she/they, 26, my brain is mostly anime. statarted this account to find fan fiction to read. ended up getting inspired to write my own.
4 posts
Chapters: 1/1Fandom: | YuYu Hakusho: Ghost Files (Anime & Manga)Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 幽☆遊☆白書 | YuYu Hakusho: Ghost Files (Anime & Manga) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Hiei (YuYu Hakusho), Kuwabara Kazuma Additional Tags: Implied/Referenced Character Death, Friendship, Family Bonding, References to Depression, Comfort, Talking, Canon Compliant Series: Part 1 of Belonging Summary:
Takes place just after the end of the last episode.
Kuwabara had a dream about Hiei and they need to talk about it.
More Posts from Mercurykit
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Black Clover - Tabata Yuki (Anime & Manga) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Magna Swing/Luck Voltia, Magna Swing & Luck Voltia Characters: Luck Voltia, Magna Swing, Black Bulls Ensemble (Black Clover), Blue Roses Ensemble (Black Clover) Additional Tags: Friends to Lovers, Love Confessions, Misunderstandings, Happy Ending, First Kiss Summary:
Luck over hears Magna say he has feeling for him. This forces the blonde to figure out his true feeling for his best friend
First time writing anything. Please read the tags if you want to read. Enjoy 😊
Do you have any good Hunter fics that are long and non romantic up your sleeve? Super not asking for a friend it’s for me
*rolls up my sleeves* oh buddy DO I EVER
Fair warning, I’m an angst gremlin so these all contain a healthy dose of the Sads™ but considering you’re also a Hunter fan, odds are you also enjoy the angst lmaoo
Most of these are Luz and Hunter-centric bc I love the Noceda Siblings and I’m nothing if not predictable 😌
Let us begin…
What We are is the Sum of a Thousand Lies
Ongoing 59k+
FAV FAV FAV FAV FAV my all time favorite fic, they captured both my FAVORITE flavor of Hunter characterization, AND my favorite flavor of Luz & Hunter interactions (+bonus Eda, Darius, & Flapjack!) it’s just *chef kiss* PEAK content. I reread it regularly
Ongoing 108k
Inside you there are two wolves, one is a sad lil boy and the other is the psychological embodiment of the obedient, brainwashed, soldier you were created to be, which your uncle programmed into you when he built you in his evil lab.
Burnt Out
Complete 3K
This one’s a short one but it’s one of my favs so I had to include it. ✨Sic fic✨
Even Sad Birds Still Sing
Ongoing 54k+
Hunter gets turned into a cardinal by a cursed gemstone. Ngl when the first chapter of this fic came out I thought it was gonna be more of a crack fic. I was unbelievably wrong and it is so SO good.
La Gaundière
Complete 12k
This one is some really good post Hunting Palismen Golden Gaurd era Hunter
To be or Not to Be
Ongoing 28k
Hunter takes some ‘me time’ after Hollow Minds and camps. He has a horrible time.
Peak traumatized Hunter seasoned with some great Noceda siblings content and a garnish of Hunter and Hooty friendship. 👌
Blood Moon
Ongoing 48k
Honestly I don’t know how to summarize this fic without spoiling anything, so just trust me, it’s so good.
Your hands do more than Hurt
Ongoing 27k
Darius and Hunter-centric, mind the tags though, this is a sad one
With Clay and Star Scraps
Complete (open ended) 48k
Hunter discovers that being a grimwalker comes with some super fun, funky, and not at all distressing side effects.
Enough to Leave Scars
Complete 14k
Post King’s Tide shenanigans of a former child soldier. ie ptsd
Oop hit the link limit lol rip
Learned Response
Complete 11k
Hunter fabulously misinterprets Luz’s relationship with her mother like the traumatized autistic he is.
With His Beak He Tries to Soothe Me
Complete 10K
Some really sweet Hunter and Flapjack content
ongoing 10k+
Camila adjusting to having four new kids under her roof and is unsure what to make of Hunter being… the way he is.
The Golden Brat
Complete 5k+
Coven Scout meeting the Golden Guard for the first time in person: “what’s with this sassy lost child?”
Hopefully you enjoy these!
Special thanks to all theses authors for the platonic content. You’re doing the lords work, feeding us starving lil’ AroAces 💕💕
Omg I am so sorry I really though I hadn’t finished it but then I went into it to finish it because I felt bad for not posting it yet and it was done 😭😭😭
Huntlow AU where Hunter and Willow both have to move to a city and they both rent out the same house.
This is original as far as I know. So yeah. Take it.
(It’s a multi-bedroom apartment that the owners said has a possibility of a different person living in the other room.)
Willow had just moved from her small town of Gravesfield to the large city of Aparo, 1489 miles from her house. She had looked at the renting market and there was a nice small, two bedroom apartment near the centre of the city, for a nice price. However there was one thing. The description said the rent is for the bedroom and the house, and there may be a second client sharing the pay with you in the second bedroom, which she obviously didn’t need. She’d taken the chance and as it turned out, she was living with another guy. Some client who went by Hunter. Hunter Noceda.
Hunter had recently found out he’d gotten a nice deal for a college in Aparo. Without much money, Hunter had to go small. On the market, he’d crossed the two-bedroom house with a possible new friend, as he saw it. Or hoped. The people said there wasn’t a second person in there right now, but with people coming in every week for college, it was unlikely for it to stay that way unless nobody wanted to live with a random person, which would be understandable. He didn’t know if he’d be ok with it. About a month later he found out he’d be living with a girl named Willow. He really hoped she was nice. He decided he’d be a nice person whether she was or not. It would make living with her easier.
