tus ojos me llevan lentamente al sol

940 posts

The Format Of This Was Super Cute And As Sappy As It Was It Warmed My Heart And Wow Stay Cute And Stay

The format of this was super cute and as sappy as it was it warmed my heart and wow stay cute and stay so kindhearted!! Thank you so much !!! ๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“

BABY??? Itโ€™s your birthday? Okay first of all, lemme just say, Iโ€™m so sososoosos super glad that there is someone like you in my life omfG!!! Like I mean youโ€™re really suchhhhhh suchhh an amazing human being in general??

warning: sap ahead

Many times in life, we can end up taking the people who are closest to our hearts for granted. I am so used to all of the wonderful things that you do for me and I never want you to think that I do not appreciate everything that you do for me and our relationship. Every minute of every day, I am always so grateful to have you in my life and in my heart.

I just wanted to let you know that how much I appreciate having you in my life. For helping me through the bad times and being there to help me celebrate the good times, I cherish all of the moments that we share together. There arenโ€™t enough words in the dictionary for me to tell you how glad I am to have you in my life. I am so lucky to have you by my side. Everything you do for me never goes unnoticed. I donโ€™t know what I did to deserve someone as wonderful as you, but I am eternally grateful to have your love, support, and affection. Thank you for being you, and for having me by your side.

So Daniela, my queen, my number 1 Jongin stan, happy birthday, manY happy returns of the day Cutie!!

To: @kim-jonginism

From: Reyan!

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    goldenclosetsgf liked this · 6 years ago
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    mdnghtfae reblogged this · 6 years ago

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