Zodiac As Cursed Images And Memes On My Pinterest
zodiac as cursed images and memes on my pinterest












i never said what pinterest boards they were from did i
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original url http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/7254/
last modified 2007-11-19 06:14:15
finally s0meone understands

speechless. the pose. the expression. this should be a painting.
It is almost as if the world is telling us a morbid joke: we will kill you if you resist and kill you if you hide, and if you refuse, and if you concede, and we will devour your land and gulp your oceans and kill you with hunger and thirst. The massacres will be televised, broadcast in broad daylight. Our judges will legalize them. Our politicians, inert, inept, or complicit, will fund them then feign sympathy, if any. Our academics will stand idle—that is, until the dust settles, then they will write books about what should have been. Their rotten institutions will commemorate us after our death. And the vultures, even from our midst, will tour museums glorifying, romanticizing what they once condemned, what they did not deign to defend—our resistance—mystifying it, depoliticizing it, commercializing it. The vultures will make sculptures out of our flesh. A morbid joke, but I am not amused.
Mohammed El-Kurd, Are we indeed all Palestinians?