mainblogyy - Mostly just reblogs and likes
Mostly just reblogs and likes

AMAB NB looking for a boyfriend 💖

546 posts



Miles had been standing in front of the mirror for so long now that he would have liked to kick it out of his flat right now. “Come on, mate, it’s got to work - now look dangerous. Or angry. Or intimidating, but somehow not as nice and easy-going as usual,” his best friend Gregor cheered him on. It had all been quite surreal since Miles had been given a new colleague to share the office with a month and a half ago. On that day, the worst time of his life had begun. For years he had managed to peacefully coexist with his friendliness and politeness, convinced every strange new colleague to get along with him. Miles was a nice person. Too nice to be honest. Which was exactly the problem, with a colleague who actually reported to him but bossed him around and made Miles do his workload.

So now he stood in front of his mirror in the bedroom and tried to bend his facial expressions in the completely different direction. “That’s good? Can we stop already? Please?” asked Miles in a slightly snivelling tone, scowling as much as he could.

Gregor groaned in displeasure and flopped down on the bed. “It’s not going to work, you look like an adorable little sheep even when you’re not smiling,” was all he said, pointing at Miles’ favourite white jumper and at his soft face, which was usually adorned with a friendly smile. Relieved, Miles relaxed his face again and dropped onto the bed as well.


“I like my jumper, it’s nice and warm and soft,” Miles murmured, looking up at the ceiling. He kept to himself that the jumper also kept some of the rough handling from his new colleague. He regularly got bruises when he was pushed aside when they were alone in the corridor. Mostly when that happened, even sitting on the soft office chair became unbearable after a long time.

Gregor caught just such a spot unintentionally when he slapped Miles’ side. Miles winced slightly, which his best friend would hopefully dismiss as a fright. “And there’s really nothing you can do to get him transferred? Don’t you have people you can talk to?,” Gregor asked. But Miles shook his head again. “That’s the brother of the boss’s daughter-in-law. Old business partner family. He wouldn’t believe a word I said and would only believe that ass,” Miles replied in frustration and closed his eyes. He loved his work very much, but like this every day became a torture.

“Maybe it will get a little better soon, a new job like this can be really stressful,” Miles thought out loud, but didn’t really believe it himself. He heard Gregor exhale. “I know, I know…”, Miles said and decided not to worry about it, at least today on his day off.

The next day, a gloomy Friday, Miles returned to his work at his usual time. But the two men’s office was not neat on Miles’ side, and chaotic on Gilbert’s side, as before, because his colleague didn’t care about anything. It was messy everywhere. The wastepaper baskets had been emptied on the floor, Miles’ desk drawers had been pulled out and their contents scattered everywhere. And in the middle of this mess Gilbert was squatting and swearing loudly and indecently.

The second he noticed Miles, who had frozen and not moved a bit of his body, Gilbert raced towards his colleague and pressed him against the wall, causing the calendar and the clock to fall.

“You little thief! Did you steal my necklace, you pathetic little sausage? I lost it yesterday!”, Gilbert nagged, pressing his forearm against Miles’ chin and neck so that he could barely speak, let alone breathe. Miles wanted to squirm out, but his colleague was stronger. With much effort, he managed to answer after all.

“I wasn’t even there yesterday! You must have lost them, shall I help with…chr…looking?”, Miles offered his help kindly as always, even though his breath was choked off a little because his colleague was pressing his forearm against his neck.

Gilbert smiled wickedly at him. “So you admit you hid it, I knew it was you little rat - if you don’t find that necklace in 10 minutes you’re out of a job. I’m sure Mr Frederick will find it very interesting that you’re embezzling money from the company,” the man said and Miles knew immediately that it was his colleague who was making sure that money kept disappearing from the accounts they looked after. But this threat frightened him. He needed his job. It was paid well. And Miles’ dream job.


“I’m going on my well-deserved coffee break now, loser - remember, the clock is ticking. Necklace or quit,” Gilbert said as he left the office and roughly shoved Miles into the big box with all the paper trash. Miles was shaking all over and waited to get up until he could no longer hear his colleague’s footsteps and cursing. If only Gilbert would never come back. But he would stay, Miles knew that for sure. He swallowed and tried to calm his racing heart again. He had to find the necklace. As quickly as possible. And then… survive would probably be most appropriate. Quickly he hung up the watch again, he only had eight minutes left. Fear choked his throat and panic flew his gaze around their chaotic office. Gilbert hadn’t seemed to care about anything when he was looking. Paper clips, pens, everything was on the floor. And everything was somehow glittery with silver. Miles decided to look on the floor. Surely it had slipped under the desk. So, he slid on his knees across the grey carpet. It didn’t matter to Miles that he could probably reach into something pointy. The fear of his colleague and the dismissal… but especially of his colleague was too big.

