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1 year ago

Melissa Rauch. The 3rd actress with the best legs ever in my opinion (behind Mayim Bialik and Kaley Cuoco)

Melissa Rauch. The 3rd Actress With The Best Legs Ever In My Opinion (behind Mayim Bialik And Kaley Cuoco)
Melissa Rauch. The 3rd Actress With The Best Legs Ever In My Opinion (behind Mayim Bialik And Kaley Cuoco)
Melissa Rauch. The 3rd Actress With The Best Legs Ever In My Opinion (behind Mayim Bialik And Kaley Cuoco)
Melissa Rauch. The 3rd Actress With The Best Legs Ever In My Opinion (behind Mayim Bialik And Kaley Cuoco)
Melissa Rauch. The 3rd Actress With The Best Legs Ever In My Opinion (behind Mayim Bialik And Kaley Cuoco)
Melissa Rauch. The 3rd Actress With The Best Legs Ever In My Opinion (behind Mayim Bialik And Kaley Cuoco)
Melissa Rauch. The 3rd Actress With The Best Legs Ever In My Opinion (behind Mayim Bialik And Kaley Cuoco)
Melissa Rauch. The 3rd Actress With The Best Legs Ever In My Opinion (behind Mayim Bialik And Kaley Cuoco)
Melissa Rauch. The 3rd Actress With The Best Legs Ever In My Opinion (behind Mayim Bialik And Kaley Cuoco)
Melissa Rauch. The 3rd Actress With The Best Legs Ever In My Opinion (behind Mayim Bialik And Kaley Cuoco)

I really wish I could touch her legs. I'll also be honest. I wish she had showed her legs more often in Big Bang Theory

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1 year ago
Thank You @cuckforchristine And Everyone Who Got Me To 50 Reblogs!

Thank you @cuckforchristine and everyone who got me to 50 reblogs!

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1 year ago
Thank You To Everyone Who Got Me To 1000 Likes!

Thank you to everyone who got me to 1000 likes!

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1 year ago
New Photos Of Kaley Cuoco And Melissa Rauch's Legs I Really Liked. The 2nd And 3rd Actresses With The
New Photos Of Kaley Cuoco And Melissa Rauch's Legs I Really Liked. The 2nd And 3rd Actresses With The

New photos of Kaley Cuoco and Melissa Rauch's legs I really liked. The 2nd and 3rd actresses with the best legs ever in my opinion (Mayim Bialik is my 1st, Kaley Cuoco is my 2nd and Melissa Rauch is my 3rd). I really wish I could touch their legs. I think this picture of Melissa Rauch is now my favorite picture of Melissa Rauch's legs

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1 year ago

A parody of the interview scene from Joker set after the 8th episode of the 3rd season of Flash

Cisco is in his talk show

Cisco: I have a special guest today. He saved the world thrice. Let's welcome Flash

Barry in his Flash suit gets out of the curtains, dances to "Flash" by Queen and sits next to Cisco's grandparents

Cisco: Is everything ok?

Barry: that's exactly how I imagined it

Cisco: well that's one of us!

The audience laughs

Cisco: do you want to tell us a joke?

The audience cheers

Barry: yeah of course. Knock knock

Cisco: who's there?

Barry: The time travel agency Mr Diggle. Your daughter was turned into a son. She was erased from existence

The audience booes

Cisco's grandmother: no no! You cannot joke about that!

Cisco: yeah that's not funny Barry. That's not the kind of humor we use on the show

Barry: ok I'm sorry. The thing is it's been rough days Cisco. Ever since I... killed Sara Lance, Ray Palmer and Mick Rory

The audience gasps

Cisco: ok I'm waiting for the punchline

Barry: there's no punchline. It's not a joke

The audience murmurs with disgust

Cisco: you're serious? You're telling me you killed 3 members of the Legends of Tomorrow?

Barry: mmm hmm

Cisco: and why should we believe you?

Barry: I've got nothing left to lose. Nothing can hurt me anymore. My life is nothing but a comedy

The audience booes again

Cisco: so let me get this straight. You think killing those guys was funny?

Barry: I do. And I'm tired of pretending it was not. Comedy is subjective Cisco. Isn't what they say? The system that knows so much decides what's right or wrong. The same way you decide what's funny or not

Cisco: ok so you're telling me you did all of this to start a movement so you could become a symbol?

Barry: come on Cisco. Do I look like a superhero who could start a movement? I killed those guys because they were too awful to understand I didn't ruin their work on purpose. Everybody is awful these days. Enough to make someone crazy

Cisco: ok so that's it. You're crazy. That's your defense for killing 3 people who saved the timeline?

Barry: No. They were more focused in being unfairly angry at me than in saving their lives

The audience booes again

Barry: ugh! Why is everybody so upset about those guys?! If it was me dying on the sidewalk you'd use my dead body as a museum exhibition! Those guys changed the timeline hundreds of times and they never get a punishment! And why not?! Because the president of the United States cried about them on TV?!

Cisco: You have a problem with the president of the United States?

Barry: yes I do! Have you seen what it's like out there Cisco? Do you ever leave the studio? Everybody just yells and screams at each other! Nobody's civil anymore! Nobody thinks what it's like to be the other guy! Do you think men like the president of the United States think what it's like to be someone like me? Someone who lost both of his parents and want to have them back? They don't. They think they have every right to be angry at us and that we'll take it like good little boys! That we won't lash out at them and snap back!

Cisco: You finished? It's so much self pity Barry. You're just making excuses for killing 3 heroes. And I'm sorry but people does have the right to be angry at you. Also not everybody and I'll tell you this. Not everybody is awful

Barry: You're awful Cisco

Cisco: Me? I'm awful? Oh yeah how am I awful?

Barry: calling me out for accidentally killing your brother. Forcing me to tell the Legends about my message from the future during the dominator war. You just wanted to make fun of me! You're just like the rest of them!

Cisco: You don't know the 1st thing about me pal. Look what happened because of what you did and what it led to. There are riots out there. Captain Lance from Star City had a heart attack because of Sara's death and is in the hospital fighting for his life...

Barry: Hahahahaha!

Cisco: ...and you're laughing you're laughing. Somebody was killed today because of what you did

Barry: I know! How about another joke Cisco?

Cisco: no I think we had enough of your jokes

Barry: what do you get...

Cisco: I don't think so

Barry: ...when you cross...

Cisco: I think we're done with your jokes that's it!

Barry: ...a mentally depressed speedster with a society that treats him like trash over a mistake any person in the world would've made?!

Cisco: call the police Caitlin! Call the police!


Barry shoots Cisco in the head with a gun, Cisco dies and the audience starts running and screaming with fear

Barry: Hahaha

Barry gets up of the couch, shoots Cisco's dead body in the chest, makes an evil dance and gets in front of the camera

Barry: good night. And always remember it: That's life

The camera shows the indian head test pattern, the Spanish Flea song starts to sound and news reporters report Cisco's death

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