mimiikw0 - ♰LVTCS♰

Nico/Mimi | I draw stuff | 15 | God loves emos

218 posts

Mimiikw0 - LVTCS - Tumblr Blog

5 months ago

Kinda makes me sad seeing some people blame John for "fucking up the exorcism" himself

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5 months ago

Look, I just... I'm just looking for people to talk to. To hang out with. To vibe with. To be part of a fandom community. I not be so alone all the time. To not just have one person I keep venting to unfairly.

Please... I don't know what to do anymore.

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5 months ago

so painful to think about tiny stan pines liking to draw and being so inventive and creative while thinking of himself as "a dumb idiot" and "the stupid twin"

So Painful To Think About Tiny Stan Pines Liking To Draw And Being So Inventive And Creative While Thinking
So Painful To Think About Tiny Stan Pines Liking To Draw And Being So Inventive And Creative While Thinking
So Painful To Think About Tiny Stan Pines Liking To Draw And Being So Inventive And Creative While Thinking
So Painful To Think About Tiny Stan Pines Liking To Draw And Being So Inventive And Creative While Thinking

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5 months ago

Nicole 🤝 James

Silent Hill 2 (2001)
Silent Hill 2 (2001)
Silent Hill 2 (2001)
Silent Hill 2 (2001)

Silent Hill 2 (2001)

5 months ago
Late Homework | - Postjam Ver 0.4 (PC, 2024)

Late Homework | 遅れた宿題 - Postjam Ver 0.4 (PC, 2024)

5 months ago
Office Au For Funsies (reupload Bcs I Added More)
Office Au For Funsies (reupload Bcs I Added More)

Office au for funsies (reupload bcs I added more)

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5 months ago

artist in denial of being depressed: omg this 2 month long art block has been crazy... sorry i haven't updated any of my fics in a long while! it's just been super difficult to daydream! so weird that i've lost a little bit of passion for my current comfort character and ocs... this couldn't possibly have any implications or alternative explanations

5 months ago
Silent Hill 2 (2024)

Silent Hill 2 (2024)

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5 months ago

im back but i only drew self indulgent johns. sorry chat i feel too cringe posting them (bwwwomp)

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5 months ago
My Friend Got Me Into Gravity Falls. Hello Stan I Love U Stan

my friend got me into gravity falls. hello stan i love u stan

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5 months ago
6 months ago


Stanley Doodles For My Soul

Stanley doodles for my soul <33

6 months ago
6 months ago

I finally made one but I'm gonna make a new one on my birthday with a different style that I think I'll like more and will fit my layout better:^) I just did this for fun

I Finally Made One But I'm Gonna Make A New One On My Birthday With A Different Style That I Think I'll

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6 months ago

Errrrm, I'd love to know more about Nicole's past. I remember you wrote a very blurry lore for that Nicole art and I was left with a question😭😭.

Oh uhhh, and also how did she meet John?

Oh my gyt I get to yap online (Lore is little long so I'll only tell some parts) (also I'm really bad at typing stories)

Also, the reason why I seclude her story from the actual faith lore is because I don't want to be flamed online. I don't want to have misunderstandings and accusations like; I'm obsessive over John (I am) or I try too hard to insert my oc in the story and stuff like that. And as a person who can't function normally I won't be able to handle that well. But also I like being a little creative.

Erm so basically Nicole used to live in Milwaukee (as a roblox roleplayer I based the setting on 'clear skies over Milwaukee' my fav rp game) Her ancestors are immigrants that practiced rituals and cults but slowly disintegrated to Christianity.

Her sister got possessed while they were children and Nicole tries to help her, but this ends up killing her whole family L

The demon shows to her as her sister and sometimes take different forms to not be seen. Nicole was stupid enough to be convinced this is her sister and grows up with it (she has mental issues rip)

Her aunt being a nun convinces her to be a nun too, and isolates her in the church.

I feel too lazy to type the rest but how Nicole got to Connecticut is like idk hitchhiking a band that's performing in new york to escape the incident Im kinda too stupid to write that shit but yeah

The Perez case WAS being investigated, but the church (not aunt's) was accused of the incident.

Erm John meets Nicole near the Martin's residence looking for her demon pet. They kill it after John exits the house.

Nicole didn't like John at first because she thought he's weird, and John thought she was a ghost because she also looked weird. Their story is pretty slowburn and angsty.

Nicole def is a pretty complex character, atleast I think. This is why I love getting asks about her so I can understand her persona better along people who are interested.

I'm just too dumb to type in the entirety of the story so this won't make much sense :'^((( I am planning on making the story into a comic for better understanding tho I hope I make it mwa mwa

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6 months ago

Haven't done any Johncole art maybe you guys can send ideas,,,,,

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6 months ago

im back but i only drew self indulgent johns. sorry chat i feel too cringe posting them (bwwwomp)

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6 months ago

erm what if i were to tell you that i think ur really cool and i love ur artstyle and your account layout… skedaddles away

Erm What If I Were To Tell You That I Think Ur Really Cool And I Love Ur Artstyle And Your Account Layout


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6 months ago

Hello I am Kareem from Gaza

‏please help my family. Donate a small I need a small donation of 20 or 25 euros that can change my life and save me and my family we have lost everything

Please help and sharing I need you https://gofund.me/70501154

Hello Kareem, I'm so sorry I don't have anything to give, I hope your family gets the help, and I'll be praying for all of you and Gaza as always

Anyone that sees this and is willing to donate please do

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6 months ago

Im making the Johncole thing into a comic because I canNOT write to save my life

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