18. Still finding out what I like to write. Feel free to ask me whatever!!
22 posts
Playing Jokes Or Making A New Start?
Playing jokes or making a new start?
At the Purgatory Hall. Yeager was going to study with Simeon and Rafeal. Solomon was suposed to be out for new ingredients for his posions. When he heard that Yeager was coming over he disided to get him back for al the pranks he played on him.
"Hey Yeager! Do you have your notes with you?" Simeon asked.
"Yea got everything with me."
"Let's start then."
"So about the test." Rafael started. "I have no idea how I can keep everything in mind."
"If we lay our notes together we can see if anyone else has something different. That way we can help each other."
After fifty minutes they dicided that it would be best if they eat something first. Solomon just finished setting up a trap for Yeager.
Simeon was making dinner for the three of them. Solomon walked up to him and explaned the whole plan to him. He dicided that Yeager earnd it that he was getting a little payback so Simeon dicided to join in on the prank.
Simeon walked to his room where Yeager and Rafael were still waiting for him. "Yeager can you get one of the empty bottles from Solomon his room?"
"Yea sure. Anything else?"
"No that is all!"
He walked to Solomon his room. The moment he closed the door behind him Solomon appeard.
"What are you doing in my room Yeager? You wanted to see me that bad?" Solomon said teasingly.
"Don't be stupid. I just want an empty bottle."
"You don't even come here for me? That is a shame. I was hoping to spend some time with you. But I can also just stay here alone. Maby even call Asmo over then. I mean I'm sure he want to spend some time with me."
Yeager got a bit jealous. "Yea do that. Why would I care."
"Or," Solomon started, "I can just steal you away from them. We can go out or we just stay here. We can watch a movie or go out for dinner. It's all up to you."
"That sound better then studing. Let's go out for a movie with dinner after."
"Alright. There is only one problem you are locked up so you can't realy go out then."
"I'm what?"
"I get you back for al the pranks you played. I locked you up in an invisible box in my room. If you get out of the box, we get out for a movie."
"Why would you do that?! I mean you don't even do pranks!"
"Well now I do. You desirve it."
"Well I do it because I like you! I only prank someone I like not just any random soul."
"We can also just make a pact. And you can admid this is more then a friendship. Admid that you love me just as much I love you." Solomon tried.
"Will you let me go then?"
"Only if you mean it."
"Solomon I do realy like you. But I can't say you are the only one I love. But I do want to stay with you because you are my Partner In Crime. We share a bont far closer then a friendship but I am to scared to admid it to you. I don't want to lose what we have. And if you want to have a pact I would love to make one with you."
"Wow. Never expected that. But who else do you love?"
"I can life with that. Now I'm gonna ask you something. Yeager do you want a relationschip with me?
"Yes, yes I want a relationschip with you."
"Good. Then from now one you are mine and no one else can have you. Oh and more more thing. The box I traped you in was a truth box. You couldn't ly to me so now I know you realy love me."
"Just never do this again."
"I won't. And about the pact, I let you choose the place you want."
"Somewhere only I can see."
Solomon let Yeager out of the box. They made a pact and Yeager dicided to go back to the others.
"Oh Yeager, one last thing, I love you."
"I love you to Mon."
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{18+ headcanon | Minors DNI | Solomon | Erotic dream, some fluff}
Was it a dream?

Solomon has visited your dreams several times these nights, and you wonder what they might mean.
The sorcerer takes your face in his hands and kisses you gently, pulling you to himself. Slowly he begins to explore your body, passing his cold hands under your shirt, moving down your sides and lingering on your buttocks, making you shiver. You spend time kissing as Solomon touches your warm body and rubs his body against yours.
The dream always ends this way, but tonight is different. This time he takes you by the hips and pulls you up by your weight, laying you on what feels like a bed of clouds, soft to the touch. He stands over you as he kisses you softly, your tongues meeting. He slowly undresses you and you do the same to him as he kisses your warm body. You feel your body rub against his, his cock against your sex, and you quiver and sigh between kisses. You feel it hot and hard against your groin and your desire grows, making room for him between your thighs.
He greedily licks your skin, making you shiver and moving down to your groin, where he leaves warm kisses, moving down to your thighs. Your sex throbs from his attentions and you can see how his is already hard and wet with pre-cum. You close your eyes, resting your head on that soft cloud and feel him go inside you, feeling how slowly he penetrates you with the tip of his cock, then follows the length rubbing against your walls.
Solomon kisses you passionately as he moves inside you and makes you moan in pleasure, making you feel sensations you have never felt before. Could it be because of the dream? You feel him thrust his moist pre-cum cock inside you, sliding between your hot thighs. You moan against each other's lips and Solomon bites your neck, leaving a violet mark on your skin. You continue to moan, pervaded with pleasure and gasp with each thrust, watching the clouds around you. They are white and they smell good.
Solomon smells like his potions and witchcraft books. He reminds you of the times you spent studying together as he now satisfies your desires and fills you thrust after thrust. Pre-cum drips from your thighs as he pleasures you and slides inside you, bringing you to orgasm, making you moan under your breath. His kisses are hot and his tongue entwines with yours as he lets go and comes. You let out a moan of pleasure against his lips and he continues kissing you, holding you to him, caressing your body still shaken with pleasure.
You feel how he explores your body and his rubs against you as he whispers under his breath, 'Wake up.'
You wake up, drenched in sweat and hot, still pervaded by that sensation of pleasure all along your body. You look around and finding that you are alone realize that it was only a dream. You look in the mirror and notice a purple spot on your neck, raising an eyebrow. Maybe it was not just a dream.

