m glad to inform you that you’re also good in bed, y/n.” Tom said with a cheeky smile, the tip of his ears showing you weren’t the only one embarrassed. “Yeah, yeah! Shut up!” You flipped him off, trying to go back to the puzzle.

The thing was, even though you tried your hardest to focus on the game, you couldn’t shake off the feeling of Tom’s eyes on you. “What are you doing?” You asked him once you were tired of ignoring his stare. “What?” He asked, wearing the same cheeky smile. “You know what.” You rolled your eyes. “I can’t look at you?” Tom insisted, giving you the most adorable look ever. “Not with those puppy eyes.” You exclaimed, throwing one of the puzzle pieces at him, but missing, unfortunately. “Hey, we’re going to need that,” Tom warned a smile always present on his face. “Ugh, fine! I’ll get it.” You showed him your tongue, before going up to look for the missing piece. “I’m gonna take this back to the kitchen while you do that.” Tom let you know, carrying with him some of the empty beer bottles you had drunk and bowls with half-eaten snacks inside of them.

You realized you had made a miscalculation when throwing the puzzle piece at Tom as soon as you started looking for it, ‘cause that little stupid thing was nowhere to be found. What you did find though was an old-looking record player, apparently collecting dust on top of a vanity. “You have a record player?” You called from the living room, carefully inspecting it. “Huh? Oh yeah!” Tom exclaimed from the kitchen. “It still works?” You asked, getting excited. “Yep, go ahead!” As soon as an affirmative word left Tom’s mouth, you were looking for something to play. Searching through a basket full of vinyl, you gasped when you saw the black cover you knew very well. “Shut up, you have a Cigarettes After Sex vinyl?” You asked, smiling when he said one of his brothers had got him for Christmas. “You can play it if you want!” Tom let you know from the kitchen, and you didn’t waste your time to start playing.

You began slow dancing around Tom’s living room as soon as the lyrics from Sweet started to come out of the player, while he, unbeknownst to you, watched everything from the door that connected the room to the kitchen, a smile covering his features. You had your eyes closed, the lyrics flowing smoothly from your lips, and Tom swore that at that moment, you looked like the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.

Careful not to scare you, Tom slowly made his way towards you, your eyes instantly open upon realizing his near presence. “What are you doing?” You asked as soon as you saw him approach. Without answering, Tom guided one of his hands to yours, his free arm skillfully hugging your waist, before he started to sway both your bodies side to side. You couldn’t help but laugh at that, “I didn’t paint you as the romantic type, Holland.” You joke, making the cheeky smile on Tom’s lips only double its size, the tips of his ears turning a light shade of pink, something about him you grew to find adorable.

It didn’t take long for you and Tom to grow impossibly close, your bodies almost flush with each other, your head laying on his shoulder, while he rested his on top of yours, the song now coming to an end. Neither of you wanted this moment to stop though, so when the next song started, you stayed exactly where you were, enjoying every second of it.

You could feel your heart beating rapidly inside your chest, and you swore you felt Tom’s too. It wasn’t like you didn’t have been this close before, after all, you two have had sex the night before. But there was just something about this moment that felt intimate, way more than what you had felt last night. Leaving a kiss on your head, Tom slowly started to pull away, just enough so he could look into your eyes, which perfectly mirrored his own, making him sure of what to do next.

Tom leaned in, capturing your lips on his own, his hands instantly making their way to your waist to hold you closer if that was even possible at that stage. You threaded your fingers through his hair, tugging at his curls, earning a groan from him, which only turned you on even more. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you deepened the kiss, moaning against his lips when his hands slid to your ass, giving it a gentle squeeze. You gave Tom full access to your neck by tilting your head back, his lips quickly making their way to the newly exposed skin. “Fuck,” you breathed when Tom sucked on your skin, the thought of him marking you making you squirm in your place.

To the slow tune of Opera House, you and Tom made your way to his bedroom, your lips still glued together, a few chuckles leaving your mouth when you stumbled on your feet, trying to get Tom’s shirt off. When you eventually got the piece of clothing out of the way, you left open-mouthed kisses on the expanse of his chest, kissing and sucking each one of his absurdly defined abs.

Going back to his lips, you captured them back on your own, while your hands worked on his pants, the loose material falling to the ground, leaving him in only a pair of boxers. “Oh fuck,” Tom let out a moan as soon as you started to palm him through his underwear.