And sure enough, there, lying quite innocently, probably just dropped, was Gilbert’s necklace. Miles exhaled in relief and a whole mountain massif fell from his heart. But the second he touched the metal in the form of an iron chain, it suddenly became burning hot and flew suddenly towards Miles’ neck. There it lay around and Miles heard the soft click of the clasp.

The brief moment of relief was gone as quickly as it had come. Panic-stricken, Miles yanked at the piece of metal around his neck, but it didn’t move a bit. It seemed to weigh several tons; Miles couldn’t even lift it easily. It rested against his skin and felt surprisingly warm. “Shit, shit, shit - get off, you dumb thing, I…” he muttered, but now, of all times, the door banged open and Gilbert stood before him. Before Miles could even explain himself in any way, the other man lunged straight at him, bellowing like an ox.

“LOSER, GIVE ME MY CHAIN NOW! I’LL KILL YOU! IMMEDIATELY!” screamed Miles’ colleague and yanked at the chain that was wrapped around Miles’ neck. But as his fingertips touched the chain, he let out a yelp of pain and his figure became more transparent until his empty clothes fell to the floor. Miles stared in horror at the empty air before him and at the place where the nightmare of his last months had just disappeared. There was glitter among the pile of clothes. Cautiously, Miles crouched down and recognised a second necklace that looked like the one around his neck. It was more like a bracelet in the same style. But he hesitated.

Come on, your colleague has disappeared. Take the bracelet too. He doesn’t need it anymore. Come on, Miles… what could go wrong?

Miles almost fell backwards against the cupboard again when he suddenly heard a voice in his head. It was tantalising. Like a low, deep whisper that enticed with the most beautiful things. “What… who was that! Gilbert?!” gasped Miles, looking around anxiously. But the room was empty. Just the mess and abandoned clothes on the floor.

Gilbert no longer exists. He’s in a different place now where he can’t hurt you anymore, Miles. You deserve the bracelet and the necklace. Consider it fate’s redemption, Miles. Enjoy it, I’m sure you’ll enjoy wearing it. Put it on. All of it. Pull. It. ON!

Maybe it was the basic curiosity that was one of Miles’ traits that made him squat on the floor and pull the pile of clothes towards him. He didn’t know. Or maybe it was because he just couldn’t say no. Slowly he pulled the bracelet out of the pile and, like the necklace, it wrapped itself around his arm. Startled, he shook his arm, but like his necklace, it didn’t come off.

“Wait a minute, that’s not my necklace, what am I thinking?!” gasped Miles, but then…. he didn’t know exactly why, but… maybe he could try the clothes on? Gilbert was gone, after all. “Yeah… He can’t do anything anymore…”, Miles muttered and hastily locked the door. He swallowed and took off his clothes. His white jumper, jeans, socks, shoes and lastly his pants. Now he stood stark naked in his office. Only the chain around his neck and the bracelet on his arm covered his skin.

The first thing Miles did was to reach for the white dress shirt that Gilbert wore open at the top all the time, so that everyone could see his hairy, muscular chest. It looked really good on his colleague, Miles had to admit, even if he already hated it. The shirt still felt slightly warm. He lifted it up and sniffed it. It smelled like Gilbert’s perfume. And the worst… like him. “Oh God… Why… does that guy smell so good?” mumbled Miles, sinking into the scent of his vanished colleague. But then the desire to put the dress shirt on was even greater. He wanted it on him. To feel it against his skin.

As soon as the white fabric touched Miles’ skin, he groaned loudly. A shiver ran through him and made his cock stiffen. Miles bit his lip as he strained to fasten the buttons. The scent from the shirt fogged him. And then suddenly there was a tingling sensation on his chest. Hundreds of dark spots appeared under his skin, across his chest, his shoulders, his stomach. It itched terribly. And Miles would surely be even more worried if he wasn’t having such a hard time thinking right now. Dark brown hairs sprouted from the dark spots, curling slightly as they came up for air. Miles could feel them through the fabric of the shirt. But he didn’t care what was happening to him right now. His hands were around his cock. And then… Pain.

Miles gasped, but this time not with pleasure. But because his slender figure began to fill the shirt. His flat chest pressed against the button placket until his nipples were visible through the fabric. Miles groaned again as he felt them rubbing against the fabric. His shoulders grew broader, rounder - like those of someone who knew exactly what exercises were needed for a broad back. Miles’s head fell back. It felt… divine! Like… fucking good! He was breathing heavily. His arms were shaking. With a burning sensation, several tattoos appeared on his unimpressive arms and on his left hand. Only now did Miles let go of himself and raise his hands in front of his strong chest. He looked down. The hairy neckline triggered something in him. Yes, this was what he was supposed to look like. This was what he looked like. Sexy as hell. He wanted more. MORE! The burning continued to penetrate his skin. Twitching violently, his arms swelled. Biceps. Triceps. Biceps. Triceps. More dark spots. More hair appeared on his body. A thick bush of hair spread under his armpits. Sweat was now on Gilbert’s face. There was a crackling in his hands. His fingers widened. Stronger. Calluses appeared. He gripped his chest and felt his hard muscles, barely able to keep his arm there properly. His own thickness hindered him. He was strong. He was…

Exactly. No one will ever stand against you again. Enjoy it. Take the rest. Take Gilbert’s place.

