8 posts
Miss-cheesecake - Your Mom - Tumblr Blog
When you see this post, reblog and say a Hail Mary- for the end of abortion.
Hot take:there needs to be more wholesome Catholic Priests and Nuns in media
My apologies for not recognizing the first and fourth but I do know Aang and Luna Lovegood,I assume you’re very kind and sweet,you really have a great imagination and you’re fun to hangout with🌼.
Here’s mine as well

I’m not gonna tag anyone but for the people who wanna play this🌸.
Making a tag game cause I can
Rules: post 4 fictional characters you relate to and assume something about the person you reblogged from based on their characters

No pressure tag! @sidneyoftheblackwoods @mqstermindswift @stars-and-birds @zenilvar @forever-chained-to-myself @themidnightarcher @skeelly @thepencilsnameissteve @thislove-taylorsversion @thislifeissweeterthanfiction @swiftieannah @a-pessimistic-swiftie @catastrxblues @jellycanon @what-about-wendy and anyone else who wants to join<3
Reblog if you are a woman and pro-life
To show that we aren’t a bunch of old white men
Reblog if you believe men’s mental health needs to be taken more seriously
Puppets escape a very tall person

‘You are trying to slap some sense into your ex-boyfriend, while he does not let you sleep.’