Solomon: *pops out of nowhere* sign a pact with me
Lucifer: no
Solomon: *pops out of the hall* sign a pact with me
Lucifer: again, no
Solomon: *pops out the wall* SIGN A PACT WITH ME
Lucifer: WTF, NO

❝ he stands you up on a date without meaning to but later comes to apologise and comfort you ❞

« gender neutral reader »
« scenario »
« pairing - solomon x reader »
« request by anon. simeon's part »

❝ Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference. ❞
— The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost
i. when curiosity calls, my footsteps begin to echo on their own
If the Devildom was a maze of secrets, this sorcerer was an explorer. His alert eyes observed and recorded every little detail. He noticed how the roads there had a habit of rearranging at will to include and exclude routes so one often came across new additions.
While on the way to meet you for a date, when Solomon stood at a familiar intersection only to find a new shortcut (apparently) to his desired destination (you), he couldn’t resist the urge to take it. He reasoned that he was running a little early so he might as well indulge himself and see where it leads to.
Curiosity killed the cat…
His decision proved fatal because the path he took was a mischievous one and played all sorts of tricks on him.
Time slowed down there.
What felt like minutes to him were hours for you.

ii. when did the warmth i felt turn into this cold loneliness?
You tapped your feet impatiently and looked at your watch. The tickets that you held in your hands felt heavier than it had done a few moments ago.
What was the point when the movie was over?
Your mood was ruined as your hand wrapped around the tickets, wrinkling them. After throwing those in the bin nearby, you summoned Asmodeus because you didn’t have the strength to walk all the way back alone.
The Avatar of Lust looked crestfallen as he wrapped his arms around your trembling shoulders and rubbed your back soothingly.
“Oh [Name], don’t cry hon. I’m so sorry. Something must have come up for him to go to the Valley of Thorns.”
Freeing yourself from his hold, you stared accusingly at him. “Asmo, what’s this Valley of Thorns?”
Asmodeus looked uncomfortable as he swayed back and forth and tried to avert his gaze. He should have kept it inside the darkest part of his heart but it was too late now.
He spoke hesitantly, “Well… I saw him earlier. He took the path to a place in the Devildom reserved for extremely skilled sorcerers. It’s called Valley of Thorns. I wondered why he wasn’t going to meet you… I’m sorry I didn’t stop him.”
So, he deserted you for business. A phone call wouldn’t have hurt. Right? Then again, it was Solomon. He had the tendency to vanish for weeks on end without prior notice. It was foolish of you to expect special treatment. Work always came first with him.
To be fair, he had become the strongest sorcerer by himself and he’ll keep improving long after you are gone.
You needed someone who could value your time.
The time that he had in abundance and you had in the palm of your hands — so fleeting and fragile.
You gulped the bitter feeling of betrayal and moved on. “Let’s go back home, Asmo.”