Kneeling on the floor, you finally freed his hard cock, and without wasting any time, you wrapped your lips around it, licking the precum that had accumulated on his tip. “Holy shit!” Tom moaned when you slid all of him into your mouth, his hands coming to your hair, where he guided you through a makeshift ponytail.

You kept your movements slow but steady, pumping what you couldn’t fit into your mouth with your hands, the sounds that left Tom’s mouth making the wetness pool between your legs. “So pretty.” Tom let it out, his hands cupping your hollowed cheeks, his thumb wiping a stray tear from your face. In a quick movement, he helped you up, lips immediately finding yours, his tongue exploring every inch of your mouth. “Take it off,” he instructed, helping you get out of your clothes, before turning his attention to your breasts, his mouth sucking on your hard nipples. “Oh, shit,” you moaned, tugging at his curls, earning a groan from him. “Tom, please…” you breathed, feeling like you couldn’t wait anymore. You needed him.

Laying you both down in bed, Tom proceeded to leave open-mouthed kisses throughout your whole body, his teasing making you squirm in place. “So beautiful, you are perfect, y/n!” You moaned at his words, your hands going to his face, “Please, Tom…” you breathed, not even caring about how desperate you sounded. The next thing you knew, Tom was between your legs, leaving wet kisses on your thighs, before focusing all of his attention on your core. “Fuck,” you moaned at the feeling of his hot breath ghosting your heat, biting your lip to suppress a scream when he finally made contact with you, his tongue sucking your clit.

You whimpered at Tom’s touch when he, all of a sudden, slid a finger inside you, curving it just right to have you moaning his name. You felt your orgasm approach, the knot in your stomach growing tighter and tighter until you couldn’t hold it back anymore. “Fuck,” you let it out as you came, withering underneath his touch. Feeling overstimulated, you took Tom’s face away from you, bringing him back to your lips, tasting yourself on his tongue. “Fuck me, Tom.” The words came out of your mouth as a whimper, and the brunette didn’t waste any time.

Reaching his bedside table, Tom took another condom out, ripping it open, before throwing the package aside, where it joined the one you had used the night before. “Turn around, love!” You felt your legs tremble at his words. Doing exactly what you were told, you bent down, giving Tom a perfect view of your ass. Tom gave himself a few pumps before finally thrusting inside of you, the feeling so overwhelmingly good that you felt like you lost your senses for a few seconds.

With his hands gripping your hips firmly, Tom started moving painfully slow, your whimpers almost turned into cries as he kept bottoming in and out of you. “Tom, stop fucking teasing—” You groaned, the words getting caught in your throat as he started to pound inside of you relentlessly, the bed squeaking with such force. “What were you saying?” Tom whispered in your ear, a shiver running down your spine. “Oh my god,” you moaned, feeling your walls clench even more around him.

Taking you by the waist, Tom pulled your body flushed against his chest, a loud moan leaving your mouth as you felt he hit the perfect spot inside you, one of his hands going to your clit, massaging the sensitive bud. Turning your face around, you connected your lips to Tom’s, your tongue practically throwing itself inside his mouth. “Oh god, please, don’t stop! I’m gonna fucking cum.” You murmured against Tom’s lips, your second orgasm washing over you as he kept fucking your brains out.

You let out a gasp as you pulled away from him, your arms going to his neck, while your lips stayed glued to his. “You look stunning like this,” Tom mumbled as you tried to catch your breath, pulling some of your sweaty hair out of your face. “I wanna ride you,” you mumbled between his lips, Tom’s eyes suddenly going to the size of saucers at your words. Before he could say or do anything else, you pushed him down, straddled his lap, and positioned yourself on top of him.

You and Tom moaned in sync as you guided him back inside you, one of his hands kneading your breast while the other laid against your back, guiding you against his cock. “Fuck, y/n.” Tom moaned as you started to move up and down, rolling your hips until his tip hit the perfect spot. Gripping onto the headboard, you began to ride him faster, your moans practically turning into screams from how good it felt.

Tom helped your movements when you started to feel your legs tremble, the knot on your stomach tightening with each thrust of your hips. “I’m close,” you breathed out, the hand that Tom had on your breast now going to your clit, circling the sensitive bud until you were convulsing on top of him, your back arching as you reached your high for the third time that night. “Fuck y/n!” The feeling of your walls clenching around his cock was enough to bring Tom over the edge, his moans mixing with yours while waves of pure pleasure coursed through the two of you.

The next thing you knew, you were waking up in Tom’s arms, his grip almost crushing you, but comfortable nonetheless. Careful not to wake him, you slowly turned around, smiling upon seeing Tom’s face squished against the pillow, soft snores coming from his lips, the same ones that had bothered you so much the day before, but now you found them quite adorable.