“Underpants… Pants…,” Miles gasped, grabbing the boxers and grey suit trousers. He pulled both over his skinny legs. The smell of Gilbert was getting stronger. Miles seemed to be floating in a cloud. With a familiar tingle, the hair moved further down his body and now slowly covered his legs. When he had pulled up his trousers but couldn’t close them, Miles’ bottom pressed against the back of them first, leaving no imagination as to what a tight ass was hiding behind them. His butt crack was also filling with hair, which was also working its way up his hardening back. His thighs swelled, veritable trunks of strength, his calves though surprisingly narrow compared to the rest.

“Oh God… I want… no… I want… more…” moaned Miles, scratching his chest with one hand, grazing the hair-circled nipples. With the other he stroked his loins, down over his thighs.

Don’t forget the stockings and the shoes, the voice in his head warbled, and almost greedily Miles reached for them and sat down on the floor, breathing heavily and sweating. His body shook. A tremor went through his body with each intake of breath. The black socks slid over his feet and immediately he tucked everything into the dark brown suit shoes. It cracked as his feet grew wider and longer, filling the expensive leather shoes. From a size 8 to a size 13 they grew and were covered in some places by curled hair. The tightness of his shoes felt so right.

You are almost there. Soon you will be perfect. The voice sounded more and more like Gilbert’s. No… Miles let himself fall on his back on the floor, quivering, writhing with ecstasy. ‘Like my voice,’ he said. He could stand it no longer. He smelled his chest. She smelled of perfume. Of Gilbert. No. “Like me, I smell…. like me,” Miles gasped, rearing back when he thought he had to come already. He arched his back, pushing himself slightly into the air.

What had previously been quite respectable, but not exceptional, standing in his crotch became longer and longer under his hasty movements. Miles could feel his heartbeat pulsing. Getting stronge as his cock was getting bigger and thicker. The tingling was back. The few hairs around his cock became a thick bush, connecting to the hairs on his thick thighs. Miles made a gagging sound as his balls grew. They filled the small space between his legs. Walking normally, that was over now. Duck-sized, they now pressed against his thighs, desiring to be emptied.

Let it go. Let go of your old life. Be proud to be Miles. Let. LET GO!

And with a high-pitched moan Miles came, shooting his seed into the air in several spurts, it fell down on him but disappeared into his clothes as if it had never been there. It also hit his own face, covering it with the viscous liquid that no longer contained a piece of the old Miles. His skin darkened and like a shower the new tint spread over his skin. There was a cracking in his jaw. Miles gasped as his features shifted. His jaw became square, his chin sharply defined, his nose more prominent. His hair fell out, but only seconds later he grew a thick, trimmed beard with not a single gap. Thick eyebrows framed his new face, the hair on top of his head remained short, shaved away at the sides.

And with the last shot, Miles’s Adam’s apple pushed forward, his voice deepened, rougher, slightly raspy. A voice to roar with. The thin neck became a broad neck. The chain, earlier hanging almost to his sternum, now rested on his pectoral muscles and sparkled from his chest hair. Darkness fell before Miles’ eyes and he lost his consciousness.

A short time later Miles woke up, still sweaty and on the floor of the office. He raised his hand to his head. He froze. There was a beard. He couldn’t move his arms forward as far as he usually did. Stunned, Miles stared down at himself. There were muscles. Hairy muscles! He knew those muscles. That was Gilbert’s chest. Under Gilbert’s clothes. “That looks good,” it escaped him. He looked like Gilbert. He sounded like Gilbert. He smelled like Gilbert. He was wearing Gilbert’s clothes. And it felt so right. He felt so… sexy. Everything was perfect for him. Tight… and hard. But he wasn’t Gilbert! He hated people like Gilbert!

“No… I… I don’t want this,” he croaked, putting his strong hands over his eyes. His head was buzzing with thoughts and feelings. “I… have to get out of here! Water… yes, cold water, that always helps!” he said to himself, stuffed his cock into his trousers, pulled on his belt and staggered out of the office towards the bathroom.  

Once there, he splashed cold water on his face and stared at himself in the mirror. The shock was still written all over his face. Carefully, he lifted his hand, on whose fingers single letters were now tattooed, to his cheek. The dark brown beard was incredibly thick and emphasised his angular jaw. From his neckline he could see his hairy chest. The hair wasn’t just there though, it was all over his torso. Muscles pressed against the shirt that barely concealed them.

