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More Posts from Magicalvin

Mr.MOUSTACHE 🚜🚜🛠🛠🏛🐃🧢🧢🌽💦💦

My Pokémon phone album is pretty big but I’m always looking for new photos to save onto my iPhone. I don’t and will never post anything (Artwork, videos, etc.) that is not mine unless I get permission of course! However, I gotta screenshot certain things so I can see them without having to look through everything online.
I really respect other people’s art!🥰
The cat did it better 😳

I encourage everyone to take control of their health!
I went to the doctor today to talk about getting tested for sleep apnea. This is something that is prevalent in obese patients. I have been asking doctors to refer me to a sleep clinic for over a year and finally found a clinic that didn’t require a referral and went myself. Just to insure we discussed my issue I armed myself with this. I didn’t need it thankfully but made me feel more comfortable!