You felt your heart thud as you watched Tom sleep, a mixture of feelings screaming at each other inside your chest. It was a few minutes later when he finally stirred awake, smiling upon seeing your face. “‘Morning,” he mumbled, voice still coated with sleep. “‘Morning,” you smiled back. “How long have you been watching me?” Tom asked with a smirk, “Hum, a few minutes.” You responded, to which he furrowed his eyebrows. “You creep!” He joked, earning a chuckle from you.

You and Tom kept lying in bed, neither of you moving a muscle, only the sound of your breaths cutting through the silence, “Your username was right, you know?” You let it out after a few seconds, “Huh?” Tom looked at you, seeming confused, “You really are the best cuddler ever.” You smiled, making Tom blush. “Shut up!” He chuckled, hugging you even closer. You leaned in first, giving him a small kiss, pulling away only for Tom to connect your lips again, deepening the kiss this time, not letting you go until you were both in desperate need of air.

You were suddenly interrupted by a gurgling sound, apparently coming from under the covers. “Was that your stomach?” Tom asked, laughing when you hid your head in his chest. “In my defense, you have only fed me snacks since I arrived here.” You pouted, to which he let out a laugh. “I can fix that,” Tom said, kissing your pouty lips, before getting up and ordering you to stay in bed.

About half an hour later, Tom was coming back to his room, this time he carried a tray with two bowls, filled to the top with steaming hot noodles, your stomach gurgling at the smell. “Special delivery!” He exclaimed, giving you one of the bowls. “I didn’t know you were a cook.” You joke, earning a loud chuckle from him. “It’s just instant noodles, y/n. There’s no need for credit.” Tom rolled his eyes at you, taking his first bite. “Well, you still put it in a bowl so, I guess that counts.” You both laughed, before eating the rest of your food in silence.

The snow seemed to have stopped, and you could actually hear the clean-up trucks working outside. “You know,” Tom started after a few minutes. “You’re not the worst person to be stuck with.” The brunette said, a small smile covering his lips. “I’m already in your bed, Tom, you don’t have to flirt with me.” You smirked, Tom’s cheeks immediately turning a bright red. “What a way to ruin the moment. I’m gonna get us something to drink.” Tom said, trying to fight the smile on his face.

Once he was out of the room, you felt a shiver run down your spine, the shirt you wore doing nothing to keep you warm. “Hey, can I pull the classic girl move and borrow one of your biggest and comfiest hoodies? I promise not to steal it.” You asked, biting your lip to suppress a smile. “Yeah, I’m coming!” Tom exclaimed from the kitchen.

You went to his closet anyway, eager to find something to warm you up but what you found in there made you suddenly stop your movements. Women’s clothes. A lot of them. Shirts, jeans, skirts, shorts, dresses, shoes. All neatly organized, color-coordinated even. You swallow hard, not wanting to believe your eyes, hoping that somehow Tom had an explanation for that.

As you opened the first drawer of his dresser, you felt a knot form in your throat, your eyes brimming with tears as you saw a picture frame of Tom and another girl kissing, the caption written on it making painfully obvious it was a present from her. “To my favorite person in the whole world. I love you so much, Tommy! Cindy xx”

When Tom came back to the room with two glasses of what looked like orange juice, he found you sitting in bed, still holding the picture frame. “y/n…” he started, but you cut him off. “Where’s Cindy?” You asked, your voice betraying you in the worst way possible. “Visiting her parents.” He mumbled, putting the glasses down, “Are you together?” You asked, feeling dumb for even questioning such a thing. “That’s a tough question to answer.” He let it out, to which you nodded. “You said enough.” You smiled sadly, before getting up.

Tom sighed, watching as you started to get dressed, “y/n, let me explain this.” You scoffed, “There’s nothing to explain here, Tom. You had the house to yourself and you used it. Fuck! ” You cursed as you struggled to put your pantyhose back on. “It’s not like that, please, let’s talk about it.” Tom tried again but you were seeing red. “You know, I always wondered what it felt like to be the other girl. Feels better, not great, but undeniably better.” You said, taking the rest of your clothes to the living room, where you turned the tv on to see how the weather was currently.