But above all, Miles felt something else rising inside him that he had never felt before: the feeling of superiority. No one could touch him. He was the best. Everyone feared him. Everyone else was pathetic. He knew everything. He could do anything. He was the best. “Fuck being nice, I’m way too horny to be nice - now I’m going to boss everyone around, oh yeah,” Miles said in a raspy voice and a smile appeared on his face that had never been there before. Miles was intoxicated.

“Gilbert is dead. Long live Miles… and no one else,” he said aloud, feeling his own speech making him horny. He couldn’t work now. He had to train. Afterwards he could rebuke his stupid colleagues. After all, only he was right in this world.


Would Miles perhaps eventually be able to resist the curse of the necklace? Gilbert had also believed that years ago. But the power of the chain was too great. The temptation of all the changes were too intoxicating. The wrath of the imprisoned evil spirit was great and corrupted every soul that came into contact with it. And it seemed to be no different with Miles. The nice office worker had turned into an internally vile monster who terrorised and bossed around his colleagues all day. And found himself very horny in the process.


Heyhey! :D I don’t think I’ve ever taken this long to write a desired story. And I want to apologize explicitly to @creatively-bankrupt , who wished for this. I really hope you like it and that the length (over 3k words) makes up for the long wait a bit. 😅

To everyone else: thank you so much for the ideas you sent me, I haven’t responded to all of them yet, but I’m determined to! :D With the completion of this story, my request slots are also open again. But there will be a separate post about it, in case someone doesn’t read down to here. 😉

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More Posts from Mainblogyy

1 year ago

Spontaneous Change: New Guy in Town

Layla was walking in the mall when she felt the tingle and crack. She looked at her hands, as they began to pulsate and bulge. Her light skin began to darken, as she began to cramp. Her red hair began to recede and darken, as her body began to cramp and pulsate. Her she looked as her skin was darkening even more.

Her hands grew larger, as her fingers thickened. Her shoulders and arms began to grow and pulsate with muscle. The veins on her arms began to pulsate, as they continued to swell and get heavier. Her torso began to expand with muscle and girth, as her shirt was getting extremely strained.

Her breasts receded into her body, as they got firmer and larger. Her shirt began to rip, as she saw how dark how torso was. Her nipples got dark, as she felt her firm pec. Her stomach hardened, as his legs were pulsating. His feet were ripping through his shoes, he held his mouth, as he saw his giant black toes wiggling. They continued to widen, as he needed to kick off his shredded shoes, as he looked at his giant feet.

“This is the fucking change” he said holding his neck, as his voice was dropping swiftly to a deep baritone. He kept mumbling as his voice continued to deepen. His legs were getting veinier. His calves and thighs thickened, as yoga pants were ripping apart as his dark legs were becoming thicker and harder. His ass hardened with muscle, as Layla let out a deep bellow.

This neck thickened, as his face began to shift. Black stubble formed on his face. Between his legs, a giant shaft was growing between his legs. His beard thickened, as he felt his massive shaft between his legs. His balls finally dipped, as his face got harder. His nose widened, as his features continued to get masculine.

Havok grunted again, as his changes stopped. The massive black man looked at his shredded clothing. He didn’t even notice the crowd he acquired during this changes. He looked in complete confusion, as someone was on the phone calling the people to deal with this stuff.

Spontaneous Change: New Guy In Town
2 years ago

Himbear Virus

Gabe and Caleb rushed into the grocery store in a frenzy. Word just broke out on the news that a virus was spreading in town and they knew they need to stock up on essentials while they still had time. It seemed insane but the virus only affected men and it turned them into bears with a love for cock. It sounded to crazy to be true but all the cities around there small town had been effected. It was deemed that it was only safe for women to go out but the two guys didn't have anyone to pick up enough groceries for them for a lockdown so Gabe grabbed a shop cart and rushed into the store with Caleb following in suit.

"What should we get?" asked Gabe as he turned the corner of an aisle, scanning over the items in front of him.

"I don't know, just enough stuff that'll last a while. We don't know how long we need to be in the quarantine." He said. "Maybe some meat or something?"

Gabe nodded, grabbing a few packages of steaks from the freezer section and then moving onto the next aisle. It appeared there were only women in the store and they were giving the two men worried glances. None of them dared to say anything to the two men and feared to watch them transform like so many other had.

"I can't believe this is happening," Gabe said as he looked around at the empty shelves of food. "What are we gonna do?"

Caleb shrugged his shoulders and replied, "We're gonna get what we need and then go home."

Gabe let out an audible swallow as Caleb filled up the cart. Gabe was straight through and through and feared about catching the disease. He knew he didn't want to become one of those himbos but he wasn't sure how he would react if he did. He was scared that he'd lose himself and his new body wouldn't let him go back, even if a cure were found.

