Just bunch of cool stuff I found and wish to buy some day
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I absolutely ADORE how this set turned out tbh https://www.instagram.com/p/CErHjEfhz_n/?igshid=rkeznt51wpk0

Embroidered Backpacks from Julia Linen tale
x / x / x / x / x x / x / x / x / x

Things I'm spending my hard earned money on.

With the current state of the world, like many small local businesses right now, the little specialty sock store where my sister works is struggling to keep their heads above water. But even in the worst of times, everyone still needs socks, right?? So, I figured I could pop a post up here to boost visibility of their wares. They really do have some awesome stuff!! They’re great to buy as a nifty (but still practical) little treat for yourself, and fantastic as good-quality, useful little gifts that friends and family will appreciate.
Their main website is here, if you just want to dive right in and check them out:
If you are a lover of all things geeky-swag like me, you might want to narrow down your search with their awesome ‘Nerdy and Geeky’ tag under the Collections tab where you can pick up amazing gems like these:

(The white stormtrooper helmet ones are especially comfy… I just pretend they’re blurry clone trooper helmets that tragically fell into a tub of bleach and will be soon re-painted by their dedicated owners!)
The ones below are a personal favorite for how super warm and super comfortable they are!! https://www.sockdreams.com/dreamer-plush-merino-midcalf.html

And they’ve got all kinds of great Pride options that you can search for under the Collections tab (part of the purchase price from this particular line is donated in support of Portland’s Q Center!)… just a few seen here:

Anyways! This just scratches the surface… they’ve got a ton of great stuff on their website. If you’re in the market for a bit of update/upgrade for your sock game, this is a great little shop to check out. And if you like stickers, let them know in your order notes what colors/themes you like for one… if they have something they can match in stock, they’ll probably be happy to toss one in similar to the ones at the top of this post with your order.
Please, feel free to share this around and signal boost! :)

Necklaces / Earrings
Polina Creations on Etsy

Wood Gameboy Necklace made by AdorbsRini

Wood and Resin Pendants / Rings / Hair Accessories
Lorien Jewelry on Etsy

Crossed daggers in polished brass with warm golden labradorite.