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Flame On

Flame On

Flame On

Timothy was going to be something special. At least that’s what he’d always have dreamed of. Ever since he could remember, he always wanted to be a scientist. Whereas most people would’ve gone out of the astronaut or scientist or fireman stage in their teenage years, Tim found himself rather good at holding onto his dreams. Stubbornness and ambition had created the perfect cocktail of the unrelenting scientist, so much so that everything in his life took a step back compared to his work.

Even himself.

He didn’t mean to ‘lose’ himself, but when he was spending 50-60 hours in a lab every week and getting by on ready-male noodles and coffee, he wasn’t exactly healthy nor did he look it. A pale and gangly man in a white lab coat, he tended to get sick, deal with headaches and generally not look after himself. But all that didn’t matter when he stood in the heart of the bustling laboratory, surrounded by rows of advanced equipment and monitors displaying intricate data. His passion for science and technology drove him to push the boundaries of innovation, and today's experiment held the promise of a breakthrough that could revolutionise energy generation. It was years in the making, from even before he was born. But now he may have finally found the breakthrough to create infinite energy and practically save the planet, like some kind of superhero.

As he meticulously adjusted the settings on the console, preparing for the start of the experiment, he got more focused. The atmosphere crackled with anticipation as he neared the culmination of his tireless efforts. However, within the controlled chaos of the lab, an unexpected anomaly emerged unbeknownst to Timothy in his tired state. He’d stayed up all night to do this experiment, he wasn’t going to let anything stop him now. 

“This is Timothy Hawkins, okay this is
9th August 2024
let’s see how this goes,” said Timothy out loud for the recording. “Testing our infinite generator, nicknamed Flame, converting heat into electricity
Flame on!” 

A sudden surge of energy coursed through the generator, causing lights to flicker erratically and the room to shake. Tim looked up and around, shocked as he felt himself almost losing his footing, having to grab one of the lab tables as his heart raced. Before he could do anything, he saw that the generator was  a blinding glow enveloped him. At first Tim thought it was an explosion. Maybe the generator overheated. Maybe one of the circuits malfunctioned. But he realised that if it truly was an explosion, then he was either very lucky or very wrong, because he shouldn’t have been able to even think or contemplate if his lab had just blown up.

He should’ve been gone, turned to dust. But he was still thinking, still standing, he opened his eyes as he glanced around confused. Instead a great heat washed over him in waves, tingling and pulsating through every fibre, every cell, something seeping so deep into him that Tim almost thought the heat was coming from within. 

“What on earth?” Timothy looked shocked at himself as he began to feel his muscles starting to grow, his pecs inflating and biceps thickening as suddenly there was a tight blue spandex beginning to form over his arms. “Oh fuck!” He continued to feel the spandex starting to form down his arms as they began to slither over his chest. Hairs began to grow on his chest, swirling on his growing inflating as his own two pecs were continuing to grow hairy and hotter, making him feel so much pleasure ricocheting through his system as his nipples grew perky as the spandex covered over them. 

It surged up and down, the source of the heat seemingly in his core, where it began to reshape and redefine his abdomen. He could feel his abs tightening, the muscles contracting as they started to grow and thicken. With each breath, the change became more pronounced — his once pudgy stomach from a lifetime of junk food and unhealthy eating was now developing deep grooves as his abdominal muscles swelled into a sculpted six-pack.  

“O-Oh my-” Timothy blushed as he couldn’t believe how good it felt, to feel the muscles growing, the heat from within his chest spreading all over his body as he looked down. The skin stretched taut over the firming muscles, revealing the chiselled contours beneath. Each ridge and valley of his abs became more pronounced, the deep blue spandex conforming to the newly developed muscles. “N-No I-” He moaned again as he could see his hands beginning to sweat and stretch, just as he was thinking of trying to press his fingerprint to the sensor and get out of the room. But try as he might, his fingers had changed too much that the sensor could only read:


O-Oh god what was the emergency code again?! He thought to himself as he tried that, but by then it was too late, his hands having grown, the spandex climbed over his arms and suddenly fitted his hands with dark leather gloves. 