This thought couldn't be farther from Caleb's mind. He just wanted to stock up and get out of there. He looked at gabe and asked, "How much money do you have on your debit card?"

"$200," Gabe answered.

"Okay, that should be enough. Let's just get the last of our shit and get home."

They turned down the next aisle and stopped in there tracks, noticing a shirtless man walking down the same one away from them. His muscular physique and bulging biceps looked incredible but the fact that he hadn't grown hair all over his body and hadn't bulked up yet showed the two men that the disease had only just started to affect him. Gabe noticed the veins bulging beneath his skin tensing as if his change was getting ready to amp up.

Himbear Virus

Without even looking it almost seemed like he knew they were there as he pulled down his shorts and exposed his cute bubble butt as if to tease them. He picked a wedgie out of his growing ass absentmindedly before disappearing into the next aisle.

Both of them were petrified and didn't know what to do. They hadn't seen one of the infected in person yet and it was a strange sight to behold. Gabe was the first to say anything after the man disappeared, but he spoke in a hushed voice to make sure only Caleb could hear him. "Did you see that? What the fuck!"

Caleb shook his head and replied, "Yeah I saw it."

A couple of minutes passed and neither of them dared to move until finally Caleb said they needed to finish and get out of there. As they shopped, Gabe couldn't get the man out of his head. The way he moved was sexy and he knew exactly what he'd look like once he transformed fully from all the other men he saw on the news. It made him feel weak in the knees. His dick was rock hard as if he were going crazy. He shook his head abruptly, he knew these weren't his thoughts. He wasn't into men. He just needed to finish and get out of here he didn't notice though as he followed behind Caleb that his body was changing by the second as his slender frame started to grow more beefy. He continued to push the cart along while his muscles continued to swell up beneath his skin, his chest becoming broader and filling out. His stomach protruded outwards with a mixture of muscle and fat as he got closer to the end of the aisle.

They both didn't notice his changes as Caleb continued absentmindedly putting items in the shopping cart. As they went down the aisle Gabe started to feel hot and sweaty, his heart racing as his hand landed on his crotch. His erection was so hard it hurt. He felt the heat rise within him as he reached down and rubbed himself through the fabric of his shorts which seemed to be getting shorter by the second. His eyes closed as he moaned quietly, feeling his briefs change into a jockstrap. His ass began to swell as it filled out with muscle and fat.

Caleb was oblivious to the events unfolding in front of him as he filled the cart up. Gabe bent over the cart to take a breath as strange thoughts began to fill his head. Thoughts about other men, big beefy men filled his head. Then his mind trailed back to the image of the shirtless man which sent chills up his spine. He couldn't help but wonder what exactly his transformation would be one the infection fully got to him.

Himbear Virus

He felt his cock start to throb and twitch at this thought, causing it to rub against the material of his jockstrap. His growing ass pushed down his shorts and exposed his ass which was quickly being covered in a dusting of hair. The jock clung to his two meaty globes for dear life and it was then that Caleb turned and finally noticed. He was horrified that the disease had gotten to him, even more so that Gabe didn't even seem to be aware and was even enjoying it.

"Dude! Are you okay?! You're turning! What do we do?!"

Gabe stood up, his body standing tall and proud as his cock twitched and grew. He looked down taking his rapidly changing body in. "I'm fine! I'm just fine!"

Caleb stumbled backwards, he couldn't believe his friend was becoming one of them. "Do you know what this means?"

Gabe didn't seem to be in his right mind and shook his head. "No... no I don't think I do..."

He grabbed his dick and balls and held them tightly, squeezing them as they swelled up to the size of grapefruits. Then he looked at his hands, seeing them covered in dark hairs. Caleb knew it was to late, he had to get out there before the same started happening to him. By now some of the women in the store were looking at them with pity, finally Caleb uttered, "I'm sorry dude, but I gotta go."

He turned on his heals and began to run for the exit. He left Gabe behind as he continued to change. Once he finally made it to the car he noticed that the man they saw earlier was now next to him and they were passionately making out in the middle of the store as the both of them continued to transform. Caleb was running on pure adrenaline as he got in the car and started to drive away from the store. He pulled out his phone and called 911 as a strange feeling began coursing through his body.

The operator picked up the phone and Caleb quickly said, "I need help, my friend is infected with the virus."

"I'm sorry sir but we can't help." The operator sounded annoyed with him and this angered him. How couldn't they help? As he started to try and plead with the operator his own body started to change, his legs stretching out and his waist widening. Soon his legs were as thick as tree trunks and the rest of his body continued to grow. His clothes started to tear as his stomach packed on pounds and formed a muscle gut, he could feel his changing body and continued to beg the 911 operator but they were persistent with the fact there was nothing they could do.