You kept putting more layers on, preparing to face the cold outside, when Tom appeared in the living room. “Can I show you something?” He asked, sitting right beside you. “Leave me alone, Tom. I’m not mad, I mean, how could I be? I didn’t ask and you didn’t lie. I wanted meaningless sex and I got it.” You mumbled, finally having put all of your clothes on. “Here, read this.” Tom insisted, showing you a piece of paper that, after reading, left you even more confused. “She dumped you but you’re still living together?” You asked, “She didn’t give it to me yet.” He said, “I-I don’t understand and honestly, I don’t care.” You tossed him the paper back. “Two weeks ago she asked me to get her wallet, and when looking for it, I accidentally found this. I didn’t know what to do, so I just gave her wallet back and the next day, she left.” Tom explained, before adding, “I made that profile so I’d have something to throw in her face whenever she pulled the trigger. And I know, I know that’s very immature.” He was looking at you, waiting for a response, “You could’ve broken up with her.” You simply let it out, “Yeah, I-I thought about that.” He mumbled. “Look, I did something stupid and I’m sorry.” Tom tried to reach for you but you have had enough. “Excuse me.” You said, making your way to the bathroom, where you could finally let your emotions out.

A couple of minutes later, you were getting out of the room with a puffy face and red eyes, startling Tom, who was still sitting on the couch. “Hey, y/n, wait.” He said as he saw you put your coat on, “C’mon, what was I supposed to do? I didn’t even know you existed.” Tom exclaimed, standing in front of you. “Look, I don’t want her. I want you!” The words left his mouth all at once and the worst part is that you believed every single one of them. Taking a deep breath, you finally looked at him, “And what makes you think I want you? You’re just a funny guy, who doesn’t even have a job. And I think you severely underestimate your ability to hurt people.” You stated, before walking past him and slamming his door shut.

When you got home later that day, you went straight to your room, where you locked yourself on for the next few days, crying yourself to sleep every night, feeling stupid for being so naïve and letting yourself fall for a guy again, only getting out to eat when Addylin was at work, that way you didn’t have to face her and explain yourself.

Two days later, you were mindlessly scrolling through TikTok when you got a call from an unknown number, that upon picking up, you discovered was from one of the companies you had sent your application to, and you simply couldn’t believe when the lady on the other side of the line said they wanted you to interview for the position later that afternoon. “Yes, I can! I’ll be there, thank you so much! Bye!” You let out a loud squeal as you ended the call, a sense of relief washing over you.

A few hours later, you had showered, done your hair and makeup, and put together a semi-professional outfit for the interview. To say you were nervous was an understatement since you felt like throwing up every time you took a breath. You decided to leave the apartment earlier to hopefully not be late for the interview since you knew how crazy the traffic was most likely going to be.

Taking your purse and shoving everything you needed inside, you took one last look in the hallway mirror before you opened the door, only to find the last person you expected to see today standing there, ready to knock. “Tom?” You said in disbelief, “Hi!” He mumbled while taking his fist down. “What-? How did you find me?” You asked, your heart flipping inside your chest. “Your- friend. She has a very unusual name so after finding her on instagram, I told her who I was and what had happened between us and she gave me your, or her, address.” Tom let it out in one big breath, your eyes going to the size of saucers with this new information. “I’m gonna kill her.” You gritted your teeth, deciding to ignore him and focus on closing the door.

“y/n, listen…” Tom tried to reach for your arm but you were quick to swat it away from his grasp. “What are you even doing here, Tom?” You asked, feeling a knot starting to form on your throat. “I came here to talk.” He said, to which you scoffed, “We have nothing to talk about!” You exclaimed, “Please, just hear me out!” He pleaded, making you pinch the bridge of your nose. “I can’t talk right now, Tom! I’m gonna be late.” You tried, but Tom wasn’t having it. “I’ll wait here until you come back, then.” He exclaimed, leaning against the wall, sliding his body until he was sitting on the floor. “Are you serious?” You snapped, “I really need to talk to you, y/n.” Tom stated, a sigh leaving your lips upon realizing that he was, in fact, being serious. “Five minutes.” You warned, pointing your finger at him before opening the door and inviting him inside.

After closing the door, you crossed your arms in front of your chest, raising your eyebrows, waiting for him to start talking. “Look y/n, I fucked up! What I did was immature and you didn’t deserve that. I’m sorry!” Tom apologized, his eyes holding nothing but sincerity. “It doesn’t matter, Tom. We got what we wanted out of it, let’s just forget about it.” You declared, to which Tom scoffed, “Don’t throw the meaningless sex card at me again y/n, we both know it was more than that.” Tom exclaimed, your heart almost swelling upon hearing his words.

