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A Date? - Druig X Female Reader (P1)

A Date? - Druig x Female Reader (P1)

Druig is kinda a stalker in this, I got inspiration from "You" on netflix.

Warnings: SMUT, masterbation, unprotected sex, sexual topics mentions

I'll make the second part a lot more smutty.


It’s all Druig wanted, it was all he had. While he had no control really among his family, he had it over humans. He had it over you. You were something Druig never knew he needed, and when he found out just how badly he needed you, nothing would get in his way.

You were his.

It wasn’t easy finding some way he could easily slip into your life, but he had your entire lifetime to figure out just the perfect way. However while making his very detailed and difficult plan, you made the moves yourself. You had seen him at the clothing store you worked out, almost everyday you worked, you saw him. You found it extremely odd, considering you worked at a place that sold women’s lingerie. Due to the fact that he was a guy shopping in a lingerie store, you figured he was just always buying bras and panties for his girlfriend.

Maybe he was rough in bed, and always tore them off.

Finally you gained some courage and went out onto the sales floor, asking him if he needed any help. He was startled at first, but when he noticed it was you he became flustered and started to stutter out his words.

“Just looking.”

You smiled at him. He had turned to look at a mannequin that was dressed in a, basically see through, red, lingerie set.

“Looking for something for your girlfriend I presume?”

He spun quickly to look at you.

“No. I’m very much single. Just looking.”

You became concerned at this, why was he here if he had no significant other?

He quickly realized that you were starting to become weirded out by him, and thought of an excuse quickly.

“I always look, you guys change your stuff a lot. I like to buy in different sizes so that way when I have someone, they’ll already have plenty. They won’t have to get any of their own.”

Sure it was a dumb excuse, but he thought it would lower your suspicions, which it did.

“What do you think would look the best? I don’t have any of your newer collections.”

You continued to smile at him, and began to lead him closer to the back of the store, which had sets that were a lot more revealing. You pointed to one that framed the body of the mannequin. It didn’t cover anything, it was simply making an outline of all the curves.

“I saw you seemed to like our more revealing pieces, do you like this one?”

Druig could have sworn he felt his heart stop for several seconds, automatically creating a mental picture of you in the set. It was a deep red color, and the metal pieces that held the fabric together were black. It reminded him of the suit he wore when in battle. He enjoyed fighting, it made him feel powerful, and to picture you in the set. It was like heaven to him. Two things he enjoyed the most associated with two colors.

“Sir? Do you like it?”

“I”ll take it.”

It had been hours since he left the store, still thinking of his interaction with you. Still thinking about how good you would look in the set he bought. Weirdly enough, they had one of the sets left, and it looked to be your size. Druig was over the moon about it, he had bought several sets for you already, all in your size. Just waiting for the day he’ll be able to take you home and have you put on a show for him. He had been thinking about it since he left the store, and that’s how he got to where he was now. Laying on his bed, pants pulled down to his ankles, legs slightly bent and spread, and his cock in his hands. The thought of you kept him going for hours, at points he felt like he couldn’t keep going, but the thought of you just made him want to go over and over. He prayed to Arishem that he’d be able to one day let his fantasies come true

Lucky for him, they would.

You two had, not so coincidentally for Druig, ran into each other when you were taking your normal walking route to work one day. You didn’t live far from work so it wasn’t uncommon for you to walk to work. While you were slightly creeped out by him, you were also drawn to him, as if something were controlling you to talk to him.

“Oh I’m so sorry sir, I should have worked where I was going.”

You were laughing, trying to play off the embarrassment.

“You’re fine, I was actually hoping I would run into you today.” He spoke softly, “I was wondering if you’d want to go on some sort of date with me, you seem sweet and I’d like to get to know you.”

Even if you wanted to, you couldn’t say no. He was attractive, and it had been a while since you’ve been on a date.

“Uh, yeah, sure! I’d love to.”