They were so large and growing that as he tried to push in the code, he accidentally pressed two numbers at once and failed. Just as he was thinking of trying again
the pleasure got too much as his cock throbbed, starting to make him leak his memories and he realised
he couldn’t even remember the code anymore.

“Oh god I gotta- N-No!” Timothy moaned as he tried again but to no avail, the code was definitely wrong and he couldn’t remember. The spandex continued travelling down, trapping the heat in his body as his ass was the next to change, inflating into a perky bubble butt whilst more and more memories of being a scientist and the trip into space that gave them their powers in the first place. He moaned and staggered, gripping onto a table as he felt his ass continuing to grow out, inflating and enlarging whilst his thighs were the next to grow muscular.

Time seemed to stretch and part of Timothy wondered if it was something to do with his failed experiment, if there was some time dilation happening then and there. At least he was still thinking scientifically, but he couldn’t stop himself from the overwhelming surge of sensations as pleasure continued to ricochet through him. His entire body tingled with an electrifying current, as if his very cells were undergoing a metamorphosis, changing and warping as the DNA within him was changing. It was a sensation both exhilarating and unnerving.

The heat travelled around to his cock that began to thicken and lengthen, his crotch practically on fire as pubic hairs grew around his now eight inch cock.  His thighs thickened, the muscles expanding and pushing outward as they became more defined, bulging with strength. The deep blue spandex stretched tight over his growing quads, clinging to every curve and contour as his legs took on a more massive, muscular form. 

“Oh goooooodddddd-”

Timothy couldn’t even think straight as the intense heat pulsed downward, flowing into his feet. A tingling sensation began to spread from his toes, growing stronger with each passing moment. His shoes tore apart, the seams splitting apart as the toes lengthened. The soles continued to stretch, as if being pulled by invisible hands, sweating as brown hairs grew atop them. Before he knew it, the spandex material reached down over his feet and morphed into dark leather boots that hugged his muscular calves and large feet.

Gasping for breath, Timothy staggered backward, his mind reeling from the sheer intensity of the experience, still not able to think of ways to stop whatever was happening to him. The generator shouldn’t have been able to do anything like this. All the while his senses heightened, and a surge of vitality surged through his veins, rendering him acutely aware of every shift within his body, only for him to feel his intellect shifting. It wasn’t as if he was growing dumber but more like his memories were dissolving and turning into something else, making him grow more into astrophysics than anything to do with energy generation.

In that moment, he became acutely conscious of a subtle yet profound change. His clothes felt constricting against his shifting physique, the fabric straining over muscles that seemed to expand and ripple beneath his skin. He reached up to adjust his glasses out of habit, only to realise that
he didn’t have any glasses. Not anymore. And then with another blink, his memories shifted to make him realise he never had glasses. That he was always this tall. That the growing muscles and biceps of his were always there.

Timothy tried to move, but he was disoriented, the room moving about like he had vertigo and in any moment he’d fall onto the wall or drop onto the ceiling like gravity was reversed.

His face continued to shift and churn, almost as if the skin was boiling like the surface of some heated water, becoming malleable. His cheekbones grew higher, more apparent as the fat from his face melted away. His nose widened and lengthened slightly whilst his lips grew larger and fuller. In the blink of an eye, his irises turned to a dazzling baby blue. His unhealthy and thinning hair began to recede, becoming a buzzcut. All the while as he felt his face, he was too distracted and finally the vertigo got tohim, making him fall back. Tim’s jawline grew all the more chiselled and his cock continued to throb, again and again, the pleasure soaring to new levels as the heat in his crotch continued until finally.

“Oh fuck I’m gonna-” 

Cum rocketed out of Timothy’s inflated member, spraying the insides of his new spandex outfit as he writhed on the floor. His eyes rolled into the back of his head and shut tight as the pure bliss of orgasm was beginning to invade his mind and with it, he was losing all his old self as it began to drain out of his cock.

Flame On

A surge of panic coursed through him, like he had woken up from a dream as Timothy suddenly sat up
He could still think
He could still

Johnny examined his hands, watching in astonishment as wisps of flame flickered to life at his touch. The flames danced along his skin with a mesmerising yet controlled grace, casting an orange glow around him. 

