mah-clarah - Maria Clara
Maria Clara


58 posts

Mah-clarah - Maria Clara - Tumblr Blog

4 months ago

I know I haven't posted in a long time because of many reasons but I feel I should say this.

It's disheartening to see something that should've been a happy moment be twisted like this, and I can't say Seunghan is the reason I entered the fandom, but his absence was definitely one of the reasons I felt conflicted liking them for some time.

I fell in love with the group with the MV of memories because they made me feel something I hadn't in a really long time. I was sure I had outgrown my fan era but riize with their youthful concept made me feel like just a girl again. They made some of my days a lot better and helped me when I felt a little loss in life, and for that I'm grateful, but to see a young boy be hurt and lose so much just for doing things we've all done– A boy enjoying a time of his life I don't wish anyone to miss, it's too painful for me.

I understand idols have to take care of their images a lot, but Seunghan was just a boy living his own life and enjoying things I would love all the other boys to do.

Sadly these news have affected me more than I imagined and have only pushed me further into the block (not only writing, but reading too) I was having, so I'll be taking a step back from writing or interacting with any riize content for some time, if not indefinitely.

I don't know if I'll close this blog or if I'll stop writing/liking riize altogether. I've given this (even if now quite inactive) blog so much of my time I don't see myself deleting it, but I'm trying to figure out what to do because I am sehodreams, I've been sehodreams for many years, even before riize, and I never thought any group would make me be a k-pop fan again until I started liking them, but seeing my blog be full of them –god, my longest fic is Seunghan's- is honestly just too painful right now.

I'm thankful for all the lovely messages I've been getting about the fics I've done based on them. I can't believe I got so many people to follow me and like my stories, and I'm sorry for not responding to some of those messages because I felt I didn't deserve them considering I haven't been writing for quite a long time.

Somehow, this is my blog, I'm sehodreams, I've always been, but I don't feel I belong here anymore.

It hurts that I don't know if Seunghan also felt like that with the group. I wish him the best things in life and that he gets to heal these wounds. He's gone through something I don't wish any other idol, or person, go through. From now on, I hope other doors open to him, who is talented and was such a bright person. The post he did blaming himself showed how deeply affected he is, and I can't pretend things or I will be okay and give more of my time to the group.

I love the other boys, and I can't imagine what the others are feeling right now because obviously they'll be affected too. They've worked so hard to be where they are, and I'm sure they'll overcome this.

But I'm not them.

I wish them the best, but my stability is the most important thing to me, and I can't bring myself to give them the same amount of attention and time to be hurt like this.

I've already been in fandoms that have lost members, you all know I was an avid exo-l, but now I'm 23, and suddenly I'm a 13 year old girl seeing that a member of her favorite group left again because of the bad management and abuse of a company that did nothing to prevent this. I'm sorry, but there are so many things SM could've done to protect him and the others, I'm afraid this only shows there's no human treatment for them as their workers and how any situation with the others won't be correctly managed doesn't matter what we, as international fans, say or beg.

Many won't understand this, but there are precedents of the massive hate consequences and this has been added as one more. I'm afraid what the other boys will think or feel, how much they'll fear to have a normal life and the way they'll blame themselves every time something doesn't please the Korean fans.

I can't help but feel repulsed of this kind of society.

They're already under an incredibly amount of pressure because of society standards and I had hoped that after so many years at least something had changed, but instead they decide to be stuck under their most toxic traditions.

I love them, but I don't want to support this kind of treatment in any way.

I'm sorry, this is just too painful.

4 months ago

💜Countdown for the boys to come back💜

Seokjin has been back for: 122 days

Hoseok: 5 days

Yoongi: 252 days

Namjoon: 241 days

Taehyung: 241 days

Jimin: 242 days

Jeongguk: 242 days

4 months ago
They Matched Each Other's Freak
They Matched Each Other's Freak
They Matched Each Other's Freak
They Matched Each Other's Freak

they matched each other's freak <3

5 months ago

submissive men…. submissive puppy eyed men that melt in your touch and kneel for you obediently like it’s in their nature…. god. how i love submissive men.

5 months ago


5 months ago

made this one for a friend… :)

Made This One For A Friend :)
Made This One For A Friend :)

>> commissions open <<

he looks SOO CUTE ahbsjhajhgauwgv and she liked it so i’m happy 🥹🥹🥹

ARMIN!!!!!!! our geeky boy with a dubious humor (my ex used to say he was just like me 😜 i hope he hasn’t been able to play without thinking of me ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️)

did a little light training, changed my tactics…idk if it worked 😃

Made This One For A Friend :)

yeah 😆

5 months ago

Oreo Hyunjin oh my god


(From esquire)

Oreo Hyunjin Oh My God
Oreo Hyunjin Oh My God
5 months ago
Esquire On Instagram: We Are Thrilled To Make An Exclusive Announcement Through The October Issue Of
Esquire On Instagram: We Are Thrilled To Make An Exclusive Announcement Through The October Issue Of
Esquire On Instagram: We Are Thrilled To Make An Exclusive Announcement Through The October Issue Of

Esquire on Instagram: we are thrilled to make an exclusive announcement through the October issue of Esquire: Stray Kids' Hyunjin has been named the new ambassador for Cartier. His striking visuals, powerful charisma, and irresistible aura blend perfectly with the Trinity collection, which celebrates its 100th anniversary. As expected, 'Hwang Jewel' Hyunjin shines once again. You'll find an 18-page spread featuring Hyunjin's stunning photoshoot and interview in the October issue of Esquire.

5 months ago


5 months ago
Who Will Gru Be Tonight?

who will gru be tonight?

5 months ago
240902 - Bts On Twitter: Neva Play (feat.RM) - Megan Thee Stallion

240902 - bts on twitter: Neva Play (feat.RM) - Megan Thee Stallion

Sep 6, 1PM (KST) | 0AM (ET)

6 months ago
This Baby Will Be 27 Tomorrow

This baby will be 27 tomorrow🥹🤧