Looking away, you tried your best to just shrug it off. “I know you felt it too.” He whispered, taking a step towards you, which you allowed this time. “Why are you doing this, Tom? You have a girlfriend.” You pointed out, shaking your head. “It’s over now,” Tom stated. “How convenient.” You scoffed, rolling your eyes to the back of your head. “C’mon y/n, you can’t stop this before we realize what it could be. There’s a lot of stuff I want to know about you and so much to talk about. I’ve spent two nights with you and… that’s not enough time. Give me more time, please.” As Tom stood there, waiting for an answer, all that was going through your head was how bad your last relationship had gone and how much you didn’t want to go through that again. “Are you done? ‘Cause I really gotta go now.” You finally said, swallowing the lump on your throat.

Tom’s eyes held a look of utter disappointment in them, your heart completely shattering at the sight. “Yeah…” Tom nodded as you opened the door for him. “I’m sorry. Bye y/n!” The brunette said, before stepping out of the house. You didn’t even realize you were crying until a few tears started to run down your cheeks. Cursing at yourself, you rushed to the bathroom to fix your makeup since you still had a job interview to do.

Thankfully, you were able to get to the interview just in time, and as you left the company an hour later, you felt a sense of pride and hope, something you hadn’t felt in a very long time. When you went to retrieve your phone from your purse to call a cab, you discovered a piece of paper that you didn’t recognize at first but upon further investigation, you realized it was a ticket to the MOMA with a few words scribbled on it. “I’m an idiot. I’m sorry! T”

You couldn’t help but chuckle at Tom’s messy scribble, your heart beating rapidly inside your chest, a sense of yearning taking over you. After staring at the paper for a few minutes, while your mind and heart fought with each other to have the last say, you decided to follow the latter, getting on a cab and giving the driver Tom’s address.

You felt your heart on your throat as you knocked on Tom’s door, tears building in your water lines as you saw his face again. “y/n?” He asked, confused as to why you were there. Taking a deep breath, you tried your best to say the next words without your voice trembling, “One chance…” you murmured with one of your fingers up, watching as his face lit up, “You have one chance, Holland.” You felt the weight of Tom’s body on yours as soon as you said those words, his lips colliding into yours.

When neither of you could breathe anymore, Tom reluctantly pulled away, holding your face in his hands, a sorrowful expression on his eyes, “I’m so sorry, y/n! I’m an idiot!” He mumbled, “I know!” You said, a chuckle escaping your lips, “I have a thing for idiots though.” You shrugged, Tom’s smile being the last thing you saw before your lips met again.

Blind Spot | Tom Holland

i got the card number 2 - sfw, and as you could probably tell i chose the middle row vertically ♡

Blind Spot | Tom Holland

if you’re curious, the film this fic was based on is called two night stand and i highly recommend giving it a watch if you haven’t yet

tagging some of my lovely mutuals ♡ @userholland @missnxthingg @celestialholland @honeyspidey @annathesillyfriend @duskholland @lauras-collection @heyhihellowhatsup0 @geekygoddesss @mrs-hollandstan @sunshinehollandd @uglypastels @tomhollandd @spiderboytotherescue @t-lostinworlds @veryholland @petesrparker @cutetomholland

2 years ago

a classic cliche || j.p

*american high school au*

summary: you encounter james potter, the arrogant ass who’s been a pain in your side for years, at a football game lily and the m’s dragged you to. but he seems to be becoming less of a pain than usual–especially with that stupidly handsome smirk of his

word count: 2.5k

warnings: swearing, kissing, hot cocky!james

i hope people understand how clever the title is im quite proud of it😁 also thanks @silverdelirium for proofreading this i <3 you😋

“YOU ARE SUCH a cliche!”

You heaved a sigh and looked up at Mary. “What?”

“You, missy,” Mary said, hands on her hips, “are a cliche.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“She means,” Lily cut in, “that you’re reading a book at a high school football game.”

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(tadashi Hamada X Reader)

(tadashi hamada x reader)

Summary: knees brushing under the table



Lectures were the worst part of college. You were absolutely certain of that.

No way anyone would want their professor, who sounds like Bette Midler, to drawl on and on for an hour about some chemical equation that could be explained in three steps.

Your palm held your chin as drool almost slipped past your lips while you lightly dozed off. Even though the lecture was god awfully boring, you were grateful it was a big class so you could get away with checking out mentally.

For the most part anyway. (We don’t talk about the time she called on you while being in the middle of chowing down a bad if chips that you were most definitely not supposed to be eating.)

There was another component that added to your boredom however. Somebody was late.

