🇮🇹 @mirror_of_perla in Instagram
17 posts
Mirror-of-perla - A Normal Girl In Wonderland. Call Me Perla - Tumblr Blog
Jane Zhang feat Timbaland 🎶 Dust my shoulders off
Bruce Springsteen 🎶Streets of Philadelphia ♥️
The Script 🎶 For The First Time
Depeche Mode 🎶 Personal Jesus
Imagine Dragons 🎶 Whatever It Takes
Rockwell Feat. Michael Jackson 🎶 Somebody's Watching Me
Fleetwood Mac 🎶 Little Lies (Pete’s Little Lyin’ Rework)
Depeche Mode 🎶 Enjoy the Silence
A makeup inspired by Eric ♥️ The mythical character of the Crow straight out of a comic book and embodied in the perfect interpretation of the unforgettable Brandon Lee ... a cult movie with a dark atmosphere that is intertwined with a love story broken only in part by the tragic end of the protagonists, beautiful and exciting movie
Quote from by Sarah's the movie The Crow :
…”If the people we love are taken away from us to keep living, we must never stop loving them. Houses burn, people die, but true love is forever” ♥️