It was an incredible sight, simultaneously beautiful and terrifying and scientifically impossible. 

Until now. 

His body was somehow conducting its own energy. He couldn’t believe what had happened, dregs of his old self still around as the heat trapped in his spandex and supernaturally warm body had already evaporated the mess he had left in his spandex. 

The last parts of Timothy caught his reflection in a nearby monitor, revealing a sight that defied all logic – he had transformed into Johnny Storm, the embodiment of the Human Torch from the pages of comic books and movies that had once been his refuge. 

Johnny’s breath caught in his throat, unable to comprehend his experiment that had somehow rewritten his very existence. But then again, there were weirder things in the universe, at least according to what Reed was always going on about. He grunted in surprise and felt like his voice was now deeper and with it, came a whole newfound charisma that made everything just so much more exciting and smoother coming out of his throat. Johnny started to blink as more and more of his memory and real self was finally coming to him, a cockiness and intrigue as he stopped looking so shocked in his reflection and instead was admiring himself in his spandex as he smirked.

“God damn
” Johnny murmured as he looked at his flaming hand and continued to watch it. “Just wait until Reed gets a load of this, that smart ass won’t know what hit him.”

Flame On

For some reason there was still the dregs of doubt that came around, like Johnny was forgetting something. But he was sure if it was important, it’d come back to him. Right now  what he knew most was that he was one of the best heroes that there ever was.

“Flame on!” Johnny uttered as flames raced across his body and he began to feel power and pleasure ricochet throughout his entire body, ready to go out there and show the world the Human Torch. 

And of course he was smart enough to know just how he might be able to create the perfect conditions to make the rest of his team, starting with Reed.

Flame On

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More Posts from Mainblogyy

6 months ago

I Don’t Want To Go Back

I Dont Want To Go Back


I’m sitting in the doctor’s office and I feel butterflies in my stomach. All I can is look down at my legs and feet— well I guess Luke’s legs and feet. They are his in the first place but I now control them.

I’m waiting on a response from the doctor who’s helping my big brother Luke and I with our situation. He’s with Luke right now in the other room who’s in my body.

From what I can understand, one of us gave the other some kind of sick that caused everything. All I know is that, one night I went to bed as me and the next morning I woke up as Luke.

I Dont Want To Go Back

That night, Luke was doing his workout when I walked in to his room. I was trying to ask him if he could help me out something.

“What do you want twerp? Can’t you see I’m busy?”

“Suh—sorry Luke! I just wanted to get some help with—”

Before I could even ask him anything he got all angry with me and pushed me out of his room.

Then the next morning happened

I Dont Want To Go Back

I remember waking up and feeling strange, but it wasn’t until I sat up and saw Luke’s big feet and hairy legs that I knew I wasn’t myself.

The next thing I noticed was Luke’s morning wood, i learned quickly that morning that he does not go to bed in PJs.

I looked down at the hard wiener amazed by its size, I touched it and it sent sparks through me.

It took me a second to fully focus but I eventually got up and went to the bathroom.

That’s where I realized that I am now my brother Luke. ïżŒ

Seeing Luke’s reflection in the mirror made me feel nervous and excited. I had so many questions.

I Dont Want To Go Back

But then I felt something for the first time, confident! I feel so confident in this body.

I stood in front of that mirror for awhile until I heard a loud voice hollering.


I peak out of the bathroom door and saw my body rushing down the hallway angry.

But the second we made eye contact, he froze in one spot.

 is that
 are you me?,” he said to me.

“Yeah it’s me, are you Luke?” I asked him back.

I thought he was going to be nice to me for a second but nope!

Like charged down the hall and almost like he was going to lunge for me. Before he could get to the door, I quickly shut it which caused him to crash into it.

A locked the door, scared of what he was going to do. Then I remembered something, I’m the one with all of the strength now! I opened up the door and Luke was on the ground still trying to get back up.

“You little shit! You did this! I don’t know how but you did this!” he said to me.

All of the sudden, my dad came out of his room.

