marketableplushieenthusiast - Lurking from my plush pile
Lurking from my plush pile

✝️ Just a woman who likes plushies and Spamton. Treating this blog like a bulletin board of things I like. If I don't respond, know the social anxiety creature won today. Currently playing: World of Warcraft, Splatoon 3, Dr Robotnik's Ring Racers

295 posts

Dang, Can't Believe The Shoeduck's Not For Sale...

Dang, can't believe the Shoeduck's not for sale...

  • marketableplushieenthusiast
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Plush pics, feat. The Hollownest siblings, Quirrel, and Spamton

Plush Pics, Feat. The Hollownest Siblings, Quirrel, And Spamton

The Radiance better WATCH ITS BACK-

Plush Pics, Feat. The Hollownest Siblings, Quirrel, And Spamton

Jk, it's dead. Hollow got ice cream.

Plush Pics, Feat. The Hollownest Siblings, Quirrel, And Spamton

Quirrel showing off trinkets he found while exploring! (Our house-)

Plush Pics, Feat. The Hollownest Siblings, Quirrel, And Spamton

Hornet is a hard sell...

Plush Pics, Feat. The Hollownest Siblings, Quirrel, And Spamton

But someone wanted that bow after all! (It's prob got lifeblood powers or smthn)

Bonus pics of Quirrel modelling the fangamer summer plush bag:

Plush Pics, Feat. The Hollownest Siblings, Quirrel, And Spamton

I love how well-made it is. The strap is super adjustable and it is made to work like a tiny bag, not just to look like a bag. (I actually used it to store Spam's pj shirt when I was travelling this past weekend. He had a little luggage in my luggage!)

Plush Pics, Feat. The Hollownest Siblings, Quirrel, And Spamton
Plush Pics, Feat. The Hollownest Siblings, Quirrel, And Spamton
Plush Pics, Feat. The Hollownest Siblings, Quirrel, And Spamton

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Stuffed Animal dashboard simulator

Stuffed Animal Dashboard Simulator

🐻feltedfur Follow

pray for me human put me in the wash on fucking hot water im never gonna be the same colors

23 notes

Stuffed Animal Dashboard Simulator

🐇velveteen-everything Follow

got left outside in the backyard but this is kinda nice actually im okay with this (:

🐇velveteen-everything Follow

the hawks

14.1k notes

Stuffed Animal Dashboard Simulator

🐉shinyscales Follow

this is bullshit ive been bragging to everyone in the toy chest because my tag says i was made with love but i got torn today and guess what. its just stuffing inside

🥽pooltoy82 Follow

lol imagine having stuff inside you lmao

🐉shinyscales Follow

i literally see you outside the window looking smug. log off

4 notes

Stuffed Animal Dashboard Simulator

🦭 sealofapproval Follow


🐭 m4m4_p0ssum Follow


990 notes

Stuffed Animal Dashboard Simulator

🐭 plushiepolls Follow

🐉shinyscales Follow

lets not spread body dysmorphia on plushblr guys

🧑 thatoneweirdhumanplushie Follow

op casually ignoring stuffed animals with different colored fabric for eyes

▶️ stuffedyoutooz Follow

some of us dont even have eyes!

13k notes

Stuffed Animal Dashboard Simulator

🐶 newdogtoy22 Follow

i know animals are allowed to see normal plushies moving and talking but whats the rule for dog toys.

▶️ stuffedyoutooz Follow

what breed of dog op

🐶 newdogtoy22 Follow

poodle? does it matter?

▶️ stuffedyoutooz Follow

no i just wanted to remind you your lifespan can be measured in days

🐶 newdogtoy22 Follow

man come on

20 notes

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