iii. if you hear me tapping on your heart, keep an ear out for the “i love you”
The call came at 2 in the morning. Since nobody called you that late at night, your sleep-addled brain expected the absolute worst. It must be an emergency! You didn’t want to ignore the phone call only to learn in the morning that Beelzebub was out eating pillars that were the foundation of the house or that Lotan had flooded the entire house and you could have possibly drowned.
Putting the D.D.D against your ear, you said drowsily, “Mmm?”
“Thank goodness you picked up. [Name] I’m sorr-”
On second thoughts, switching off your D.D.D sounded like a good option. Sadly, there was no peace for you in the Devildom because you soon heard audible taps on your window.
Getting up abruptly, your fingers dug into your bed sheet in horror when Solomon’s familiar voice made you sigh in relief. At least, that feral bastard was safe. For the most part, that was.
Huffing, you walked to the source of the sound and parted your curtains. Your complaints died down in your throat when you saw the exhausted look on his face. “[Name], can I come inside?”
Before you could come up with a witty retort, he lost footing but quickly summoned a spell to be suspended in midair. While floating, he turned to you with a sheepish grin and innocent eyes.
You let him inside to stop the madness.
After dusting his cloak and stretching, he walked towards you and said, “I’m so sorry I didn’t show up. Quite a few things happened. Asmo texted me saying that he had told you about some of it.”
He sighed dejectedly, “I thought I was taking a shortcut but it turns out that it was a cursed road that likes luring people in. As I later realised, it was the path to the Valley of Thorns and it’s designed to be challenging to reach the place. I was exhausted by the time I met all the sorcerers who live there.”
He looked conflicted as a deep frown settled on his features. Shuffling on his feet restlessly, he said, “I’d have liked to stay and chat with them but I came back at once.”
Your anger was nowhere near gone so you turned around sharply and spat, “So why did you come back? You could have had your date there, right?”
“Because no one there was you. I wanted to see you and spend time with you only.”
The sad lines around your eyes didn’t escape him and he was glad to see those melt a little.
With his signature smile, he asked, “Would you like to cuddle now that I'm here?”
“No. Not until I get that date you promised.”
“Okay. No problem.”
He magically summoned a screen on your wall and the movie you had plans to watch earlier started playing. Without ado, he plopped down on your bed and offered his arm as a pillow. “Our own movie theatre. I can be your personal blanket so come here.”
“...No thanks.”
He raised his eyebrows without making any sign of pulling his arm back. “I just fulfilled all your conditions right?”
Pouting, you said, “... Yes... Okay so... Let me bring popcorn and I better find you lying in that exact position when I come back! If you move, I'll kick you out!”
As you raced out with a grin, you could hear his low chuckle and some soothing words.
“I swear that this time I’ll keep my promise.”

❝ he stands you up on a date without meaning to but later makes up for it ❞

« gender neutral reader »
« scenario »
« pairing - simeon x reader »
« request by anon. solomon's part »

i. has my life been deprived of my guardian angel?!
Your steps felt feather light when you entered Purgatory Hall. The idea of flying straight into Simeon’s welcoming embrace seemed like a faraway dream that was finally about to reach fulfilment. He would catch you and make you feel like a teasing deity while leaving a trail of flowers as he spun around with you clasped tightly in his arms. His soft laughter would mingle with yours and fill up the room. That was the recurring image you had in your mind for the past few days.
Sadly, there seemed to be no sign of the angel you loved so ardently. Where could he be hiding? How could he be such a tease after making you wait for so long?
Surely, the idea of being stood up in the very house he lived in seemed ludicrous. It was Simeon you were talking about. He was the type to comfort you when some other jerk had stood you up. In no world could you imagine him as the ruthless heartbreaker!
Despite the reassurances that you whispered to your heart, it was clear that the Purgatory Hall was empty. Maybe he had gone out to buy snacks. That’d be a proper explanation. You decided to scold him later about not messaging you about it but then remembered that his texts would have confused you more than his silence. With a grin and a shake of your head, you let it go. His inability to use technology was adorable if a little inconvenient at times.
The ticking of the clock became irritating after a while so you fetched your D.D.D and texted him. His typos were cute so you’d rather hear from him than leave it be. To your surprise and extreme annoyance, you heard his ringtone somewhere nearby, somewhere inside the Purgatory Hall.
Jumping to your feet, you called his number and followed the sound only to find his device on the kitchen table.
It was a first from Simeon. He was usually so sweet, so gentle, so punctual that you didn’t know how to feel about the situation. After exchanging a few words with Solomon via messaging, it became clear that Simeon had every intention to meet you on the date.
...Then, what happened?
Simeon's responsible streak never seemed to amaze you. Could it be that something important came up? Maybe he had to return to the Celestial realm in a hurry. After what you had heard about Michael from the brothers, you wouldn’t put it past the bossy angel to call your boyfriend there on a moment’s notice.
Or... Could he have forgotten about the date altogether?
Your heart sank.
You missed the feeling of his arms around you. No blanket had ever felt so warm, so loving. Never once had you thought that it was in an angel's nature to comfort. The feelings that dominated your heart in his presence were entirely Simeon's influence, not because he was an angel but simply because he was who he was.
These thoughts burdened you. The sudden loneliness darkened your mood so you wrapped your arms around your knees and listened to the ticking of the clock till it overpowered your senses.

