mister-monster-guy - You know me, never a dull moment!
You know me, never a dull moment!

Used to be a roleplay blog with occasional art, now an art blog with occasional roleplay. * -------------- * Non-roleplay blog: Realwerewolveswearshirts

999 posts

Sable Turned Back Around."I Swear I Just Saw Somebody..."

Sable turned back around."I swear I just saw somebody..."

It sounded like the girl was leaving, so he went to leave himself when- “Oof!” He tripped while trying to sneak off. Well, so much for that.

More Posts from Mister-monster-guy

11 years ago

((... Just so you know, you better watch out for Valentine's Day.

(hELP ME.)

11 years ago

"Hello.",she replied. Her voice sounded a little restrained. Like she was trying to keep her voice normal.

He stood there trying to assess the situation. Was she scared of him? What should he do? “Uh… lovely evening tonight.” He just smiled awkwardly, speaking first and planning later. …As usual.

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11 years ago

Just a friendly reminder to my new followers, just because I don't send you a greeting post doesn't mean I wouldn't like to RP.

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11 years ago

Mwa hahahaha! I HAVE DONE IT! -lightning strikes in the background- Monster, I witnessed your current plight, and I KNOW what kind of red hot treats, what kind of sticky licky sweets you crave and I HAVE DONE IT! BEHOLD! CHILI DOG FLAVORED POKEPUFFS! -lightning strikes in background as Minty holds tray aloft-


"Mintyyouareamazingthislooksdelicious!" …Or, that WOULD be what he would say, but being a Pokemon it comes out more along of the lines of:


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11 years ago

Psssst. I appreciate you.

( ; u ; And I love you too, Ves.


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