“Boys! What’s going on here?”

“Your son over here took my body!” said Luke.

“I didn’t take it Luke! I promise!! I’m just as confused as you,” I said crossing my now bigger arms.

“Can someone clue me in on what’s going on? And Luke can you please get some clothes on!”said my dad.

We sat down with him after I put on a pair of pants and explained what happened that morning.

He didn’t believe us at first but after a call with a speciality doctor, my dad’s eyes got wide and then he hung up.

“Boys, I’ve some good news and bad news.”

“What’s the good news?” said Luke.

“Well this is a rare situation to happen but you’re not the first ones ever. And you’re both physically fine other than uh

“Come on dad! What did they say? Are we stuck like this?”

“Well they want to run some test but that won’t happen until next week.”


“I’m sorry but you have to cancel Luke!”

“Fuuuuuuckkk this! I’m going upstairs!”

Luke stormed away from the table while I stayed back.

“Sorry bud that’s he’s so upset, you know it’s not directed at you right?”

“I guess so,” I said back.

“Do me a favor for right now, just stay clear of him for right now.”

“I promise I will!”

The next few days changed me a lot. It started out with Luke and I having to switch out all of our stuff. My dad wanted us to at least pretend to be each other for the time being so I got Luke’s room, clothes, even his cellphone (which made him the most mad).

I even learned a lot as well. Like how to work out, what being a 19 year old is like, my dad’s started to teach how to drive.

But what I find interesting is all of the things i like about my new self.

I Dont Want To Go Back

Like my new feet! I love the way they look, my dirty socks, the way they smell after a long workout— it makes me so hard!

I Dont Want To Go Back

I’ll take pictures of them and even put my face into them after a long day!

I also love my muscles! I feel so powerful with them!! Even my friends are into them.

Well once again, technically Luke’s friends. Specifically Seth, who I talk to everyday. We go back and forth sending pictures of ourselves. I think he likes me, a lot! I like him too, a lot lol.

He even told me last night.


Seth: Dude, I wish you told me how you feel. I would have made a move a long time ago. But if you want to keep this on the DL, I’m cool with that. But as long as we have our fun on the beach trip.

Bradley: We are going to ALOT of fun on the trip I promise!

Seth: Well could you send me a little teaser? Maybe a body pic 😈


I Dont Want To Go Back

Seth: Hot!!đŸ„”

Bradley: Do you like feet?


Seth: If I have to be honest, I’d never tell anyone else this but yes. I do indeed have a foot fetish.

Bradley: I took this one earlier 😎

I Dont Want To Go Back

Seth: Well since you’re showing off 😛

I Dont Want To Go Back

Bradley: You have really nice feet!

Seth: Oh do I? I’ll let you do anything with them on the trip.

Reading that text from Seth made me instantly hard!

I talked to him for a while and this morning but I’m so nervous to find out what’s going to happen!

Are they going to give me something that will put Luke and I back in our bodies? I can’t go to my body, not before I go on my trip with Seth!!

A knock was at the door.

“Bradley, can I come in?”

The doctor came in and I felt like I was about to puke!

“Hey, sorry that took a little bit. Your brother doesn’t seem that happy. How are you with all of this?”

“Me? Oh I’m good, just an adjustment.”

“Well you seem to be taking it better. You know this is very rare. Unfortunately, this is something so new even to us. I wish I could tell you things are going to be back to normal soon but

“Wait, are you saying this is forever?”

“Well, I wouldn’t say forever. I guess I’ll just go ahead and say it. This is a lab made disease that somehow got to either you or your brother. We don’t have a cure for it at this moment. So I’d highly advise you, your brother, and your father to try and make this your new normal for the time being.”

“Oh wow! I can’t believe it!”

“So you’re good to go—”

I hopped up and immediately went for the door. As I walk out, I see Luke with his head turned down.

“Hey, you okay?”


“Well cheer up! That body isn’t so bad,” I say messing up my former hair.

“ Easy for you to say!”

“I’m sorry Luke but we are gong to have to accept this for now. Sides, I’ll be a good big brother to you. I promise.”

