220 posts
This Was So Gorgeous Thank You So Much Nova! Ugh So Sad But Oh So So Sweet. Also, How Did You Know I
this was so gorgeous 🥹 thank you so much nova! ugh so sad but oh so so sweet. also, how did you know i have a secret obsession with lockets??? it’s literally a dream for someone to gift me one tbh

me after reading this fic ^


Pairing: Park Sunghoon x gn!reader
Genre: Fluff, comfort
Warnings: Mention of death, crying
Words: 949
Summary: You don't enjoy your birthday much, but Sunghoon is determined to make you feel special, even if he has to keep it low-key.
A/n: Happy early birthday, green! I hope you have a lovely birthday, because you deserve it. (Ps tumblr, for some reason, wouldn't let me edit this after I started it, so I had to delete it and copy and paste what I had already. That's why I had to take a screenshot of your ask 😭 Sorry it took so long, but I hope you enjoy it!)
Sunghoon knows you don't like your birthday very much, and he knows the reason why, but he also knows that he wants to make you happy in every possible way he can. So even if he can't throw a big celebration for you like he wishes he could (because that's what he believes you deserve), he still wants to do something.
"Happy birthday, sleepy love," he spoke gently from behind you, rubbing your arm over the fluffy blanket that decorated your bed. You stirred awake when you heard his voice, but your eyes still haven't opened. He chuckles softly before leaning over to press feather light kisses to your eyelids.
He's always quiet and loving with you in the morning, so nothing is different in that aspect. A slight smile appears on your face as you turn your body over further to face him, finally opening your eyes to peek up at him. Your vision was still a bit blurry from just having woken up, but you could see the faint outline of him. "I almost forgot."
"About your birthday?" he asked with faux surprise. He knows you didn't forget, but you wish you could. It makes him a little sad, but he never pushes. "Well it's a good thing I'm here to remember, because it's my favorite day of the year."
You scoff playfully at him, but you knew he was the farthest thing from joking. If there's one thing about Sunghoon, it's that he will follow you to the ends of the earth. He adores you more than he's ever adored anything. That's not something to take lightly with him.
"So what do you have planned for today? I know you have something planned," you asked with a slight squint of your eyes. He smiles before kissing your nose and quickly getting out of bed, leaving the room. You hardly had time to register that he left you before he was returning with his hands behind his back. "What do you have there?"
He didn't respond as he sat on the bed, looking down at you with loving eyes. You also sat up to come eye level with him, waiting to see what was behind his back. "Close your eyes," he finally said. You did as he asked, letting your sleepy eyes fall shut. "Hold out your hands, too," he spoke gently, watching as you did so.
The next moment, you felt a small box being placed in your hands. You opened your eyes after he told you it was okay, and just as you suspected, a small, black box sat in the palms of your hands. You opened it with a small smile, and what you see when you lift the lid is a necklace. A beautiful golden locket hanging off the end of a thin gold chain.
"Go on, open the locket," Sunghoon urged you, his eyes darting between you and the piece of jewelry like an excited kid on christmas. You set the lid of the box down before opening the locket. Your eyes were nearly immediately filled with tears when you were met with a picture of your mother. She died three years ago, a day before your birthday.
It took a moment for you to say or do anything as you stared down at the picture. A few moments later, you looked back up at Sunghoon, and not to your surprise, his eyes were also glossy. He loved your mom, and when she passed, it was hard on him, too. He helped you through one of the toughest points of your life, and that makes this gift all the more special and meaningful.
"Oh, Hoon, it's beautiful." You finally set the box aside before wrapping your arms around him, burying your face in his neck. His arms immediately brought you closer as you both let the tears fall down your cheeks. Silence washed over you, but not an awkward silence, no. It was the kind of silence where no words needed to be said in order to understand.
"I know you don't like your birthday, and I don't blame you for it at all, but I also know that your mom would want you to be happy on a day like this. She would want you to celebrate because you deserve to be celebrated."
His words on top of the already lovely and heart-wrenching gift had you breaking down and sobbing in his arms. He only held you tighter as you let out what you'd been holding for a while. After multiple minutes passed and you finally got your breathing under control, you pulled away from him just enough to place your forehead on his.
"I don't know what I did to deserve you, but I love you so much," you spoke barely above a whisper. His tear stained cheeks scrunched up as he smiled at you, his shining eyes filled with love and adoration for you.
"You deserve all of me and more, baby. I love you more than you could know." He placed the most gentle and tender, yet passionate kiss on your lips. It instantly filled your stomach to the brim with butterflies as you kissed back, your lips meshing together perfectly like they have so many times before.
Once you both were finally ready to get out of bed, Sunghoon made you your favorite breakfast, and you watched a movie together. He also ordered dinner for the both of you, as well as a special dessert. That was all the day was. You got a few happy birthday texts from friends and family, but you spent the whole day with Sunghoon. You wouldn't have it any other way.
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More Posts from Minhosbitterriver
Small Announcement from Green !
For those who do not know, I have an ongoing series called I Can’t Change (Bisexual!Felix x Male Reader). It’s about the Reader’s journey while in conversion therapy after being caught at a secret queer party.
Anyway, I have been feeling a little bit stuck with said story and I really couldn’t figure out why until recently. There was, admittedly, a lot of lack of planning on my part. However, I think I have a more solid idea of what I want out of this story. That means, though, that I will be deleting the chapters I have posted so far, rewriting them, and then posting them again.
It makes me sad to have to do this, truly, but I feel this is the best solution for me if I want to salvage this story and actually finish it. Hopefully, the rewrites can be done quickly and I can post them as soon as possible and carry on posting newer chapters. Hopefully!
Thank you to everyone who’s supported my series, it’s meant the whole world to me. I’m sorry for the inconvenience but I hope to make it up to you 💕

