138 posts
Molchatdomas - Indefinite Hiatus. - Tumblr Blog
spotify wrapped is out and everybody is always posting their top 5 songs….. let’s see some love for number 6 that didn’t make the cut. rb and add your number 6
Lucky 13, unlucky 13. No matter your superstitions, what is the 13th song on your spotify wrapped?
19, 50, & 89 for the spotify meme!
19. toy, netta
50. rapide, mahmood
89. судно (борис рижий), molchat doma
spotify wrapped! : accepting

spotify wrapped ( 04, 21, 30, 43 e 86 )
4. solovey, go_a
21. occidentali's karma, francesco gabbani
30. fuego, eleni foureira
43. hard rock hallelujah, lordi
86. kick it, nct 127
spotify wrapped! : aceitando

53. odd eye, dreamcatcher
spotify wrapped! : aceitando

5, 15, 45, 100
05. shum, go_a
15. armenia, joan thiele
45. scream, dreamcatcher
100. maniac, conan gray
spotify wrapped! : aceitando

spotify wrapped is HERE! send me a number 1-100 and I’ll tell you the song it corresponds with on my top 100 playlist!
send ‘you know i love you, right?’ for my muses reaction ( can be platonic or familial, not just romantic ).

MAYA, a google docs template.
this is a GOOGLE DOCS TEMPLATE inspired by tabletop rpgs character sheets! it is a SINGLE-MUSE template, including sections for general info, background, stats/skills/abilities, inventory and trivia. it was originally created for fantasy ttrpgs (specifically, tormenta and d&d), but you can adapt it however you want!
this is a FREE template. do not use it for paid content.
you can edit it however you want, just DON’T delete my credit.
to save it, go to “FILE” and then “MAKE A COPY”.
likes and reblogs are SUPER appreciated!
if you need any help editing it, just message me anytime! you can find MAYA in the SOURCE LINK.
i just wanna have bruises on my hips because you've held me too tight while i was riding you
love the ship dynamic of “fucked up” and “also fucked up”

Analog Trip NCT 127: Escape From Magic Island | Episode 1