Hunter heard a knock on the door and assumed it would be Willow. Both of them were standing at the opposite sides of the door, nervous of who they’d be faced with on the other side. Hunter opened the door cautiously. He gasped. Oh crap, she’s hot. Hunter’s face went red, without any reason. She smiled at Hunter and waved. He was too busy taking in how pretty she was.
“Hi.” she smiled sweetly, waving. Hunter just looked at her. Oh no, this isn’t going well. Willow’s mind raced nervously. Why wasn’t he responding? Did he think she was ugly? Did he really wish she hadn’t rented this place? What was happening?
“Hello?” she asked. The boy shook his head, in what looked like surprise, and Willow tilted her head in confusion. She wasn’t going to question it though. Hunter motioned to her to come inside, and to her surprise, he took one of her heavy bags and her suitcase, leaving her with only her backpack to carry. Jaw open, she continued to her room, where she found a freshly made bed with beautiful white sheets and pillows. She expected to have to make it herself.
“Oh.” she patted the bed experimentally.
“D-do you not like it? I’m sorry I shouldn’t have assumed you’d like the bed made that way, I am really sorry.” Hunter spoke for the first time. Willow turned to him.
“No, I love it! Also, you made the bed?” she asked. Hunter nodded.
“Sorry, did you want to make it? Ugh I have to stop doing that.” he put his head down.
“No, I- thank you.” Willow tucked a stray hair behind her ear. Hunter looked up at her, mildly happy, mildly confused. He smiled at her before leaving the room.
The next day at breakfast time, WIllow groaned with frustration.
“F*ck, i forgot to get food, now I have to go to the store this early.” she grumbled. Hunter came around the corner.
“You ok?” he asked worriedly. Willow’s eyes shot up in shock, but softened as she saw the concern in his eyes.
“I have to duck into the store, I forgot to get some stuff for at least today yesterday.” Willow admitted sheepishly. The embarrassment of forgetting to buy food mocked Willow. Hunter looked at her sympathetically, this had happened on his first day too. Worse, it was raining right now.
“Don’t bother, I have plenty to share.” Hunter mumbled. “If you want to.”
Willow smiled to herself.
“A-are you sure?” she stuttered bashfully. Both of them just stood there for a minute looking like embarrassed tomatoes, chuckling nervously. Without speaking another word, Hunter got out some toast for her.
“Do you have butter on your toast?” Hunter asked. Willow nodded.
“What about a spread? I have strawberry jam, vegemite?” He paused, looking at the vegemite jar. He shook his head and continued. “Peanut butter??” he paused again. “I’m so confused.” he mumbled. “Blackberry jam, Honey, A couple of different syrups, and canned spaghetti.” He finished. Willow shook her head, her cheeks heating up.
“Anything is fine.” she mumbled diffidently.
Hunter made their toast and came and sat down with her.
“So tell me about yourself.” he turned to her, curious.
“Well.. what do you want to know?”
Hunter thought for a moment.
“Common knowledge of a friend.. Maybe?” he looked away, rubbing the back of his neck. Willow put her hand on his shoulder.
“I would love to be friends.” she smiled. Hunter looked back at her smiling goofily. She started. “My favourite colour is green. I absolutely LOVE gardening…” and Willow continued to list things that made her happy for about half an hour while Hunter just stared at her in adoration.
“What about you?” WIllow asked, Hunter’s former trance-like state popping like a bubble. He gave her a stunned look before attempting to form a sentence.
“Uh, I like to draw??” he shrugged. Hunter didn’t really know what he liked, as he didn’t really do much in free time. Willow seemed intrigued.
“Can I see one?” she asked shyly. Hunter’s face was washed with a wave of shock and confusion.
“Just because I draw doesn’t mean I’m good at it.” he mumbled diffidently. Willow’s eyes strayed away from him in embarrassment.
“Sorry,” she chuckled nervously. Hunter itched his cheek, and coughed awkwardly. The two avoided eye contact for a bit before Willow’s phone went off. Her eyes darted towards the screen and read the notification.
“Oh no! I forgot I signed up for a gardening club!” Willow groaned in annoyance. She picked up her phone and put her shoes on faster than Hunter had ever seen.
“UUUhh!” Willow wailed frustratedly. “Where is my seedling handbook!?” Willow’s voice became frantic and panicked. Hunter came over to the stressed plant girl and hesitantly placed a hand on her shoulder.
“Breathe.” he murmured comfortingly. Willow brought her hand out and counted to four on them while regulating her breathing. His hand subconsciously started to rub her shoulder. She smiled to herself. Once calm, she looked up at Hunter, only concern sparkling in his eyes. Both quickly realised Hunter’s hand was resting on her shoulder, and he was now the one freaking out. He quickly removed his hand, stuttering profusely.
“Oh, my titan I am so sorry Willow, I didn't mean to-” Hunter’s speech cut off as Willow brought his hand back up to her shoulder.
“It’s ok. It was nice.” She smiled, giggling a bit. Hunter’s face brushed with red, Willow’s brushed pink. Willow then found her handbook and walked out of the door.
Part 2?????????????????