mister-monster-guy - You know me, never a dull moment!
You know me, never a dull moment!

Used to be a roleplay blog with occasional art, now an art blog with occasional roleplay. * -------------- * Non-roleplay blog: Realwerewolveswearshirts

999 posts

"They'd Have To Catch Me First Too!" Monster Grinned, Then Blinked At The Question. "...Now That You

"They'd have to catch me first too!" Monster grinned, then blinked at the question. "...Now that you mention it, Eggman sure has been quiet lately..."

"Oh, I've been good. Got my sticky little fingers on all kinds of shiny things lately~!" She snickers, "Having a grand time watching the law rage about not being able to catch me."

Monster smirked, “You sound like a certain bat I know~” His thoughts went to that last sentence as he mused on it a moment. “I wonder if I’d get in trouble for aiding a criminal.”

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More Posts from Mister-monster-guy

10 years ago

Monster smiled and snickered at her suggestions. "Now there's a thought! Old Egghead would have a fit if his evil reputation was at stake."

"Oh, I've been good. Got my sticky little fingers on all kinds of shiny things lately~!" She snickers, "Having a grand time watching the law rage about not being able to catch me."

Monster smirked, “You sound like a certain bat I know~” His thoughts went to that last sentence as he mused on it a moment. “I wonder if I’d get in trouble for aiding a criminal.”

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10 years ago

Monster looked over at the setting sun. "Uh. Yeaaaah... about the not being feral thing..."

"But you are a fuzzy, are you not??…At least ya ain’t a feral one." Wheezes.

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10 years ago

Monster sighed, still a little intimidated by the giant guy, but he seemed nice  enough. "Yeah, it's alright though, been this way a while." He shrugged, then looked aaaall the way back up at Frank. "Can I ask your name? Looks like you already know mine."

"Huh. Aren't you Sonic? Havin' a bad hair day or somethin'?"

Monster turned at the voice and was met with… knees. Large knees. Veeeery slowly his gaze went up, and up, and up, until finally he met Frank’s eyes. Noting the pale flesh and bolts in his throat, Monster swallowed dryly, but still waved smally and smiled nervously, trying to be nice. “Eh heh, yep, Sonic. That’s me…”

Despite being unnerved he pouted slightly at the bad hair day remark. “More like bad hair lifetime…” he mumbled.

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10 years ago

(( I WAS DARED TO DO THIS SO HERE GOES )) ...'reblog if your icon is the thing you transform into u--'....-eyetwitch-...Haa. hhhhhHHHAAA HAHAHA HAHAHA. HA. THAT'S HILARI-- gET OVER HERE YOU FREAKIN' FRICK I'M GONNA-- *TOSSES A ROLLED UP NEWSPAPER AT* SKREEEEEEEEEE



"Geez, can’t take a joke??!!" To be fair, you’re joking about something that’s actually about to happen, Monster.

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