Willy Ronis. Les Chats, 1940s, 1950s

Willy Ronis. Les Chats, 1940s, 1950s
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More Posts from Mickey-is-in-debt

SO lets post some drawings again

Over the garden wall background art

sessue hayakawa (1886-1973) was a japanese actor and a matinée idol, eventually becoming one of hollywood’s first male sex symbols. he was one of the most popular stars in hollywood during the silent film era of the 1910s and early 1920s
Things that existed: 1890′s-1914 (For fanfics, hc or rp!)
For me to reblog in the future with more. Notes: I did not include most of the cigarettes, guns and alcohol. These are mostly American brands or international brands in the U.S at the time. Lots of wars, psychological studies, economic recessions, inventions, and media published in this time. This is obviously not an exhaustive list. Spans from a bit before canon to RDR 1′s epilogue Pre 1890′s: (Just for fun) 1883: The Monopolist (Yes, an early rendition of the board game) The game of Logic, Oscar Mayer, Pinocchio, Long John Silvers,
1884: First modern Cash Register (Imagine the gang trying to figure out how to open one of these)
1885: Dr. Pepper (the soda), first automobile
1886: Heinz Beans, Coco-Cola, Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr, Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson
1887: Sherlock Holmes Book 1 by Arthur Conan Doyle
1888: Vending Machine, Drinking Straw, Four Roses (Bourbon Whiskey) Kessler Whiskey, Seltzer’s for upset stomach/heartburn, Mum’s Deodorant, Hunts (the brand)
1889: Lysol 1890′s: 1890: The Picture of Dorian Gray By Oscar Wilde, Prom (The event for teens) Matryoshka doll, The Edison Talking Doll (Yes, those creepy ass ones), Lipton Tea, Vicks, Marston’s Brewery,
1891: Basketball, Rayon, Fig Newtons, Swiss Army Knife, Hormel,
1892: The second bicycle boom, the “modern” clothes washer, Maxwell Coffee House, Ithaca Kitty - an early paper doll, later stuffed toy?