thank you for tagging me merin !
relationship status : taken ♥️
favorite color : green , brown , lavender .
song stuck in my head : volcano by han and seungmin ( i seriously need help , i listened to it once and have not gotten rid of it since ) .
favorite food : piñón ( left ) and mofongo ( right ) all the way !

last song i listened to : according to spotify , it was you’re somebody else by flora cash .
dream trip : there is no specific place i want to visit , i think . i just want to travel all over with a companion that brings me comfort .
the last thing i searched : the meaning of ethos , pathos , logos because i wanted to make sure i didn’t mix them up .
no pressure tags : @grandpafelixx @cbini @moonjxsung @christronomy @zeroeightzeroone @astraysimp @alexs-mardy-bum + anyone else who is interested <3
@rndmpunk ok so for some reason that tag game isn't letting me ad stuff to the post (a reblog limit mabey idk) so Imma start my own thread
Rules: tag 10 or more people you want to know better
relationship status: single (and aroace spec so ya)
favourite colour: green :)
song stuck in my head: Dr who theme lol
favorite food: cheese and chutney sandwiches I think
last song listened to: other than Dr who, the mountain song by tophouse
dream trip: the highlands of Scotland 🏴 :)
last thing I searched: how long does Spiced apple juice take to make (it was about half an hour)
tags: @mushroomgazette @aphrodititi @dicklessswonder @spineless-lobster @jupiterfangs @edsbacktattoo
Hihihihi!! Hru!
I was wondering if you could write a stray kids x 9th member!reader where their a a maknae and their family lives far away so chans kinda a father figure for them? Like he looks after her and helps her fall asleep when they’re struggling, and maybe in skz vlogs or codes fans can see how much of a father figure he is to them. Its okay if you can’t ilyy bye❤️❤️
ꖛ ꙳꯬ 🦋 how he cares 𓂅 ໋⋅

‧₊° pairing. chan x female reader ( platonically ! )
‧₊° content warnings. not proofread.
‧₊° rating. everyone
‧₊° summary. an episode of 2 kids’ show reveals just how deep your friendship with chan runs.