Luke looked up at me and for the first time in a while he had the tiniest smile.

Two Days Later:

I Dont Want To Go Back

“Flex on em Luke,” says Seth as he takes a picture of me.

I walk up to him and say, “You have the bigger muscles why don’t you show them off.”

He grins and says, “I only show them off for you.”

“Hey do you wanna sneak up real quick while none of the other boys notice?”

“I thought you would never ask!”

We run up the stairs and as soon as we’re out of eyesight Seth pulls me in and kisses me.

“Come on inside Luke, I’ll let you play with these piggies,” he says wiggling his toes in my face.

“Can you do that thing you did last night with them?”

“You want another foot job?”


“Oh boy! You’re lucky you’re so cute!”

6 months ago

How else you gonna get your friend to join?

"Hey man the fuck did you bring me out here."

"For this fucker huff it!"

"Mmm mmmpf the fu-mmpf!"

How Else You Gonna Get Your Friend To Join?

"Shhhh man just let my fat nut sweat smother ya and take over man. That's it."

"-gags- fuck man what was that!"

"How do you feel man heh?"

"You- damn I feel good. Shit your nuts smell got me all uff. Mmmpf damn I'm horny so horny ah."

"Thats it just let it happen. I really smothered your lips with pre, and sweat glazed infected fat sack. That brain of yours will get buzzed in no time."

"You were infected?"

"Hell yeah, let it happen too. Let the guy shoot into my cockhole and fill my nuts. Now you got it too. So buckle up. Cause my new nuts are buzzing."

"M-my face. I'm growing a-a beard and the smell its- oh. It's oh its its goooood ugh."

"Mmmhmmmm there we go. Here let me coat my hand more. I'm gonna smother you, glaze you like pig."

"You- Your pre and nut stink are m-making my brain fuzzy and drooling and mmmmpf!"

"OH it's gonna be more than that. You ain't just marked now, I'm gonna now turn ya. Now breath, and swallow."

6 months ago

Herbal T

Herbal T

After a sudden breakup Clark decides to finally conquer his wanting sex drive by overdoing an herbal remedy. Soon enough he finds himself nothing more than a servant of his newfound lusts.

I did it everyone, I finally wrote a story under 3k words! Enjoy this, only relatively brief, story of a man’s hypersensitive existence! -Occam

(Also if any writers out there want to participate in my 2k follower writing contest/challenge do check it out here: Occam2000 !)

Herbal T

Clark had never really minded his low sex drive. It’s not that he found sex debasing, he’s just never that horny. He wasn’t quite ace, but as many men would learn throughout the years, his libido moved at a glacial speed. After his longest term relationship to date ended due to his proclivity for nigh-celibacy, he was starting to reconsider the urgency of his desires. Over the years Clark had tried a litany of home remedies and aphrodisiacs to little difference at all. Doctor’s visits and his own research point to him being hale and hearty. Still, as he lays in his bed, alone once more, he’s determined to come to a solution.

Finding sleep fleeting he tosses and turns before he remembers some long-forgotten herbs stuffed in the back of his bureau given to him by an ex. Clark was hesitant to use them at the time, but now that he’s nearing his breaking point he’s decided that no holds are to be barred. He needs to increase his sex drive at any cost, then surely Paul will come crawling back to him. Digging through drawers to find the small tin, Clark quickly produces it only to find no information or instructions on the cylinder. No wonder he neglected to try them at the time. Opening it he can’t quite decide if they should be brewed as a tea or smoked.

Fortunately for him, as soon as he’s inhaled the fumes released from his opening the jar, Clark is immediately struck woozy. He barely gets the lid back on before he spills backwards onto the bed, narrowly avoiding falling on his ajar laptop. He babbles to himself as he is struck dumb with desire, blood from every extremity rushing to his cock with such overwhelming haste he can’t help himself but release a single guttural grunt before he is unconscious. His sleepful hands claw at his strained shorts while his package surges larger than past partners could have ever imagined it being.