Mr. Tadashi Hamada decided to stay up doing god knows what and sleep through his alarm today. The frantic text he sent you was proof of the incident as he rushed to explain his circumstance.

I lost track of time- blah blah I didn’t realize- yada yada ada.

Excuses for days he had. Though even if he was to miss half the class you did promise to catch him up on what he missed.

What were friends for?

…ha friends.

The door creaked, drawing most of the students attention to the entryway, where the man himself winced at the noise. A hushed ‘sorry’ passed his lips before he hurriedly went down the stairs. The teacher made a snide indirect comment as he plopped into his seat next to you.

With a lurch you were coherent once again.

“Morning sunshine,” Tadashi teased, leaning in close to you as he sat his bag down on to the floor. Humming gently you rubbed your eyes. Looking over you looked down to the teeth shining past his lips.

You never understood how they could be so white.

A hand went up to pull the baseball cap off his head as Tadashi used his other hand to tousle his hair. Puffing out his cheeks a much needed breath released from his lungs and he slouched back into his seat. The movable desk top was pushed down in front of him while his legs spreaded to a comfortable position.

Biting your lip you almost jumped at the contact his knee made to yours. The steady weight of it leaned against you but you made no move to remove it. If Tadashi didn’t want it there then he would remove it himself.

Tapping his nails on the wood the boy leaned over you, craning his neck to look at the notes you had written down. Wordlessly you picked up the book and handed it to him.

“Thanks,” he breathed out, reaching with his hand to take it, his fingers brushing against yours in the process. Another zing coursed through you. But you didn’t speak anything about it as Tadashi scanned over the words and your scribbles. A smile of slight amusement coming over his features as he looked at your doodles. However he frowned at a certain sentences.

Shifting closer his shoulder pressed against yours, holding open your notebook and pointing to the questionable phrase.

His words were slightly muffled as the feeling of warmth from his arm and knee burned through your body.

“Sorry what was that-,” you went to apologize but were cut off.

“Shhhhhh,” a rather irritated individual hushed whipping her head to look back at you. Another apology was voiced as you smiled uneasily.

“What did you mean when…” a quiet gasp left your lips when Tadashi’s breath was felt across your skin.

This was new. Tadashi has never been this touchy. He’s always been one to give simple high fives or fist bumps of gratitude. Or maybe a little side hug in the right occasion. But he’s never been practically cheek to cheek with you before.

But he’s just asking for some notes. Just asking some questions. Just asking for some help from a friend.

2 years ago

three taps (kaz brekker x reader)

summary: kaz taps three times. it’s his way to say i love you, i care.


the three times it took jesper to realize that three taps were something more than a meaningless habit.

warnings: violence, blood, implied se*ual as*ault (not detailed at all and very brief)

a/n: did i write this in less than a day? yes. did the inspiration come to me at six am? also yes. what about your other 50 wip, anna? did you write anything for them? nope.

hope you enjoyed reading this one as much as i enjoyed writing it <3


i. tap, tap, tap

Jesper had seen him do it more times than he could count. It was Kaz’s thing. Three taps, index finger hitting a wooden table, thumb brushing against a map or cane harshly meeting the floor. Most times they were fast taps, like a subconscious action, coming and going before anyone could give it any mind. Other times, however, they were slower, more emphasized, as if trying to make a point. Jesper was used to the taps, as he imagined (Y/N) and Inej also were. The sound came prior to every heist, prior to pronouncing the words of luck (no mourners, no funerals).

It was Kaz’s habit, something he probably did without even realizing, and Jesper couldn’t help but find it oddly comforting, a routine that somehow eased his nerves. (The world could be going to war, Ketterdam could be crashing down in flames, and Kaz would still tap three times. There was a sense of safety in that.)

It wasn’t until Jesper had a closer look that he realized the action was perhaps not as meaningless as he believed.

ii. cane meets ground three times: come back to me, i’m here

(Y/N) had known Kaz the longest out of all of them. Jesper hadn’t known the Slat without her, he hadn’t known Kaz without her. She’d always been there, a person in which the Dregs often found solace and always obtained an ear to listen without judgment. (Y/N) was a walking contradiction, soft around the edges yet powerful enough to bring the toughest people to their knees. She was everything Kaz wasn’t, maybe that was the reason they complimented each other as well as they did.

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2 years ago

i want there to be a kaz vs the darkling fight at least once every season where kaz always wins

and i want them to never actually contribute to the plot. it just happens. kaz puts his cane on top of the darklings cape and he trips. thats the whole fight.