
warning: swearing - swearing - angst - ending a bit fluffy *not fully proof read*
word count: 2.4k
Summary: When you're arguing, you really don't want to be at the airport, let alone in the middle of a snowstorm. Terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. From waking up alone to facing broken promises how will Y/N and Dove get through the day.
I feel the bright warm rays seep through our bedroom window pulling me out of my dream. Starting to come to my senses I decided to snuggle deeper into Dove but she was not there. I lazily move my arm out to feel if she's there but all I hear is my arm hitting a mattress.
"Dove" I rasp out. Sitting up I look around the room for signs she was in here but it looks the same as it did last night before I finally climbed in bed. Reaching for my phone I look for a new notification thinking about the argument conversation we had yesterday.
"I'm sorry that I have other priorities in my life besides you" Clearly trying to get a reaction out of me I try not to take her bait. But that doesn’t mean it didn’t hurt.
“We both know that I’m supportive of your music. Let's not go there.” I’m happy she’s living out her dreams.
“No, let’s go there, go ahead and say what you’ve wanted to say for a while now.” Throwing her arms out in an I don’t care motion she releases a heavy sigh as she rolls her eyes continuing to pace back and forth. Instead of taking her opportunity, I try to get back on track.
“We have a flight tomorrow. I don't get why you need to go to the studio right now. You need to sleep and not at the studio in our bed, with me!” I don’t care how clingy I sound. I’m more worried about her overworking herself. It's the main reason why we're going to go visit her family. She needs a break. She chuckles.
“Ok, I won’t stay late. All come home as soon as I’m done. I’m sorry.” I watch as she slowly walks over to me with a hug as an apology. “I’m sorry, I stepped over the line with that one. Knowing what she’s referring to, I nod against her shoulder.
“I just want you to be happy but please don’t overwork yourself.” Pulling away I kiss her melting into her embrace more than before.
“I love you.” She whispers. Kissing her cheek I reply.
“I love you more, go I’ll wait for you.”
I waited for her hoping she would come home but obviously, she didn’t. Instead of blowing up her phone, I leave her a calm voicemail after deleting my angry text. I get up to do my morning routine. Once done I get dressed into (x) comfy clothes for the long day that I have ahead. I pack up the rest of her and my suitcases making sure I check for the essentials. Taking them down the stairs. Picking up my phone again I checked the time 11:42 am Dec. 23rd. When is she coming home? Should I call her again? Should I go to the studio? Before my anxiety could skyrocket with all the possibilities I heard the front door close.
“Where have you been!” Walking out of the living room. I tried to hide the irritation in my voice. Spoiler alert: it didn’t work.
“I told you about the studio!”
“You said you’d come home as soon as possible. 11:50 is as soon as possible?!”
“Yes!!” Great, now we're shouting at each other. “You know what I’m done!. I need to finish packing and take a shower.” Walking past me she starts up the steps.
“I already packed for you, just go get ready.” Dove turns around at the top of the stairs looking back down at me.
“Thank you, your highness” she yells says with a glare as she is crusty then slams our bedroom door. God damn!! She knows just how to get on my nerves. Turning around I walk out the door with our suitcases. Making sure I slam the door on the way out.
Once she’s outside an hour and 30 minutes later she looks pissed but I still can’t help but check her out. (x) When she finally is sitting down with her seatbelt on I ask one of the obvious questions of the evening.
“Why didn’t you call me to say you weren’t coming home?” I say as I check my mirrors and I turn the key in the ignition. I hear her sigh before she answers whether it was so she calmed down or just because she knew this was coming I will never know.
“My phone died before I could call you but either way who would want to with how disappointed you be." She takes a deep breath relaxing into her seat. I navigate through stop signs and pedestrians. I finally got to the highway. The traffic isn’t so bad but the weather reminds me of our situation, slightly getting worse by the second. I don’t say anything until we park.
“Can we not be the 10-year married couple that’s on the brink of divorce every time they go to the airport?” I unbuckle my seatbelt looking up at Dove hoping this lightens the mood but when I do I see a look of concentration on her face making me worry they were about to start arguing about my half-assed joke.
“What rom-com did you just watch that gave you that analogy?” She laughs, bringing a smile to my face happy to ease the tension for once.
“Ok for one you’ve never seen the arguing couple at the airport or is this just my childhood trauma. Two, have you ever seen Home Alone?” Getting our carry-ons out of the car. We walk over to the elevator to get to the main floor.
“You're right we shouldn't argue here for fans but especially paparazzi.” Really, just for the fans and paparazzi? Not even for ourselves? When she pulls away from the elevator operating panel to look at me I can’t hide my surprised, hurt, and shocked face.
“Wha-t? What’s wrong now?!” She stutters annoyed. Agreeing with not fighting at this moment I turn away from her. I hear her sigh and mumble something under her breath. Knowing full well that it’s most likely not something very nice I try not to decipher it. When the doors open I answer her.
“Let's just get through TSA, we can talk about all of this later.” I don’t wait for a response as I walk through the crowds of people because lately it has been proven to bite me in the ass.
On our way to the gate, we only got stopped a couple of times for pictures with fans. Even though we were having issues we both put on smiles. The gate wasn’t filled yet so we found a secluded corner putting our bags between us so we didn’t have to be anywhere near each other until we were on the plane. I look out the window watching as the workers prepare the plane in the snow. Snow! When did it start snowing? Before I can continue to go down the path of thinking about snow my stomach cramps as I hear girdles erupt in my stomach. Did I eat breakfast?
