mister-monster-guy - You know me, never a dull moment!
You know me, never a dull moment!

Used to be a roleplay blog with occasional art, now an art blog with occasional roleplay. * -------------- * Non-roleplay blog: Realwerewolveswearshirts

999 posts

"Hi Again!",Sable Said. In Her Hands Was A Laptop With....jazz Music Coming Out From It?Strange. " I

"Hi again!",Sable said. In her hands was a laptop with....jazz music coming out from it?Strange. " I have a game you might like!"

Oh hey, it was that mysterious girl again, and she brought music? “What kind of game?”

More Posts from Mister-monster-guy

10 years ago

Sealand: Hi, I'm Sealand! Do you recognize me as a country? :D



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10 years ago

Monster smiled and snickered at her suggestions. "Now there's a thought! Old Egghead would have a fit if his evil reputation was at stake."

"Oh, I've been good. Got my sticky little fingers on all kinds of shiny things lately~!" She snickers, "Having a grand time watching the law rage about not being able to catch me."

Monster smirked, “You sound like a certain bat I know~” His thoughts went to that last sentence as he mused on it a moment. “I wonder if I’d get in trouble for aiding a criminal.”

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10 years ago

boomboomshinies said: "NO, FUZZIES ARE BAD AT JOKES!!"

"I'm not fuzzy! I'm... more on the fluffy side." He pouted.

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10 years ago
"N-nice To Meet You Too..." Oh Well, It Was Probably For The Best. Time To Go Hide And Hope This Full

"N-nice to meet you too..." Oh well, it was probably for the best. Time to go hide and hope this full moon goes over without a hitch.

"You—…Oh. Ohhh no no no! Nope!!" Wheeze.  ”I just had to deal with my brother bein’ one of ya feral fuzzies!! I ain’t dealin’ with this twice!! Nope!!!” and one duck nopes off into the sunset.

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