You grabbed his arm gently, and he easily let you pull it away from his body. You rolled up his sleeve and pulled a pen out of your pocket. You gently wrote your name and number on his arm.

“Text me so we can figure something out!”

You smiled at him again before walking away, giving him a quick goodbye and excuse for leaving him so quickly. Druig didn’t care that you had to go right then, he had more chores to do now. Druig wasn’t a very modern man, so he didn’t have a phone. However, he did have plenty of money, being able to mind control people really did have its perks. On his way to the cell phone store he went.

He had bought the newest phone, and had no idea how to use it, so he had to take a lot of his time trying to figure it out. When he did he texted you right away, giving the excuse of, “my phone died, sorry for taking so long.” You were beginning to believe that he wouldn’t text you, and had flaked out on you. Your hopes quickly went back up when you had received the text from him. You two had made plans that night that he would meet you after work, walk you to a resternaunt, and then see what happens from there.

After seeing Druig shop so much in the store, you quickly noticed his liking towards the colors red and black. He made it very obvious in his choices for lingerie. You went home quickly during your break and you had picked out a tight fitting, deep red dress, paired with black accessories. You brought it back to work in a big, matching black, purse that was big enough to also hold your work clothes when you were finished changing.

Druig was so eager for the date that he had showed up half an hour early, and waited outside the building for you, counting the seconds until your shift ended. You ended up being a few minutes late due to the outfit change but Druig didn’t mind at all, he was just happy to be going on a date with you.

You two had gone to a simple restaurant, and talked the entire time. You learned that you had some things in common, such as liking more of the quiet side of life. You’d two also happened to have a few glasses of wine, however neither of you were drunk, maybe slightly tipsy. During the date Druig had proposed the idea of going back to his place and watching a movie with him. He also offered that you could stay the night, seeing as he had a spare room that you could sleep in if that’s what you were more comfortable with. You had automatically agreed, you hadn’t even really had the chance to think about it before your body spoke for you.

On the walk to his house you noticed Druig messing with his eye a lot, and upon closer inspection, you noticed he had been wearing contacts, and that they were covering his natural blue eyes the entire time. You didn’t really mind, you didn’t really care. Druig lived in a beautiful house that had less of a modern look to it. It was absolutely beautiful however, and you were definitely taken away by the inside of the house. It was kind of modern, but still had a vintage look to it. You didn’t really get to have a good look at a lot of the house though because Druig quickly lead you to the living room, insisting that you take of your shoes and get comfortable on the couch while he prepared movie snacks.

Druig and you both decided on a movie together, and settled in. You, again, made the moves and moved closer to Druig, cuddling into his side. He admired your boldness, and appreciated it too, seeing as he wouldn’t have had the confidence to move closer to you, in fear that you would think he’s just trying to sleep with you. While he did want to sleep with you, he also just wanted to be with you in general. He wanted every part of you. You also were growing an interest to the quiet brunette, and your feelings seemed to have tripled by now, but your lust for him had also begun to grow. You gently trailed your hand to his thigh under some blankets that were covering the two of you. Druig made no effort to stop you, secretly hoping you would continue to move farther.

You did.

Now here you were, in his bed, practically screaming his name and he thrusted into you over, and over, and over again. He knew just how fast to go and right where the perfect spot was in your body. His bare back was littered with scratch marks from your nails, and your neck was covered in marks that he was continuing to make the entire night. This is what you had both wanted, and it was absolutely amazing, and you had hoped it would never end. However, as much as you didn’t want it to, it ended. You both had become tired, and decided it was time to head to bed. While you had arranged to stay in Druig’s guest room, you stayed with him that night, cuddling into his side.

“Beautiful, it’s time to wake up.”

At first it had startled you, but you quickly remembered the day before. Opening your eyes slowly, trying to adjust to the light, your eyes started to see the face of the man you had slept with the night before.

“Hi Druig.”

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