Unfortunately for them, no one is to reap the benefits of Clark’s cock at its most turgid. His balls swell beneath the growing length as they send sex hormones down nerve pathways his body has long since abandoned. His mind races with fantasies and fetishes he never imagined it would entertain. Sex with faces familiar and random passersby fly through his imagination and his underpants are promptly soaked through as Clark experiences his first wet dream at such an intensity it may well make up for his decade and a bit of passed on opportunities for sex.

The new urgency in his crotch is not the only physical change coursing through his body at his first waft of the herbs. Testosterone has always been on the scene but never has it taken such a dominant position in his body. Hands rub across the whole of his body as he remains unconscious, gracing tightened skin as muscle expands beneath. Veins bulge on his arms as his hips hump into shorts that are rapidly becoming too tight for comfort. 

Clark grits his teeth as abs punch their way onto his torso. His hands hesitate their rapturous exploration of his growing chest to instead scratch at the light itches beginning to arise at every expected area. His armpit burns as his few pit hairs lengthen before thick new strands shove themselves in all the real estate available between hairs and further afield. Turning his head he feels stubble that has never quite graced his face scratch against his sweat stained pillow and his eyes bolt open.

Herbal T

Awake yet again his mind hasn’t even enough awareness to question the fact that he’s sitting in a pool of his own bodily fluids as his hands quickly remove the only obstacle between himself and gratification that he has never truly desired before now. His mind moves like putty while his hands are twitchy in hyperactivity, every changed muscle fiber quivers as pangs of satisfaction and a lust for even more courses through him. His fingers flit between the keyboard and his crotch, with each touch light or deliberate he writhes and his mind tosses philosophies and intelligence like ballast weight. He struggles to produce any porn at all having never had the need before. He stumbles on a website and at the first image is struck with unparalleled bliss, his core convulsing as he flips to instead hump his bed.

Face down, he continues his exercise in staining his sheets, slicking up a new treasure trail as it inches its way towards his developing chest. Hesitant to return to the overwhelming images on the screen, his eyes turn and land upon the small tin of herbs that introduced him to this state of ecstasy and and before a second passes, the canister is in his hand. Caution to the wind, fuck whatever he thought before he needs more. His lust-addled mind hasn’t the wherewithal to consider the options in consuming the dried mystery herbs within. Inhalation got him this far but that’s baby steps, he wants to be inducted to whatever plane of pleasure this concoction will usher him to.

He forces his clumsy cum-covered hand into the tin and simply shoves as much of the mix as he can muster into his wanting mouth. His eyes cross as he falls backwards onto the bed, the half-handful of the mixture that missed his mouth scatters around his bedsheets, sure to be licked up later, once whatever shreds of his mind that remain return. For now his desire, pleasure, sensitivity all rush to higher heights than one should ever experience. Clark feels the burning of his body changing, mouth lolling open as even the thickness of the air on his tongue brings him closer to the satisfaction just out of reach as he stretches and flexes in turn. He languishes on the bed, effortlessly becoming the perfect vessel to induce this ecstasy anywhere he so wills it, with whomever he desires.

Herbal T

His sharp wit and conscionable conscience rot in his now unending lust focused mind like overripe fruit. Taking a deep breath and smelling his own salty-sweet ichor mix with the miracle herbs, Clark couldn’t possibly bring himself to be concerned with the meager problems of his real life. He feels every thickening hair cry out with new nerve endings, from the sweaty forest of curls in his pits as they rub against each other and the fattening biceps that contain them. His mouth falls open once more as facial hair begins its spread outright, stubble that will never leave his face for more than a moment paints itself across the whole of his jaw before aiming to race towards his equally dusted chest. At the epicenter of his new existence his cock bulges larger as it is surrounded in a true jungle of dark pubes as they curl upwards towards his weightier pecs, ever wanting to expand his body into the garden of delights he oh so wants it to be.

His meatier hands need not even touch his cock as every screaming sensation, from his back on the wet satin sheets to the friction of his own sweaty skin on skin, fills him with immeasurable pleasure. Every cell sends signals so hypersensitive it's as if every part of him is an erogenous zone. His mind continues to atrophy into this state of permanent yearning. Were he even able to look beyond the explosive sensations he’s bathed in, he would see no purpose in anything besides the continual exploration of his new world of sexual indulgence. Losing count of how many consecutive cumshots he’s loosed into the air quickly enough to make one wonder if he even has the capacity to count, Clark stumbles to his feet only to find more sickly delight in his soles against the carpeted floor.

