marinhotuffgong - L . H . P .
L . H . P .

54 posts

ACSTICO MC MARKS @mcmarks E @brasativa

ACÚSTICO MC MARKS @mcmarks e @brasativa

  • otorpordeexistir
    otorpordeexistir liked this · 10 months ago

More Posts from Marinhotuffgong

7 months ago


Orange brain

6 months ago
Transgender Synth Pioneer, Wendy Carlos (1939). She Composed The TRON Soundtrackone Of My Favorites Actually,
Transgender Synth Pioneer, Wendy Carlos (1939). She Composed The TRON Soundtrackone Of My Favorites Actually,
Transgender Synth Pioneer, Wendy Carlos (1939). She Composed The TRON Soundtrackone Of My Favorites Actually,

Transgender synth pioneer, Wendy Carlos (1939). She composed the TRON soundtrack—one of my favorites actually, with its unusual love theme and perfectly placed electronic action beats. She also composed music for A CLOCKWORK ORANGE and THE SHINING. Much more commercially successful though was SWITCHED-ON BACH (1968).

On the topic of her gender transition, she said,

“The public turned out to be amazingly tolerant or, if you wish, indifferent... There had never been any need of this charade to have taken place. It had proven a monstrous waste of years of my life.”

There’s a lesson to be learned there. How many times do we put off or abandon doing something because of what other people might think? And how often does it turn out that these other people have their own problems to worry about and don’t really care anyway? We’re always performing for a highly-critical, invisible audience it seems—or not even performing, just waiting anxiously in the dressing room.

6 months ago
Hans Zimmer With His Modular Synthesizer System, Circa 1980s

Hans Zimmer with his modular synthesizer system, circa 1980s

1 year ago


