383 posts
Your Least Favorite Fnaf Character?
Your least favorite Fnaf character?
Idk tbh!! I really love every single character of Fnaf!!! They are my babies!!! 💕💕💕💕
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More Posts from Mikaykay1229

To my fellow artists, does anyone else get really hyped when someone leaves a reblog/reply on your blog?
I personally love hearing what people think of my art!
Your So Sweet!!!! I am on the edge of tears rn!!! 😭 Thank u so much!!!!!!✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨

Shoutout to this queen✨
thank you for being my first follower it makes me happy and I hope you will grow in followers and be cherished for being a wonderful person😁
i will like forever stand by the fact that self-insert art is good and helpful honestly. call it cringe or whtever but at the end of the day you need to realize that drawing yourself or writing yourself into your favorite media that makes you happy can be incredibly healing. there is seriously nothing wrong with wanting to experience a bit of a reality in which u live a life that is with your favorite character ever even if its "weird" cuz honestly who the fuck cares. make urself happy. let yourself have that singular pleasure of imagining yourself with someone or something that brings you comfort outside of this world that is not nearly as kind

The Do’s & Don'ts of interacting w/ content creators, & other people you don’t know well mutually I slapped together for Twitter.
This ended up being more Don'ts than Dos but I feel like people need more help learning what NOT to say once they stray away from simple compliments and questions.