Herbal T

After an immeasurable time of his body continuing its development towards the end of perpetual pleasure seeking, Clark’s sluggish mind plods to the idea that he could garner even more satisfaction were there another body here with him. He swallows the drool pooling in his mouth as he grabs his phone and struggles to remember the password, after mashing a few buttons he groans before being succinctly locked out of his phone.

His arms tense as he fights the urge to chuck the machine against the wall before he starts to move and loses his footing. Completely unfamiliar with how to carry the new top heavy weight he falls back onto the bed and once more begins writhing in delight, moans of pleasure seamlessly merge with guttural grunts as he bucks. They are swiftly followed by an existential laughter as whatever mind remains within Clark  realizes he couldn’t even summon his own phone password to his mind.

  Before he’s able to begin reflecting on his new state in whatever pitiable way he can, fortune smiles upon his lustful self as he gets a phone call. Who could it be other than the man who began his descent. At the chime of the second ring, Clark has answered and wrenches the phone to his ear. It almost slips out of his hand from the sweat as he struggles to focus on his ex’s words.

“Hey Clark I- I don’t know what got into me. I-” There’s a sigh and a pause as the man on the line rubs his face in embarrassment for having put his own sex drive ahead of his love for his dearest, “Would you want to grab coffee later today?”

There’s a long pause and Paul squints as he hears Clark pant. Batting away images of the two men frotting and fucking he struggles to think even one step ahead. He grunts before he tries to speak coherently, “Paul.” His voice dry and raspy, Clark quickly clears his throat and stretches his jaw and mouth as if he must relearn how to control it. His hand reaches to his own neck and he shivers from the sensation, “Me want-, uhhh.” His eyes glaze over as something inside him realizes just how truly his higher functions have deteriorated. Given pause, his untenable desires take the wheel with another grunt and he speaks plainly and thoughtlessly, “You come here? Me- Grgh. Me over it. Fuck?”

Paul was second guessing himself as soon as he heard the man speak, sounding deeper than he did even on his sickest days. As the breathy words spill out sounding strained, he concludes something must be up. Hearing the content of Clark's bizarre words he blushes before hastening to depart to Clark’s at once, out of concern as well as excitement at the potential that they have both learned something in his petite absence. He smirks as he thinks himself to be the one to finally awaken desire in the sexually sedated man, not knowing what a beast lies in wait for him when he gets there. “I’ll be there in five babe,” he winks to no one, “Don’t forget the protection.”

The line goes silent and Clark grimaces at the words said in parting, protection? He scratches his head in confusion at what that could even mean, shifting to scratch at his pit dripping with sweat he sniffs his hand before shoving his own head directly in his pits with a deep chuckle. He’s vaguely aware that there should be some preparation done, but looking around at his sweat and cum covered bedroom cleanliness is so far removed a priority it may as well exist no longer to him. 

He flexes at himself in every reflective surface he can find, biting his lip and shivering as the cool air washes across his sweaty skin. Unable to fathom any real preparation to be done before the arrival of his, uh lover? Fuckbuddy? Whatever- He instead does the hardest thing he can imagine, taking a break from touching himself. Abstinence has a new meaning for the man now that any stray sensation can send him over the edge. 

He takes deep quivering breaths as he stands still in wait, imagining just how sweet his next release will be once he feels the incoming man in his arms. Each passing second the anticipation only continues to heighten his heady needs. By the time he arrives Clark’s so eager and hungry Paul’s lucky to get the door closed before the lustful giant pounces. Shocked at what has become of the man he knew Paul hasn’t a moment to think before he too is overwhelmed by senseless pleasure. After all, what could matter more than the pursuit of this everlasting delight.

Herbal T
6 months ago

I finished my commission list, so all slots are available.

I Finished My Commission List, So All Slots Are Available.
6 months ago

Getting messy with a gallon of chocolate milk chug

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