2 Kids’ Show has come to mean a lot for STAY, a fact that warmed your heart as you glanced around the set which was definitely an upgrade to the old yellow room with the blue couch, although the latter was a symbol of simpler times in a lot of ways. Still, the dingy feeling of a garage being occupied by a band was an aesthetic you hadn’t realized you’d appreciate this much.
Minho was already sitting on his assigned velvety green chair, a small stack of talking-point cards with the freshly designed logo of the show printed on the back in his hands as he waited for his cue to begin. Chan stood by your side, chatting lightly with his hairstylist as she ensured that his hair was perfect. You were already set and ready to begin, no trace of the tingling anxiety that usually plagued you before interviews and you knew it was because the only people you’d have to interact with were the very same people you spoke to daily — this was a relief to you these days.
“Okay!” The manager announced with a sharp clap of his hands in order to attract everyone’s attention. All of the staff quickly made their ways to their needed positions and the hairstylist Chan had been speaking to left him be. “Ready? Scene!”
“Where two kids share their secret stories and music, this is 2 Kids’ Show,” announced Minho, pausing for a moment for a light applause — to which you and Chan obliged albeit belatedly to tease your friend. Minho’s eyes playfully narrowed in your and Chan’s direction, though he quickly moved on with a smile. “I am 2 Kids’ Show’s handsome MC, Lee Know.”
You cupped your hands around your mouth to cheer exaggeratedly, overcompensating for the lack of an enthusiastic applause just a moment prior. Minho winced away from you even with the distance between the two of you. “You were scolding Hyunjin and Jeongin before, you don’t have any grounds to complain saying I don’t cheer now!”
“I do have a complaint actually, you’re being too loud! It hurts my ears!” Minho rolled his eyes playfully before glancing back at the cards in his hands with an amused smile. “Anyway, as you can see, today we have a special pair with us — Stray Kids’ wolf and bumblebee duo that STAY have always loved. To me, they’re a good representation of an endearing friendship, our oldest and youngest members — Chan and Y/N!”
Chan pressed a hand on your lower back to urge you forward, and you let yourself be guided by him with a practiced bright grin as you waved at your group member. You end up seated in between the two men, quickly grabbing one of the cushions of the couch and placing it on your lap out of habit. Chan followed suit, but only so he could fiddle with the fuzz.
“It’s so strange seeing you as our MC,” you commented lightly.
“Is it? Good or bad?”
You shrug innocently. “I guess we’re going to have to wait and see!”
“Careful,” Minho teased with an exaggerated ominous grin. “I’m the one leading this interview.”
Chan chuckled beside you, though he remained quiet otherwise.
“Okay! Chan and Y/N how have you two been lately?”
You glance over at Chan, unsure of whether he should begin speaking of you, but he made the choice for you as he absentmindedly nodded at you whilst keeping his eyes glued on the pillow. With an understanding nod, you clear your throat and turn to face Minho. Chan has been a bit on the quieter side, evidently exhausted by the grueling hours of work and the pressure of the recent comeback almost weighing him down slightly — although he would never admit it. “I’ve been pretty good, actually. Yesterday was my day off, so I was able to tend to my plants at home.”
“Oh, how are they?”
A frown tugged at yourself, pushing your lower lip into a frown. “Titi, my tradescantia died, which was really sad since it’d managed to live so long. They’re really difficult to keep alive since they require a lot of water, and I’ve heard how often they tend to die so I was very proud of myself when I managed to keep it for a bit despite our busy schedule.”
“Oh, Titi died?” Chan questioned, highly surprised by this new piece of information. It wasn’t uncommon for you to call or text him whenever one of your plants died since you had a deep love for them and always took their ends straight to your heart — it was a failure you couldn’t bring yourself to forgive, and it always made you work harder with the next plant. Not to say that you didn’t have a green thumb, your experience caring for them since childhood was more than enough proof of your abilities, but death comes to all and yet it hurts nevertheless. Titi in particular had been struggling for quite a bit despite your constant attempts to make things better for her, and by the time you found her completely lifeless in your pot, you were painfully aware of Chan being asleep after spending all night awake.
“Yeah,” you confirmed with a slightly guilty smile. “It was quite tragic, actually. But my gardenia flowers have just started blooming a few days ago, and I’m really excited to see them in their prime. It’s also nerve-wracking because they’re also said to be extremely difficult to maintain and I really don’t want to deal with another Titi. Since I don’t have an actual garden in a subtropical country, I had to invest in a container so I can control the temperature. They’re actually said to thrive really well with moderate warmth that is somewhere between 18°C and 21°C and their soil must be kept consistently moist at all times and also —”
Minho splayed his hands in front of himself to signal for you to stop, and so you snapped your mouth shut as a slight tinge of color rose to your cheeks. “You know we love you, and I will ask you about this after the interview. But we should probably move on with the questions.”
“Right. Sorry.”
Chan chuckled a bit, reaching out to rub your back in small circles to soothe you like he always did. Minho, catching the kind gesture, grinned brightly and pointed at Chan’s hand that stopped immediately when caught.
“That’s actually one of the things we wanted to talk about here,” Minho announced with a slight glint of mischief. “I think it’ll be okay if I jump a few questions now that we’re on the topic and then circle back to the others, right?”