"I'm sorry sir, I already told you there is nothing we can do at this time."

As he tried to throw a retort back his voice cracked and he noticed in his rearview mirror that his face was starting to morph. His jaw stretched out and became wider as his nose grew big and bulbous as a beard began to cover his rounded jawline. Finally his arms doubled in size as did his shoulders. And the 911 operator was able to hear as his shirt was torn to pieces by his bulky frame.

"Please," he begged, "I don't want to be one of them."

His pleas fell on deaf ears as the woman simply hung up the phone without saying anything, there was nothing she could do. He dropped his phone in the passenger seat and pressed his foot on the gas, rushing for home. Once he arrived he jumped out of the car and ran inside. Not long after his ass began to swell up and he felt his cock throbbing.

Himbear Virus

His butt grew thick and juicy as body hair began forming all over his body. His juicy ass and thick legs ripped his pants from the seams. He couldn't believe it but it was starting to feel good. He walked into the bedroom and laid down on his bed as his body continued to change. His ass was soon replaced with a fully grown bubble-butt with large round cheeks as his once virgin hole widened and grew, ready to take any cock. His cock swelled up until it was nearly twice its normal size. He felt his feet become bigger and thicker as well as his fingers and toes. His body was covered in thick dark hairs now. While he rolled around in the bed in pure pleasure, he couldn't help but wonder how Gabe was doing and if he'd fully changed yet. The thought of whatever he turned into turned him on and his body yearned for him to be there.

He heard the front door open and footsteps shuffled in. He struggled to his feet and began to make his way into the living room. He wasn't used to his bulky frame and he could still feel his cock throbbing, begging for him to stroke. He fell to the floor once he made it and found 3 hulking men in his home. Caleb couldn't tell which one was Gabe anymore. He didn't really care either. All the men were nearly naked in only there jocks and seemed to be please to have seen someone else turn into one of them. They looked at him with lust filled eyes. The part of Caleb that still remembered his old life, how he used to be a straight man, was revolted by this. That part was quickly fading away though. He looked behind them and could see himself in a mirror. He didn't even recognize the man in front of him anymore. The hairy brute staring back he couldn't believe was him, before he could get too stuck on this though he looked back up to the strangers.

One of the men spoke up with a smirk, "You must be Gabe's friend. We figured you'd of gotten infected by now."

Caleb looked up at him and nodded. "Yes, I am."

"I'm glad I found you," said one of the other men.

Caleb's eyes trailed over to the other man who spoke up and it took him a second but he finally realized he could recognize that sexy jockstrap on his waist. It was the same one that had formed over Gabe's juicy ass as he rushed out of the store but now it was on the most bearish of the men.

"Is that you, I'm so sorry I left you like that dude."

Gabe smiled, "Don't worry about it man, now we're here and safe. And you're one of us."

Caleb shook his head at the thought but his bearish body disagreed with him and was eating the attention up. As much as he hated to admit it, he had been infected and he loved it. He could feel himself growing hard as two of the men moved and stood on either side of him and began groping their own thick asses, showing them off to Caleb. He didn't know how to react and looked to Gabe who let out a chuckle as he removed his jockstrap and showed Caleb every inch of his new body, "Just relax man, I'm sure you'll love this just as much as I do."

Caleb looked back to the men and saw their hands roam over their bodies, squeezing their cocks and rubbing their balls before their finger traced back to their hungry holes. Caleb felt his own cock begin to swell. It was too late, his mind had already been changed to much and the images of all these men only cemented that.

Himbear Virus

Gabe strode behind Caleb and presented his ass to him as well. Caleb beamed a smile at all the options that were present to him when he heard Gabe say from behind him "The real question here is which one of us do you want to start with."

Caleb looked back to Gabe and then to the other two men, they all looked hungry for him and their gaze begged for his cock. He couldn't help but have his glance fall back on Gabe though. He could tell by his stare that he needed him badly. He knew he couldn't leave him like this. They used to be best friends and Caleb didn't want these other two random strangers to be his first in this new body. He winked at Gabe, who nodded to him in response. He had no choice but to accept the changes. It crossed his mind how they both used to be buds, trying to pick up chicks at the bar. Always being each other wingmen but none of that mattered anymore, this was a new world and men like them were going to dominate it.

He eyeballed Gabe's juicy ass with a hunger he'd never felt before as he said, "I'll go with you."

Gabe eagerly laughed, "Sure thing man. Come on then."

The other two men began to undress as well. They pulled off their jocks revealing massive bulges between their legs and began jerking there throbbing cocks as they watched the two of them start to passionately kiss eachother. Caleb felt his cock throb even harder when Gabe's lips touched his and then he felt Gabe's thick tongue enter his mouth. He moaned quietly into his friend's mouth as the other men grunted in pleasure.

