match-your-steps - sometimes I say words
sometimes I say words

I did introduce myself as an artist but this is pretty gosh darn heavy on the text posts

749 posts

I Absolutely Thought This Was A Monkey

I Absolutely Thought This Was A Monkey

I absolutely thought this was a monkey

More Posts from Match-your-steps

4 years ago

are you ever writing a paper and you're just like "I have no idea what point I'm trying to make but I sure do have evidence for it"

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4 years ago

I grew up with Plants vs. Zombies. It was an integral part of my childhood. Naturally, being small children and wanting to play pretend, my siblings and I decided we each needed a plant to "be." I was a sunshroom. My oldest sister was a sunflower. I don't remember what my other older sister was, but I think it was perhaps a peashooter or a repeater. My little sister, pretty much a baby at the time, was a chomper. My little brother was Crazy Dave

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4 years ago

'tis I hahaha

4 years ago

Someday someone is going to discover that my high school mascot was a tiger, play "Tiger, Tiger" (Webkinz, 2010) as a joke, and unexpectedly discover that I know all of the words

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4 years ago

Just taught my little sister how to read ratings on AO3. Ah sibling bonding