The three of you glanced at your manager and director, both of whom nodded and motioned for Minho to continue. Chan drew his hand back, focusing on the pillow once more.
“Right, so I think we’re all guilty of watching some of the videos that STAYs make online. I for one find them to be very entertaining, but I also noticed that there’s a greater amount of content made of you two — a lot of people really admire your friendship, so how’s that looking so far?”
This time, you nudged Chan’s knee with your own. He glanced up and cleared his own throat. “I love watching those videos, honestly. I think it’s really interesting to see how many STAYs can appreciate it. I know Y/N and I have been through a lot together and it really makes me appreciate her even more these days.”
“Channie,” you teased. “You make it sound like we’re dating.”
“I was just about to say! Right?” Minho burst out, chuckling as Chan rolled his eyes. It’s a joke as old as time, really, and it couldn’t be further from the truth — no matter how many fans believe it to be true. You didn’t blame those who viewed you and Chan as something more than friends, however, because everyone is entitled to their own opinions when it really comes down to it, and it’s a consequence of being an idol that you needed to embrace regardless of how frustrating it could be at times. All that being said, you and the boys have found a way to bring humor into the whole thing, which oftentimes makes it easier to deal with.
As Chan reached across from your body to swat at Minho with his pillow, you couldn’t help but giggle. “Anyway,” he continued as he sent his friend a pointed look. “I just think that after being friends for so long, it’s natural for us to become as close as we are. Besides, Y/N always needs me, which makes me very happy.”
His words seemed to warm every cell in your body, these thoughts of his were not new to you since it was something that he frequently mentioned during those late nights spent either working or having a drink together. It was the mere thought of you making him feel as wanted as you knew he deserved to feel that made you content, it was the least you could do for him when he sacrificed so much for everyone in the group on a daily basis.
“I think we’ve earned the right to be this close.” Minho cocked his head to the side, silently urging you to elaborate on your comment. “I mean, I’m not born or raised in Korea like most of the other members are, and the only ones who could really understand what it meant to be homesick were him and Felix. Oftentimes, I would find myself in bed just wide awake because I couldn’t help but obsess over my troubles. Every time my mind was just spinning like that, I knew I could count on Chan, to calm me down.
It’s especially sweet, too, because we all know Chan is a bit of a workaholic, but whenever someone needs him he just…stops and turns all of his focus on us and it made me feel very seen. He listens, and offers his own insights and is just like the big brother I always need around. Usually those nights end with us in the living room, and I’ll fall asleep to the sounds of his keyboards click-clacking as he continues working. Chan just has that soothing aura that helps so much.”
Chan could only watch as you spoke about him, those mini stars that only seemed to appear when watching his members. You held his gaze for only a moment, hoping he could feel the sincerity oozing from your expression.
“I think it’s safe to say that STAYs really do see that.” Minho was leaning forward with his elbows resting on his knees, lips curled up into a soft lopsided smile as he watched the interaction between the two. All of the members shared their own special friendships with you that you adored and appreciated with every fiber of your being, but the fact that Chan was your platonic soulmate was an undeniable fact. “The fact that Y/N is our maknae also probably plays a part in this friendship. Chan, has there ever been a time in which Y/N felt like she was older?”
After a moment of careful consideration, Chan responded with: “I think Y/N can be very nurturing when she wants to be. She’s always making sure that I’ve drank enough water and she often brings me meals when she can because I do spend an awful lot of time working. But other than that, she’s still very much a big baby — OW!”
Your hand stung slightly from when you smacked his arm, guilt seeped into your smile since you hadn’t meant for it to hurt that much. Nevertheless, you stood your ground.
“Would a big baby be that strong?”
Minho chuckled at the scene. “I think you’re proving him right, though.”
“I’ll hit you too, you know.’
“Okay, okay, let us move on from this before you start getting all violent.” Although he was partly teasing, Minho was not a stranger to your slaps that always hit harder than you’d mean to, as though you were a large puppy that didn’t know its strength. “Y/N, has Chan ever felt like he was younger?”
“You didn’t even think about it,” Chan chortled.
“Don’t have to,” you said with a wicked grin curling up your lips. “He’s a big baby when he doesn’t get any attention and also when he’s sick.”
At this, Minho burst out laughing. “No, you’re right. She’s right.”
It was now Chan’s turn to let his hand fly and make contact with your arm, though his slap was significantly lighter than yours. You still pretended to be distressed due to the pain, clutching the area that he touched and twisting your face in mock suffering.
The questions on Minho’s talking-point cards continued rolling off of his tongue as the interview carried on. It was a time that, had the goal truly been to cover every single aspect of yours and Chan’s relationship, it’d never end. He was the kind of guy you trusted with everything, and you knew he felt the same way towards you. Bang Chan was your best friend, the brother you always needed, and your guide when in the darkness. By the time the cameras stopped rolling almost immediately after your collaborative singing in the end, the promise of buying lunch was on the tip of your tongue as you jogged to catch with his wider footsteps.