1893: Cream of Wheat, Juicy Fruit Gum, Johnson’s Baby, Good and Plenty, Wrigley’s Gum, popcorn maker, toaster, Diesel Engine, moving walkways, meth, Ferris wheel, The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling, Sunkist Co,
1894:Corn flakes, Phonograph, Silent Films, different fonts for typewriters? Hydrogen Peroxide (The fizzy stuff that burns like hell), lobster thermidor, mousetraps, Purina animal feed,
1895:Rugby leagues, Volleyball, Budweiser, T. Martzetii Dips, Whittaker’s Chocolate, X-rays, 1896: Cracker Jacks, Movie theaters, Frank Merriwell’s Books (A children’s series), Del Monte canning
1897: Jell-O, Cotton Candy, Grape-Nuts (cereal), mufflers, vasectomies, Smucker’s (jelly company), Dracula by Bram Stoker, 1898: Pepsi, Palmolive (Brand), steering wheel, heroin, Walker’s Shortbread, Nabisco, War of the Worlds by H.G. Welles,
1899: Martha white (food), Pall mall cigarettes’, Wesson cooking oil, Lux soap, flashlights, revolving doors, first early telephone 1900′s: 1900: Wizard of Oz Book 1 released by L. Frank Baum, Chiclets, Hershey Bars, Kodak cameras, Triskets, escalators, 1901: Disposable Safety Razor, Sweethearts (The candy) the Scholastic Altitude Testing (Standardized Testing that American high schoolers take. Jack would have to take one, I think.) Necco’s candy, The Tale of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter (All of her books then) 1902: Neon Lamps, Teddy Bear, periscope, air conditioning, polygraph tests, Peter Pan, The Virginian by Owen Wister - A western novel
1903: Kraft Food’s Company, Crayons
1904: Banana Split, tea bags, Ovaltine, Canada Dry, French’s (The brand), K-Y Jelly, Discoll’s Berries, 1905: Cadbury Dairy Milk, Hebrew National Brand, popsicles, RC Cola, Planters brand, Kellogg’s Brand, Arsène Lupin by Maurice Leblanc (Stories about a master thief) 1907: Gumball machine, rear-view mirrors, tootsie rolls, Hershey’s kisses, 1908: Coffee filters, Ford Motel T engine, Hydrox cookies (Oreo’s lemony older brother), Milk-bone the biscuit (For Rufus), Anne of Green Gables, by L. M. Montgomery, Mr. Toad - the kid’s character, 1909: More modern lightbulbs, Pearson’s candy company, Tillamook Creamery, Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux 1910: instant coffee, milkshake machines, 1911: Wall plugs, Nivea products, Midol (pain reliever), Crush Soda, Crisco, processed cheese, Mars brand, 1912: Edison Disc Record, Goo Goo Clusters, Oreos, LifeSavers candy, Lorna Doone Cookies, Tarzan by Edgar Rice Burroughs 1913: Zippers, Crossword Puzzles, Camel Cigarettes, Hellman’s Food company,
1914: Traffic Cone, Gasmask, Tinker Toys, Listerine, Salad Cream, Heath Bar, Mary Jane Candies, Grapico Soda, Turkish Delight, Mother’s Cookies (The rainbow animal cookies with sprinkles), Chicken of the Sea, TastyKake,
Bonus: Modern Slang they would know. Sorry for the tags, but I worked hard on this and I want it to go out. Edit: Wow, thanks, guys! I didn’t expect this to gain traction. At all. Anyway, I’m a historian so feel free to send me asks about stuff like this! I will probably edit it for medical stuff.
it is I, pathologic fix rec asker!!
hey!! thank you for bearing with me haha. here you go!
a curse befalls your heart by curriebelle : Daniil Dankovsky suffers from a Steppe curse. Burakh performs triage.
ode to the body by kylee : In which Bachelor and Haruspex flatter each other shamelessly.
the scholar and the shaman series by modlisznik : 1. There are times when, to stop death, one needs only to see that someone cares. / 2. Bachelor Dankovsky does not believe in luck. Artemy wants him to understand, that the charm he's offering will protect him - just not in the way Daniil thinks it does. / 3. Daniil is aware that Isidor has been murdered just a few days ago. That his memory is still fresh, his touch lingers in this place. That Daniil, an intruder, shouldn't come down here to Isidor’s workshop - his laboratory - his sanctum - and most certainly, he shouldn't be here to fuck Isidor’s son. Even less, to use the elder Burakh's table for that purpose. He's aware of that. He also doesn't care. / 4. Artemy wonders how Daniil feels about this vastness, autumnal grass as far as the eye can see, the sky so clear, hanging so low, so close you can almost touch it, you can almost get swallowed whole. Insignificant, a little speckle on the face of Earth. Daniil is a creature of the city, Artemy thinks, of clear boundaries, of walls to hide behind, of places to be alone in. He must feel exposed. I'm a bad host, Artemy thinks. / 5. There are two of them, and they attack shoulder to shoulder, their fists raised high. Fools. They're getting in each other's way; should have surrounded their prey instead. That's what Daniil would advise them to do anyway. But he's not here to command a pack of street thugs; tonight, he's here just to watch. There's something satisfying in watching Artemy fight for his life. / 6. "My apologies." Daniil clears his throat. "Usually I reserve views like this for at least fourth, maybe fifth date." / 7. In which the house of the dead is reclaimed by the living, and Artemy learns to dance. / 8. There's sweetness on the back of his tongue. His body aches. Daniil doesn't move; light and heavy at the same time, he feels like he's drifting. He likes these liminal moments, hazy and slow, between the raw sincerity of sex and the everyday life; blurry moments when their bodies are still tender and their thoughts tangled, and they can afford for their emotions to linger just a little bit longer. / 9. Daniil learns about the bargain Artemy has struck to keep Murky safe - and he can't believe it. "You idiot. You could have died."
another sky by saintsrow2 : “Ever since we first met,” Dankovsky says when he takes a second to breathe heavily against Artemy’s neck, “I thought you were beautiful.” The sentiment makes Artemy snort with laughter. Daniil looks up at him from under long eyelashes, smiling in that annoying, gorgeous way that he does. “I am not beautiful,” Artemy says. “Yes, you are.” He talks as if it is inarguable, empirical fact, in that so logical way of his. “Not as a lady in a painting is, no. But you are beautiful, just as the wilds of the Steppe is beautiful. Harsh, maybe, dangerous, perhaps. Alien to me, certainly. But I would challenge anyone to see the sun setting over the hills and the way the grassfields turn golden and not say yes, they are beautiful.”
bite the bullet by any_open_eye : The Bachelor—man of science, child of the capital—has no ritual in him. No way to excise the growing tumor in his heart. Artemy should have seen it building. Expected something drastic. No ritual, but he doesn’t lack for drama. “Oynon.” Artemy reaches for him. The Bachelor finally looks up.(The Bachelor has realized that this is all a farce. the Haruspex helps him through it.)
cor meum ad terrum by gaynagito : Daniil wants to understand Artemiy, but he can't do that without first understanding the Steppe. One thing leads to another.
just the beginning by novaengliae : “If you're so good, why are you still here? Why didn’t you go back with the army?” Sticky asked. Because Burakh said ‘stay’ that night in the Broken Heart, Daniil thought indignantly. Because Artemy Burakh is an impossible man to refuse. Daniil had lost everything. Artemy had gained more than he ever expected. They take things day by day.
in vivo by meradorm : After a long silence, the Haruspex travels to the capital to seek out his old companion.
stranger things by absurdisms : "Tell me, do you ever feel a strange sadness as dusk falls? They say it's the only time when our world intersects with theirs, the only time we can feel the lingering regrets of spirits who have left our world. That is why loneliness always pervades the hour of twilight." (this is shameless self promotion but it's also just a few hundred words so I don't feel too bad about it <3)
I hope some of these are what you're looking for, take care!