They broke apart and Caleb pushed Gabe against the wall, his body pressed tightly against him and his cock teased his hole. Caleb grabbed Gabe's big ass and squeezed it tight, feeling it flex under his hand as Gabe let out a small moan. He let out a primal grunt as he rubbed his face against Gabe's neck, his tongue licking his friend's sweaty skin. It wasn't long before the two were fucking like rabbits.

While the men were fooling around a TV played in the background and a news woman could be heard talking about the virus. She explained how there's been reports of several hundred people becoming infected around the country and how it seems to have spread across the entire globe within a matter of days. She also urged for what men were left unaffected to stay home and avoid all contact with any other men if possible.

She ended her report with a warning that if any male was exposed to an infected person, that there was no known cure.

The four men couldn't be bothered to listen to any of this. Their attention was on Caleb and his fat cock he was pounding Gabe with. Caleb looked over to the other two men and saw their cocks were as large as his own. They had the same dark hair and muscular builds. They were perfect, just like how everyone else would be soon to. He couldn't believe he had been so scared of all of this. He'd never felt so good in his hole life. He couldn't help but to now revel in the idea that soon all the men in the world would be like them.

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2 years ago

My Stories

Hey guys! I know several others have done this, so I figured I’d jump on board and get one of these posts done myself.

Any tags I’ve used can be found in the tags of this post too! I’ll update this as time goes on and as new stories are posted (as infrequently as that may be sometimes 😂).

So, whether you’re new to the page (welcome!) or if you’re looking for something specific I’ve posted, grab a drink and let this be your guiding star.


My Stories


Keep reading

1 year ago

Ricky Ross was a playful youngster who was more often hauled home by the cops than not. A kid with no daddy to call his own and a taste for trouble, the little guy was practically guaranteed to spend miserable teenage years locked in juvie for talking to people he shouldn’t have been.

It wasn’t that time, however. He still had at least a couple years before everyone expected him to fall off the deep end and until then, Ricky was gonna make it count!

He would sometimes take rides with his friends older brothers; he got along better with them anyway. Driving down the highway was peaceful to him and he’s sometimes think of saving all the money in his piggy bank and buying a car to jet off down the road and never look back, but that was big kid stuff and he didn’t like to think of running away too much; his mother would be scared to death!

They had to stop for gas one day though, a stop that wouldn’t have happened any other day save for one of the twin teens forgetting to fill it up the night before. While they were arguing, Ricky decided to use the bathroom and maybe scratch something into the door or wall while he was in there; just mindless mischief that doesn’t really hurt nobody.

While there though, he found something much more interesting.

Carved into the wall was a hole, smoothed out and with various graffiti marks detailing how you’d find the “best blows in town” or “fucking ace hole”.

Ricky decided to stick his small cock and balls through as a joke, just to get some thrill out of doing adult things and riding the slight high as long as he could. However, when he tried to pull his tiny package back out of the too big hole, as of like it was alive the thing closed shut, surrounding his package and preventing him from pulling out.

Ricky was confused for a second, unable to figure it out before he realised he was somehow stuck with his dick and balls on one side and him on the other.

Meanwhile, inside the store the twins were paying for the fuel. There were two workers, seemingly the hottest gas station employees ever with muscles upon muscles and chiseled features not seen in this kind of area in decades. Simultaneously they both got a signal inside their heads, a connection meaning one of their magical traps was sprung.

See, these two weren’t just employees. They both knew a touch of magic and after spending their time in places like Sam Fran and Palm Springs making the hot people hotter, they enjoyed taking a break and “relaxing” in the middle of nowhere talking the day away.

Ricky Ross Was A Playful Youngster Who Was More Often Hauled Home By The Cops Than Not. A Kid With No

They couldn’t have these two interfering so while one, the redhead covered in freckles with hair like fire offered each boy a chocolate bar as being their first and only customers of the day, laced with magic of course, the other went to check on who exactly sprung their little trap.

He walked inside and instantly all movement ceased from whoever was struggling on the other side of the door. Peeking inside the man was greeted with quite the underwhelming package, deducing that this person is in serious need of his magical adjustments.

He kneeled before the hole, spitting on his fist to wet it before massaging the little package until it was forced to grow hard. It changed very little, maybe two inches at most and as he kept going a high pitched whimper resounded as a dribble of cum flowed from the tip.

He smirked, this was going to be fun.

Ricky Ross Was A Playful Youngster Who Was More Often Hauled Home By The Cops Than Not. A Kid With No

The sight of the blonde muscle god, 6ft5in of big and tall muscle kneeling before the small 2in cock and worshipping it like it was near orgasmic as he thought. The magical master shuddered at the reaction if someone entered before he’d finished, caught in the act.

That was impossible though, right now he needed to focus. He swirled his tongue around the head again and again until the foreskin returned, then continued until he was sure it would cover the soon to be mushroom and hand off and give some needy cocksucker something to slurp on.

