Just Landed In The ER (Im Fine) But Chapter 3 Of Kimset Will Be Delayed Till January :(
Just landed in the ER (I’m fine) but chapter 3 of Kimset will be delayed till January :(
On the bright side, the chapter is already over 20k so at least it’ll be a long one!
Again, so sorry about this guys!
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This is probably so random but i can’t help but think abt jk in kimset whenever i listen to the grudge by olivia rodrigo 😫😫😫
OMG?? Yes! That song fits so perfectly with jk at the moment! I have my own playlist while writing Kimset and The Grudge is on there so I’m really glad I was able to capture the vibes of the song while writing about our Kookie.
Honestly, most of Olivia Rodrigo's songs match with Kimset. Another few songs I’d suggest are Places We Won’t Walk by Bruno Major and The Night We Met by Lord Huron! <33
I’m currently rewatching some of my favourite old TV shows in English and who was gonna tell me that H20: Just add Water was Australian??
Ohrr nor, Cleorrrr the CoNdEnsAtiOn
Man, I’ve never felt so robbed of an experience before. The German dub really didn’t pull through. But now I’m tempted to write an ot7 fic based on the show lol
Kimset - (III) Teaser
A little somethin for y'all while I wrap up the next chapter

“You were like the sun.”
“You were my sun.”
“—and when you left.”
“You took the sunlight with you.”
“I—I spent years in that darkness, not able to see where I’m going, where I’m heading; it was all just empty.”
“So when I finally—finally managed to light a candle, you show up.”
“And I don’t care, I don’t care that your presence promises me sunlight.”
“Because when you took it the first time, you also took my sense of security within you.”
“When you left, you made it look easy—“
“—like, like it was easy to leave me.”

Ao3 Link => Here
Can we guess who Jks talking too? ;)
i just got the email that the 4th chapter is up and i just want to let u know i’m so excited to read it !! it’s a tragedy i work all day today but know this is gonna be the first thing i read once i get home :) !
Awe, thank you!! I hope you like it then! <33
I’m starting to think I’m literally incapable of producing short chapters for ya’ll. 10k, that was my limit for this one.
Anyways, chapter four will be out soon with a bulky 16k+