Clay | 21 | bi | #1 Mateo Simp | I love the DreamSMP, SAW X, Scream, Chucky and so much more! :]
32 posts
So Ever Since I Saw This Clip It Has Become A Massive Comfort Clip Along With The Eye Vacuum Trap And
so ever since I saw this clip it has become a massive comfort clip along with the Eye Vacuum Trap and the SAW X trailer, I'd listen to it or sleep to it and I'd feel happy <3
p.s I laugh everytime I hear Billy's squeaky ass tricycle wheelsπ
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More Posts from Mateos-surgery
The way everyone is dealing with this situation is so dehumanizing to the ccs involved.
You demand repentance from Wilbur but it's not us who need to be apologized to. Surely his actually in the music industry pr team will have him say something but that's not the most important thing. We don't know what Wilbur knows and we don't know what Shelby knows, this could be playing out in so many different ways that we don't know about.
I've also seen people angry that other ccs haven't unfollowed Wilbur on everything. How would you feel about your friend doing something like this? You'd want to help them through it, right? Abusers do terrible things, but behind that is poor mental health, a difficult upbringing, stress, bottled up emotions, and any other reason you could imagine. They need help. They aren't going to get it in isolation.
If you're expecting ccs to disassociate I don't think you want him to get better, you want to "hold him accountable" whatever that means; when he's deplatformed he can hurt more people and you won't have to hear about it because he's nobody anymore. They are people first, you can't expect them to do things that could potentially make the situation they're in (and likely wondering what to do with) worse for them and their friend who like I said needs help. If you cared about him healing and not hurting more people you'd realize healing doesn't happen in isolation.
There's no excuse for the things he did, that should go without saying. Abusers can heal and the first step to that is realizing you have a problem, I think he already has and if he hasn't this is sure to wake him up.
You can and should reblog this
This is the only post I will be writing in regards to Wilbur Soot's statement.
It was a shit apology. I'm not going over that. We can analyze it to death but it absolutely reads like the apology of someone who is now represented by some label's legal team. The only thing I'm thankful for is that he did not release text messages between him and Shelby in some attempt to distract people. She doesn't deserve that embarrassment.
But, I really hope you read this, I need you to stop treating this like a party. I need you to stop giving every CC that speaks up about this a hit post or hit tweet by liking it.
Almost none of these people liked a single post of Shelby's or uttered the words "I'm so sorry for what Shelby went through" They waited until it was safe to say something. They waited until they could write a "coming in with a steel chair reply." They waited until they knew it would look good.
They revealed that Wilbur has always been manipulative, a narcissist a bully and mean to his friends. They revealed they've always thought he was a bad person. They've revealed that they don't think he's taking accountability while they stayed silent.
And not just silent for a few days. Some of these people are saying they knew for better for weeks, months, years that he was a horrible person. And they said nothing. They let people spend time and money and energy on a community of a person they knew was dangerous and cruel and they said nothing.
They didn't need Shelby Shubble to come forward and say how bad of a person Wilbur Soot was. They didn't need Shelby's story, if they thought he was a bad person, to not appear in videos with him or be in a group channel with him or mention him on stream or tease content with him or be on Anvil Cards or follow him on all social media platforms.
But they did anyway because, to these content creators, it's better to be silent and let a bad person flourish than cause "drama" online.
These people do not give fuck. I need you all to please take this advice that none of these online creators are worth the time and energy you put into them. You don't know what else they're sitting on. You don't know what they've done. You are lying to yourself, right now, if you think Phil or Tommy or Tubbo or Jack or whoever your current fave is wouldn't have been fine saying nothing if Shelby hadn't spoke first. You're lying to yourself if you think whatever new smp or content creator group you're currently into doesn't have horrible shit that they're all choosing to ignore.
The amount of manipulation required by these content creators to maintain the devotion and investment of their communities is horrific.
Do not trust your mental well being, your comfort, your whatever to these people. Any of them.

bros side-eyeing from us simpin' over himπ /j
[I love this picture of him so much<3]
not wanting to put them in jars
mateo saw x and mallick scott saw 5 both scratch the same pathetic little guy itch in my brain. i want to put them both in jars and shake them violently and watch them scramble around inside
failing a saw trap and as the life drains from your body you hear the oompa loompas come out and start singing