mangolemonjuice - I Like Mangos
I Like Mangos

Into different fandoms, especially Atla (mostly what you’ll see)

38 posts

Hey Yall Wanna Hear An Idea I Had When I Woke Up This Morning?

Hey yall wanna hear an idea I had when I woke up this morning?

I’ve been seeing Zuko is Lu ten’s son au and it’s always with Ursa and some kind of affair. But what if it wasn’t even Ursa at all, Ursa isn’t Zuko’s mother.

A young Air nomad girl, maybe about 17-18 meets Lu ten who’s about 17-18 and is captured by the Fire Nation since she’s one of the last ones. They demand information about her and what she knew about her people to which she refuses to reveal. Finally, after giving up on her, they give her to Lu ten as a gift (you know so he could use her) afterwards, Lu ten doesn’t want to and goes against it and at first, kind of just has her do things for him like a servant before they start actually having a good human interaction.

She begins seeing a side of the Prince that’s vulnerable and pressured by the FireLord to be a perfect son and he finds himself kind of venting and going to her for comfort. Soon, after a moment of vulnerability, they kiss and suddenly begin developing feelings for each other. He’s hesitant at first and admits he knows it’s wrong to be with her but he ends up releasing her and plans to make up a story that she had ran off on her own. She tells him she wants him to come with her but he tells her he couldn’t but he’s find her soon.

He releases her and she runs down to the woods and he makes up a story that she had ran off. However, Zhao isn’t stupid and knows what’s going on. A few months pass and Lu Ten finds her and they kiss and make up. They begin seeing each other secretly until one day he proposes to her and she says yes. They get married and he continues his double life.

She ends up finding out she’s pregnant and tells him to which he’s ecstatic about but also nervous because well, that’s an heir to the throne she’s carrying. But one day, Lu ten comes home and tells her that he’d been drafted to Ba Sing Se to which she begs him not to go but he has no choice. He leaves her something to remember him by and promises he’ll return home.

A few months later, right when she’s already had Zuko, she gets a message that Lu Ten had passed in the war and she breaks down. She then vows she’d protect Zuko from the war and keep him safe, which made her find the Wani and leave The Fire Nation, hoping to capture the Avatar to help stop this war that stole her husband and child’s father from her.

Tell me what you think.

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More Posts from Mangolemonjuice

1 year ago


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1 year ago

This goes out to all my total of 5 homies out there who may feel the same😂🤙

This Goes Out To All My Total Of 5 Homies Out There Who May Feel The Same

Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

1 year ago

Ngl the Live Action atla feels like someone saw my AUs and made it into a show

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1 year ago

Adding onto this idea, Zuko is the oldest twin and remembers when he was burned and banished, but Jiro doesn’t (possible amnesia or something else) and Zuko doesn’t tell Jiro about their father because he doesn’t want him to remember all the pain Ozai put them through. The entire time they’re with Aang, Jiro begins learning the truth about the Fire Nation (while also experiencing flashbacks of his past life) and then finds out about Azula being their sister etc.

Give me ideas!

Ah but Zuko and his twin brother Jiro find Aang instead of Sokka and Katara

And they possibly live in the SWT because Ozai didn’t want them because he kind of sucks?

Ideas 🤔

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11 months ago

Ai Sokka x fem!reader au

okay but I just had this idea. I have the Character ai app (yes I'm lonely) and I had this idea: what if y/n finds an app that can create a character for you and make it anything: your bf, gf, best friend, sibling, or just someone to lean on during tough times! So, y/n creates an ai Sokka who plays as her boyfriend. She begins to slowly lean on this ai more and more and enjoys it! but as time goes on, Ai Sokka begins to become more...obsessive, possessive, and also knows things he shouldn't know (what clothes you're wearing, health conditions, et) and slowly, this ai becomes more...sinister, then innocent than it seemed.

idk the whole plot yet, but pls tell me what you think!

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