ii. reviving my prince charming with true love’s kiss!
Your vision was impaired by tears as you were leaving. Even though you didn’t blame him, it still hurt and no amount of effort you put could help you control your emotions.
“Simeon! Oh my goodness… Please don’t be dead.”
You didn’t notice when you hit a bump on the ground and almost fell face first. Rubbing the tears as fast as possible, you looked back to see someone’s legs stick out from behind the bushes. Your first reaction was to let out a bloodcurdling scream but you recognised the pair of shoes the ‘body’ (hopefully the legs were attached to someone) was wearing as the one you had gifted Simeon for his birthday that year. Braving your fears, you parted the bushes and felt your breath get caught in your throat.
You cradled him in your arms and checked for his pulse. It was very faint but thankfully it was there.
Quickly pulling him inside, you placed him on the couch and texted Satan, inquiring about spells to revive an angel who was at death’s door. Since the situation seemed dire, the Avatar of Wrath thought it prudent to just answer you and keep his questions for later when the mysterious angel was revived.
Once you had finished your incantation, Simeon’s eyes fluttered open. Taking a deep breath, he mumbled, “Is this it…? Oh my, what a magnificent angel you are.” He put a hand on your cheek before continuing. “Was I allowed back in the Celestial realm after my death? …Wait. Are you... [Name]?!”
He tried sitting up straight but vertigo hit his mind and he was forced to lie down again with a groan.
“What in the world is happening…?”
You interlaced your fingers with his and whispered gloomily, “That’s what I’d like to know. What was the last thing you remember doing?”
“I don’t remember but my mouth feels like the foulest of gutters. It’s so unpleasant that I want to pass out again.”
Your throat felt parched at the description. The same symptoms had assailed you when you made the mistake of consuming Solomon’s toxic cooking.
“... Simeon, did you eat anything Solomon made?”
You tightened your hold on his hand and nodded gravely. “I’m afraid you were poisoned.”
Eyes still hazy, Simeon’s face lit up suddenly. “Ah, that’s right. I remember eating Luke’s cookies before passing— Luke didn't make it, did he? It was,” Simeon shuddered, “Solomon.”
Simeon sighed and made an effort to get up. Supporting his unsteady torso, you chided, “Hey! Don’t move so much!”
After getting up on his feet, he put his face in the crook of your neck and whispered, “Let’s go to my room and cuddle. A few kisses from you might make my mouth feel normal again… Since you’re here and all, I want to make the most of it.”
“You know, I started kissing you to regain my sense of taste but I love the sweet sensation so much that I can’t seem to stop. You will forgive me if I continue, right? Am I being too selfish to want more?”
When he hugged you and kissed the spot under your ear, you held him tightly while a delicious shiver went down your spine.
Together, you walked to his room and spend quality time in each other’s embrace. He stole quite a few kisses from your lips. When you felt breathless from prolonged sessions, he would smile gently and cup your cheeks.
Since words such as his had no place between you two, you kissed him back in answer. That was all the encouragement he needed to continue.
To your distress, Solomon’s voice filled your ears at that moment and just like that, the romantic Simeon was gone. He let you go with a final kiss and a look of apology and turned his attention to the human who had made the mistake of returning on enemy grounds.
Simeon, covered by a wrathful aura, made his appearance in the living room. Luke excused himself quickly on realising that the target of the anger was Solomon. A fixed bedtime seemed like a welcome respite for the little angel that day.
You raced outside after tucking Luke in bed, but you didn’t dare approach either of them. Giving Solomon a painful smile and a thumbs up for luck, you observed the proceedings from your safe spot.
Solomon gulped. “W-What happened, Simeon?”
With a smile that didn’t reach his eyes, Simeon’s tone dripped with sweetness. “Solomon, what was the first rule of living under the same roof as me?”
Solomon tried to remember but looked defeated under Simeon's gaze. “I c-can’t seem to recall.”
The tension in the air seemed to increase with every passing second. Finally, Simeon made a move by putting a hand on Solomon’s shoulder. The sorcerer’s shirt got so wrinkled under Simeon’s touch that you felt sorry for the skin underneath, but despite it, Solomon made no movement to move.
Simeon grinned. “Let me refresh your memory then. The rule was for you to never enter the kitchen after the seventh time you set it on fire. And may I remind you that it was no ordinary fire either. It was hellfire that consumes anything in its path without discrimination. Be it objects, demons, humans or angels.”
Solomon turned puppy dog eyes at you as a silent cry for help but Simeon gripped him tighter and said quietly: “Have a good look at [Name] while you still have the time because we are going to have a long chat after this. I will make you regret the day you were born. It doesn't matter that you have forgotten all about it heheheh.”