Here you will see a lot of fan arts on games, movies, TV shows and cartoons. I specifically love Jojo Bizarre Adventures and Dragon Age.
65 posts
Meowgic-art - My Empire Of Dirt - Tumblr Blog

Ending pose很棒哦茸茸♪( ´▽`)hhhhh

Bucci gang's character profiles from the manga.

i made a dorohedoro au

@giornoweek2k19 Day 3: Friends / Family
tfw the relative you never knew about suddenly appears and starts asking you and your gangster BFFs about what you do as a living so you gotta lie to him so he can stop bothering you

I just really really wanted to draw Leone being happy and having fun for once.
I think he secretly loves cheesy pop music, and only Bruno knows that of course.

Do you have a girl? I don’t see a ring on your finger Well that’s interesting Have you ever thought of dating a fisherman?
I. ii. III.

vento aureo godtier ending where bruno leaves the mafia and gets to be a happy 20yo fisherman living by the sea

The mystery of King Crimson: Water & Fire
(I was able to disguise these two for an school assignment~)

What’s your problem, officer?
DavidPro adding the rain scene encouraged me to actually draw the shit I had thought was already canon because my memory is terrible

Friends, Inquisitor. Better than his lot any day.
All of the post-Trespasser portraits! Hope we get to meet these guys in DA4 again :)
p.s. these are available as prints too over at my redbubble

ever wondered what the dragon age II companions would look like as inquisition characters? wonder no more!!! aveline, isabela, bethany and carver are by burritorat, merrill is by hipsterhanzo, and fenris is by thereluctantinquisitor. all of them do absolutely amazing mods/character designs so if you get the chance you should totally check them out <3

immature (based on real life events)

These are from Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, my new favorite movie, holy shit. No complaints whatsoever. Animation: yes. plot: smooth flowing and exciting. Characters: interesting and emotionally complex. Villains: motives made sense, awesome. It hits all the boxes. Wasn’t bored for 1 second. 13/10 recommend to literally anyone like wow.

i watched britney spears’s clip and then there was this scene so i remember about the source i mean this video is REAL

we’ll get em next time

i’m probably the only one. but these boys make my kokoro doki doki

one (1) second later:

Messy process for that last thing, in case you’re curious.

Another process from hell (higher res of last one here)

Slightly unconventional process for the wine girl

Process for the sweet glowing lass (here she is)