hi im jonathan im 22

342 posts

Minecrafttemple - Tumblr Blog

1 year ago

Remediation on the Minecraft Mod/"CurseForge Incident"


not actually curseforge's fault, they just got patient zero'd

there are now ways to detect if you are infected and remove any JARs

PLEASE go check to make sure you're not infected and none of your jars are infected anyway

I'm gonna link quat's FAQ because it's better than anything I can do.

fractureiser public FAQ
fractureiser public FAQ. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.

Please share this as much as the initial PSA!

2 years ago

They should make more survival servers with keepinventory on for girls like me who are so so scared and afraid

2 years ago

I'm playing minecraft and I'm thinking of those "affirmations" meme pages they have for colleges but for minecraft. So it's things like "These diamonds are NOT directly over lava" "I CAN open this ancient city chest without summoning the warden" "This block does NOT contain a silverfish" "I will NOT step on the pressure plate in the middle of the desert pyramid secret room" "My bees will NOT kill me" and i can't even describe how funny it is to me

2 years ago

minecraft adjacent blogs with names like 'craftingbench' 'netherite-hoe' 'cobblestonexstairs' with the appropriate matching avatar pic, you run this place!!! Take my money, rob me blind. Run. Escape through the underground tunnel. End up in the sewers. Kiss my mother. Jump to the moon. Escape this galaxy. Eat a nut. Live forever

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2 years ago

Hey, Minecraft enjoyers. Weird question: do you have, like... a "home" biome? Like, not necessarily your favorite biome to build in, but just the one that feels the most like home when you build your base there? Like. It just feels Right.

Mine is the Plains tbh

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