Ough I Don't Even Watch Hasan But Caroline I Loce Your Writing So Much
ough i don't even watch hasan but caroline i loce your writing so much <33
What’re You After (Some Kind Of Disaster)

or: you and hasan are rivals for trivia night. Until one day, you come up with a plan.
tw/cursing, drinking
one of four miniseries
more hasan here
Thursday’s became your favorite day, easily.
cheap beer at your local pub, walking distance, and a chance to nerd out with your fellow classmates over a basket of too greasy fries.
everything would be perfect.
if it wasn’t for the other team.
the other team is everything you hate.
to begin with, when it’s a subject one of them know, they all have an elaborate hand shake they do, some kind of loud cheer and high fives passed around the table, clapping each other on the shoulders-
and they always looked over at your table, smaller, but crowded, elbow to elbow with your friends, poured over the piece of paper with the questions on them-
they were polar opposites, acted like this was some kind of event they stumbled into, by accident and oops became the top team.
they were cocky, and your team was determined to knock them down a few pegs.
You come in early to steal their table.
it’s petty, at the very least, but part of a strategy you and your best friend Sarah, spent the week planning. Anything to throw them off their game, to confuse them.
you walk in straighter than usual, shoulders squared, ready to proudly take the table in the corner, right by the trivia hosts stand-
and the son of the bitch is already there.
you can’t remember his name. you try to not remember your enemies name, but if you thought really hard about it, you could swear it was something with a ‘H’. Henry, maybe? No, that’s not right. it was a name you hadn’t heard before-
you get into the threshold of the door and his eyes meet yours with a smirk, sets his pen down and takes his glasses off, eyes narrow as he picks up his drink and takes a sip.
you duck your head and walk to the normal table, about to text Sarah to abort the plan, when you slide into the seat, ready for it to be over-
“were you trying to take our table?”
you jump when you hear his voice, fumble with your phone, don’t want him to get the satisfaction of seeing your face red-
“Why would we want your stupid fuckin’ table?” you call back, not looking at him as you open a text to Sarah: “it’s not the table that’s making you win.”
he laughs, appears at your table, “That’s right. it’s skill.”
“skill is putting it generously. cheating, is the running theory-“
“You all think we’re smart enough to cheat? flattered, truly. This seat taken?” he asks, pulling out the wooden stool but not sitting.
“is-is this your fucked up way to try and psych the opposing team out?” a smirk falls on your lips and you hope it covers for the red on your face, “are you all threatened by us?”
you try to ignore the hurt evident on his face.
“Oh, just like trying to steal our table, yeah?” he pushes the stool in. “Good luck tonight, you all will need it.”
and he stalks back to his table.
okay, so you sort of feel like a dick, yes.
he seems the most reserved out of the table, like he accidentally stumbled into this group of people. sure, he shares the high fives and whatnot, but when they huddle together, the rare times they do, he always seems on the border, on the outside looking in.
you turn in your seat, ready to offer the seat up again but his glasses are back on the crook of his nose and he’s poured over a book-
luckily, the rest of your team meets up before the guilt can really eat at you, something for later tonight, when your seconds from sleep, to keep you up, is when you’ll remember this-
Annie slides in across from you.
“So,” she begins talking right away, picking up your glass of water and drinking immediately without asking. Annie talks a million miles an hour, loudly, and everyone else is simply along for the ride, “I did some research on pen names, but like, fuck, what an absolute rabbit hole that was. Did you order food yet?”
she continues talking, mostly about ordering food for the table, and your half listening as his table fills in behind you. (Was it an H on second thought? is it? wade?)
“those bastards are going down.” is the first thing Sarah says when she comes in, her book back is overflowing as usual, and she has three different pens and two pencils in the bin of her hair- “i brought my lucky charm.”
Annie groans comically, “Sarah, they already don’t take us seriously. they’re going to take us less seriously if you take your stupid fucking glass elephant out-“
“hey!” Sarah narrows her eyes, “we don’t talk bad about him. no disrespect. Here, now he’s pointing at you. Look of shame. take that in, babe.” as she turns it towards her.
“this is why they don’t take us seriously,” you groan, rubbing your forehead, “Henry or wade or whatever the fuck- saw me try and steal their table.”
“Henry?” Sarah says at the exact time as Annie says: “William?” with disgust.
their heads whip around to the other table, catch him looking at you and they duck further in their seats before turning to you: “His name is Hasan-“
“are you fraternizing with the enemy, you son of a bitch?” Annie says immediately, and her voice is loud enough you throw a used napkin at her in hopes it doesn’t draw more attention to her.
“i’m not fraternizing with anyone. keep your voice down, jesus christ.” you groan, “he just saw i tried to take the table and talked to me, briefly.”
“Spill.” Sarah says immediately, “Did he say anything that we could use against him? Did he admit to cheating?”
“The complete opposite,” you sigh, tearing at your napkin, feeling like a dick again. “He asked to sit down and i all but shooed him away. He looked like a beaten dog.”
Annie and Sarah look at each other from the corner of their eyes, a shared look with a smirk.
“what?” you groan, “i hate that look. what?”
annie and sarah both lean in at the same time, almost hitting heads with you, “listen. we have an idea, okay-“
Sarah interrupts, “and listen to the whole thing before you shoot it down.”
“Ask him out.”
You snort. it’s loud, and ugly, and if your mother was here, she’d grip her necklace and glare at you about how ladies act in public-
“Yeah!” Annie says, “Listen. Okay. you ask him out. distract the other team so he’s so lovesick or busy or whatever that he misses or the team falls apart.”
you shake your head, “y’all are out of your god damn minds-“
“Hasan!” Annie breaks from the huddle, waves him over, “cmere.”
“Annie, no. you son of a bitch-“
Hasan was drawing in his notebook, wasn’t paying much attention to his small group, narrows his eyes, but obeys, stalks over.
“If you all want a truce, i already tried to make one with this one here earlier,” he teases, jams his thumb at you. “and the answer was a loud no.”
“That’s only cause they wanted to ask you out for a drink after,” annie takes the lead, “to celebrate”
“celebrate?” Hasan smirks.
“either way it goes, a drink on us.” Annie insists.
his eyes narrow, not sold yet.
“How about this, if you win, you two get a drink together. our treat. if we win, we’ll leave you and your team alone.”
he snorts, “didn’t you win a certificate last week for longest running streak of not winning?”
“dick.” you say gently under your breath, but he doesn’t hear it.
he shakes his head, “yknow what? deal. I could always use a drink.”
and he sticks his hand in the middle of the table, annie going for the shake but he ignores it, shakes it off, ducks his head so he’s looking at you: “it’s a deal, yeah? c’mon.”
you hesitate long enough for annie and sarah to both kick your shins under the table and you sit up a little straighter, swallow all the pride you have: “it’s a deal.” as you tighten your hand around his.
he doesn’t see the smirks and shared glances the three of you share.
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but i converted my old personal twitter to have the same handle as my tumblr blog

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