“Was that you?” Looking up from her phone Dove finally acknowledges your presents.
“Yeah sorry, I must be hungry. I didn’t eat breakfast.” Shifting uncomfortably in your chair you grab your purse. “Do you want something I’m going to Starbucks?” I stand stretching out my back.
“No, I’m ok, it just takes too long, they should start early boarding in 20 minutes.” I nod, putting on my sunglasses and hood not feeling like I want to take pictures with this kind of hunger. Walking back to the Starbucks that I saw near TSA even though she said she didn’t want anything I still got her a sandwich guessing that she also didn’t have breakfast and would get hungry. Having 10 minutes before I needed to be back at the gate I stopped to get gum not wanting to repeat the killer ear aches that I and Dove had on our last plane. Leaving us clutching each other's ears and trying to cry silently not wanting to disturb anyone. With 5 minutes to spare I get back to the gate.
“Here I got you some gum.” Holding the pack of gum out to her she takes it while mumbling a thank you but never meeting my eye. Vouching for keeping the peace I looked back out the window but what I saw 15 minutes ago was more of a winter wonderland nothing to compare to the huge flakes of snow falling from the sky.
"How are we going to get out of here?" Looking away from the window I see the person across from us is having the same thoughts as me.
"I don't think that's safe to fly in that," Dove says. For the first time since we arrived at the gate, we genuinely looked out the window. But replying to her wasn't an option. Hearing the intercom come on I look over to the staff desk.
"Hey folks, sorry we're going to need to delay flight 225 for about an hour and thirty minutes with the weather getting increasingly worse we're going to need to clear the grounds once the weather calms down. Again, I'm very sorry. Hang in there.” As soon as the attendant is done we hear the intercoms being turned on to give the same spiel. Knowing we're going to be stuck for a while I text the family group chat saying the flight was delayed.
“I got to make a call,” Dove says, standing up to find a more private space to talk.
“I already told the family about the delay so your mom and Claire won’t worry.” Thinking she was about to call her sister and tell her will be coming in later. She nods at me saying hello to the other person on the call while walking over to the corner. She isn’t working. I'm just paranoid. Trying not to think about the dove putting herself in an early grave. I look out the window hoping the weather clears up so she can finally take a break.
“It looks to be getting better out there now.” Dove nudged my shoulder with her own, previously having to move next to me because the usual “no shows” finally arrived and needed places to sit.
"Yeah I guess so," I say, not present at the moment. Looking out the window I see the wind picking up as ramp agents try to clear up some of the snow.
"Ok, what's wrong now." Her tone isn't defensive, just tired.
"I thought we agreed not to fight in here," I whisper in her ear. Looking behind her I see an old couple suggestively raise their eyebrows. I smile through my embarrassment.
“You're right we won’t fight in here.” She nods, standing up and holding out her hand for me to take. I don’t know why I take it but I do. Dove leads us out of the corner walking over to the windows making sure not to go too far from our luggage. “We're not fighting, we're just having a private conversation that we don’t need nor diverse to have blasted over all socials.” She takes my hand in her own clarifying she wants to talk. No arguing. Looking up from our hands I see her green eyes. They convey every emotion, she’s tired of fighting, and she just wants us to be ok.
“I’m worried about you. I know your music means a lot to you and your fans but-” I pause, taking a deep breath wanting to mention the real things that matter.
“You're not sleeping or eating, your brain is constantly working. I just want to make sure you put your health first. Please don’t overwork yourself.” I give her hand a small squeeze. “I’m sorry if I’m overbearing.” Watching her features relax as she takes a deep breath leaning forward onto my shoulder.
“I’m exhausted...and I know I should take more breaks. I just don’t want to let anyone down.” Lifting her head I see her water line filling with tears.
“Nooo, you're not letting anyone down.” Taking her cheeks in my hands. “I am so proud of you.” Feeling my own eyes well up with tears. I didn’t ever want her to feel like what she is doing isn’t enough. Hugging her closer to me I hear her mumble an apology on my shoulder.
“I’m sorry I should have done more.” Pulling away she kisses me on the cheek.
“We're ok.”
“We're ok.”
“Good because I’m starving.” She says walking back over to our seats laughing. Sitting down I hand her a sandwich. Nothing could go wrong. Everything seems to be falling into place. We should be getting on the plane in 10 minutes and we're not ignoring our problems or even worse arguing. But as soon as I think that everything goes black.
How stupid am I? In every movie, you never say everything is going to be okay because then something goes wrong. Of course, I never said anything out loud, I’m just torturing myself. So maybe this one’s not on me?
"Please don't panic, backup generators should be kicking in very soon." I strained my hearing to try and make out what the attendant was saying but it was obvious that no one was listening. Flashlights were turned on, kids were screaming for their parents and staff were trying to radio through to the technicians outside.
“So, I guess we wait.” Turning around to my other side I see Dove wrapping the rest of her sandwich up and putting it in her bag with a small smirk on her face.
"You find all this amusing?" A smile graced my face as I asked her.
"I mean, really it's just our luck." Dove laughs and leans back in the chair. Even surrounded by chaos she sees the bright side. Instead of worrying about our plans or the storm, we decided to start our vacation. Whether or not we were able to get out of the airport on a plane or drive back home ourselves was something to think about later. We promised ourselves a break and we made sure we had it.
Sorry, this took longer than I thought it's not. I have a concussion at the moment so I'm trying to take care of that but I hoped you enjoyed Delayed I just felt like we all needed some winter goodness. 🤍
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