word count: 2.2k 🦋 posted: 01 • 03 • 2024
💬 a note from green;
First of all, Happy New Years! Hope it’s 2024 is being kind to everyone thus far.
Secondly, thank you for the request my dear Anonnie! I really hope this is good, I’ve never written anything about a ninth member, much less in a platonic way so I struggled slightly on how to do it. I’m gonna be very honest right now and say that I am not a platonic anything haha, my girlfriend (who found my account recently) will tell you that much. We did a lot of “platonic” shit before we finally admitted that we were, in fact, not being platonic at all. So, yeah. I do love a challenge so I really appreciate it!
Finally, I’m finally feeling better! All I have is a mild cough, nothing too bad compared to what I was dealing before so be ready for more posts!
⨳ kofi ⨳

( 🏷️ ) taglist: @grandpafelixx , @agi-ppangx

Omg hi, your name is green? Mine is, too! And I also go by they/them and leeknow is my main bias and were both Hispanic! Isn't that crazy?

okay but that is crazy omg??? we’re basically twins at this point lmfao except that i’m three years older and i’m deaf (assuming you aren’t). you speak spanish? please say yes
okay i’m in love with this idea though?? i often struggle with the fact that people can and do perceive me, but this really warmed my heart because these two just bring me so much comfort, and i love the idea of me being written by minho and channie — actually hold on i’m gonna go cry about it for a bit 😭😭😭
idk why im asking this but like.. which vibe (as written by skz) do your mutuals give you? idk, I'm js asking😭😭
- yours truly,🐺
(also, how have you been? if u don't want to answer here, dw, you can dm me <3)
omg i love this sm🥹 okay, in my opinion ((based only on the vibes)):
@lynlyndoll was written by han
@l3visbby was written by binchan
@minhosbitterriver was written by minchan
@astraystayyh was written by hyunlix
@inkelea was written by seungmin
@inniescandy-01 was written by jeongin
@like-a-diamondinthesky was written by felix
((i havent been okay for a while now, but i think you already know that anonnie :// im trying to survive and thats my main goal for now🫡 how about you love ??))