He continued, taking the entirety of the shaft into his mouth and sucking hard, drawing inch after glorious inch out into the world as he made it grow longer and longer. He let it pop off at a mighty 12 inches long, but still fairly skinny. He got right back on, instead now staying put as he sucker and letting the meat expand to meet his cheeks and throat.

Soon it was becoming unbearably thick, nearing beer can proportions when he finally released it.

Ricky on the other side was in an orgasmic high, unable to do anything but stand there on shaky legs, riding out each and every one of his orgasms as his tiny balls pumped out barely a dribble of cum each time.

Seeing this, he got to work adjusting the balls.

Back inside the twins were currently writhing on the floor as their bodies grew identically into more handsome and slutty forms. The redhead watched over them, seeing their muscles expand out of their twig bodies and asses grow fat and clap when they twerked on the floor, filled with the desperate need to suck a fat cock and guzzle it’s cum.

They compromised by furiously making out, tongues lashing as their lips plumped up and their heads were full of memories servicing only the biggest country dicks as twin cockwhores.

Ricky Ross Was A Playful Youngster Who Was More Often Hauled Home By The Cops Than Not. A Kid With No

They soon reopened their eyes, staring back into their own faces as their square jawlines clashed again and again, desperate to kiss the beautiful jock in front of them.

Back inside, Ricky’s balls were getting their own treatment, seeing the pathetic nuts hanging down from such a gorgeous cock just wouldn’t do.

He stuck out his finger and thumb, making a makeshift cockring and pushing more and more growth magic into them.

They inflated, throbbing and filling up with gushes and waves of churning, bubbling cum. Enough testosterone to fill a whole football team packed itself in there and when he released, they were ripe and ready to go.

Ricky moaned, voice cracking as testosterone flooded his system and skyrocketed his growth from years to seconds. Meanwhile his mystery benefactor was lining up his pink pucker, lubed with spit and pressing that fat mushroom head against it before slamming down against the wall, engulfing each veiny inch.

He set at a brutal pace, pushing off the adjacent wall and slamming his muscle ass back down before he had a chance to breathe.

Ricky was grunting now, groaning as orgasmic pleasure washed over him. His orgasmic rhythm was back, this time spraying volleys of seed into the tight cavern.

“Wh-what’s- what’s *SPURT* haPPENING TO ME?”

He began, voice cracking and growing deeper as his body grew in height and packed on hairy muscle.

“It f-feels *SPURT* fEels fuckin’ *SPURTSPURTSPURT* fUCKIN’ AMAZING!”

He would now towering over the divider, the same immense 6ft5 of his new cocksleeve had he not bent at the knee. Muscle piled on as his back widened so far and so fast it broke the lock on the door, the thing swinging open and allowing Ricky’s big hands to find purchase on anything but the wall.


This was it, the crescendo he had been teetering on that would seal his fate. A pelt of hair grew up from his denim covered legs that had magically grown along with him to his torso and the shredded remains of his shirt, finally climbing up to grow a perfectly styled and trimmed stubble, then beard on the handsome square jaw.



Ricky, now Rick, let out a primal roar as he filled the man’s already filled guts with at least a gallon of seed, the gloryhole widening and allowing his cum-covered cock and balls to be yanked through.

His twins were on him in a second, breaking their little make out session to push through the seemingly unlocked door to drop to their knees and start cleaning their daddy’s cock. They each moaned at the raunchy taste and came in their pants at the site of his muscular body covered in sweat.

“That’s it boys, clean your daddy’s thick bitch-breaker.” He said, the country drawl mixing with the low baritone. He looked to the alternate stall, the door wide open and the big blonde that had taken his meat was standing there, cradling the bulge in his abdomen from the sheer output of seed.

He nodded and smiled at Rick as he sauntered out the door and back to his work, the country man shoving his meat back into his pants and leaving with his two boys back to their truck.

Ricky Ross Was A Playful Youngster Who Was More Often Hauled Home By The Cops Than Not. A Kid With No

The man leaned against the car as his cockwhores climbed in the back, eagerly sucking face to taste the remnants of his cum on each other’s lips. How he managed to wrangle two hot studs from a nowhere country town was beyond his luck, and with any more he’d be able to quickly spirit them away and be his houseboys in the city.

He took one last look at that gas station, the two men inside waving him off as he smiled, jumping in the front and speeding off down the road, all memories of that nowhere town and dead-end life forgotten as it was replaced with the cocksure persona of Rick Roserider, one of the most popular gay pornstars there were with his two newest stars in the back.

All memories of Ricky Ross piled into his fat balls; he was ready to go again. “Will one of you two sluts get over here? I need to blow a fat load and the first one to get here gets it!”

The twins couldn’t climb over into the front faster.